I never ran into this problem with my Power Cab, but I don't use consisting on it (I use it for loco testing and programming after I serviced them). Even with the latest 1.65b firmware it has some bugs, so it's possible there is a bug in the firmware.
However I have been a member of
https://groups.io/g/NCE-DCC group for several years and I don't recall anybody mentioning this problem there. If you don't get any useful answers here, I would suggest to either contact NCE directly, or join that NCE-DCC group and ask there.
Would a workaround be to select another (even a non-existing) loco address on the throttle before powering down? Since Power Cab has a capability of recalling multiple addresses stored in the recall slots, then you could keep the "phantom" address on one of the recall slots and the consist address in another.