Author Topic: Anyone interested in photo-etched N-scale turnout detail frets?  (Read 1167 times)

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Anyone interested in photo-etched N-scale turnout detail frets?
« on: November 15, 2023, 01:16:52 AM »
Hi, I've been mulling over the idea of doing another spin of the photo-etched turnout detail frets that I did a while back in the below thread, and was wondering if there might be any interest if I were to order up a few extra frets for folks who might want to try them out:

This is for a #12 turnout with code 55 rail.  A few important points (no pun) to keep in mind, please read closely:

 - For now I am just asking if there is any interest.  I am neither giving nor looking for any commitments. This very well could be delayed, or not happen at all, if I end up not having the time or other means to move forward with it.
 - I currently don't have any estimates for costs, timeframes, etc., tho there should be something that I can provide once I get a quote from the etcher.
 - The last time I did a photoetch order, it took over 6 weeks from submission to parts in hand.  I am not at all sure of what that looks like nowadays, esp. in the face of inflation, shipping delays, and all that.
 - This is only for the etchings. You still will need your own rail, frogs, ties (PCB or wood), spikes, etc.  Throwbars (and P:87 Stores parts, if you wish) are up to you, too.
 - I am not planning to make any major revisions, tho likely I will include a tie jig like I did for my #10 code 40 turnouts.  It's probably a good idea to figure on one of those, as I have found that printed tie templates do not have the needed accuracy, and can noticeably skew the tie locations.
 - Please bear in mind that this is very much NOT a commercial product, so expect that it will take some effort and perhaps some problem solving to make it work for you.  That said, I was pleased with the one turnout that I built for myself - no major problems and worked pretty smoothly for me.  That said, this is a YMMV and (literally) a some-assembly-required prospect.  I will of course do my best to help/advise with assembly, questions, etc. as they come up, but it is not really possible to make promises, warranties, or other assurances that functional/reliable turnouts can be produced from these parts.
 - I highly recommend reading the original thread from start to finish, and ask any questions here.  If you have any up-front ideas on improvements, changes, etc. then this is a great place to bring all those up.

For those folks hardy enough to have made it thru that tedious list, thanks, and please let me know your thoughts & questions.



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Re: Anyone interested in photo-etched N-scale turnout detail frets?
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2023, 06:30:11 PM »
This is incredible. You have my interest. I have a few handmaid No. 10 turnouts, and while the perform great, they lack detail. I'd love to have a No. 12 universal crossover situated on a section of double track and detail out the interlocking details. Trackwork, signals, bungalows, switch machines and maybe even a pile of tie plates  d a spare switch point or two odd to the side. Keep us posted!