I have 6 Altas curved turnouts, 4 on the main and 2 connected in series in a locomotive maintenance area. Other than one I damaged during installation (broke a point rail), problems with the curved turnouts have been similar to and no more frequent than with the other fifty #5, 7 and 10 turnouts I’ve installed. So far I have no reason to consider replacing any of them.
There seems to be a misunderstanding about the geometry of these turnouts. The curvature radii are not uniform but are 21.25” and 15” in the frog and closure rails, less curved in the point rails, and the approximately one inch stock rails ahead of the throw-bar and after the frog are straight. So you can’t just cut out a section of a 21.25” or 15” curve and drop the turnout in. You need short lengths of straight rail in the adjoining tracks, or you’ll end up with ugly transitions (no easement) or distort/damage the turnout. Also, if you connect two curved turnouts in series, the resulting arc of the two has a flat 2” segment in the middle, and the radius of the overall arc will be about 2” more than the nominal 21.25” or 15” of the individual turnouts.