So, as some of you saw in last weekends update, I was attempting to install a ESU Loksound 71399 into a Athearn SD70 series locomotive.
Long story short,
Got it installed *and* running, a bit, backwards. CV29 was no help either, so I figured I'd rewire the motor contacts and after I did that well you know *POOF!*
As it turns out, while re-soldering the wires to the pads, I guess part of my solder joint or wire snapped and touched the frame enough to kill the decoder.
So am I completely FKD or does their warranty cover stuff like this?
Important bits just a FYI
Kapton tape went around the board over the motor and speaker pads, double thickness.
frame was "milled" on both sides away from the motor tabs, and below the board to allow it to clear any part that was not contact pads.