Author Topic: Model Power sound DCC ... suond so low??  (Read 548 times)

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Model Power sound DCC ... suond so low??
« on: December 18, 2020, 12:49:56 PM »
Well, I've a short break from "usual" job assigned me from "the House boss" , so ... I decided to finally program, set decals, wheatering and add to the roster my two Undecorated DCC MP steam: a Mike and a Pacific.
When I've put on tracks... seems everithing going well, sound is high volume on both...
So, I fired my JMRI and ... after some play with Speed curve, start voltage .... I want eperiment all sounds with my NCE Powercab. Reading the paper in the loco.... I try all Fs ... and subsequently clear F and ended with .... a master volume barely audible... on both!!!
Check all Function are deacctivated on PowerCab...
Try again F13 and F14 (volume decrease and increase) ... no effect.
All Sounds Volume CV are Ok...
I try to RESET the decoder ( F8=8 no effect so the paper refer to CV 125=1 !!) it works but no difference on volume!

All sounds replicate correctly, but ... just barely audible in a perfect silenced enviroment!
I've replaced the original speaker ... no difference.
There is somebody here that can have suggestions ( except for "take a hammer and replace it with an ESU... I'm already tempted, thanks!

(Spookshow calls it a 1961 but I can't find a number ref in the loco documentation, and the MRC website shows the 1956 is the most recent - 1959  is a diesel P&pry) . I program JMRI using 1961 model N. ... the "nearest" to JMRI def as CV7 is 21 (Jmri refer to 19-20)
« Last Edit: December 18, 2020, 01:01:13 PM by babbo_enzo »