Author Topic: Anybody played around with cheap wireless headphones for controlling locos?  (Read 639 times)

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I was watching this Ben Heck video on youtube:

at about the 17 minute mark he starts tearing into a set of cheap wireless headphones. Inside each earpod is a tiny lipo battery and bluetooth reciever. I wonder if the speaker could be swapped out with a tiny motor? Anybody played around with these? Would be a neat solution for tiny "critters" stalling on turnouts.


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I wonder if the speaker could be swapped out with a tiny motor?

Not sure I understand what you mean to accomplish? Most motors in model trains are (digitally) controlled by PWM, not an audio signal.  I'd think that any load-carrying motor would deplete the little headphone battery pretty quick.



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Yeah, I don't think it would work.  DCC is not audio.

BTY, Ben Heck sounds just like Bob Odenkirk of Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul.
