So I have a job that allows for way too much time to think while working, so forgive me if my day dreaming is way of course.
With Kato rerunning the flat radiator SD70Ms and already having the tooling for the flared, it got me wondering if they would even consider running the SD70M pair 4014 and 4884 that was used in the hospital train to return the Big Boy to Cheyenne.
Kato has not done a yellow sill stripe of the flared SD70Ms, and of course the new run of flat SD70Ms are coming in the form of as delivered red sill stripe, so it wouldn't be a repeat of previous runs.
And yes, I know I could just as easily buy an extra of both versions, change the sill stripes to yellow and renumber them and do it myself. (As well as adding PTC to 4884)
I wonder if people would buy all three to replicate the hospital train kinda like a lot have done with the Bush funeral train and others.