Author Topic: N Scale 3D Printed Radio Tower  (Read 2551 times)

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Ike the BN Freak

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Re: N Scale 3D Printed Radio Tower
« Reply #15 on: April 06, 2020, 01:49:36 AM »
And remember that it is extremely important to get that last 0.2857' masked accurately (down to the last 0.0007')!  :)

I wonder if this oddity stems from metric to imperial conversion?

Its based off the tower height, 0-700' towers are 7 equal bands, so a 140' is 7 bands 20' each, a 700' tower is 7 bands, 100' each.

The tower of mine closest to where I live, is 295' so it should be 42.1428571' each band. However the FCC/FAA and my company just want to ensure the bands appear to be equal so if you did 6 bands at 42' each, and the last as 43', no one is going to notice that one band is a 1' taller than the other 6.


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Re: N Scale 3D Printed Radio Tower
« Reply #16 on: April 06, 2020, 06:48:39 AM »
This has been an informative thread .... which got me to re-examining my power / paper mill plants ..


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Re: N Scale 3D Printed Radio Tower
« Reply #17 on: April 06, 2020, 09:27:54 AM »

Those are interesting pictures.

The previously linked AC indicates that stacks do not necessarily have to be painted, merely illuminated... Are the plants in question near airports? The power plant south of me does feature painted stacks, but it's within the Class D surface area for one of the busiest airports in Oklahoma. Another plant, about twenty miles northeast, and not near any airports, doesn't have a painted stack.

Unfortunately, the FAA only has the current AC's immediate predecessor (rev. K change 2) available online, which became effective in 2007. At the moment, I'm too lazy to poke around to find earlier docs... the only stack on my layout was constructed in the late 1950s and all images I have show it to be mostly gray with a black top.



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Re: N Scale 3D Printed Radio Tower
« Reply #18 on: April 06, 2020, 06:12:08 PM »
The second picture is on Long Island .. so there are several airports in that area .. the first shot is just something google brought up