Author Topic: The CWR (Continuous Welded Rail) Train Thread  (Read 9524 times)

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Re: The CWR (Continuous Welded Rail) Train Thread
« Reply #45 on: July 15, 2018, 10:26:51 AM »
The CWR (Continuous Welded Rail) Train Thread

July 15, 2018

This post will conclude the work on the CWR train, that was physically the longest of the MOW projects that I have done.  This project took a lot of trial and error, But I can say that I accomplished pretty much of what I wanted to do..   :)
   When I started this project, I was pretty sure that I was not going to be able to, make a train that would carry the ΒΌ mile lengths (110 inches) of rail as the prototypes do. 
So, I did a compromise and settled for enough train to make a reasonable facsimile.  My 36 inch long (rail section) example, satisfied this..

As I had previously mentioned, I got to operate the CWR on a more generously built (radius-wise) layout.  The train still had some issues, but after I reduced the rail load to just four (4) sticks of rail, it operated just fine. 

The final analysis on this project..

1) Longer length cars. This is surely a better bet.  As, this would allow for more spacing between the Support Racks, and make it possible to evenly space the points at which the rail is supported along its entire length.
2) Cars with more internal weight. This would counteract the model rails' stiffness.  This rail is excellent in it's profile and color, but it is still too rigid, to operate it in a prototypical fashion.

And now "The Continuous Welded Rail Train", in it's Final Configuration...  (July 2018)

Again, A Big THANK YOU!!! To ALL of You for your input...

Jerry G.