July 2017 New Release – Part 2
The ES44ACs have been extremely popular. For mid-month we have decided to release two more. First we have the NS Heritage locomotive for Monongahela. Look for new Heritage locomotives to be released once a month until 2018.
As a bonus, we have decided to expedite the release of the Canadian Pacific ES44ACs! Three road numbers are available.
ES44AC – NS - Monongahela:
62411-1 NS- Heritage - Monongahela ES44AC 8025
ES44AC – CP:
62408-1 CP ES44AC 9360
62408-2 CP ES44AC 9362
62408-3 CP ES44AC 9371
Budd – RDCs – Reading:
62215-1 Reading Budd RDC 9161
62215-2 Reading Budd RDC 9157
See the American Z Line sites for more information on these and other AZL products.
http://www.americanzline.comhttp://www.azldirect.comRob Kluz
Ztrack Distribution