Author Topic: Slimmin' Down  (Read 1040 times)

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Slimmin' Down
« on: June 26, 2017, 03:33:59 AM »
Hiya RW people.

I'm finally slimmin' down my stock of train-stuff gathered over the past 20-25 years. I'll be 80 years old in a few months and realize that I've got much too much to ever use (don't we all?). I'm not looking to make money on this so everything will be cheap! Living in Japan where there's no market for American trains, the only way I can sell them is on eBay. If I can't sell the goods by the time I pass on to that Great Roundhouse in the Sky, my wife, who is Japanese, will have no choice but to trash them. That would be a great shame.
Sorry, the loco's are mainly eastern road-names (LNE, CNJ, LV, NYC, PRR) and the majority are from the steam-to-diesel transition era. I'll be listing more than 30 diesels and steamers as well as rolling stock, motors, body shells, wheels, tenders, couplers, decals, parts, etc.
Shipping charges are really ridiculous, especially on the net, and my shipping will probably be around $10 for loco's and considerably less for other items.
I hope all my treasures will find happy homes : ). I have a list of the loco's that will eventually go up for auction so if anyone's interested, send me a PM. I'll post again when the first items hit eBay.

Jim Maurer
Tokushima, Japan

Philip H

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Re: Slimmin' Down
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2017, 08:42:09 AM »
@jym1 - I'm sure we will find many homes for your stuff.  Meanwhile, how about sharing some pics of the layout etc?  We don't gt to see many modeles form Japan here, American Prototype or otherwise.
Philip H.
Chief Everything Officer
Baton Rouge Southern RR - Mount Rainier Division.


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Re: Slimmin' Down
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2017, 08:48:49 PM »
Hiya again. If anyone is interested, I've just put the first batch of train-stuff on eBay. My user-name is jymaurer8kgw. Thanks, Jim