I did buy a small bottle of MILW orange at Trainfest, thinking it was a match for the old IHB orange (makes sense since it was half MILW owned) Hope it works.
Also, wanted to add my late kudos to all things Trainfest. I arranged a business trip to Milwaukee around getting there a day early for TF, and wasn't disappointed. Great show, lots of energy. Even our largest show in DFW seems to be a bit short on the energy factor the last few years, but maybe that's because I see the same vendors, stock, even in the same locations in the building.
Love being able to talk to the manufacturers and some of the bigger national dealers. Only complaint was the speaker for the state of the hobby clinic didn't show, and they seemed as mystified as the potential attendees, so these things can happen.
Hope I am still working up north next year, as I would love to attend.