Hi Guys,
I have a strange issue with some new BDL168s. The layout wiring is fairly complex but to try and solve the problem I have broken it down to a few items and the problem is still there. So simplified, I have a DCS51 plugged into the layout, trains run. I have a BDL168, all connected except the Loconet cable. As the train runs the lights on the test plug, plugged into the BDL, don’t light up. When the Loconet cable is plugged in to both the DCS51 and the BDL168 the test plug on the BDL lights up where it is supposed to but the DS51 stops responding. For example if the train was running when the Loconet cable was connected I could not stop the train. If I remove the Loconet cable I can stop it. I tried replacing the DCS51 with a DCS100 and a DT402 throttle and I had the same problem, with the loconet cable plugged in the DT402 will not respond. What am I doing wrong? Interestingly the lights on the actual BDL board blink correctly when the Loconet cable is connected but the light on my PR3 shows error? (The full system has a PR3 in it to connect the PC). I have also tried another BDL, I have 5 on the layout, they are all new and all do the same thing?
I have also checked the Loconet cable and tried different ones.
Any help would be appreciated.