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The Chopper is made to cut strip stock. It's not designed to cut sheet material.
An old Architecture School trick is to run some masking tape along the underside of your straightedge. It serves the same purpose as gluing sandpaper but won't damage the surfaces it is resting on. Also, you can just peel it off. Electrical tape works as well but us Architecture kids never had that stuff on us. scott lupia
Yes, I should have clarified. I was cutting patches from thing flat strips to patch in coach windows and couldn't get square cuts. I also have trouble with the True Sander and smaller parts. How do you guys get so precise with your square edges on small thin parts?
Whoa, easy there I was just adding options not attacking any single idea. No need for multiple question marks. The sandpaper would most certainly mar the surface of clear styrene or anything with a "neat" finish to it. I am not saying your approach is bad, nothing like that at all. I was just adding to the conversation with what we used to do with our straightedges and what works well for me. That is what the OP was looking for, ideas and suggestions rather than debates and flames.Scott Lupia
Gary,you got somethin againest Gorillas?????
Um, I have feeling that Ms. Dee Rayle will have something to say about this.
One other thought--for long straight cuts, I often use a big old (guillotine-type) paper cutter. Once the styrene sheet is aligned, I tape it down and let 'er rip. If you have access to one, it's a useful tool.
Since you are using Unitrack, there are a couple of other solutions to this problem. Kato has just introduced track set in slabs of concrete (20-014). It may not be exactly the look you are shooting for, but they created it to be just that. I got some to use as a station track, and it serves that purpose very well. And if you are looking for track buried in pavement, you might look at their tram track (40-010) or continue with the Styrene cutting techniques.Terry NT-Kits.com
Place kraft (or butcher) paper over the scene with a few pins (reinforce with mesh packing tape) to hold it firmly in place. Rub a crayon lightly over the rails...
I found my chopper was very out of square.