Author Topic: GHQ PRR R50B reefer kit to be released later this month!  (Read 15122 times)

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Re: GHQ PRR R50B reefer kit to be released later this month!
« Reply #120 on: November 13, 2014, 07:22:46 AM »
Where did you hear Bowser will be rerunning hoppers? Would make sense pairing with that over priced L1 Mikado and the BLI M1a that will be coming next year

Bowser was last Spring
     Heads up SPF's Bowser rerunning PRR H21a's
     Bowser PRR H21a's in CK and SK In Stock

They only released 6 new numbers, 3 in CK and 3 in SK. They were sold out in a week and a half.

The Trainfest report says they are planning on running new N5 and N5c cabins sometime.  But I have a pile of those I've scrounged from various places. I'd rather have more GLa's or H21's again.
John H. Reinhardt
PRRT&HS #8909
C&O HS #11530
N-Trak #7566