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Actually I do not do "grousing"...I simply state facts.Hahaha...I find several ironies amusing also. The one I find most amusing is when an obviously talented modeler takes hundreds of hours to modify or kitbash a particular engine, doing research and settling on an exact time period, paint scheme, lettering font, etc., etc., then, when it's all done with hundreds of photos to document his research, sets it on plain, pure stock Kato Unitrack to take photos of his masterpiece...with a joint in the middle...or runs it on a layout that has Peco C55 or unpainted Atlas C80 for everything!A couple of times I've been so curious as to the thought process that totally ignores track, while lavishing treasure and time on the model engine or car that I've asked what the thought process is in the thread...only to have the modeler become highly irate and offended...and the moderators delete my comments!! Guess I should just laugh privately at the irony and not attempt to ask questions or understand it! By the way, I agree with your opinion on the reefer. Doesn't take any more effort to get the sheathing correct, or the attached stirrups smaller or the door hinges finer. Truth is, since there's less metal to be machined away, it should take LESS effort. I will not be buying any even though I could certainly use 40's and 50's Wilson and Swift reefers in my operating scheme.As for N-scale track and rail, the "spikeheads" do not "...have to be oversize..." in N-scale as you state Peter. Peco could, with their rail-imbedded injection molding, make near perfectly proportioned N-scale North American track since their "spikeheads" and "tie-plates" are simply cosmetic and do nothing to hold their imbedded rail onto their molded ties, so they could easily be scale sized. They could also draw properly proportioned N-scale rail (the visible portion) for both mainlines and sidings/spurs/branchlines since their rail drawings are obviously proprietary anyway. When I look at their N-scale track vs their HO-scale track, I inevitably scratch my head and ask rhetorically, "Why didn't you do it right in N-scale Peco?"...Ah well...I don't lose any sleep over it...