Author Topic: HO to n scale layout conversion  (Read 2383 times)

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Re: HO to n scale layout conversion
« Reply #15 on: July 05, 2014, 08:16:36 PM »
I'll have to see if my club has the 2011 Issues in as I don't take MR, can you give me a few days?
Tony A


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Re: HO to n scale layout conversion
« Reply #16 on: July 05, 2014, 10:59:46 PM »
Looked at the plan in the Model Railroader Track Plan Data Base.  I normally recommend reduction to 2/3 or 3/4 when reproducing a HO plan in N Scale.  No reduction except for appropriate track spacing is usually best.  However that plan looks like it could work at 1/2  (50%).

The minimum radius would be 15 inches, which is probably a little tight even for N scale passenger trains but workable. 

The basic layout footprint would be 5 ft x 10 ft. The access openings and operators area could be closed and sceniced.   The layout could be built in a  minimum 10 ft x 12 ft room  with the upper industrial area against the wall,  a 2 ft min access aisle on the left side and along the bottom, and min 3 ft wide operators aisle on the right side.   Wider aisles would be better.  First priority for widening, the operators aisle.  It would also be better if there were an  access aisle along the top.

The layout would have to be built with flex track and while some adjustment would be necessary PECO curved switches could probably work.   

I don't know the OP's experience, but based on his posts he appears to be a novice.  I suggest he start out with a much simpler plan.  Although I have been in the hobby almost 50 years, I would not try to build this complicated a layout without a lot of mostly experienced help.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2014, 11:29:41 PM by highway70 »


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Re: HO to n scale layout conversion
« Reply #17 on: July 06, 2014, 12:17:30 AM »
Why reduce it unless your pressed for space. I would just build the HO layout with N scale track.

I confess, I was thinking the same thing- assuming you have some space to work with.
Why compress it all the way.

Why not make it 90%.  Longer trains than HO is one thing that makes N scale really stand out.
When my layout was at 16 feet, it was pretty cool to run 30 car trains.  That is a lot harder in HO.

When we say... don't scale it (much)- just put N scale track where the HO would go.........
what ends up happening is the N scale curves are wider
The sidings are longer.
There is more room for scenery.

Just a thought.
Ron Bearden
CSX N scale Archivist

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Re: HO to n scale layout conversion
« Reply #18 on: July 08, 2014, 07:36:40 PM »
What is the Space you have to work with OP?

I have the plan in front of me, but it's not an impressive thing and open to worlds of improvement in N scale.
Tony A