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I just checked it and the link takes you to the blog entree "More of Robert Diepenbrock's Harriman Headend Cars" like it should.Will see about getting the longer notes chopped so that they won't throw the Notes off. Also need to make a correction with the C&EI entree.
Should have been more clear. Your hyper link reads like this:See the Wheelts of Time blog.
Also Jerry, what exactly does "irregardles" mean?
Even in the wide-window the Notes lines seem to be shifted about half a line down (or up?) in reference to the other fields to the left of notes.
Just wondering... what resolution is that???
<TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=0> <TR> <TD><FONT face="Arial Black" color=#990000 size=3><U>Road/#</U></FONT></TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER><FONT face="Arial Black" color=#990000 size=3><U>BUILDER</U></FONT></TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER><FONT face="Arial Black" color=#990000 size=3><U>DATE</U></FONT></TD> <TD><FONT face="Arial Black" color=#990000 size=3><U>NOTES</U></FONT></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><FONT face="Arial Black" color=#FFFFFF size=2>B&O 78 - 80, 82</FONT></TD> <TD VALIGN=TOP ALIGN=CENTER><FONT face="Arial Black" color=#FFFFFF size=2>PULL</FONT></TD> <TD VALIGN=TOP ALIGN=CENTER><FONT face="Arial Black" color=#FFFFFF size=2>1913</FONT></TD> <TD VALIGN=TOP> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><FONT face="Arial Black" color=#FFFFFF size=2>CP 3750 - 3776</FONT></TD> <TD VALIGN=TOP ALIGN=CENTER> </TD> <TD VALIGN=TOP ALIGN=CENTER><FONT face="Arial Black" color=#FFFFFF size=2>1918</FONT></TD> <TD VALIGN=TOP><FONT face="Arial Black" color=#FFFFFF size=2>3 - 2/2 - 4 window pattern, to 3 - 2/2 - 3</FONT></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><FONT face="Arial Black" color=#FFFFFF size=2>CB&Q 2305 - 2315 <FONT color=#FFD700>**</FONT></FONT></TD> <TD VALIGN=TOP ALIGN=CENTER><FONT face="Arial Black" color=#FFFFFF size=2>ACF</FONT></TD> <TD VALIGN=TOP ALIGN=CENTER><FONT face="Arial Black" color=#FFFFFF size=2>1914</FONT></TD> <TD VALIGN=TOP><FONT face="Arial Black" color=#FFFFFF size=2>3 - 2/2 - 3 window pattern</FONT></TD> </TR>...ETC...</TABLE>
It should do better now. I have rewritten the table to be a little more "HTML correct".As for my previous use of the line break code within a TABLE you would be surprised at how many websites say that it is proper to do just that. I've found over a dozen of sites just off the first page of my Google search that states that <BR> can and should be used, but for the purpose of the roster I understand the point you are making and, thankfully, it didn't take quite so long to rewrite it.So... take a look...http://n-scalevarnish.info/index/varnish/MT-RPO.htm
Good work, man!
While it might be proper to use <BR> in tables, that doesn't mean that it will result in a correct display.
Quote from: OldEastRR on May 20, 2014, 02:40:18 AMGood work, man!Big +1! Not just that page, but all the painstaking work on the rest of jmlaboda's website.
The ONLY "problem" I have with the new page is that now I have several more projects on my list inspired by your work (in this case, C&EI and NYC baggage-express cars).