Author Topic: Is there a demand or need for old timer gas stations?  (Read 6771 times)

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Re: Is there a demand or need for old timer gas stations?
« Reply #60 on: December 09, 2013, 02:52:35 PM »
That reminds me of this:

I so want one in N scale - and the original in West Allis, WI is not too far from my in-laws.

I think Shapeways would be the best medium for both this one and Randgust's example. If the station in West Allis is close you might think about some measurements and a sketch. Follow it up with some historical data. I'm in for one !!


Philip H

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Re: Is there a demand or need for old timer gas stations?
« Reply #61 on: December 09, 2013, 02:58:42 PM »
I was thinking the same thing - but I won't be out that way for a couple of weeks yet.
Philip H.
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Re: Is there a demand or need for old timer gas stations?
« Reply #62 on: December 09, 2013, 06:11:35 PM »
One more to add to the mix, I don't think this one was done, a 1940's Texaco station.
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Re: Is there a demand or need for old timer gas stations?
« Reply #63 on: December 09, 2013, 06:37:12 PM »
I think Shapeways would be the best medium for both this one and Randgust's example. If the station in West Allis is close you might think about some measurements and a sketch. Follow it up with some historical data. I'm in for one !!


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Re: Is there a demand or need for old timer gas stations?
« Reply #64 on: December 09, 2013, 06:55:36 PM »
Great topic!   That Depots by John "Radtke’s Filling Station" looks very close to a station that my great-grandfather owned at one point.  Might have to figure out a way to fit that one in.  I'm mostly looking for modern gas stations, but there are plenty of "old school" stations that have stood the test of time. (sometimes not as filling stations anymore, but I digress...)

Outside of what has been mentioned, Tomix has a couple of 1:150 modern style stations that could have some use.   I bought some decals from a guy on eBay not too long back that had graphics for many of the stations in my era, and he even customized the prices on the signs to reflect prices during the years I model.   I think they were designed for the Tomix stations but I'll probably end up "scratch-bashing" at least a couple.  I have the Model Power Mobile station, and a Randy Brown "Allsups" convenience store/gas station as well.
NOTE: I'm no longer active on this forum.   If you need to contact me, use the e-mail address (or visit the website link) attached to this username.  Thanks.

Bob Bufkin

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Re: Is there a demand or need for old timer gas stations?
« Reply #65 on: December 09, 2013, 06:56:23 PM »
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Looks more like a Chinese or Japanese pagoda.


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Re: Is there a demand or need for old timer gas stations?
« Reply #66 on: December 10, 2013, 01:45:56 AM »
Eja:  I'm not offended, and a few rural areas in the Lower 48 didn't get reliable electricity until in the 50s.  On the other hand, they probably didn't get new service stations until then, simply because the newer stations would have had electric pumps and cash registers.

For what it's worth, there's a hobby shop in Nitro, WV.  Nitro DID have electricity long before WW II.  Even so, the shop still had a hand-crank cash register into the 90s.  The largest amount it could ring up at one time was $5.00.  Above that they had to keep adding in increments.  I was in there one day when the power went off in a thunderstorm.  There was enough light through the front windows to see, and they kept right on ringing up sales!  I have no idea if they still have the register, as they opened another store in Teays Valley, which is closer and easier to reach for me. 
N Kalanaga
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Re: Is there a demand or need for old timer gas stations?
« Reply #67 on: December 10, 2013, 06:50:21 AM »
Looks more like a Chinese or Japanese pagoda.

It's actually a temple.  But it has the characteristic roof line that appears in the Walthers kit (  Bigger than the Walthers structure, but such is life.
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Re: Is there a demand or need for old timer gas stations?
« Reply #68 on: December 12, 2013, 02:33:06 PM »
While trying to find some of the stations mentioned in this thread I found a few more and some companies new to me.

N Scale Architect Andrews Auto and Gas (G404)
Osborn Model Kits Gas Station (OSB-3045)

A newer station:
Summit Custom Cut Shell Gas Station and Convenience Store (SCC-SH-002)
Roger Otto
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Re: Is there a demand or need for old timer gas stations?
« Reply #69 on: December 13, 2013, 01:16:36 AM »
I just received my Mirco Engineering Mobil Gas Station in the mail today.  Now I have a 'baxk-up' to the one on my existing layout.  Might have to build another layout so I can have a place for it.   :D
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Re: Is there a demand or need for old timer gas stations?
« Reply #70 on: December 14, 2013, 12:33:27 AM »
First, thanks for the replies!  Second, since I live down here in Model Railroad desertland south Florida, what is rare down here is probably very plentiful "up north" on the shelves.  Right now there are few and fewer shelves for trains these days and it is getting worse by the minute.

I have searched my favorite box houses online and so far haven't seen much, so thanks for the information as it will inspire me to continue my search.

With regards to PA1, we lived in Sharpsville, PA a very small hamlet town right near the Ohio border.  We were very colloquial, and if you remember back then the Coke machines were right next to the front door, with some old dining chairs alongside and the machines would respond to the nickel, but you had to guide the bottle through this security laden steel path and get it to the little release mechanism. If you faltered one time, the release would lock and you would lose your nickel, and the bottle would be stranded.  I lost more nickels that way.

Second, being from Pennsylvania, I was surprised to see the old Pennzoil station in North Carolina.  It is like old Burger Kings, you can work on them but you will always know what they were.   I currently am building some 30's thru 50's gas stations from a junk box I bought years back with some small structures which can be kitbashed, so I am happy, but would like to see more kits and as builts.

My preference is like those old times like the one in the thirties classic movie, "The Painted Desert" with Bette Davis, and the original "The Postman Always Rings Twice" with Jack Nicholson. I also prefer the ones like the MicroEngineering one with the inside gas lane under a canopy roof. 

I am building 2 structures at this time, and when done, I will post the photos on my facebook page. 

Ken "FloridaBoy" Willaman