David, in your couplere experiments did you try to thin the Bowser coupler whisker to see how much is removed to make it magnetically uncouple? (I enjoyed your writeup BTW)
The Bowser coupler, unfortunately, is not capable of magnetic operation without significant redesign. For starters, consider the fact that the trip pin can spin around inside the knuckle because it's perfectly round (
i.e., it has no flat areas as do MTL trip pins). As for the whisker on the knuckle, I do not think it could be thinned enough to set the proper tension; I believe it would have to be relocated so that it could be longer
and thinner. And while I'm not certain, I believe the whiskers on the shank would also require relocating, lengthening and thinning so that the coupler had less side-to-side motion resistance.
I had sent recommendations to Bowser addressing all of these concerns, thinking I had received pre-production samples. Alas, I had instead received
production samples; they'd already done a run of several thousand. My recommendations would not have required complete re-tooling, but instead involved revisions to existing tooling in order to save money, but that didn't seem to inspire them to bother improving the product.