There are a couple of "cautions" to painting FUD stuff. (1) Use "Bestine" to get rid of the wax. How do you know when the wax is gone? The part turns frosty, opaque white. If it's translucent, it's still got wax on it, which you do not want. (2) To insure the parts will be as smooth as possible, the latest recommendation is to "buff" the parts using a new toothbrush and toothpaste. The attached photos on that thread showed a remarkable improvement of the semi-truck frames which were "buffed"...I mean...a HUGE difference.
You'll know if you haven't removed the wax because the flat paint you are going to use will be near glossy after it dries. Time to strip the paint and soak the parts in mo' Bestine. I don't think alcohol will take the wax off nearly as well as Bestine.
There ya go...and I don't use any primer, which works fine for me.