Author Topic: Micro Trains Weathered Goodness  (Read 4084 times)

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Re: Micro Trains Weathered Goodness
« Reply #30 on: April 20, 2013, 08:12:49 AM »
It's somewhat surprising that davefoxx would describe 1997-99 as "virtually grafitti free", but it's also true that the cumulative effect of so many cars getting tagged didn't really bring about the current level of saturation until somewhat later.

That was actually lock4244 that claimed 1997-99 as virtually graffiti free when looking through his photo collection.  I said I thought the sudden fascination for graffiti occurred earlier in the 1990s.  But, you probably have to factor geographical location into this.


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Re: Micro Trains Weathered Goodness
« Reply #31 on: April 20, 2013, 03:11:16 PM »
I don't like graffiti either, and as much as I appreciate the MT weathered cars I don't buy any with graffiti on them. It has definitely cut back on the amount of railfanning  I do, and settled the cutoff for anything I might model as the late 90's. These days when I railfan I generally am only taking note of the new equipment in the trains. It also severally displeases me to see the handful of remaining rolling stock in original Maine Central  paint covered up with graffiti. One of the things I used to really enjoy was finding Maine Central and Boston and Maine equipment still on the rails virtually unchanged since the 80's except for fade and rust and would photograph any of them I could find. Now the bottom halves of the cars are completely defaced.