I have used weathering powders on the loco boiler and tender, with great results. In fact, that is now my
preferred method of weathering steam locos. I have used airbrush misting (like I did on the I-1) and I really liked it.
But powders are easier. I have not found that I have to seal them. I am using the Doc O'Brien's from Micro-Mark,
but I have also used some Bragdon, and they are about the same. Those colors really dig in when you brush them
in. I don't see any problem with them wearing off from handling.
I've brushed some on the driver faces as well. I think it does a good job, although I don't know how well that will hold up.
I prefer to just use some grimy black and dry-brush it.
This engine was done all with powders, but I used some sort of weathered black paint on the drivers.