Hello all...
off today...yardwork done, and a few things moved into the garage in anticipation of the next TS/Hurricane 'Isaac' (I will NEVER get used to men's names for the storms..geeez...)
organizing my model RR projects and found these structures I built almost a year and a half ago, when I first jumped back into N scale; I had originally planned the door layout to include a Kingman Canyon scene on one side, and a representation of Kingman on the other (the main street across from the station)
I do love to model structures and had fun building these, but now they have no home!!!!!!!!!!
Walthers Art Deco overpass-I love this kit...I'll probably use it for some dedicated code 55 modules...

Walthers ATSF brick depot and freight house (I gave this to one of my Austin, TX railroad buddies...

LifeLike Hotel - easy build, but the best part-it cost only 7 bucks!!!!!!!!!!!

Walthers cornerstone State Line farm supply...

Blair Line kit-I love these laserkits!

Walthers Merchants Row corner and storefront buildings-everyone has seen this one hundreds of times, so I wanted to paint it completely differently; also left the turret steeple off-there was an old corner building close to the Beale that I wanted to represent...not a bad kit but the window 'glass' is horrible on all the Walthers kits...

too bad I don't have a use for them!
Thanks for looking,