Author Topic: MRC 1959 decoder query  (Read 1260 times)

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MRC 1959 decoder query
« on: September 03, 2011, 11:16:19 AM »
this for some fresh tunnel motor DCC installs.  Installing them only in  restricted to mid-consist units since they have no 'FX' effects like gyralights that qualify them to lead, units with DN163IOs will still have to fill that role. 

I will probably still add a 'confidence LED' as a 'headlight' to provide feedback while sitting on the programming track because not having that flash can be frustrating if you are having contact issues it could drive you barking  mad. 

But, still after much reading I have a couple of questions if anyone has actually used these.  Other than sales sites there seems to be very little information about the actual install and use of them.

Description on MRC site and manual is a little vague.  Are these plug equipped?  Most images show no plug but those images seem very generic and there is no photo on the MRC site.  Since removing a NMRA plug appears to immediately invalidate the 6 month MRC warranty this is kind of important.

What alternate speaker is most useful?  Original 13mm speaker is just too wide for most N scale hoods (maybe an old Bachmann Centennial?) but far too small to be useful for HO outside of maybe a Varney 0-4-0 docksider.  Just seems a goofy in between size and begging to be replaced.  Hoping that this 8 ohm speaker could be a good fit especially with the oval 18mm a reasonable size to fit those open dynamic brake fans for better sound.  The 10mm rounds look like another option but bigger is always better, right.

Hoping not to be a pioneer on this one.  Pioneers are usually the ones found with arrows in thier backs.  Being a trailblazer is an option, just not the preferred one...
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Re: MRC 1959 decoder query
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2011, 04:54:59 PM »
with no responses would indicate that this is either too new or unusual.  Ordered two decoders and speakers.  Will report back here after installation is completed...
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