Our home page has moved to a faster server.
And we have also added a new url (address name).
http://brooklynlocomotiveworks.comOur previous addresses should also be operating at 100% by the time you receive this newsletter.
http://buynscale.comhttp://blwnscale.com Back in the "early" days, it didn't matter that much how a page was "named". So for example our web page for an Atlas 40' single door boxcar was named just that: "Atlas 40' single door boxcar.htm" According to the latest standards, it should not have capital letters, spaces, or special characters. So almost all pages have been "re-named". If you had a "favorite" page on your browser, while the "buynscale" or "blwnscale" part would work -- to make a long story short, the page you are looking for does not exist by that name any longer.
It has been a very long, and drawn out process of renaming every page. Our old computer ran on Windows XP, 32-bit. Our new computer is Windows 7, 64-bit. It was bad enough our old Adobe Dreamweaver would not operate on the new system ... when we imported the files, some lost their "links". So if you would "click" on a link to take you to a different page -- good luck.
Between the names being changed and the links being damaged, it meant most pages had to be manually updated and the links re-established. This has been a long and drawn out process ... and I am the first to admit that we still have some "missing pieces".
Please bear with us ... I am sending out this email so you will understand why we have been "dragging" just a bit of late. And also so you will understand why your "favorites" are not working. You will need to make new faves to replace the older ones that are no longer working. Until Google and other search engines completely rescan our web page--this will also likely be "down" for a while.
Any of the above 3 addresses will take you to our home page ... which is the best place to get started.