I did finally* receive the Dofasco Truck kits from Briggs Models (
http://www.briggsmodels.com ) and they give the Atlas ALCo C-628/630 a totally new look and transforms the nice CN and CP Rail (and the not so nice Cartier) models a step closer to the prototype... sweet as !
original Atlas trucks
Dofasco Trucks from Briggs Modelsclose up...
and that is what you get from Briggs Models (note: side frames not shown in this picture but included in the kit)
you have to reuse the gears and wheels from the original Atlas trucks. the assembly is not that difficult, see even I was capable to assembly them...
(*finally: despite an 13 hours and 45 minute only direct flight from Vancouver to Auckland the kits were for 3 months (seen on the stamp) on the way down here - the postman did swimm down here I guess...)