Hmmm, now that you put it that way, NO.
I agree that we have a growing service economy, which is a good thing. However, can we afford to have one without the other? The speed with which it is replacing the manufacturing economy is alarming. The fact is, we need to have $12/hr jobs as well as $25/hr jobs. We have allowed ourselves to become a colony of the Pacific Rim. We ship them our raw materials, and buy back their manufactured goods. Meanwhile we close down our manufacturing capacity, which not only weakens us economically, threatens us globally. The US mattered in WW2 because we had the capacity to build more bullets, bombs and airplanes than the bad guys. Even Lionel Trains switched over to war production.
Obviously, today's world order is different, but if the ***** hits the fan, what are we going to do? Ask China to build tanks for us?
And in the case of grain, (which is generally shipped in covered hoppers, which is the basis of this thread...) we need to have farm land at least as badly as we need $300K condos in former grain elevators. Land is being consumed for housing, displacing working farms almost every time. Now, not only are the farms being displaced, but the infrastructure that services agriculture as well! How much longer can we afford to do that and still expect to feed ourselves, much less the rest of the world?
The problem is multi-faceted, but I suggest it begins with short sighted, dim witted politicians who look at any successful industry as a cash cow. Baltimore lost its breweries, auto plant, and any number of other businesses due to it's tax policy which punishes success. The service sector is doing well now because they haven't figured out how to rape it yet. As soon as they do, watch out. And don't think for a second that they aren't working on it.
Just last year the thieves in Annapolis tried to up the ante for any small business to "register" annually from $300 to $1,000. That works out to one more week a year that I work for the Government instead of for my family. Fortunately it died in committee... this time.
And a little more food for thought... Does it really benefit you to have a $25/hr job if you have to pay 40% of that in taxes to support the guys that used to work for $12 who now have nothing they can do with the skills they possess?
Boy did this spin off topic in a jiffy! See you over in the Crew Lounge!