
General Discussion => Product Discussion => Topic started by: daniel_leavitt2000 on December 04, 2024, 04:14:05 PM

Title: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: daniel_leavitt2000 on December 04, 2024, 04:14:05 PM
Are you tired of SD40-2 releases? I hope not! Bachmann has a brand new model out. Let's take a look.






The body is a mid-phase unit with corrugated radiators and small anticlimber. This is not a particularly popular phrase in real life. Most of the units I found with this were owned by NS, which is why I purchased this unit.

The nose is 84" long. Too short for a true mid phase, but to long for an early. This compares with BLI's model at 78", I'M at 86" and ST at 90".

Paint and details are good. Everything is molded on. The DB booster is separate, so I'm going to guess we'll see non DB models soon.

There are a few details missing, like the walkway/step seam on the conductor's side. I'M forgot this too. Also missing on the conductor's side is the battery box below the cab. The panel is flat and looks like they intended to mill the tooling but forgot. I would rate the body a 7 out of 10 only because the ST model is so good. This will look right at home with older models like the Atlas SD60M and B23-7.
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: daniel_leavitt2000 on December 04, 2024, 04:15:57 PM
That dust bin is too damn short!

Fans look good for molded plastic.

So the model uses a Next18 socket. Nice!

Large barrel cap. Not sure the use here.

This is the Soundtraxx Econami. No Econami Next18 decoders are listed from Soundtraxx. Maybe it is a TSU N18? It sounds great whatever it is.

At the current street price of over $200, these are no value. Eventually, Bachmann usually closes out their old inventory. If these hit $100 street, they would be a steal.
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: davefoxx on December 04, 2024, 05:47:43 PM
What’s going on with the sideframe of the lead truck on the fireman’s side?  (See your second picture in your first post above.)

Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: peteski on December 04, 2024, 05:57:31 PM
I love those Bachmann N scale knuckle couplers!  :D  :trollface:

If that large can-type cap is for keep-alive functionality, 220µF is rather low value for that.  It might be used for AC coupling of the audio amp to the speaker, but if that's the case the audio circuity is a vintage old-school design. The decoder also uses rather large SMD devices (compared to ESU or ZIMO, or even Digitrax).  Maybe the decoder is also Bachmann designed item.

But I don't have much experience with either TCS or Soundtraxx sound decoders, so maybe it is made by one of those companies.  The violet colored solder mask might be a clue as to the manufacturer. Does TCS or Soundtraxx use that color solder mask on their branded decoders?
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: Mark5 on December 04, 2024, 06:03:26 PM
Overall the model looks pretty nice.

The "F" is on the wrong end for this unit.  :trollface:

Walkways look smooth as glass.  :lol:

Wrong trucks, no bell on the top of the long hood end.

Ok, I'm done.  :D

Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: Jimbo on December 04, 2024, 06:15:07 PM
Hmm… wondering if it’s just an update to the Spectrum model released in 1995?

If it’s all-new tooling, it’s disappointing that it didn’t match the appearance and performance of the recently-reviewed ALC-42 (by @spookshow ).  Bachmann knows how to make a quality product.  Not sure why they decided to shortcut this one.

Of course, if it’s a re-release, then we’ll get the compromises that came with the original model.  (Appearance-wise, that is.  I’m eager to hear about its performance.)

Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: tehachapifan on December 04, 2024, 07:38:41 PM
What’s going on with the sideframe of the lead truck on the fireman’s side?  (See your second picture in your first post above.)


Definitely looks like part of it is melted.
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: peteski on December 04, 2024, 08:29:19 PM
Definitely looks like part of it is melted.

To me it looks like the truck is painted and the paint is peeling. There als appears to be some other schmutz there.
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: MK on December 04, 2024, 08:37:17 PM
I believe Soundtraxx is purple.
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: carlso on December 04, 2024, 10:20:20 PM
Hey gang, I looked at this posting and all I see is another piece of garbage put out by B'mann.  Why a Company will let this obvious QC miss get delivered. Looks melted to me. Note the 3 holes on the rear portion of side frame are gone. Real sweet! I bet this unit runs real nice ? I brightened and increased exposure to see the issue better.

Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: spookshow on December 05, 2024, 07:16:40 AM
Hmm… wondering if it’s just an update to the Spectrum model released in 1995?

I doubt it. The shell detailing is all different and the chassis is completely redesigned.

Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: Dave V on December 05, 2024, 09:34:23 AM
Bachmann's gonna Bachmann...

I could really lose my sanity if I tried to come up with legitimate reasons for some of their design the slick-a$$ walkways and platforms.

Oh well...not in the market for one anyway. I do wish they'd fire off another round of the non-streamlined K4s, but thankfully I kept my two from the first release.
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: daniel_leavitt2000 on December 05, 2024, 12:05:36 PM
What’s going on with the sideframe of the lead truck on the fireman’s side?  (See your second picture in your first post above.)


This was a blob of grease. It came off with a toothbrush.

FWIW, this model closely follows the HO model and I think they just shrunk their shell design.
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: basementcalling on December 05, 2024, 12:15:19 PM
Bachmann's gonna Bachmann...

Truer words were never spoken.

Botchman strikes again.
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: dem34 on December 05, 2024, 01:11:08 PM
non zero chance its a response to the common bemoanment of a lot of the younger crowd in the hobby. If you go on places like reddit for a bit theres constant requests for lower fidelity cheaper ( :trollface:)  models of common equipment. It seems ScaleTrains is going to have the higher end of the SD40-2s wrapped for a bit, Bman seems keenly aware these will be on Trainworld for $140 in a month or two.
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: nscaler711 on December 05, 2024, 02:28:20 PM
If I buy one of these to add to my ATSF SD40 thread, it's to take the Soundtraxx decoder.  :facepalm:
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: Ed Kapuscinski on December 05, 2024, 03:34:34 PM
This could've been really cool if they had done so very few things different:
Chosen a more common phase.
Saved money by not including cab sunshades.
Gotten the hood length right.

But you know what? Even with those things... I still think it's a better model than the Kato ones and I NEVER thought I'd be saying THAT!
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: Philip H on December 05, 2024, 04:47:39 PM
I still can't figure out where these are in the wild . . .
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: spookshow on December 05, 2024, 05:05:31 PM
I still can't figure out where these are in the wild . . .

Evidently another stealthy release from Bachmann. I asked Pete at Hogtrainz about them and he said he's having a hard time figuring out how to even order them.

Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: delamaize on December 05, 2024, 09:13:41 PM
Bachmann's gonna Bachmann...

I could really lose my sanity if I tried to come up with legitimate reasons for some of their design the slick-a$$ walkways and platforms.

Oh well...not in the market for one anyway. I do wish they'd fire off another round of the non-streamlined K4s, but thankfully I kept my two from the first release.

Hell, I'd probably buy one if they released them again. Part of me really wants to model The Broker, as morbid as that is.
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: Philip H on December 05, 2024, 09:59:35 PM
Evidently another stealthy release from Bachmann. I asked Pete at Hogtrainz about them and he said he's having a hard time figuring out how to even order them.


Daniel clearly got one.
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: kiwi_al on December 06, 2024, 01:17:35 AM
Hi Daniel, Are the ditch lights operable? Looking at your photo they appear to be painted silver or something.
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: spookshow on December 06, 2024, 03:37:54 AM
Hi Daniel, Are the ditch lights operable? Looking at your photo they appear to be painted silver or something.

Bachmann website calls the ditch lights "cosmetic", so no, not operable.

Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: spookshow on December 06, 2024, 03:43:39 AM
Daniel clearly got one.

Yes, searching by catalog number shows that hey are available from numerous online outlets - just not from the two I normally reference for new releases (Hogtrainz and N Scale Supply).

Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: Ed Kapuscinski on December 06, 2024, 09:47:43 AM
Hell, I'd probably buy one if they released them again. Part of me really wants to model The Broker, as morbid as that is.

I'm assuming you've seen this:
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: daniel_leavitt2000 on December 06, 2024, 03:33:25 PM
To answer a few questions:
1. the model is now available from Trainworld among others. Trainworld has some sort of relationship with Bachmann and usually gets their shipments before other distributers.

2. Ditch lights are not operable.

3. The phase is a disappointment because a ton of roads used the mid phase with large anti-climber. These were the only phase run by ATSF and CR and represented a very large total of BN units.

4. The price sucks, but the model does not. It looks pretty good and runs well. It sounds great. It would make a great $100 engine. But not nearly the same price as the ScaleTrains model.

5. There is absolutely no tooling shared with earlier SD40-2 variants.
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: delamaize on December 06, 2024, 10:31:51 PM
I'm assuming you've seen this:

Yup, good video, very well done.
Title: New Bachmann SD40-2 in N Scale
Post by: wm3798 on December 13, 2024, 11:51:49 AM
Definitely not a warmed over white box.

Morbidly curious more than anything.  Coffee and Trains man seems happy with his example, but given his penchant for promotion, I'm not sure he shelled out $300 quid for it.

Anyone have any experience/thoughts/comments/critiques?

I'm not really in the market for one, but one day they'll be showing up on the second hand market, and then who knows? :D


Title: Re: New Bachmann SD40-2 in N Scale
Post by: MK on December 13, 2024, 12:01:35 PM
Title: Re: New Bachmann SD40-2 in N Scale
Post by: wm3798 on December 13, 2024, 12:08:59 PM
Ah... thanks.  I did a quick scan of the Product Discussion page and came up empty...
I'll move my thoughts over to that thread.
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: wm3798 on December 13, 2024, 12:14:53 PM
Definitely not a warmed over white box.

Morbidly curious more than anything.  Coffee and Trains man seems happy with his example, but given his penchant for promotion, I'm not sure he shelled out $300 quid for it.

The comments in this thread mirror my initial thoughts, save for the phase discussion.  (I only have an undergrad degree in diesel spotting... you guys with PhDs in it must be disappointed with EVERYTHING!)  If your objective is to fill up the shop tracks at Enola, they'll make good background noise, anyway.  At least they didn't commit the sin of putting Conrail paint on the wrong phase.  (I would have bought a bunch 20 years ago, but not now.)

I'm not really in the market for one, but one day they'll be showing up on the second hand market, and then who knows? :D


Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: C855B on December 13, 2024, 01:00:20 PM
Definitely not a warmed over white box.

Maybe in some respects, but the handrails jump out at me as being "old spec". Could be thick paint?
Title: Re: New Bachmann SD40-2 in N Scale
Post by: u18b on December 13, 2024, 04:19:25 PM
Definitely not a warmed over white box.

Morbidly curious more than anything.  Coffee and Trains man seems happy with his example, but given his penchant for promotion, I'm not sure he shelled out $300 quid for it.

Anyone have any experience/thoughts/comments/critiques?

I'm not really in the market for one, but one day they'll be showing up on the second hand market, and then who knows? :D


first thing I noticed in the video was the coupler height was too high.
Title: Re: New Bachmann SD40-2 in N Scale
Post by: peteski on December 13, 2024, 04:29:31 PM
first thing I noticed in the video was the coupler height was too high.

With the size of that "boxing glove" coupler few scale inches too low or high make no difference.  :trollface:
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: crrcoal on December 13, 2024, 06:23:07 PM
Modeltrainstuff has it for 213.99.. for a few buck mores you can get a scaletrains version.
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: spookshow on December 14, 2024, 04:33:36 AM
I got mine yesterday and ran it in around in circles overnight. This morning when I tried to change directions the decoder flaked out and now it won't run anymore. I tried resetting the decoder, but with the throttle applied all it does is sit there going chuh-chuh-chuh-chuh and not moving. Sending it back to Trainworld for a replacement :facepalm:

Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: Chris333 on December 14, 2024, 08:52:52 AM
I almost had something nice to say, but then the price  :scared:
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: Jesse6669 on December 14, 2024, 11:05:26 AM
I'll say something nice-- they got the font on the number boards correct.
Title: Re: New Bachmann SD40-2 in N Scale
Post by: daniel_leavitt2000 on December 14, 2024, 11:41:15 AM
Definitely not a warmed over white box.

Morbidly curious more than anything.  Coffee and Trains man seems happy with his example, but given his penchant for promotion, I'm not sure he shelled out $300 quid for it.

Anyone have any experience/thoughts/comments/critiques?

I'm not really in the market for one, but one day they'll be showing up on the second hand market, and then who knows? :D


That review was - not great. Detail wise, the model is molded crisp with cast on parts. It is probably competitive with Kato, but that is a 25 year old design. The model is a few steps below BLI or IM, and several tiers below ST.

I haven't found any issues with operations. It runs pretty smooth, as does its competition.

The sound is great. It is fuller and richer than IM or ST, and on par with the BLI engine with Loksound I added.

It is a very mediocre engine at $200. I bought it for my review article. If it were $120, I would say it is a good deal. I am looking to see if they blow these out like they did with the GG1, which was under $100 for the sound version at one point.
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: spookshow on December 29, 2024, 04:28:14 PM
I received my replacement SD40-2 from Trainworld and this one died after only half a day's running. Anybody out there having any luck running these things? I'm 0-for-2.

Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: spookshow on December 31, 2024, 02:21:10 PM
TrainWorld scolded me for trying to run an N scale locomotive for 12 consecutive hours, asserting that "tiny N scale motors are not intended for extended use such as this" :facepalm:

Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: Chris333 on December 31, 2024, 03:49:46 PM
Tell them it was running around the tree  :lol: 
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: kiwi_al on December 31, 2024, 05:57:27 PM
I'm totally evil - so Bachmann's new SD40-2 will get an F ?  :D
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: spookshow on December 31, 2024, 10:08:47 PM
Yes, I gave it a big fat F. I'm not going to spend 6 months buying and returning these things in hopes of finding one that doesn't suck.

Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: Missaberoad on December 31, 2024, 10:32:17 PM
TrainWorld scolded me for trying to run an N scale locomotive for 12 consecutive hours, asserting that "tiny N scale motors are not intended for extended use such as this" :facepalm:


Well, TrainWorld has ensured they will never get my buisness.

Someone should tell the N trak boys that, they've been running trains wrong since the 1970s .
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: u18b on January 01, 2025, 01:47:18 AM
TrainWorld scolded me for trying to run an N scale locomotive for 12 consecutive hours, asserting that "tiny N scale motors are not intended for extended use such as this" :facepalm:


Haha.  They never heard of Victor Miranda's torture test.   He ran one for what..... 29 days straight?
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: Dwight in Toronto on January 01, 2025, 08:22:40 AM
Haha.  They never heard of Victor Miranda's torture test.   He ran one for what..... 29 days straight?

I’m willing to bet that Victor did NOT accomplish that with a Bachmann though!
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: peteski on January 01, 2025, 09:09:52 AM
I’m willing to bet that Victor did NOT accomplish that with a Bachmann though!

Well  actually I think it was either a Life-Like or Model Power steam loco model.  Back then neither company was held in high regard.

It is really sad that the Atlas forum shut down (and didn't stay online in read-only mode).  A lot of good info was lost.
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: Missaberoad on January 01, 2025, 09:14:55 AM
It is really sad that the Atlas forum shut down (and didn't stay online in read-only mode).  A lot of good info was lost.
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: peteski on January 01, 2025, 09:33:12 AM

That's a blast from the past - thanks!  I guess I didn't realize that the complete forum (with its underling software) could be preserved.  Unfortunately its search feature is not working, so it will be difficult to locate some specific threads.
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: Missaberoad on January 01, 2025, 04:42:45 PM
That's a blast from the past - thanks!  I guess I didn't realize that the complete forum (with its underling software) could be preserved.  Unfortunately its search feature is not working, so it will be difficult to locate some specific threads.

And it also appears to be incomplete, but at least it's something
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: peteski on January 01, 2025, 05:04:49 PM
And it also appears to be incomplete, but at least it's something

Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: Mark5 on January 02, 2025, 09:36:52 AM
Unfortunately its (old Atlas forum on search feature is not working, so it will be difficult to locate some specific threads.


I've been aware of the archived version for some years, but without the search function it is basically useless (unless you have endless amounts of time to fish around).

Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: daniel_leavitt2000 on January 03, 2025, 09:25:46 AM
TrainWorld scolded me for trying to run an N scale locomotive for 12 consecutive hours, asserting that "tiny N scale motors are not intended for extended use such as this" :facepalm:


I'm not sure why running for 12 hours at a steady speed would differ from 12 hours of intermittent operation over several weeks. Can you replace the Econami board with an ESU decoder? I am would like to know if the failure is with the DCC board or the motor.
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: peteski on January 03, 2025, 09:52:42 AM
I'm not sure why running for 12 hours at a steady speed would differ from 12 hours of intermittent operation over several weeks. Can you replace the Econami board with an ESU decoder? I am would like to know if the failure is with the DCC board or the motor.

I would find it a fun project to try doing a postmortem on that model (yes, I'm volunteering if Mark still hasn't tossed it in a trash bin).  :)
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: spookshow on January 03, 2025, 10:48:16 AM
I haven't sent it back yet (still waiting for a return authorization), but it cost me a pretty penny ($250) and I would like to recoup that expenditure.

I will see if I can find a Next18 decoder in one of my other locos and try plugging it into the Bachmann.

Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: basementcalling on January 03, 2025, 10:56:03 AM
I haven't sent it back yet (still waiting for a return authorization), but it cost me a pretty penny ($250) and I would like to recoup that expenditure.

I will see if I can find a Next18 decoder in one of my other locos and try plugging it into the Bachmann.


Now that's dedication to his calling. I voted long ago never to buy another Bachmann engine that I couldn't test run first.
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: Mark5 on January 03, 2025, 12:58:39 PM
I voted long ago never to buy another Bachmann engine that I couldn't test run first.

This was my policy on ALL locos, until there were no more local hobby shops to do this in (Baltimore  :facepalm:).

Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: spookshow on January 03, 2025, 01:49:47 PM
I don't think there's a hobby shop in the world that'll let you test run a locomotive for 12 hours  ;)

Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: randgust on January 03, 2025, 03:10:59 PM
Looking at the chassis, it looked to me that the motor was an afterthought.  Hmm, decoder, capacitor, speaker.... oh, yeah, we still need to put in a motor somewhere too.... have anything small enough handy?

I've had a couple more recent products, and other than shell casting glitches that are painfully obvious, the running qualities weren't half bad at all.   But I'm a DC guy, so the first thing that happens to Bachmann is that decoder is pulled out and sold and rewired for straight DC (listen for gasp...).  My transistor throttles DO NOT get along well with those one little bit.

But what you don't know for sure yet (Mark) is what crapped out - is it the motor or the decoder?

Say what you want about Kato, they have held up on me under constant use way better than anything else out there.     One of my maxims about N scale in general is that you only notice some of the details if it is stalled, not moving, or in the display case as a shelf queen.

Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: spookshow on January 03, 2025, 04:16:55 PM
I took the ESU decoder out of my Atlas FA-1 and put it into my SD40-2. I got lights and sound, but no motor. So I guess TrainWorld was right after all - these Bachmann motors really can't handle extended running  :P

Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: bbunge on January 06, 2025, 01:30:35 PM
I took the ESU decoder out of my Atlas FA-1 and put it into my SD40-2. I got lights and sound, but no motor. So I guess TrainWorld was right after all - these Bachmann motors really can't handle extended running  :P


My Ntrak modules have a "green line" loop, about 20 feet of track total, that can run either DC or DCC depending how I set it up.  My go to locomotive is a recent run Bachmann F7.  It pulls well, it was cheap ($50 off Fleabay a number of years ago), it tracks well on not so great track with a steep grade and 6.5 inch radius curves.  When we set up at the B&O RR museum over the holidays it will get about 50 hours of run time - 6-8 hours per day.  At a Timonium show it will see at least 12 hours of running, 2-3 times a year.  After maybe three years of this use, the motor died.  I ordered another, installed it.  After another three years, this year, after about 35 hours it was acting flakey - the light turned off and started to run slow at certain spots on the loop, even after the track was cleaned.  I let it rest for two hours, cleaned the wheels and it started right up again.  I haven't had a chance to look at it yet.

There is also 2.5 feet of back and forth street car track that gets the same hours.  My recent go to for this is a completely tore down and rebuilt Tomytec TR04 chassis.  The prior go to is a cleaned and somewhat rebuilt Kato 11-106 chassis.  Both take a lot of hours, but do slow down after many hours, often with dirt on the wheels, so I end up swapping them out.

Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: brill27mcb on January 06, 2025, 04:08:21 PM
What prompted the need to tear down and rebuild the Tomytec chassis?

Rich K.
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: bbunge on January 06, 2025, 05:16:57 PM
What prompted the need to tear down and rebuild the Tomytec chassis?

Rich K.

A complete clumsy moment: I knocked over a bottle of H&N Solder flux on it.  After cleaning it off, it was apparent it wasn't going to run well, so I put it in a box and replaced it with a new unit.

Later, I needed a chassis, so it got stripped down as far I could.  I had recently read through Ron Bearden's thread on rebuilding the Bi-Polar units so I was inspired to buff shafts and polish gear center holes/bushings with a tooth pick, etc.  I borrowed from Peteski and polished electrical contacts since the flux had tarnished the metal.  I also experimented with bushings and gear centers by rubbing a toothpick in Microtrains "Grease 'em" and then rubbing the toothpick in the gear centers.  I burnished some of the gear teeth with the dry-lube toothpick as well.

I was really pleased, the unit runs real slow, quite a bit slower then the out of the box version.  Most important it is more reliable starting at a low voltage.  I believe the next step would be to re-motor it with a gear head so it would start at an overall higher voltage.  A Shapeways Brill shell that is to scale is on it, so there is very little room for additional weight to help with electrical contact.

( (;sa=view&id=45743)
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: randgust on January 08, 2025, 10:41:11 AM
Wow, Mark, it's been a long time since you've awarded an "F".   

As one of the old N scale guard, I'm still insisting that a locomotive actually pull something, not just look pretty and sound good.   

You can really appreciate the detail if it can't move and just sits there, possibly spinning.   Or the only sound is accurate engine idle.

It's funny because I designed my layout in 1983 when three Trix U-boat chassis could easily handle 25 cars up a 2.5% grade and around a 13" 180-degree curve at the summit.   No problem.   Original Kato SD45's, SD40's, U-boats all can too.   Now it's a challenge with anything new.   And I can't remember ever burning a Kato motor out.   Ever.  And my old Trix units wore the plating off the wheels, then they really pulled!
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: peteski on January 08, 2025, 11:11:10 AM
Judging by the exploded parts diagram on Spookshow's website, these appear to be using one of the inexpensive coreless motors Bachmann and other manufacturers started using several years ago.  Those motors usually only have 3-winding baskets and flimsy thin metal whisker brushes. "Real" (expensive) coreless motors use precious metal commutators and brushes for long life.  I do not expect those inexpensive motors to have a long life, unlike the old-fashion open frame motors with carbon brushes which were the staple of Atlas, Kato and many other manufacturers for decades.  However if the motor is what actually failed, I am surprised that it only took 12 hours of running.  Maybe that model has a high-friction mechanism which puts a high load on the motor?

As for Kato motors, I have seen one which was still running but close to failing due to a worn out commutator. Yes, the commutator was worn down while the brushes still had plenty of "meat" on them.  But that model had a very hard life of many hundreds of hours of roundy-round operation.

BTW, I re-read Mark's review of this loco and I had to chuckles at the original ('80s) review of the model. Price: $22!  Now that's when Bachmann really made inexpensive low-end N scale locomotives and priced them accordingly.  :)
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: spookshow on January 08, 2025, 05:31:27 PM
Wow, Mark, it's been a long time since you've awarded an "F".   

Not that long ago, actually. I was even more unhappy with BLI's 2023 Big Boy. What a fiasco.

Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: spookshow on January 08, 2025, 05:36:20 PM
As these things find their way into the wild, I'll be curious to see if it was 12 hours of continuous running that killed mine, or just 12 total hours of running period. If the latter, this could be the most epic of Bachmann's epic fails.

Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: track1 on January 14, 2025, 02:45:52 PM

Sorry to hear that you ended up with two defective SD40-2s in a row. After reading your post, I ran a production sample for nearly 24 hours on our test layout, with an 8 car train, and it ran without issues. Which roadname/SKU did you purchase?

We certainly hope this isn't a much larger issue- we'll be monitoring this thread as well as feedback to our customer service department.

Bachmann R&D
Title: Re: The Bachmann SD40-2 has landed
Post by: spookshow on January 15, 2025, 05:54:00 AM
Both were Union Pacific (67077). The first one failed when I left it running overnight and tried to change directions the following morning. The second one simply stopped running during the night. Both appear to have been motor failures, although I did not dissect them in order to scientifically verify that theory.
