
General Discussion => N and Z Scales => Topic started by: up1950s on April 30, 2021, 07:24:31 PM

Title: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: up1950s on April 30, 2021, 07:24:31 PM
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And just for the hell of it ........
Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: chuck geiger on April 30, 2021, 08:28:19 PM
HAPPY WEEKEND - Watching Martin Welberg's Five Minute Friday, using tufts like static grass. Do they grown on trees in Denmark? Love his weeds! :)
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Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: SAH on April 30, 2021, 08:57:30 PM
Modeling a landscape without lots of foliage to hide stuff is tough IMO.  I think you've become an expert at minimal landscapes Chuck.  Well done.  And thanks for putting me onto the Martin Welberg videos.  Good stuff.

Progress on the AC&Y RS1.  Here's the body and frame together and then the naked frame.  Now on to the upgrading the shell.  The more I study photos the more I see that needs to be done to the factory shell.  I think I need to stop studying and take the test. 


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Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: freedj on April 30, 2021, 09:18:04 PM
I made  some real progress this week on the center lift out of my one turn helix.  It went from a painted foam with significant gaps to a good fit with ground cover, two layers of static grass, and painted track. 

I was also following along on the Martin Welberg clinic, trying to scale everything down for N.  Im pretty happy with how its turning out but my beige grass (4mm) doesn't stand up very well.  It also reads a bit too yellow for my eye, but it is my wifes favorite of the sections i've put static grass on.

Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: BCR 570 on April 30, 2021, 09:25:19 PM
Well done Chuck; that is a very nice little scene.

Four new freight cars have joined my private owner fleet.  These are duplicates of RTR cars I already have but with different road numbers:


My chip car straggler is catching up to the others; now resplendent in BCR Light Green paint and ready for internal bracing and decals:


Printed parts comprising the roof and cupola for my flanger have arrived, enabling this project to move forward once again:



Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: Cajonpassfan on April 30, 2021, 10:07:20 PM
I spent the day cleaning track and chasing down a “mystery short” in my Barstow staging yard. Hard to do with all the rolling stock in the way. Got it isolated to a couple of turnouts but it’s still a mystery😜
Does that count for anything?
Otto K.
Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: dem34 on April 30, 2021, 10:32:31 PM
Recycled a bodged Trak Kit and used it to practice Fusion 360 skills.  Made some SLA and FDM friendly versions of a generalized  Pennsy Catenary supports that can have details easily added and removed fairly easily. This one is based around ones found in South Amboy. As well as a moderate puddle jumper based on some of the ones found around the Central Jersey Salt Marshes that can be printed either in 4 quarters or expanded with an infinitely printable dual piece center expansion.
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Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: peteski on May 01, 2021, 01:55:26 AM
Recycled a bodged Trak Kit and used it to practice Fusion 360 skills.  Made some SLA and FDM friendly versions of a generalized  Pennsy Catenary supports that can have details easily added and removed fairly easily. This one is based around ones found in South Amboy. As well as a moderate puddle jumper based on some of the ones found around the Central Jersey Salt Marshes that can be printed either in 4 quarters or expanded with an infinitely printable dual piece center expansion.
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I also really like how in the background of that photo you have the current TRW Weekend Update image, proving that you really just did the modeling. Sort of like what they do in the movies where for a ransom they photograph a current edition of a newspaper being held by a kidnapping victim to prove the kidnapped person is still alive.  :D
Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: dem34 on May 01, 2021, 02:13:25 AM
It took a bit for the gears to turn but I did realize before posting that I had 5 totally separate projects that I haven't shared anywhere yet. Only seemed appropriate.
Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: DKS on May 01, 2021, 06:48:32 AM
I finished a layout.

Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: bnsfdash8 on May 01, 2021, 09:20:14 AM
I'm still working through my 3D projects. This one will end up being a NW (ex ITC SD39) in the later 1981 scheme.


Now just 2 SD38s and 2 SD38-2s to go.
Title: John Brown Museum, Harpers Ferry
Post by: Bob on May 01, 2021, 11:07:09 AM
The third Harpers Ferry Building is mostly complete - making dormer windows is a tremendous pain, and there are a great many of these in Harpers Ferry so I had better get use to constructing these, and likely need to come up with a way to make them more easily and reproducibly. The John Brown Museum is at the corner of Shenandoah and Potomac streets, next to the White Hall Tavern. The buildings have been placed on the street to see how they will look.  I need to make a stair case for the door (the entire building will be a bit higher when finally emplaced), and need to make one dormer window for the shorter 'annex' part of the building, but since this faces the back of the layout I won't have to worry about putting a window in place.  Not sure what I will build next, but I am thinking about finishing this block which would mean constructing the buildings that face High Street - for these, the back of the buildings will be visible, not the fronts.  I could then mount the street section on the layout and install the buildings.

Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: Dave V on May 01, 2021, 11:22:37 AM
My hand is still in a cast so I've been piling up projects that I can't really do anything with for now.  That said, I decided a little one-handed scenery work could be accomplished.  This is a minor tweak to the existing scenery at Ridgway Yard on my HOn3 Rio Grande Southern.

By the 1940s, the RGS was dumping locomotive ashes at the Ridgway water tank.  After the engine was moved, the hot ashes were shoveled out of the gauge to the side of the track.  I guess it was more convenient than using the actual ash pit near the sandhouse...?  Anyway, I modeled this practice with some real paper ash mixed with dark gray and white weathering powders.


Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: Caleb Austin on May 01, 2021, 11:47:47 AM
Not much progress from me since the weather has gotten nice, but there was some great sunset light coming through the window in my layout room so I took this quick shot.

Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: arbomambo on May 01, 2021, 03:15:54 PM
I built this beautiful Blair Line structure (Greene’s Feed and Seed) a couple of years ago but struggled trying to find a place for it on a T-TRAK module.
  Simply slapping it on a purpose-built module with it’s own siding just doesn’t make sense prototypically.
  But, when taking inventory of all my modules, with the express purpose of making any necessary repairs, the answer was staring me in the face all along.
  The “Hutton Grain Elevator” triple module was perfect. It features a team track siding that serves a fuel oil dealer, a grain elevator, and a loading dock.
   It was a simple task to remove the loading dock and simply replace it with the Blair Line Greene’s Feed and Seed structure.

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After the structure is secure, I’ll add a few more details and blend the gravel and weed growth a little more.
Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: CRL on May 01, 2021, 04:32:47 PM
Looks good.
Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: up1950s on May 01, 2021, 05:04:39 PM
My hand is still in a cast so I've been piling up projects that I can't really do anything with for now.  That said, I decided a little one-handed scenery work could be accomplished.  This is a minor tweak to the existing scenery at Ridgway Yard on my HOn3 Rio Grande Southern.

By the 1940s, the RGS was dumping locomotive ashes at the Ridgway water tank.  After the engine was moved, the hot ashes were shoveled out of the gauge to the side of the track.  I guess it was more convenient than using the actual ash pit near the sandhouse...?  Anyway, I modeled this practice with some real paper ash mixed with dark gray and white weathering powders.



Dave your cameo shots are so realistic they would work perfectly in a real deal Hollywood movie . Bravo bravo bravo .
Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: GimpLizard on May 01, 2021, 05:24:53 PM
I finished a layout.


Outstanding. As usual. 👍👍👍👍👍
Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: CNR5529 on May 01, 2021, 05:47:31 PM


I plan on doing a full review shortly, and already see a few minor updates and tweaks to really make this train my own. That said, straight out of the box it is incredible. Well done @rapidotrains, thank you for making this iconic trainset!
Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: Olivani on May 01, 2021, 06:32:00 PM
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Wow ! Perfection, very well done.

Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: BCRail_FSJ on May 01, 2021, 06:33:26 PM
A change of pace recently.. with some road vehicle modelling.   These four PGE/BCR flat trailers were completed from Briggs kits.  They will be loaded on to TOFC cars with suitably interesting loads typical of northeastern British Columbia in the 1970s


Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: PiperguyUMD on May 01, 2021, 07:03:03 PM
Great work this week everyone!

I’m inching closer on Owings Mills. Added the pylons at the edge of the parking lot, and continuing to tie in the coal trestle. Got close enough to go ahead and paint the fascia!  Next up - trees!

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Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: Angus Shops on May 01, 2021, 09:55:18 PM
(Attachment Link)


I plan on doing a full review shortly, and already see a few minor updates and tweaks to really make this train my own. That said, straight out of the box it is incredible. Well done @rapidotrains, thank you for making this iconic trainset!

Late arrival in Vancouver - totally proto for Via, not so much for CP...
Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: CNR5529 on May 01, 2021, 10:34:37 PM
Late arrival in Vancouver - totally proto for Via, not so much for CP...

Agreed, it is uncharacteristic of the CPR flagship train, but I can assure you they were totally worth the wait!

I've been opening up the cars, looking at all the details inside and out... it is impressive.
Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: superchief on May 01, 2021, 11:34:53 PM
Bruce, Looking good, Blair line makes some great stuff!!

Otto, Electrical shorts suck, so yes you get a feather in your cap (if you fixed it!!) LOL

Great job everyone!! Gordon
Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: glakedylan on May 01, 2021, 11:56:05 PM
I’m inching closer on Owings Mills. Added the pylons at the edge of the parking lot, and continuing to tie in the coal trestle. Got close enough to go ahead and paint the fascia!  Next up - trees!

Looking fantastic!

Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: altohorn25 on May 02, 2021, 08:05:23 AM
(Attachment Link)


I plan on doing a full review shortly, and already see a few minor updates and tweaks to really make this train my own. That said, straight out of the box it is incredible. Well done @rapidotrains, thank you for making this iconic trainset!

Swap out that rear coupler for a Z scale 905 or a Truescale coupler.  :)
Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: Cajonpassfan on May 02, 2021, 10:33:25 AM
@PiperguyUMD, I love the look of your track and ballast, especially the coloring of your ties. Mind sharing your technique?
Gordon, thanks! No feather in my hat yet, maybe later today (I hope)😬
Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: CNR5529 on May 02, 2021, 11:25:51 AM
Swap out that rear coupler for a Z scale 905 or a Truescale coupler.  :)

Yup, that was part of the plan when I first saw the renders... a TSC will definitively improve the look of the tail end.
Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: craigolio1 on May 02, 2021, 12:54:46 PM
A change of pace recently.. with some road vehicle modelling.   These four PGE/BCR flat trailers were completed from Briggs kits.  They will be loaded on to TOFC cars with suitably interesting loads typical of northeastern British Columbia in the 1970s



Great to see these kits completed. I’ve spent the last two days prepping and assembling kits I’ve had in the drawer for a while including two chip cars, ten Briggs TOFC flats and eight of these trailers! Super excited to see them here.

Nice work.

Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: SAH on May 02, 2021, 08:38:25 PM
Thanks Oli.  But perfection?  Far from it.  So far so good but there's a ways to go and still time to screw it up.


Wow ! Perfection, very well done.

Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: Ed Kapuscinski on May 03, 2021, 10:15:46 AM
Recycled a bodged Trak Kit and used it to practice Fusion 360 skills.  Made some SLA and FDM friendly versions of a generalized  Pennsy Catenary supports that can have details easily added and removed fairly easily. This one is based around ones found in South Amboy. As well as a moderate puddle jumper based on some of the ones found around the Central Jersey Salt Marshes that can be printed either in 4 quarters or expanded with an infinitely printable dual piece center expansion.
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Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: GimpLizard on May 03, 2021, 04:41:32 PM
Great work this week everyone!

I’m inching closer on Owings Mills. Added the pylons at the edge of the parking lot, and continuing to tie in the coal trestle. Got close enough to go ahead and paint the fascia!  Next up - trees!

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This is really looking good. I'm especially impressed with the grade-crossing on the spur track. That may just be the best execution of a crossing I've ever seen. It has a very natural, and realistic, transition from flat to rise, IMO.
Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: PiperguyUMD on May 03, 2021, 08:56:01 PM
@GimpLizard - Thanks! I stressed over the pavement on this module. It was one of the reasons I procrastinated.

@PiperguyUMD, I love the look of your track and ballast, especially the coloring of your ties. Mind sharing your technique?
Gordon, thanks! No feather in my hat yet, maybe later today (I hope)😬

Sure. I use Joey Ricard's (SP?) method for weathering track. I spray bombed the entire piece of track flat back, then painted each tie with various mixes of cheap acrylic paints. I put a dab of four different colors on a pallet and let them run together for custom mixes. This part of the project is really time consuming. After that dried I made a solution with ground chalk and alcohol and painted the rails and "tie plates." Once everything is set, I dust the whole thing with different browns and blacks to dull everything down. You can see the four different stages of flex track prep here:

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Once glued to the layout, I put a thin application of ballast on the still wet glue between the ties. I also paint the sides of the roadbed with matte medium and sprinkle a very light coat of ballast outside the rails. I try to keep the layer of ballast as thin as possible. Putting down a light coat early in the process provides some tooth for the second coat which helps keep things neat.
Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: Ed Kapuscinski on May 03, 2021, 10:41:21 PM
@GimpLizard - Thanks! I stressed over the pavement on this module. It was one of the reasons I procrastinated.

Sure. I use Joey Ricard's (SP?) method for weathering track. I spray bombed the entire piece of track flat back, then painted each tie with various mixes of cheap acrylic paints. I put a dab of four different colors on a pallet and let them run together for custom mixes. This part of the project is really time consuming. After that dried I made a solution with ground chalk and alcohol and painted the rails and "tie plates." Once everything is set, I dust the whole thing with different browns and blacks to dull everything down. You can see the four different stages of flex track prep here:

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Once glued to the layout, I put a thin application of ballast on the still wet glue between the ties. I also paint the sides of the roadbed with matte medium and sprinkle a very light coat of ballast outside the rails. I try to keep the layer of ballast as thin as possible. Putting down a light coat early in the process provides some tooth for the second coat which helps keep things neat.

This is gonna take forever for the new NCR. But looks 100% worth it!
Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: dem34 on May 03, 2021, 11:04:24 PM
This is gonna take forever for the new NCR. But looks 100% worth it!

A good, appropriately sized flatbrush goes a long way. Each step actually goes pretty quick when you get into a rhythm.
Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: Cajonpassfan on May 04, 2021, 12:35:35 AM
Thanks for the explanation @PiperguyUMD, looks great,
Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: PiperguyUMD on May 04, 2021, 08:37:38 AM
A good, appropriately sized flatbrush goes a long way. Each step actually goes pretty quick when you get into a rhythm.

Using acrylics really helps. I would leave everything setup on the work bench along with a jar of water for quick cleanup. That makes it easier to paint 30-50 ties in a sitting during breaks in the day.
Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: Philip H on May 04, 2021, 09:20:02 AM

The track crews started cutting in the track for Wizard in The Woods Railcar, a David K. Smith Industry.  I'll have my programming track behind the building
Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: craigolio1 on May 05, 2021, 09:00:38 AM
Modeling a landscape without lots of foliage to hide stuff is tough IMO.  I think you've become an expert at minimal landscapes Chuck.  Well done.  And thanks for putting me onto the Martin Welberg videos.  Good stuff.

Progress on the AC&Y RS1.  Here's the body and frame together and then the naked frame.  Now on to the upgrading the shell.  The more I study photos the more I see that needs to be done to the factory shell.  I think I need to stop studying and take the test. 


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Beautiful job on the handrails. I have a half dozen resin locomotive shells that can’t be considered complete until I build the courage to do the handrails. The most complicated are a pair of Briggs M420b which go end to end and require multiple bends at each end for the step rails.

Would you mind sharing your process?

Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: SAH on May 05, 2021, 09:18:53 PM
Sure.  New topic in the Scratchbuilding section.
Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: peteski on May 06, 2021, 12:04:33 AM
Sure.  New topic in the Scratchbuilding section. (
Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: johnb on May 07, 2021, 02:27:47 AM

I just got a Tomytec TM-TR01 from Japan today!

I am going to paint her in Pre WWII maroon. I am considering numbering it as #530 since 530 is going to finally be restored in Perris, CA. 530 was someone's cabin in Crestline and is a prime candidate for restoration.
Title: Re: Weekend Update 5/2/21
Post by: JMaurer1 on May 07, 2021, 12:13:42 PM
Johns back!