
General Discussion => N and Z Scales => Topic started by: randgust on March 06, 2021, 09:19:49 PM

Title: Kato Mike traction tire alternative?
Post by: randgust on March 06, 2021, 09:19:49 PM
Got my PRR L1 conversion out tonight to run it, and 'lump, lump, lump, thud".... and little pieces of traction tire off the #4 driver landed beside the rails.

And, Kato is out of stock. 

And, the one vendor on the auction site knows it.

So, any other alternatives that fit?

I did my due diligence on the search and came up empty.
Title: Re: Kato Mike traction tire alternative?
Post by: RBrodzinsky on March 06, 2021, 10:00:18 PM
Bullfrog snot? I know some folks have had very good luck with it.
Title: Re: Kato Mike traction tire alternative?
Post by: NDave on March 06, 2021, 10:15:12 PM
Check  here:
Title: Re: Kato Mike traction tire alternative?
Post by: peteski on March 06, 2021, 10:20:16 PM
If all else fails, PM me your address - I have some spare Kato Mikado tires.
Title: Re: Kato Mike traction tire alternative?
Post by: SkipGear on March 06, 2021, 10:59:03 PM
Good rubbery heat shrink tube.
Title: Re: Kato Mike traction tire alternative?
Post by: Maletrain on March 07, 2021, 09:59:08 AM

The OEM parts are really expensive on the 'Bay.  $34.87 + shipping (and probably taxes).
Title: Re: Kato Mike traction tire alternative?
Post by: Mark5 on March 07, 2021, 10:30:43 AM

The OEM parts are really expensive on the 'Bay.  $34.87 + shipping (and probably taxes).

Mad-Crazy expensive! :o
Title: Re: Kato Mike traction tire alternative?
Post by: delamaize on March 07, 2021, 12:08:03 PM
Check  here:

+1 for these, I have quite a few of their traction tires, and they work well
Title: Re: Kato Mike traction tire alternative?
Post by: peteski on March 07, 2021, 12:58:19 PM

The OEM parts are really expensive on the 'Bay.  $34.87 + shipping (and probably taxes).

That is just some shrewd enterprising eBay seller (aka A-hole) trying to take advantage of the fact that they are out of stock at Kato. Supply and demand. Good ol' American capitalism at its best!  Hopefully nobody is desperate enough to get them for that price!
Title: Re: Kato Mike traction tire alternative?
Post by: NorsemanJack on March 07, 2021, 03:55:22 PM
That is just some shrewd enterprising eBay seller (aka A-hole) trying to take advantage of the fact that they are out of stock at Kato. Supply and demand. Good ol' American capitalism at its best!  Hopefully nobody is desperate enough to get them for that price!

I'm not sure that Kato USA ever even sold the replacement traction tires (i.e. not the replacement driver with tire, that is currently sold out).  That Japan ebay seller is selling a package of 20 and shipping them for $1.22 to the US.  That's less than $2 per tire.  If I needed one, I would just pay it and then have a good supply to make my friends on Railwire happy with.  If that fails, I would contact ebay seller PlazaJapan and ask them if they can list some.  I've done this in the past with obscure parts, and they've followed through.  Latest instance; short straight shank silver couplers to use on the front of an E5.  Kato USA has never sold anything close to this.  The only short, straight shank couplers I've seen them sell is for the NW2 (black) and those have been sold out forever.
Title: Re: Kato Mike traction tire alternative?
Post by: Mark5 on March 07, 2021, 04:59:16 PM
I'm not sure that Kato USA ever even sold the replacement traction tires (i.e. not the replacement driver with tire, that is currently sold out). 

Part #810000
Title: Re: Kato Mike traction tire alternative?
Post by: NorsemanJack on March 07, 2021, 07:20:02 PM
Part #810000

 :facepalm:  My bad.  That said, it's supply and demand, and some of us would rather just pay a few dollars more for the factory replacement part than dabble with brand "x."  I don't have a lot of traction tire equipped locos, but for those that I do I have the factory spare parts in my inventory.  I'm not going to wait for failure and then rely on the market.   8)
Title: Re: Kato Mike traction tire alternative?
Post by: randgust on March 08, 2021, 12:41:47 PM
Well, I think I'm good.  I had a couple members here make me offers for their spares.

If I ran that 2-8-2 more I'd probably spring for a full new set from Kato, but honestly, as cool as it is, it's a display case model and the old ones simply dried out.  I'm trying to remember how old it is, but I do know that finishing the GHQ conversion was one of the first things I ever did as a result of the Atlas forum, and I have Max to thank for it.  That kind of dates the age of the tires....

Title: Re: Kato Mike traction tire alternative?
Post by: brokemoto on March 09, 2021, 11:25:02 PM
I have sold drawbars for thirty bananas apiece.  I opened the bidding at the price printed on the package (five dollars and change? I forget, now).  They gave rise to snipe wars in the end.
Title: Re: Kato Mike traction tire alternative?
Post by: delamaize on March 10, 2021, 01:55:57 PM
I have sold drawbars for thirty bananas apiece.  I opened the bidding at the price printed on the package (five dollars and change? I forget, now).  They gave rise to snipe wars in the end.

I was looking for draw bars a few months ago, and noticed the same thing. Luckly, some of you guys here helped me out and got me what I needed.

What makes me shake my head is, there is 3d printed copies out there, for fairly cheap. But yet the cost of originals still are sky high
Title: Re: Kato Mike traction tire alternative?
Post by: RBrodzinsky on March 10, 2021, 02:04:29 PM
Hmmm, I also have some new-in-package traction drivers for the Mikes.   Wonder how much they can go for, now.  I remember, years ago before Kato reissued them, some going in the $70-$100 range!