
General Discussion => N and Z Scales => Topic started by: chuck geiger on December 25, 2020, 09:47:31 AM

Title: Santa done brought you...
Post by: chuck geiger on December 25, 2020, 09:47:31 AM
Nothing says Merry Christmas like spackle. Hobby Lobby stocks JTT products and so does Santa. I have been
in smaller towns over the past few years with only HL. I have had some great results with their architectural
based scenery supplies.

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Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: Ed Kapuscinski on December 25, 2020, 10:53:26 AM
Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: mu26aeh on December 25, 2020, 11:16:47 AM
Shopped for myself yesterday.  MT pre-orders finally arrived, and had a little left over on my account so I added the hopper for Gettysburg & Northern interchange traffic.

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Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: davefoxx on December 25, 2020, 11:18:37 AM
I usually don’t ask for, and family knows not to try to buy, train things for me, because I model a certain location, road, and era.  However, this year, I asked my wife and kids to make lists of what they wanted for Christmas, because I knew we would only be buying gifts online this year, due to COVID, and I worried about shipping.  Coincidentally, a MicroMark catalog showed up in the mail that day, so I marked a few things to make it easy on my wife.  I received a Walthers UPS truck, a set of needle files, and a MicroMark Sand-It.  That sanding tool will be really helpful finishing my bridge and for my next scratchbuild project, the former-SAL station in Aberdeen, North Carolina.


Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: Dave V on December 25, 2020, 11:22:14 AM
San Juan Models restarted the Grandt Line product line and I now have two new RGS/C&S Type III boxcars and two new RGS/C&S Type III stock cars (in kit form so not so interesting to photograph).  Also, since San Juan Models makes the most excellent and accurate San Juan Decals line, these cars come with perfectly accurate decals too.
Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: jon612 on December 25, 2020, 01:04:58 PM
I haven't opened anything yet but I'm sure I will be getting a Milwaukee caboose and an Atlas ATSF GP39-2 with Lok Sound. Sure wouldn't mind some socks though.

Merry Christmas!
Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: garethashenden on December 25, 2020, 01:21:21 PM
Got a nice bit of workshop equipment.

Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: Steveruger45 on December 25, 2020, 01:39:58 PM
Cool, I wanted one too but got this instead.
Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: Kentuckian on December 25, 2020, 01:50:59 PM
I’m really out of it. I had to look up both Rose Apothecary and a 3 in 1 machine. I thought it would slice, dice, and purée. Anyway, I need all the help I can get soldering.

( (;sa=view&id=21704)

Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: packers#1 on December 25, 2020, 03:16:36 PM
Didn’t ask for anything train related from Santa this year but I got loaded up on Packers and Clemson swag for the playoffs! (My girlfriend is the best)

I DID get a Micro Mark pin vise and drill bit set from my siblings.

@Ed Kapuscinski your mug has made me decide that my next layout once we buy a house in SC is going to be the Wisconsin and Southern Schitt’s Creek branch
Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: mike_lawyer on December 25, 2020, 04:07:34 PM
Received a brand new, NOS Con-Cor 2-10-2.
Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: GaryHinshaw on December 25, 2020, 04:19:23 PM
I was very lucky:
( (

So I've started playing with some 3-d CAD ideas:
( (

I'm so excited about the possibilities!
( (
Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: cjm413 on December 25, 2020, 04:40:25 PM
Didn’t ask for anything train related from Santa this year but I got loaded up on Packers and Clemson swag for the playoffs! (My girlfriend is the best)

I DID get a Micro Mark pin vise and drill bit set from my siblings.

@Ed Kapuscinski your mug has made me decide that my next layout once we buy a house in SC is going to be the Wisconsin and Southern Schitt’s Creek branch

The only acceptable form of Packers swag has GBW  reporting marks on it, the rest is the equivalent of a stocking full of coal  :D

Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: packers#1 on December 25, 2020, 04:49:58 PM
@cjm413 already got a GBW boxcar for the knock-off Trujillo & Sons; I’m thinking the Hutson Brothers?

Also, phase 2 of the industrial park on the layout will see me relocate the cold storage and replace it with a non-rail served warehouse that will be named Acme Packing and Logistics  :D :D
Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: cjm413 on December 25, 2020, 05:25:14 PM
@cjm413 already got a GBW boxcar for the knock-off Trujillo & Sons; I’m thinking the Hutson Brothers?

Also, phase 2 of the industrial park on the layout will see me relocate the cold storage and replace it with a non-rail served warehouse that will be named Acme Packing and Logistics  :D :D

Dunder Mifflin Paper Company would be a good online customer for finished paper products...
Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: John on December 25, 2020, 05:33:42 PM
Dunder Mifflin Paper Company would be a good online customer for finished paper products...

There are a bunch of logo's online .. this one would make a good one for a plant
Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: packers#1 on December 25, 2020, 05:58:47 PM
Never could get into the office; I’ll actually be using two of my former employers as customers. There’ll be a PCA corrugated plant in the roundy round and a Sonoco Film plant in the industrial park. There will be a build thread forthcoming this week to start organizing my thoughts!
Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: peteski on December 25, 2020, 06:27:41 PM
I’m really out of it. I had to look up both Rose Apothecary and a 3 in 1 machine. I thought it would slice, dice, and purée. Anyway, I need all the help I can get soldering.

( (;sa=view&id=21704)

Welcome to the dark PACE side!  We have another convert.  :)  It will not magically teach you how to become good at soldering, but it will make precision soldering easier.  You'll still need to practice.   And it can easily handle all sorts of tasks: from miniature decoder work to soldering track.  You will need appropriate tip (cartridge) for different tasks, but those are usually around $13 a piece.
Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: Jim Starbuck on December 25, 2020, 09:07:07 PM
When your girlfriend collaborates with her graphic artist daughter and they whip up some cool Hiawatha shirts.

Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: Philip H on December 25, 2020, 11:36:22 PM
Milwaukee road bay window caboose from the new Bluford run.
Rapido GMD-1#1439. Really need to figure out how to subletting it for Puddington.
Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: Ed Kapuscinski on December 27, 2020, 10:54:23 AM
Didn’t ask for anything train related from Santa this year but I got loaded up on Packers and Clemson swag for the playoffs! (My girlfriend is the best)

I DID get a Micro Mark pin vise and drill bit set from my siblings.

@Ed Kapuscinski your mug has made me decide that my next layout once we buy a house in SC is going to be the Wisconsin and Southern Schitt’s Creek branch

I love it!

I've been thinking about how to do the Rosebud. It's the perfect subject for a TTRAK module.
Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: Ed Kapuscinski on December 27, 2020, 10:56:29 AM
In keeping with the Canadian "TV" theme. From my brother:

Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: wazzou on December 27, 2020, 01:26:57 PM
Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: cjm413 on December 27, 2020, 01:41:36 PM
I love it!

I've been thinking about how to do the Rosebud. It's the perfect subject for a TTRAK module. (
Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: packers#1 on December 27, 2020, 02:58:09 PM
I love it!

I've been thinking about how to do the Rosebud. It's the perfect subject for a TTRAK module.

That would be a perfect subject! I don’t know if I need a Shoresy jersey, but I definitely need a Letterkenny Irish hat. Wheel Snipe Celly boys
Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: JMaurer1 on December 27, 2020, 03:28:28 PM
...all I got is a rock.
- Charlie Brown

No, me and my SO agreed back when we first met that we wouldn't do presents...not for birthdays, Christmas, Valentines Day, etc. If we find something that we want to get for the other, we buy it and give it to them. No pressure then on getting the 'right' gift. With the passing of my father two month's ago, the entire family decided to switch to this same thing. Why wait when any day can be special by giving a present? Also, you never know if they will be there for the next special day. So, for Christmas, I got exactly want I wanted... no pressure about buying gifts, having to fight the crowds (or lack of crowds as some stores limited the number of people in a store), having to look happy about getting something I didn't want or need, etc. Instead, we just appreciated being able to still share memories and good times without the stress. Kind of makes you remember what the season is about and that has nothing to do with what you got.
Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: randgust on December 28, 2020, 02:51:52 PM
I'd put something on my Christmas list hoping it would be worth it....

A small-room air purifier.  Huh?  Well, even though my train room is door-sealed, hot-water heated, and environmentally controlled with a dehumidifier, I've been getting progressively more annoyed about a growing accumulation of 15 years or so of dust, evident about everywhere.    Vacuuming it seems to touch off a dust storm from the exhaust and it just resettles elsewhere.    So I got a little one of these PartU air purifiers from my oldest son - it's slightly bigger than a cannister thermos and runs on a 12V adapter.

I cleaned off some black passenger car roofs as a 'control group' and fired it up, and it proved my point after 48 hours; a nice gray accumulation of inbound dust on the intake screen and not so much as a new particle on the control group.   Seems to work very well,  so I went to work cleaning off about 150 cars with a soft brush right in front of the intake screen.  Did not seem to be an exercise in futility this time.

I'd highly recommend one of these devices as a result.   There are a lot of them, this is just what I ended up with and I'm pretty happy with it:
Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: thbguy on December 28, 2020, 04:32:19 PM
Well, I had yet another crazy rail and water module idea, and I told @hegstad1 about it rather enthusiastically. Turns out if you say, “Gee, I think this might just fit on a HCD”, sure enough, Santa will bring you one!

Now I’m committed to doing a stretch of the Welland canal!  :o
Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: MK on December 28, 2020, 05:37:31 PM
Randy, get a vacuum that has a HEPA fi!ter.  Almost all portable vacs, with or without a bag, spews the finer dust back out while trapping the bigger particles, as you have found out.

The best is a central vac where the exhaust is spewed to the outdoors.  Of course if your house isn't built with one, it would be a project putting one in, having to open up walls and ceilings to put in the pipes.
Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: randgust on December 29, 2020, 02:50:38 PM
I've got a good vacuum.   The problem is that the high-velocity exhaust from the thing creates as many problems as it solves - it kicks dust up from everywhere it points, puts it in the air, and resettles it.   Running a constant air filter will help that drifting particle issue.  An air filter won't dislodge and lift what's already settled like a vacuum, but once you do vacuum, you're attacking the problem at the source.
Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: wm3798 on December 30, 2020, 03:08:55 PM
The ongoing parade of incoming Ebay boxes became a handy source of Christmas joy...  My stepdaughter would intercept the mail and wrap the boxes.
I got the jingle on my phone so I knew what had arrived, but I got to puzzle over several packages during the unboxing!
Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: CRL on December 30, 2020, 04:35:49 PM
Santa finally made his 2020 delayed delivery. 😀
Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: davefoxx on December 30, 2020, 05:17:06 PM
I've got a delayed gift that we're not sure when it will arrive: a Digitrax Zephyr from my father-in-law that will be used to run the On30 ET&WNC layout that will be built under my HO layout.  The back order is fine, because I haven't started the new layout yet.  I've been too lazy to go to the home center, sort through the warped pieces, buy the best lumber I can live with, and haul it home.   :facepalm:

Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: wm3798 on December 31, 2020, 10:22:02 AM
Why DCC for the big guys?  I assume sound chips?  It seems unlikely that you'll have more than one train to run at a time, given your space constraints...
Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: davefoxx on December 31, 2020, 11:04:43 AM
Sound.  Plus it gives me other programming options, if I have issues with my ESU system being unable to program something.  I have had one or two non-ESU decoders that won’t play nice with my ESU CabControl system.

Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: nscaler711 on January 04, 2021, 07:31:48 PM
Well... Lookie here one of the Last Mohicans...

Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: Teditor on January 04, 2021, 08:49:36 PM

They don't work upside down down Under.

Title: Re: Santa done brought you...
Post by: bbunge on January 04, 2021, 09:37:12 PM
Didn’t ask for anything train related from Santa this year but I got loaded up on Packers and Clemson swag for the playoffs! (My girlfriend is the best)

I didn't get any Ohio State swag for Christmas, but at one time C&O did serve the campus power plant (via road running over a bridge over the Scioto river up what is now Woody Hayes drive)  :-)
