
General Discussion => N and Z Scales => Topic started by: eric220 on July 27, 2017, 03:51:54 PM

Title: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: eric220 on July 27, 2017, 03:51:54 PM
Jim Samuels stood on the platform on the back of the yard offices at River City. He scratched his head and half-smiled as he thought about the meeting that he just left.


Despite the best efforts of the REA's agent, Carl Frost, The RailWire group had finally secured the lease of a messenger baggage car from the Pennsylvania Railroad. The negotiations had been long and drawn out, with Carl showing up at every opportunity to object and generally raise hell. Somehow, those RailWire guys managed to wear him down every time and send him packing with a snarky comment. Finally, today's meeting came, and Jim was introduced to the management as the messenger who had been hired to protect the group's shipments. Jim's first assignment was to catch the yard speeder over to the paint shop and inspect the car as it rolled out.

Jim arrived just as a BS-10 was pulling into the paint shop. A few minutes later, it slowly pulled out B60b #9358.


Jim climbed aboard and looked over what would be his home for the next few months. The facilities were functional, if spartain. He looked out the porthole windows and chuckled. He thought, "This ain't no Pullman, but at least I don't have to share it, 'cept with some boxes."

The RailWire folks were eager to get their new car into revenue service. Finding no reason to delay, Jim waved to the BS-10's engineer, and he was towed over to the platform tracks. After some jostling around, Jim emerged to find himself at the head of the Pennsylvania Limited.  "Well ain't that James Dandy," he thought as he jumped down and secured the doors to await his first cargo. He wasn't waiting long before a baggage cart appeared. Before Jim could greet the driver, the guy unceremoniously dumped several bags and crates on the ground right at his feet and scurried off with his cart.


"Alrighty. Guess I'll be loading this by myself," Jim grumbled. The load consisted of a few bags bound for Denver, and a few crates bound for Lewistown.

"They better start moving more than this, or I'm going to be out of a job faster than you can say, 'Where's Ed?'"

Jim finished loading the cargo and climbed aboard.  A few minutes later, he heard two blasts from a T1 whistle, and felt the train lurch forward. He peeked out the porthole as his car left the end of the River City platform and began its journey.


The train picked up speed as it moved through the suburbs and out toward Pittsburg. Jim felt his car leaning hard into the curve leading into the bridge over the Sacramento River. "Gonna be a long trip," Jim thought as he settled in for the journey.


The next day, Jim found himself glued to the porthole as the train climbed the Rockies. He watched the light change as the sun filtered through the mountains. Eventually, Key tower went by.


By that time, the train was already slowing for its station stop at Keystone. Jim saw a few cars spotted on the siding across from the station.


Jim looked out the other side past the platform and saw the progress on the nearly complete ski resort that the Pennsylvania Railroad was building at the site. Jim shook his head and chuckled, "What will they think of next."

After leaving Keystone, the train blasted through the Cassatt Tunnel and begin its decent through the Clear Creek Canyon. Passing through Idaho Springs, he caught sight of a little bar where he had attended several informal meetings with the RailWire group.


Finally, Jim heard the T1 begin to blow for grade crossings. He knew what that meant. He looked out and saw the Coors brewery going by. It was just a few short minutes to Denver, and his first delivery.


"Well, here goes nothing."
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Dave V on August 02, 2017, 11:57:47 PM
Jim found himself enjoying Denver and nearby Golden, but before long it was time to move out again.  This Railwire Express Agency endeavor seemed to be happening for real.  With some excitement, Jim watched a very large crate being loaded into his car bearing the name "E. Brown" of Hill Valley, California consigned to Libya (of all places) and labeled "Used Pinball Machine Parts" with an odd instruction "not to exceed 88 MPH."  Oh well, Jim thought, who cares what the lading is as long as it's been paid in full.

Once out of Denver the train began to accelerate as it ran eastward and downhill.  Jim watched the linepoles zip by through the porthole window and began to wonder what was significant about 88 mile per hour.  Then...

With a flurry of electrical sparks and several bright flashes and accompanying bangs, his car suddenly began to slow.  With deafening flange squeal the B60b eventually came to a stop.  Jim slid open the door.  With some amount of confusion, he noted that he was no longer on the Plains east of Denver.  He was near a depot.  The sign read "BASALT" and bore the unmistakeable logo of the Colorado Midland Railway...the Pikes Peak Route.  Jim was a student of ferroequinology and knew that this couldn't be.  The Midland had pulled its tracks from this place right after the Great War.  As bewildered railroaders surrounded his car, he had no choice but to confront his new reality.  He began unloading his lading to figure out what had happened.


From his new colleagues, Jim discovered he was in 1905.  Monday, October 2d, 1905, to be exact.  The Midland was very much a going concern in 1905, and what it lacked in track maintenance it made up for with heart.  Jim decided he'd best keep his knowledge of the Midland's early demise to himself.  As he still had lading destined for Lewistown, Pennsylvania (and eventually Libya, apparently), he needed to start heading East again.  The Colorado Midland crew offered to cut the baggage car in ahead of the day express over Hagerman Pass.  "We can try to get you as far as Colorado Springs" the conductor said "but I gotta be honest...that thing is the heaviest and longest car this road has ever seen.  We've got 50 pound rail in spots...we'll try to take it as slow as the timetable allows."  Jim realized that this was probably the first (and only) all-steel car Midland rails would ever see.  With the spin of the drivers, class 102 4-6-0 #34 kicked in and carried Jim and his rolling experiment eastward along the Frying Pan River.




The ascent to the 12,000-foot Hagerman Pass was thankfully uneventful.  Once on the Atlantic side of the Continental Divide, brakes were tested and the descent toward Leadville began.  However, the rickety Hagerman Trestle and its 2% grade had other plans for Jim and the 9358.  When she rolled, she took #34's tender with it while also pulling the D&RG combine off the rails behind it.  Teetering over 100 feet above the river below, Jim thought "This is some bullsh*t right here."


After several hours, #34 was righted and sent down to Arkansas Junction near Leadville.  The rest of the passenger cars were also retrieved and set out at Ivanhoe.  #50 was sent light from Basalt to retrieve Jim and the 9358:


However, the knuckle on #50 wasn't completely closed...
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: MVW on August 03, 2017, 12:08:55 AM
Jumpin' gigawatts, Marty!  :o   :D

Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Dave V on August 03, 2017, 12:21:21 AM
Without warning, the temporally-displaced B60b broke free and began accelerating down the 4% ruling grade toward Arkansas Junction near Leadville.  Rolling ever faster Jim was at once thankful that he was onboard when the car broke free and terrified that the light rail and lack of tie plates would send the 9358 into the abyss below.



Rolling faster and faster, Jim imagined he must be doing close to 90 MPH.  He was jolted from that thought by the screech of #49's whistle as he rocketed toward the Arkansas Junction switch...


...and BANG.

Jim thought it was over.  He must have hit #49 head on.  He must be dead.  But he didn't feel dead.  In fact, he had the sensation of moving.


Jim peered out of the porthole again.  He was indeed moving.  The scenery outside was decidedly greener and less vertical.  As he sailed over a bridge he noticed a road below with automobiles.  He certainly wasn't in 1905 anymore, and this sure didn't look like Colorado.  Looking out the other side of the car, a keystone-fronted M1b roared past on an adjacent track.  This was the Pennsy at least, and probably close to the right year.  He looked down at the E. Brown crate again and knew this must be the culprit.  He found another note pinned to it written by Dr Brown to a Rick Sanchez thanking Rick for letting him borrow something he called a "portal gun" and to say hello to Morty.  Jim determined that this package had become too much trouble and that he was going to dump it at the next stop.

From what he could determine, he was on an eastbound somewhere on the Juniata Division behind a pair of K4s.  In this time and dimension the Pennsy apparently only went as far west as St Louis.


Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: mighalpern on August 03, 2017, 12:30:16 AM
Dave V
Most excellent story, had a good laugh
will it reach 88 mph ??   
watching with great delight
Eric great story start, should be fun watching the "history" of the baggage car.     good job
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Dave V on August 03, 2017, 12:51:24 AM
Jim's train came to a stop and with a sharp pop, his car was uncoupled to be set out.  On an adjacent track, a PRR class L1s 2-8-2 simmered patiently.  From the iconic depot tower, Jim instinctively knew this was Lewistown, PA, exactly where he needed to be.  Whether it was "when" he needed to be was yet to be determined.


His car was set out behind the Lewistown depot.  With a sigh of relief he inventoried his lading and picked up the next shipment.  From Lewistown to Baltimore by way of the Northern Central, he was to deliver one live sheep and one 55-gallon drum labeled "Industrial Strength Personal Lubricant" to an Ed K. in Towson, MD.  Jim wondered if after that delivery it would be too much trouble to run the car through a washrack equipped with holy water.


With a great sigh and a deafening hiss, Jim found himself headed east again behind M1b #6716 as he left his first Railwire Express Agency delivery behind.  "What have I gotten myself into?"  No one could possibly have foreseen what was to come next...

Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: peteski on August 03, 2017, 02:57:18 AM
What a great story Dave!  The suspense is killing me!
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: wazzou on August 03, 2017, 11:49:51 AM
Poor Ed.  And I feel sorry for the Ewe.  55 Gallons?    :facepalm:
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Ed Kapuscinski on August 03, 2017, 02:36:58 PM
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: chicken45 on August 03, 2017, 02:46:37 PM
Wow. That was incredible. It really sets the tone for the rest of the journey. Things are gonna get weird in Pittsburgh, Morty!
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Ed Kapuscinski on August 27, 2017, 08:20:00 PM
The traveling Railwire B60b Express Car visited the NCR.  Let’s see what happened…

It’s been a while since anyone heard from the car. That’s because it got “lost” on its way east. Burned up brake shoes were discovered while the car was being serviced in Chicago’s 14th St coach yards. Of course, being out of the ordinary (and far from compatible with Amtrak’s equipment), the car sat while waiting for a solution. Really, nobody wanted to touch something that was a “relic” and reeked of liquor and sheep dip.

The Railwire Express Agency car in the 14th St Coach Yard in Chicago.

Eventually Amtrak got tired of the car taking up space and they started calling around for a solution. Eventually they called up George Payne, who has a way with these things and a rolodex the size of his… well, it’s big. He eventually arrived in Chicago, made a few calls, and headed up to Green Bay to grab a set of better brake shoes. It then took about a dozen guys, but he finally got them installed on the car.


Of course, nothing can go smoothly. Part of the shipment escaped and went wondering around the yard.


After rounding up the livestock, the car was finally ready to make its way east. Getting to Towson wasn’t going to be easy though since it didn’t appear on anyone’s turntable. They figured the first step was putting the car on the eastbound Broadway Limited to be then sent south on its Washington section. This block of sleepers, baggages and a coach gets cut off in Harrisburg sent south  to Baltimore, where it then reverses direction for the short sprint to DC. Since York is on the way, the plan was to drop the car off there where it’d get handed off to the shortline Maryland and Pennsylvania.


The car on the tail end of the Little Broadway swinging onto the NCR at Wago Junction.


Crossing Conewago Creek

The Broadway stretched out at Hanover Junction

“Black Bridge” over the Codorus Creek is one of the scenic highlights of the Northern Central. We almost missed actually seeing the car here though when Conrail train BAEN with SD40-2 6366 was making its way out of Windsor St Yard. We barely missed getting train f-ed.


It was the a quick jump down to YORK Tower where Amtrak cut the car off the tail of the train.


Does it really require a car knocker and electrician to come cut a single car off the train? You bet.


You can tell how thrilled Amtrak was to handle a move like this by their attentiveness to the car in York. They just left it tied down on the main for a Conrail crew to come move around. At least they set the handbrakes.


Conrail’s YHYK-33 yard crew had to come over to move the car the 100 feet to the Duke St yard. That’s where it was going to pickup its next shipment.


Yermaams Erecting in York had a load for Killer Surkosky’s in Pittsburgh. Since the plant is no longer rail served they had to truck the shipment to Duke St and send it as an LCL shipment. Good thing the Railwire Express Agency was available.


The freight agent took one look at the shipment and said “that’s too big to fit in there”.


After a few attempts to both jam and jelly it in, she had to call up some additional specialized help.

With the car filled up, it was time for delivery to the Ma & Pa.


After the car was set-off and WHYK-33 went back to work elsewhere in town, the York agent got a call: “You know we stopped going to Maryland in ’58, right?”. It sounded like there was a bit of an oversight in the plan. “Do you know who we work for? Do you know who’s behind this? It’s the goddamn Transcontinental PRR. They were able to change time, space and history, so you better figure out something before lose some more of your damned boxcars again.” Then he hung up.

A few minutes later, the phone rang again. “Look, we think we’ve figured something out, but we’re gonna need some help. What’s the lightest power you’ve got around? Our NW2 isn’t gonna cut it.”

The Blue Room was contacted, and the only thing that fit the bill was an old Alco sitting in the Enola dead line. It turned out to be in ok condition, so it was fired up and sent down to York.


The S2 finally arrived in York. The train was assembled, an air test was performed, and they were ready to head for Towson.


Finally, we caught one last glimpse of the train was caught on its way down the Long Green Valley on its way to Towson. Hopefully the bourbon makes it intact… the sheep will be fine.


Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: peteski on August 27, 2017, 11:04:17 PM
LOL Ed!  Was that black load scratchbuilt? You had me in stitches!
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: eric220 on August 28, 2017, 12:39:39 AM
Good lord! Poor Jim. I fear he will never be the same after this journey!

Also, I guess the baggage car is bigger on the inside...
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: mu26aeh on August 28, 2017, 06:25:51 AM
Little known fact of said baggage car is that while the opening(s) have an accepted measurement, they don't stay one particular size. They change to accommodate whatever is going on at that time.  :D
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: chicken45 on August 28, 2017, 08:48:38 AM
"Wow! Look how nice that gon looks!"
                    - No one ever, because they all staring at Russell the Love Muscle

In other news, we now know where @rswinnerton 's lost weight went. It's odd that it took that shape, though.

Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Ed Kapuscinski on August 28, 2017, 11:13:08 AM
LOL Ed!  Was that black load scratchbuilt? You had me in stitches!

Yep, made out of Sugru:
I had gotten some of the stuff because it seemed handy, but I needed to do something to try it out. And, because I'm actually a 14 year old boy...
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Dave V on August 28, 2017, 12:10:47 PM
Good lord! Poor Jim. I fear he will never be the same after this journey!

Also, I guess the baggage car is bigger on the inside...

They don't call him "Big Jim and the Twins" for nothing!
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: chicken45 on August 28, 2017, 02:55:54 PM
The photos of the consist coming through Prince Gallitzin tunnel (read: fleshlight).
Clearance will be tight.

On a non related note, does anybody know when KY Jelly was developed?

Ah...found it. 1904, so we're good!
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: DeltaBravo on September 01, 2017, 09:39:57 PM
I like how the Tardis managed to show up.
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: mu26aeh on September 17, 2017, 05:38:11 PM
A strange car was found this weekend in Spring Grove in a seldom used siding at the PH Glatfelter paper mill, but wasn't noticed until after an open house ended at the plant.  Along with it, an outhouse seemed to show up out of no where as well.  A waybill was found with the car that mentioned being delivered to the Maryland & Ohio Railroad.  In order to get this accomplished though, it's going to have to roll across the CSX Hanover Subdivision.  With HH in charge, I'm wondering how this is going to happen as there is problems moving freight much less some private varnish car that came out of nowhere.  Hopefully someone will be around to capture the movement.

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Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: mu26aeh on September 21, 2017, 08:44:42 PM
On the first trip back to the mill after the open house, crews had to figure out how to get this mystery car to where it needs to go.  And why or how did it get here in the first place ?  Nah, no need to no the details, the crew needs to get this out of here and back to work.
( (;sa=view;id=2387)

After the crew backed in and grabbed the car, they checked the paper work and it said to be delivered to the Maryland & Ohio.  Well, guess we need to get it down to Porters so the 795 can grab it on the Hanover Sub.  So with no haste, they took off for the interchange.

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With the car set off, they made their way back to finish work at the mill.  Soon after, 795 pulled into town to pick up the car.  " Hmm, check out the weight on this car.  Not sure what it's loaded with, but heavy car, it goes on the front."  So they cut off the first car and backed into the siding.

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( (;sa=view;id=2390)

While the crew did not know what the secret cargo was, there was someone on the sub that did.  EHH.  Under most circumstances, he would have refused to move such a car but he had heard rumors of its load and knew he must have it for his residence on the Florida coast.  "It's artwork, and speaks to my history and decisions I've made in my career."  He was waiting in his private limo in Hagerstown Yard.  The crew dropped the car and were ordered to get back to work.

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After a few minutes of silence, Jim slid the door open just enough to get out.  Seeing the car there, and a silhouette, he made is way over and asked " What's going on here ?"  EHH was stunned to find out someone traveling in the car.  "I'm not sure who you are, but I order you off this property immediately !"  "I can't do that sir.  I need to stay with the car to make sure it's package gets delivered."  EHH thinks for a minute and says," it just was, and by the way, I think your companion is running away."  Jim turned to find his pet sheep had slid the door a little further and jumped out of the car.  Just as he started to chase after it, a loud sound came from behind.  The package had made it's way out the door too.  "Damn industrial strength lube.  Not sure why that Ed guy didn't keep the barrel.  It fell over in the car and slicked everything up."  But he had to track his sheep down...
( (;sa=view;id=2392)
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EHH sees his chance to move while Jim is chasing his sheep.  He had a couple of cranes on standby and they moved into position.  The yard crew moved a depressed center flat into place.  " Go ahead boys, lift that monster and secure it to the flat.  We need to move !" 

( (;sa=view;id=2394)

In the meantime, Jim is running all over Hagerstown Yard running after his sheep.  He finally has him cornered, yet still not secured.  " Damn it Bourbon, get down here !"  All the while, crews had loaded EHH's prized package and were tying it down.

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Before he knew it, everything went dark.  EHH had ordered the yard bull to apprehend the trespassers (Jim and Bourbon) and get them back into the car.  The bull knocked Jim in the head with his billy club, lassoed Bourbon and threw them back in the car by which they came.  EHH relayed to the yard office to get that car back in the direction it came on the next train out of town.  Meanwhile, a high and wide extra was heading west out of Hagerstown Yard on it's way to Florida.

( (;sa=view;id=2396)

Jim awoke the next morning, with Bourbon at his side.  "Where are we, and what is that, that beautiful odor ?  He looked out the door and saw the Utz Potato chip factory, in Hanover, PA.  But wondered, " what am I going to do now ?  The package is gone......"

( (;sa=view;id=2397)
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: John on October 29, 2017, 05:38:18 AM
I was railfanning a few weeks ago .. an AMTRAK train came by, but when I got the Kodak film developed, I saw a strange looking car, and what appears to be a giant snail sitting on the signal mast ..  weird .. The photo lab must have accidentally superimposed another negative over the top of mine ..

Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: peteski on October 29, 2017, 01:56:19 PM
The color light signal head was augmented with a fat-black semaphore blade?  That is weird.  :D
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: chicken45 on October 30, 2017, 12:19:45 PM
The color light signal head was augmented with a fat-black semaphore blade?  That is weird.  :D

I laughed. +1 for you!
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: wm3798 on October 31, 2017, 03:16:34 PM
As dawn broke on Halloween, it became clear that stranger things were happening along the rails of the Canton, Highlandtown and Fells Point.  Ever since the appearance of an other-worldly conductor aboard a memorial excursion train from Canada, a series of mysterious incidents had been reported around the Queen City of the Patapsco Drainage Basin.
Not the usual Baltimore disturbances of folklore either.  Sure, a shadowy figure left behind a bottle of cognac and a single red rose at the grave of Edgar Allan Poe, and the eyes of the Black Aggie glowed to the horror of trespassers in Loudoun Park Cemetery, that was nothing new…
But these days, it was more than that.  For instance, last Wednesday, the famous ball of string displayed in the dining room at Haussner’s Restaurant suddenly unraveled into the street, literally tying up traffic on Eastern Avenue for hours.

Patrons of the Lyric Opera House were sent pouring into the streets as a pulsating blob oozed through the air vents and onto the stage, creeping noiselessly into the orchestra pit.
And startled engineers on the Baltimore and Ohio reported a gathering of hazy apparitions on the long abandoned platform of the gloomy station built as part of the Howard Street Tunnel, but never opened or used.
Now that it was Halloween, the city waited in anxious anticipation of what would happen next.    Mayor D’Alesandro made sure there were extra foot patrols and squad cars available, and Governor Agnew had the National Guard at the ready, should any further disturbances occur.   From the Basilica on Cathedral Street, Archbishop Mardaga issued a prayer for the dearly departed, and implored them to please stay that way.
By mid-afternoon, there was no sign of anything out of the ordinary.  Children put on their costumes in anticipation of a glorious haul as they would ply block after block of rowhouses… a piece of candy dropped into their pillow case every eighteen feet…  Grown ups festooned as Dracula, Cat Woman, or Mr. Boh headed to the hundreds of corner saloons to mark the occasion, and at Fulton Junction, the Western Maryland traveling switcher picked up an unusual interchange car that had been left overnight by the Pennsylvania Railroad.

“Must be bad ordered” said George Myers, the erstwhile conductor of the peddler freight.  “Guess we better drag it down to Hillen to see what the deal is.”  As he flipped through the paperwork, he could see that it did indeed have a destination in Canton, but the lading to be picked up was marked as Classified, and that it should be handled with extreme caution.  The bill was addressed to a Dr. Peter Venkman.
As the consist approached Canton on the industrial trackage of the CH&FP, there was an increase in unusual occurrences. 

At O’Donnell and Conkling Streets, in front of the National Brewing Company, traffic became snarled as four men continually walked back and forth across the street.  The first and last man were misty apparitions, the two in the middle were locals, but walked as if they were possessed, or in a trance.


At the Canton Station, a train made up of 19th century equipment appeared more or less out of nowhere, shrouded in steam, and was boarded by dozens of ghastly figures.  As soon as the ghoulish conductor moaned “All Abooooooard”  the ghostly train evaporated into its own mist.
This happened just moments before WM64 leaned into the final turn from Collington Avenue into the Canton’s yard at Penn Mary.  The engineer could see the dim oil-fired headlamp of the old 0-4-0 and reached to put the train into emergency, but then froze as the opposing train vanished.  Stunned, he applied the brakes and glided to a stop on the very same track the ghost train had just occupied.

As the crew climbed down to the platform, the door of the old baggage car slid open, and down jumped a beleaguered looking man, Jim, our express agent across time and space.  Jim presented his orders to the station agent, who looked over his reading glasses and said, “Oh yes.  Dr. Venkman.  Got a call from him this morning.  He said his parcel isn’t quite ready yet.  Apparently there’s a bit more work to do on it.”
Jim was crestfallen, he hadn’t planned on a layover in the bowels of industrial Baltimore.  “Well, it is what it is, I suppose.”
Conductor Myers advised Jim that he’d set the car out on the team track next to the station, where he would have to wait until the important, and apparently quite dangerous package arrived.

Meanwhile, in nearby Highlandtown, after another string of bizarre phenomena, a phone rang in an old firehouse.  "Thank you for calling the Ghostbusters.  We can't come to the phone right now as we are currently out investigating a Class 3 Full Torso Apparition.  Please leave your name and number, and the nature of your haunting, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can..."

Who you gonna call?
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: peteski on October 31, 2017, 03:36:00 PM
What a creative bunch we have here on TRW!  Great story Lee!  And you kept it G-rated too.  :D
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: seusscaboose on October 31, 2017, 03:53:41 PM
Not Sirly at all

Very nice
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: DeltaBravo on October 31, 2017, 03:57:29 PM
Lee, you roped me in with the ball of string.
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: wm3798 on October 31, 2017, 11:28:44 PM
Well, to make a long story short, the Ghostbusters successfully rounded up all the discontented spirits, and they were all transferred into the new Turbo Steam Punk Spectral Sub Thermal Reactor Containment Unit.  And this was the highly sensitive cargo that Dr. Venkman was putting into Jim's care aboard the Railwire Express car.

Not long after it was loaded, the train pulled out of Canton on its way to its next destination.  Up Collington Avenue, around the tight curve and off to Bayview to be transferred west.

Back at the firehouse, the crew congratulated each other on a job well done, ridding the city of a sinister wave of evil.  All was well, until they received a panicked call from the railroad office.  It seemed there might be one little bit of unfinished business...


Dr. Spengler said, "Well, it's not the Sta-Puff Marshmallow Man, but I suppose it will do in a pinch!"
With that, the Ghostbusters switched on their proton packs, aimed the energy streams, and let loose on the giant entity.
"Let's show them how we do things downtown, Hon!" shouted Dr. Venkman...

Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: peteski on October 31, 2017, 11:47:10 PM
LOL Lee, well done!
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: chicken45 on November 02, 2017, 12:01:49 PM

This is actually "The Birth of Ed K."
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: wm3798 on November 02, 2017, 03:22:43 PM
Nah.  Woulda been a CR SD40-2
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: randgust on November 20, 2017, 09:50:27 AM
The PRR agent over at West Hickory contacted the Hickory Valley that some kind of special load was coming through on the afternoon train, they didn't know exactly what or why, but hey, they just follow orders.   Nobody could remember anything about any special move.

So on July 16, the PRR local from Oil City to Warren comes back downriver towing a baggage car.    Baggage car?   The Hickory Valley is a logging railroad, well, sorta, yeah, we do have an entry in the Official Guide, but that's for the accountants, not passengers.  We're just as wide as any only two miles long.   Hasn't been a real passenger car on the railroad since...well, maybe never.

The L-1 bangs across the HVRR diamonds at the end of the West Hickory Bridge.  Damn, yep, that's a baggage car all right.


It's been a couple years since anybody's seen anything like this in West Hickory.  The only passenger cars left running on this PRR branch is a doodlebug, and it's almost always empty.  Word is it will be cut pretty soon since the paved road went in.


The PRR agent Hillard isn't much help either.   "Hey, it's not your car anyway, it's just an interchange over to the S&T.  Not your problem.  You just get it there".

The local does a quick push into the house track behind the depot and drops the car, and heads on south to Oil City.


Later on that afternoon, the doodlebug from Olean to Oil City makes the stop at West Hickory.   As usual, nobody on board.   But there is a letter in the RPO to the agents on duty - "attention, all agents  - expedite routing of PRR special movement wherever possible."   But where's the waybill here?  There's nothing!     Wonder what's in it?   It's locked and sealed.... You can see there's some pretty strange stuff in there under tarps.   


Well, until the Hickory Valley run from Endeavor shows up later this afternoon, she's gonna sit today.   Only thing Hillard was told by the crew is that "it's going to Sheffield, via Nebraska.  Got it?"   

Seriously?   Sheffield, PA via Nebraska, PA? (S&T)  HVRR hasn't done an interchange move to the S&T since 1910.  That connection over the hill was taken off the map as an interchange as soon as the S&T built north to connect to PRR, bypassing HVRR's 'exorbitant' charges.   That means getting that big baggage car over to Endeavor, push up the Turkey Run Hill and the logging switchbacks, and down the other side to Nebraska to interchange to the S&T.  Then they haul it up to Sheffield? 
Why didn't PRR just drop the car directly there instead of routing it down here?   We've never even seen a car that long over there.  Well, OK.   But telegraph everybody at PRR we're still looking for a waybill, as there's nothing here.....

But if you think they've seen a big bill for interchange before, if we have to push it up over the hill on what's left of that track down to Ross Run it's gonna cost somebody big-time....

Anybody got any weight and clearance information on that thing?  That's a lot longer than anything we've had before, and the West Hickory bridge is only rated for 50 tons.   Where's that waybill??    Telegraph Klinestiver over to Nebraska and see if he knows anything, and tell him that he can send a spare engine over too, as if that thing weighs what I think it does we'll need power on both ends to get it up the switchback.

Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: randgust on November 20, 2017, 10:36:00 AM
Well, the Official Railway Equipment register answered the first question.... the car alone may weight 43 tons, that plus whatever is in there... wow, it's going to be close here.   But with 43' truck centers it just might make it around the curves, we've done 50' flats before to the mill, just nothing 63' feet long for sure.

But nothing heavier than 50 tons has ever been across the river bridge, and above the mill?   
Well, the last time they tried that #3 fell through the bottom of the pony truss and ended up in the log pond.

Better call over to Endeavor... better put a spacer car in there or two on the mill run tomorrow to ease the bridge load, can't do this today.  And bring some axle grease, too, as it may get hung up on the 15-degree curve by the PRR crossing, let alone the curve coming up to Endeavor.   Oh, and contact the ICC and put in an abandonment notice on McDonalds down to Ross Run so this NEVER happens again, got it?
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: randgust on November 22, 2017, 10:16:20 AM
The next day HVRR arrives for pickup with the regular run from Endeavor, but there is now a plan.   They'll 'borrow' all the empties from the tannery track as spacer cars across the river bridge, so the locomotive and baggage car aren't ever on the same span.   Once they get onto the logging railroad connection over to the S&T, well, that's another thing entirely.

So Lima-built 2-6-0 #5 backs into West Hickory over the PRR crossing with one outbound load of bridge timbers to PRR, as the Endeavor mill is very much equipped for cutting oversized logs and timbers, they are still cutting white pine ship masts.   There's no turntable or wye here. 


Dropping the flatcar, they spot the weatherbeaten caboose on the end of the baggage car.   There was some debate about whether or not they wanted to be back there if that car was too heavy for the bridge, but they need to be right there to watch in case it derails, breaks free, or otherwise runs into trouble on the rather light rails and sharp curves on the HVRR.


Running around the consist off the PRR passing siding, the crew grabs all the empty boxcars they can to assemble a spacer car consist longer than the longest span over the Allegheny River - 120 feet, four spans, built in 1897.


There's no confidence at all about even getting out of West Hickory without derailing on the sharp 15+ degree curve to the PRR diamonds - nothing this long or heavy has ever been through here before.   The tail-end brakeman and conductor carefully watch the car as it screeches and leans over the sharp curve to the diamonds and on the approach to the joint highway and railroad bridge.... so far, so good, ties are holding!  Thank goodness there are no steps in the way!   Hitting the inside rails with gear grease helped.


Just before HVRR conductor Hunter swings up the caboose steps, you can hear one more shout over to the PRR agent Hillard at the depot - "Still no waybill for this thing?"  "You contact us the moment it shows up, hear?  We ain't never supposed to take a car from Pennsy without a waybill."  You can hear the offhand comment to his brakeman, too, "Somethin' here just don't seem right, but it's not my call"...

At least West Hickory to Endeavor still handles interchange cars, but the Ross Run connection over to the S&T hasn't seen anything but log trains since the S&T built north in 1904, and that entire area is completely cut over now.  Track is still in, sorta, but it's still a 4 1/2% grade with two switchbacks.   Call has gone out to Nebraska for the S&T to lend a hand here with some power, you've got some special car coming, and it's coming over the hill!   
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: randgust on November 25, 2017, 01:53:56 PM
Crossing over the Allegheny River bridge at West Hickory, the strategy of spacing out the heavy baggage car with spacer boxcars works - the locomotive and baggage are on two separate spans of the pin-connected truss.   But, this is the 'good part' of the Hickory Valley, and delivering the car over the hill to the S&T at Nebraska is another matter entirely.

Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: DeltaBravo on November 25, 2017, 03:45:10 PM
Crossing over the Allegheny River bridge at West Hickory, the strategy of spacing out the heavy baggage car with spacer boxcars works - the locomotive and baggage are on two separate spans of the pin-connected truss.   But, this is the 'good part' of the Hickory Valley, and delivering the car over the hill to the S&T at Nebraska is another matter entirely.


Nice scene
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: randgust on November 26, 2017, 05:31:58 PM
HVRR #5 screeches around the sharp curve entering into Endeavor, where the major Wheeler & Dusenbury sawmill dominates the Town.  Passing the office, shops and company store, the little 2-6-0 will bring our special move and then figure out how to get it across the spindly log pond trestle and bridge - the same one that claimed 0-6-0 #3 and collapsed it into the log pond just a couple years ago.



   This is the location of the big Wheeler & Dusenbury mill and shops, and for all intents, the end of the Hickory Valley railroad, although on paper it extends all the way over the hill to Ross Run.


#5 runs around the train on the reverse loop to get on the other end of the baggage car - which is way too tight for it.   She'll push the car over to the far side of the pond with the spacer boxcars, just in case....


Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: randgust on November 26, 2017, 05:40:43 PM
Now the real fun starts.   East of Endeavor, the logging line (although still technically a common carrier) has never seen anything like this before.  Between the hairpin curves and grades, getting this thing up Hickory Creek, and over the switchbacks to the S&T at Ross Run and into Nebraska, there are way too many things to go wrong.   So the plan is to push it across the creek trestle with a spacer log car on the other end, and 'catch' it with the logging power and some help with the S&T.  #5 pushes it past the mill and by the log pond...OK, .here we go....


Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: randgust on November 27, 2017, 06:34:13 PM
OK, easy does it as we push across the Hickory Creek pond trestle and bridge.   If anything is going to go boom (splash), this is it.    Just to be safe, two locomotives wait on the far side of the bridge to pull and push our car the rest of the way.


It's creaking and groaning, but it's holding.    Little W&D Shay #2 waits on the far side to pull, and the S&T sent over.... well....


Shay 2 will pull to the first switchback and push behind the car after that.   S&T's power will take the other end.   Wow, when they say clear-cut logging, they mean it.  There's not so much as a blade of grass left!   :D


Of all the worthless power they could have come up with, they sent over #4, the ex-C&NW 4-4-0 that is the 'standby' locomotive at Nebraska.  "well, you didn't tell us it was this big!  Just said it was a single passenger car!"   Never mind that S&T's idea of a passenger car dates back to 1855 and can be pulled by a mule..


Off we go...
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: randgust on November 27, 2017, 08:49:49 PM
Shay 2, a spacer log car, the PRR Baggage, and the ancient S&T 4-4-0 make an odd train pushing up the creek, but with power on both ends they should be able to easily deal with the switchbacks.   At least that's the plan.


Everything worked great until the moment it didn't....   the trailing truck of #4 and the lead truck of the baggage promptly jump off the frog of the McDonald switchback turnout when pushed uphill.    Well, so much for that plan.   If we had some more power on the front we could probably pull #4 onto a rerail frog - you sure can't push it back on.


So the call goes out, and the only thing available is the Watson Lands Lumber Climax #5.   That's OK, anything is better for this than a 4-4-0!


Finally, the entire mess heads up the 4.5% grade to the summit and down Ross Run to the S&T junction, then to Nebraska.   If that's the last the HVRR ever sees of this thing, it will be too soon!



Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: randgust on November 27, 2017, 09:07:19 PM
Later that same day.....

The northbound PRR local barely pauses at West Hickory when an angry man in a blue suit jumps down and confronts PRR agent Hillard.   "WHERE THE H%$@ IS MY CAR!!"   The man in the blue suit, who only identifies himself as Jim, is shaking a crumpled and stained waybill.   "THIS.   THIS CAR.   THEY SAY IT CAME THROUGH HERE.   WHERE IS IT???".

Hillard uncrumples what was a waybill, having been told to watch for it.   Hmmmm.   Uh-oh.


Oh dear.   That's Sheffield yard on Missouri Pacific at Kansas City, not Sheffield, PA.  And that's the state of Nebraska, not the town of Nebraska.   "It passed through here, everything is fine, still routed to PRR west" he mumbles.   "No problems, no incidents, you're welcome to Have a seat".


Looking further on the crumpled waybill .....


"Uh, just what's a Flux Capacitor, by the way?"

"Shhhhh!    It's for a..... time machine.   Only its highly unstable.   It's complicated, but this entire car disappears and reappears, sometimes in different times, sometimes in different places..... Oh, I've said too much already".  "But we've got to find it!".   

"Oh, did you happen to hear or see a sheep?"

Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: chicken45 on November 29, 2017, 11:10:58 PM

Everything went dark. Jim woke up and felt a surge of pain from where his head hit the toilet seat after the car came to an abrupt stop. He shook it off and peeked out the porthole. "Great. I hate snow. Where the hell am I?"

Jim slid open the door and was hit in the face with a gust of hot air. "How could it be so warm with all this snow?" he though.

"Hmm. This isn't snow. It's out of scale table salt!"

"Seriously? This stuff is the size of grapefruits. This is the Railwire. We're supposed to be better than that."

"Well, I better find something to help pass the time. Looks like I'll be here a while."

"Here sheepy speepy!"
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: peteski on November 29, 2017, 11:49:33 PM
Are you sure that is salt? Looks like sugar to me. To be TRW compliant you should have used Diamond Crystal Salt.  :)
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Dave V on November 29, 2017, 11:51:58 PM
Let's see...  What couldn't you do with a mountain of overscale salt and a live sheep?
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: chicken45 on November 29, 2017, 11:56:54 PM
Are you sure that is salt? Looks like sugar to me. To be TRW compliant you should have used Diamond Crystal Salt.  :)

“It’s not just any salt.  It’s Surlee Salt!” TM
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: peteski on November 30, 2017, 12:03:56 AM
“It’s not just any salt.  It’s Surlee Salt!” TM

 :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

No rim shots for you!
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: DeltaBravo on November 30, 2017, 08:54:20 AM
Jim needs to check the liquor stash and see if there is any Tequila to go with the Surlee Salt. I sense margaritas in his future.
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: wm3798 on November 30, 2017, 08:55:01 AM
Insert comment about weathering with salt.  Move on to weathering with Vodka.  Consider weathering with Tequila.  Salt.  Need a shipment of limes.  And serapes.

Quickly shift gears to humorous remark about South of the Border, and cheese and bean burritos.  Add two BLMA porta pots to the next image.  See how this works?

Siesta time!
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: chicken45 on November 30, 2017, 09:01:58 AM
Insert comment about weathering with salt.  Move on to weathering with Vodka.  Consider weathering with Tequila.  Salt.  Need a shipment of limes.  And serapes.

Quickly shift gears to humorous remark about South of the Border, and cheese and bean burritos.  Add two BLMA porta pots to the next image.  See how this works?

Siesta time!

Ladies and Gentlemen, Lee "The Brand" Weldon!
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Dave V on November 30, 2017, 10:00:30 AM
:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

No rim shots for you!

So to speak...   :trollface:
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: chicken45 on November 30, 2017, 10:22:26 AM
So to speak...   :trollface:
He's more of a rim jobber.

Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: peteski on November 30, 2017, 03:41:18 PM
He's more of a rim jobber.

I fully expected you guys to pick up on that you and you didn't disappoint!  Dirty pigs!  :D
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Dave V on November 30, 2017, 04:08:57 PM
It's good to be back...    :ashat:
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: chicken45 on November 30, 2017, 11:13:13 PM
"What's with the paint job on this thing?" Jim asked.
"What do you mean?" asked the worker.
"It looks like this is raw plastic!" said Jim.
"I don't know what that even means, but I do know the president of the railroad didn't like the way it looked when it came from the factory. He didn't get around to repainting it yet." said the worker.

"If you don't mind stepping back, sir. Time to clear the line and hopefully free that crawler that Cory drove into the salt."

Jim took a few steps back at the gleaming PRR B8a shoving the plow car. "Isn't that thing supposed to be a shop goat?" he thought to himself. "Seems a little far out for something without a tender."

After the plow left, a wreck train was close behind with a W120 wreck derrick in the lead.

Jim was greeted by a large jovial man on the idler car. He was quite possibly the largest man he had ever seen-- almost too big to be in scale!
"Altoona! We're back on the Pennsy?" Asked Jim.
"Gallitzin?! Are you sure? This place is a prairie, not a mountain top!" exclaimed Jim.
"You can't just name this place Gallitzin because it has tunnels!!"
Frederick got real close to Jim's face and looked him dead in the eye and said the five words that would stay with him forever.
Jim thought it best not to mention that this derrick idler flat car was not a PRR design. But hey, at least they managed to spell Gallitzin correctly.

The Payne Train departed after Frederick poured himself a cup of a dark gray liquid out of a thermos. It didn't smell good and Jim was lucky he wasn't offered any.
"Well, I suppose it's time to get back aboard and to Altoona. Come on, Russ, let's go."

"Can't wait to see what 'Altoona' will look like." Jim said sarcastically to himself.
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: seusscaboose on December 01, 2017, 07:57:11 AM
That’s awesome!
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Philip H on December 01, 2017, 08:07:16 AM
Damn - you guys are sure raising the bar every time . . . . :facepalm:
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: seusscaboose on December 01, 2017, 02:47:54 PM
"It didn't smell good and Jim was lucky he wasn't offered any."

"A$$Water...  Keeps Ya' Warm Inside"

Now move that Payne Train down the Line!!!
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: learmoia on December 01, 2017, 04:38:06 PM
Love it!!!

Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: wm3798 on December 04, 2017, 03:14:52 PM
Damn - you guys are sure raising the bar every time . . . . :facepalm:

Raising the bar, while at the same time lowering the brow...

Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: randgust on December 04, 2017, 03:55:46 PM
And to think that the Hickory Valley was worried about leaving it out so long at interchange it was possibly getting dusty.....

That's not Gallitzin, that's obviously Retsoff, NY.
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: chicken45 on December 04, 2017, 08:19:39 PM
And to think that the Hickory Valley was worried about leaving it out so long at interchange it was possibly getting dusty.....

That's not Gallitzin, that's obviously Retsoff, NY.

I think we can all agree it's actually Easton, MD.

Lee, you know I love you. You're the man who turned me on to Kistlings!
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Dave V on December 04, 2017, 09:30:34 PM

Lee, you know I love you. You're the man who turned me on...

If Lee had a dollar for every time he heard that...

...he'd have a dollar.
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: wm3798 on December 05, 2017, 12:52:28 PM
Or said it!

Percy Dovetonsils
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: chicken45 on December 18, 2017, 10:44:35 PM
"Why are we parked on the main in front of this horribly over-sized ALTO tower?" Jim asked Frederick.
"One could ask you how come your car isn't dirty? Sure, it has leftover salt on it, but it still has that fresh-from-the-paint-shop glow!"

"You're right." said Jim. He looked around at all the other cars also parked on the main, almost as it was done on purpose to prove a point. The other baggage cars looked as if they were rode hard and put away wet.

"It's hard to believe these all started out the same color." said Frederick.

Jim was feeling pretty bummed. He represented the Railwire. "Better modeling through peer pressure", they say. He felt a little silly that his car stuck out like a sore thumb.
Frederick, taking another swig of his gray liquid, looked to Jim and said, "But hey, don't let this get you down... I know a guy. He's a little slow with projects, but he's decent. How do you feel about the smell of cat piss?"

Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: chicken45 on December 19, 2017, 05:10:56 PM
"Jim! Fam! Welcome! Pardon the smell of cat piss. You'll get used to it in a few hours." I said.
"I got clearance from the highest level in River City to take the shine off this magnificent piece of rolling stock. Jim, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show."

"First thing I like to do is set out all the tools and materials I will be using."

"What's the cleaver for?" Jim asked."I don't know.", I said. "My weathering mentor always had one on his desk. I figured not to mess with his way of doing things. He's the master, I'm the apprentice. It wasn't my place to question."

First I started with the Vallejo black on the wheels and trucks. I also gave the roof a light spray.

Next I hit the trucks with a little Roof Brown.

After that, we did a light fade with Vallejo Rust thinned 90%, just to take the shine off the sides.

I turned my attention to the roof. I used the black Pan Pastels and a make up applicator (from Ed) and just made streaks across the roof.

After that, I sprayed some Polly Scale Rust on the couplers and on some spots on the trucks and hit the whole thing with some Lusterless Flat.

"Things look pretty good!" Said Jim. "Even new and fresh cars still got a little dirty and were never white glove clean. Plus they never washed the ends of the car."
"Ooh...good point!" I said. "Let's hit the car ends with a little more of the fade. Tomorrow, we will take a good look at our work. Now let's drink some Mad Elf and get fershnickered!"
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Lemosteam on December 19, 2017, 07:46:24 PM
That first piture tho- am i 'sposed to tilt my noggin?
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: chicken45 on December 19, 2017, 07:59:04 PM
That first piture tho- am i 'sposed to tilt my noggin?

It's a little weird! On my phone it is showing up the proper orientation, but it's oddly stretched. It shows up correctly on Flickr, so I don't know whats up.
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: peteski on December 19, 2017, 08:47:50 PM
It's a little weird! On my phone it is showing up the proper orientation, but it's oddly stretched. It shows up correctly on Flickr, so I don't know whats up.

As if you never heard of the problems with portrait/landscape orientation of smart-phone photos viewed on PCs. If I had dollar for every time I've seen one of this sideways photos . . .  :trollface: :D (
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: randgust on December 20, 2017, 01:43:16 PM
I think the sheep has good reason to be concerned.... considering the toolset........ :scared:
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: chicken45 on December 20, 2017, 03:07:27 PM
As if you never heard of the problems with portrait/landscape orientation of smart-phone photos viewed on PCs. If I had dollar for every time I've seen one of this sideways photos . . .  :trollface: :D (

It's crazy. It shows up correct in Flickr, incorrect on the TRW on PC using Chrome, and correct orientation but skewed incorrectly on my iPhone.
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: peteski on December 20, 2017, 05:26:15 PM
It's crazy. It shows up correct in Flickr, incorrect on the TRW on PC using Chrome, and correct orientation but skewed incorrectly on my iPhone.

Annoying? Yes. Crazy?  Not really. It is perfectly normal.

As the article I pointed to explains, some programs and/or devices actually understand and utilize the imageorientation info contained in the image's EXIF data area and some don't, instead displaying the bitmap the way it was actually stored by the JPG's creator.
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: mu26aeh on December 20, 2017, 05:47:43 PM
I've had them come up wrong, I just rotate them in the editing section of the TRW gallery
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: peteski on December 20, 2017, 06:31:10 PM
I've had them come up wrong, I just rotate them in the editing section of the TRW gallery

Except that @chicken45 does not use TRW gallery.    :(  Or at least for the photos in question.
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: u18b on December 20, 2017, 11:15:40 PM
I'm waiting to see what the meat cleaver is used for.  :tommann:
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: randgust on December 21, 2017, 01:33:34 PM
I'm waiting to see what the meat cleaver is used for.  :tommann:

In this group, probably cutting off trip pins.....
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: x600 on December 21, 2017, 07:39:28 PM
In this group, probably cutting off trip pins.....

or slicing bacon

Greg O.
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: chicken45 on December 23, 2017, 11:20:00 PM
"See? Much better!" said Frederick. Jim was very pleased! His weathered B60b would blend into almost any consist!

"Look how great it looks next to that other baggage jobber back there, Jim!"

Jim and Frederick stood there for a while admiring the way the sun lit up the Tuscan varnish. Today was the Winter Solstice. First day of Winter; the shortest day of the year.
Frederick turned to Jim and said, "I hope you're not heading east. We had a...ahem...mishap...on the mainline."
"Mishap?" said Jim?
"Yeah. Bridge is gone." said Frederick.
"Yeah. Gone. Some a$$hat foamer out west bought it. It was one of those nice BLMA ones. The Mann who sold it made a pretty penny off that one!"
"So you just ripped it out of the ground?"
"Yep!" said Frederick, taking another swig of the gray brown water.

Truth be told, Jim didn't know where he was headed to next. He had mostly been holding on for dear life, letting destiny guide his way. Jim took his hands out from his pockets and an envelope fell out.

It was an order!

Kind of Car___B60b___
Number or Name of Car__9358__
Point of Origin __Altoona__
Final Destination____Long Island___

Jim found it strange that this was typed in Comic Sans, but an order is an order.

"HAHA!" laughed Frederick. "Long Island? That's east... and YOU'RE ****ED!
But, I doubt the powers that be would just leave you here. What else you got on board? Anything that will help you out?"
"Well," said Jim, "I heard some folks talking about a Flux Spermatophore thing and how it needs to get to 88 mph to send me on my way. "
"And what's that over there? It looks like a Turbo Steam Punk Spectral Sub Thermal Reactor Containment Unit", said Frederick.
Frederick seemed to know what he was talking about as he explained how the TSPSSTRCU could be used to get the car up to speed and propel it over the gap.
"We just need a fuel source to power it." said Frederick.
Jim instantly knew what to do, and what he had been blessed with. "It has to be a renewable cycle! The Flux thingy...all the salt accumulation, it makes salt as a byproduct and the Turbo Pink uses that salt as fuel!"

Jim and Frederick went back to where they first met and observed that the bridge was gone.


"Are you ready for this?" asked Frederick.
"Nope. This is some bullshit right here." said Jim, "but what choice do I have?"

Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: chicken45 on December 24, 2017, 04:16:18 PM
Jim thanked Frederick for his help and hospitality.
"You sure you don't want a sip? It'll put hair on your chest!", Frederick offered.
"I'm good. My chest is hairy enough." said Jim.

And he was off!


Jim and the car vanished across the chasm leaving nothing but a trail of salt!
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Lemosteam on January 09, 2018, 01:49:17 PM
My portion of the thread must be prefaced by the fact that due to unmitigated circumstances, the package came to me a little late for the context you are about to read, so I ask that all of you consider that when you read this, it is still Christmastime in your recent past, so without further adieu:

     The Polar Express was on its way across Long Island when the call came in. It was a cold December day in 1940, Christmas Eve. The Conductor seemed perturbed, looking at his watch frequently in an agitated state.

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     He knew he had many children to deliver to the North Pole this eve. Regardless, the orders were clear: Pick up a Pennsy baggage car for the long ride north. There was no explanation for the transfer on the orders, and nothing regarding the car’s contents, but he knew they came from the Big Guy, so there was no questioning them.

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Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: chicken45 on January 09, 2018, 02:48:21 PM
For the Old Calendar people, it was only 2 days ago on the 7th!

Also I'm the reason it all was late. Sorry, folks.
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: seusscaboose on January 09, 2018, 07:14:03 PM
Jim thanked Frederick for his help and hospitality.
"You sure you don't want a sip? It'll put hair on your chest!", Frederick offered.
"I'm good. My chest is hairy enough." said Jim.

And he was off!


Jim and the car vanished across the chasm leaving nothing but a trail of salt!

I love it !
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Lemosteam on January 09, 2018, 09:10:05 PM
The LIRR Industrial Service had been holding the car since its delivery on December 22nd from the PRR in Altoona, and the Polar Express was to retrieve it from them while traveling the PRR main westbound into New York to pick up some deserving children there.

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There were two problems with this transfer move:

First, the PE was traveling westbound on the elevated line across Long Island, but the siding where the car would be set aside was only accessible from the eastbound main. The baggage car was required to be at the head end so that Santa’s elves had immediate access to the car and its contents after arriving at the North Pole. 

Second, let’s just say that IS Tower will have its hands full as this transfer would force both the eastbound and westbound mains to be fouled during the crossover move from the westbound main onto the eastbound main leaving the train dangerously facing westbound on the eastbound main until the train is fully backed onto the LIRR IS transfer siding. 

Then the 1225 must cross back over to the westbound main when she returned to retrieve the PE, with the baggage car attached. After these, the entire train will block the eastbound main again during its crossover back onto the westbound track heading into New York City.

What a pain, and it was already 11:55p on The Conductor’s watch, hence his apprehension.

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The PE crew began the crossover move from the westbound main, backing the PE and its special passengers onto the eastbound main and after that, into the transfer siding.

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Wait- what is that flying away- Is that JIM?? It was obvious that this isn't the only time he rode that sheep's back!

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Fortunately, the eastbound main was quiet this night as the only fired locomotive, borrowed Long Island Railroad #39 shoved the B60b slowly onto the head end of the PE. The LIRR IS had to borrow #39 when the PRR terminated its lease on the 0-6-0 B8a, #3131 and took it back to Altoona several weeks ago. Bastiges.

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Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Lemosteam on January 10, 2018, 02:00:56 PM
Coming up on an elapsed fifty-five minutes, the PE crew was preparing for the final backup move back onto the westbound main to resume PE operations, when The Conductor spotted the hotshot's headlight coming up quickly behind the observation car! The hotshot was early!  “Dear Lord, thought The Conductor, not another close encounter for the PE! The caribou from last year’s trip really caused some serious repercussions from SC for the crew since and this was sure to worry them once again!”


Meanwhile on the hotshot; “Hit the Brakes!!!!”, Clark the engineer exclaimed!  “The westbound is occupied! Looks like there’s a train on the main right in front of us!”  Fortunately, the nighttime lights of New York City provided just enough light to silhouette the tail end of the PE.


It is said that Clark is known to work as hard as a washing machine and his actions will prove that this night.

“Is it moving?”, said the Ralphie the brakeman.

“Yes, but its still on the crossover at IS Tower!”, replied Clark.

Ralphie exclaimed: “That's the Polar Express, Clark!, as the hotshot moved closer.“I was on that train once when I was a kid!”

During the elapsed time until the impending collision, Ralphie drifted to a different place and time as his life passed before his eyes, he remembered; “Never did get that Red Rider BB gun from Santa. He wrote me back writing: "You'll shoot your eye out, kid!". I was so happy to learn later that my father ended up getting it for me.”

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“This ones ‘gonna be close!”, said Clark.  After all, only he could see the potential collision, knowing Ralphie was in another place, as he himself closed his eyes and prepared for impact.

A ghastly look of fear appeared on Clark and Ralph's faces (played by Steve martin and John Candy) as the hotshot stops mere feet from the three literally plastified children on the observation car’s platform.

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So close in fact that one could make out the rivets on the trim panel below the observation deck.  This panel was added to the observation deck at the request of a 45 year-old Chicken, some years earlier.

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As the PE slowly pulled away, pure relief sets in for both crews knowing that the PE and the hotshot’s passengers, in addition to the most beautiful PRR K4 on the roster, was spared a Christmas Eve disaster!  However, the looks on each crew’s faces will not be forgotten anytime soon.

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Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Ed Kapuscinski on January 11, 2018, 01:26:02 PM
Ahahahahahahah. This is awesome.
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: peteski on January 11, 2018, 06:30:33 PM
Well done John!  You guys just keep on outdoing each other here!  :)
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Lemosteam on January 11, 2018, 08:17:31 PM
Thanks guys!  8) :D 8)
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Lemosteam on January 11, 2018, 10:14:45 PM
The Conductor however has a concerned and puzzled look on his face.  Concern for the time; 11:55:10p, and why the Big Guy wants this transfer so badly.


You see Santa knows all and heard Jim's comments back in West Hickory about the Flux Capacitor Lot and what it could do, unstable or not. Santa immediately saw the potential for this device to change the way he operated on every prior Christmas Eve, and he knew his elves could solve every technical difficulty the device might have, such as the need to run on SALT, of all things.  You could say that he became quite desirous of the Flux Capacitor, almost to the point of calamity. Santa's plan was nefarious in and of itself for he had only wanted to borrow one of the devices for one night, just to see if it could ease his Christmas workload, a selfish thought nonetheless.

Unbeknownst to everyone that night including Jim, Santa had sent an elf to enchant Jim’s sheep named Russ to fly Jim, still covered in Surlee Salt, to the North Pole to avoid any, well, time loss. Especially after the way Jim acted in West Hickory.    Santa wanted no delays in the delivery of this car. Even the coffee-drinking ghost was so surprised seeing the event that he disappeared into thin air!

The train finally picked up the last child in New York City and headed to the North Pole on its usual route.  During the familiar trip, The Conductor thought to himself, “Glad that pesky kid from last year isn’t on the train, hmph, nearly lost tickets, the turntable shenanigan, and making a mess of the gift bag celebration.  Kinda lost a little faith in the Big Guy that night seeing him give that kid the first bell of Christmas.  And then he loses the bell to boot!  I think that kid from the wrong side of the tracks should have gotten it, but what do I know…”

"And now this baggage car delivery- What on earth is Santa up to?"

It was 11:59:59 PM on The Conductor’s watch and the arrival at Elf City was surreal in that the square was empty: I mean EMPTY, except for a small group of commando elves, waiting where the head end would finally come to rest in front of the Official Christmas Tree. 

They moved swiftly and quietly into the Pennsy baggage car, quickly wheeling away a crate with a single marking on it “Fragile”.

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Somewhere Ralphie must be laughing at his father’s observation…  “Fra-Jee-Lay… it must be Italian!”

Once the commandos completed confiscating the crate and delivering it, assumed to the Big Guy, Santa signaled the “OK” for the Christmas festivities to begin and the town square became immediately consumed by elves.  This commotion became the perfect cover for Operation Flux.

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Meanwhile, in a secret workshop, a select group of Santa’s best and brightest elves perfected and tested the Flux Capacitors. Santa was a Smart Chocolate Chip Cookie: He had the elves create a time travel loop that lasted, in real time, for only thirty seconds and during that “time”, he was able to amass another complete crate of additional Flux Capacitors for himself.  This so when the original crate was loaded back onto the B60b, along with Jim and his sheep, no one would be the wiser to his plan!  Only one person would know the truth, The Conductor, and he would never rat on the Big Guy, would he?

Operation Flux was complete.

A peculiar little elf who eerily looked a lot like Steven Tyler of a very different era, had stowed himself away on the car as well. This Elf would become the lead singer of a band called Aerosmith.  What does that even mean?  A Smithy of Aeros?  I digress.

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Santa’s execution of his mischievous“Operation Flux” had succeeded even his lofty expectations, as the device, now powered with kindness and goodwill instead of salt, allowed Santa to deliver all presents and lumps of coal in a single minute of real time. Let’s just say Mrs. Big Guy was pleased having more time for him to spend at home even after hearing the “other package”had been lost in transit somewhere.

The Conductor dropped off all of the chosen children safely for their Christmas Day. It was 12:01 on The Conductor’s watch.“Wow what an evening.”, he thought to himself.

Jim had one more time setting on the Flux Capacitor in the crate, June 1, 1950:

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After the PE dropped off the special transfer car, the LIRR IS would send the car to its next destination based on the orders with goofy font below, that darned SC:

Kind of Car___B60b___
Number or Name of Car__9358__
Point of Origin __LIRR IS__
Final Destination____New Jersey___
Remarks__Propel car Westbound to 88mph and release___

Special instructions stated that the transfer must be propelled westbound to 88mph.  Odd.  Only one way to do that-  “Where’s LIRR #39?? Let’s have some fun!”, said the switching crew on the crisp bright morning after Christmas, "Let's send this car to the good old PRSL down the Jersey way!"…

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Why does this car always appear to be going nowhere fast @chicken45 ???
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: chicken45 on January 11, 2018, 11:07:07 PM
You know, John, you kinda look a lot like the conductor.

I think there's a metaphor here.

Well done!
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Jbub on January 12, 2018, 12:22:22 AM
Well done John!  You guys just keep on outdoing each other here!  :)mo
Well that sucks for me, the bar is only getting higher and I'm the last on the list.
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: eric220 on January 12, 2018, 05:48:59 AM
@Lemosteam Wonderful story! Even if it’s a little behind schedule. :D
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: rickb773 on January 18, 2018, 11:09:09 AM
PRSL vs. the Oysters
Part 1 - Outbound



It was late when B60 #9368 had the misfortune to be spotted in the 30th street station. It had just arrived through the time portal from Detroit. It was quickly welcomed to early 1951 and the Philadelphia/South Jersey region. Due to a shortage of PRR R50s, the PRSL (Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines) management folks have been scrounging for capacity to serve the peak of the Oyster season here in late January. Word was that a B60 had headed in on a passenger train from Detroit and due to some finagling and swapping of favors, a switcher had been surreptitiously dispatched to snatch it from the 30th street yard in Philly.


It was quickly attached to an evening commuter train returning Philly workers to their homes in the rapidly expanding suburbs of southern New Jersey. (The P70s have recently returned from refurbishing at the Broughton car shops (@cbroughton67) in Louisville, Kentucky.)


In the 1950s the end of steam was rapidly approaching and most PRSL parent's (Pennsylvania RR and the Reading Company) small to middle sized steam was ending their days on PRSL rails.

Meanwhile the diligent peons in the PRSL’s main Pavonia Yard in Camden have purloined 2 brand new REX reefers to add to the train. Although the oyster industry has shrunk to 40% of its peak they were still moving 1 million bushels in 1950. (In another 7 years the MSX blight would wipe out the industry leaving several south Jersey villages as ghost towns.)


WY842 is returning with empties from the Atlantic City Electric power plant in Deepwater on the Penns Grove branch but we will beat it out of town continually increasing our lead with the famous Eddie Fells at the throttle. Our PRSL Baldwin AS16s are all out on the road (i.e. waiting for some manufacturer to produce them) but we have borrowed a PRR RS3 and should easily stay ahead of the Reading RS3s on the point of their coal drag.

Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: rickb773 on January 18, 2018, 11:13:47 AM
PRSL vs. the Oysters
Part 2 - the Spirits

Passing over Timber Creek we slow for the stop at the new small brick station serving Westville. The much more impressive 2 story station was torn down to make room for the concrete overpass needed to feed the growing interstate road system (I295) going through town. (Westville was known as the “Gateway to South Jersey” since the roads webbed in all directions after passing over Timber Creek.)


We notice the passengers tumbling out, some shrieking, as they depart more quickly than usual from the rear passenger cars.

The process is repeated at the shelter stop in North Woodbury and Eddie is complaining about being bothered by spirits (of the non-alcoholic variety)


It is too much for everyone when we reach Woodbury. The station master, a devote man of Romanish faith dispatched his assistant to run across the street to St. Pat’s and return with Father O’Malley. Being a priest adequately schooled in exorcism, he quickly is attracted to the B60 mumbling about “legions” of foul spirits.




Following an extended period of prayer (with the needed assistance of reinforcements from the Gloucester and Camden county dioceses), the train has at long last been returned to normal and Eddie has been coaxed back into the cabs ready to depart for Maurice River and Port Norris off the Manumuskin Junction


Passing over Evergreen Avenue leaving South Woodbury and the city fathers breathe a sigh of relief.

There the reefers, RPO, and Baggage car will be filled to the brim with oysters. Buckets of iced oysters will be loaded into the overflow capacity of the purloined B60.


It is now evening and the cars loaded with oysters have found a ride back on local WY27 returning from Millville. Various restaurants along the way are meeting the train to snatch some LCL Oyster loads distributed from out of the B60, whose smell is now much worse than the way we found it!

What have we here? Looks like some LCL product is being passed out the door on the other side of the baggage car. Where did that sheep come from? Quick get it and put it back! With the gates raised multiple felons have to be involved in this mini-heist.



Our trip trough North Woodbury is uneventful. How quickly this morning’s harrowing events are forgotten.


30th street at night: The brass are not happy at the odors permeating their baggage car but on the plus side there are no spirits rocking the floor boards this time.


Off to the time portal, Mississippi bound. As always we will let the destination date set itself randomly.

(And if that derailed tank car under the station explodes, Philadelphia will be no more.)

Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: rickb773 on January 18, 2018, 11:17:00 AM
PRSL vs. the Oysters
Part 3 - theBackground:

The southern New Jersey Oyster Industry: The Native Americans in the area used oysters for food, decorations and even money for trade. The European settlers did likewise. Commercial oystering began around 1700 with repopulating the beds in high growth areas to maintain the supply.

When the railroad arrived in 1876 business boomed. Within 10 years the town of Bivalve was shipping 10 cars of oysters per day. Whole new towns grew up to support the industry. Oysters became the #1 fishery product in the United States. In 1880 harvest production peaked at over 2.4 million bushels. Over 500 boats and 4,000 people were involved in the process.

Both the CNJ and PRSL provided the rail transportation. The PRSL used R50 express reefers for fresh oysters and the B60 baggage cars, due to their large capacity interiors and wide doors, were used for canned oysters and ice packed shipments. During peak periods every kind of appropriate car available would be pressed into oyster service.

In 1957 the industry collapsed with a 90-95% mortality rate from MSX & Dermo diseases decimating the crops. Many of the supporting villages became ghost towns.

The Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines (PRSL): The Pennsy and the Reading had competed fiercely for dominance in southern NJ rail service but the depression had severely weakened both lines. The intrusion of the new-fangled automobile further decimated their passenger revenues. Southern New Jersey was in danger of losing all rail service so the state stepped in to force a shotgun merger in 1933. (The line maintained its identity until the formation of Conrail in 1976.)

The PRSL had its own engines but borrowed heavily from both parents for motive power during rush seasons. Most of the parent’s small to medium steam power went to finish their days on PRSL rails.
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: nscalbitz on January 19, 2018, 09:04:21 PM
>>Meanwhile the diligent peons in the PRSL’s main Pavonia Yard in Camden have purloined 2 brand new REX reefers

Likely to end up in hung and quartered peons for destroying integrity of 'new' REX cars with contaminating goods. I believe the rules of operation were, once contaminated, downgraded permanently...
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: rickb773 on January 20, 2018, 05:02:31 PM
>>Meanwhile the diligent peons in the PRSL’s main Pavonia Yard in Camden have purloined 2 brand new REX reefers

Likely to end up in hung and quartered peons for destroying integrity of 'new' REX cars with contaminating goods. I believe the rules of operation were, once contaminated, downgraded permanently...
The PRSL runs on a shoestring budget.
We do what needs to be done to get the job done today.
Tomorrow we will worry about the “hung & quartering” bit.
Besides we have a few bushels of oysters in the backroom to bribe our way out of trouble. :D
The more pressing issue is how to get that Union Pacific express car back before they know it is missing.
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Philip H on January 26, 2018, 08:24:00 AM
"Hey Boudreaux!"
"What Freddy?"
"You got any idea why der's an old baggage car on the Arrival Track hooked to a UP Business car?"
"Mais I don't know!  DO I look like one of dem railroad historians?"

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"Hey Pierre!"
"Yea Boudreaux?"
"You wanna got on dat radio der and call dem yardmaster about where he wants dees cars here?"
"Pierre to Yardmaster"
"Ay 'chere' Boudreaux and me was wandering where you want dem varnish whats settin on de arrival track."
"Sacre' there is varnish der."
"Push it down the RIP track where that Lee Weldon guy has all those cabeese in storage"

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{Pierre fires up the trusty SW1500 yard goat and goes out to tie on to the recently arrived cars.}

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{as Boudreaux makes the air up, the end door of the baggage car opens.  A bedraggled Jim peers out.}

"Excuse me sir - where am I?  When am I? and why is it so humid?"
"Mais 'chere' you in Baton Rouge Louisiana da capitol of dat Bayou State. its da 26 of January 2005.  and dis, dis ain't no humidity.  You got ta be here in July fa dat!"
"Das right 'chere. Say is dat a sheep in dat car with you?"

{Pierre and Boudreaux begin shoving the car down the RIP track where the yardmaster flags them to a stop by the diesel platform.  Needing to stretch, Jim and the sheep climb down.}

"Da boys told me this baggage car had a rider.  You must be him."
"Yessir.  I think my name's Jim, but its been a long enough ride I'm not really sure."

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"Got any paper work Jim?"
"Right here."
"Hum, bill of ladding . . . Surly Salt . . . 55 gallons of personal lube . . .oysters ...and a sheep. Heh. Well it is Mardi Gras season around here."
"Is that why I see a large woman's head poking over the cars?"

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"Yeah that came in on a transfer from NS up north.  Started out in New Jersey in a metal shop owned by some guy named Gonzo.  It's bound for the Bacchus parade in the Big Easy."
"Say Jim, I have an idea - I'm about to pull the fat lady and send her south to CSX Gentilly Yard, and then the NOPB will pull her down to the parade.  I can send you south on that run and after Mardi Gras CSX can haul you east to the Plywood Pacific."

{Pierre uncouples the SW1500 and on orders from the yardmaster, begins pulling the special load.  Boudreaux fires up the trackmobile and pulls the baggage car from the business car so the flat can be blocked between them.}

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"Well yardmaster, I guess we better be getting back on board.  Thanks for lift."
"No problem Jim.  If you do take in the parades in the Quarter, keep an eye on your sheep."
"Um, its not THAT kind of debauchery is it?"
"No, but she'll be getting more beads then you will."

{The special train is coupled up to a shiny fresh GEVO, and begins the run south)

( (;sa=view;id=4559)

"Say Pierre, you tink dat Jim fella is ready for de Mardi Gras?"
"Mais I don't know Boudreaux. But I do know Piggly Wiggly has a fresh oyster po boy wit my name on it.  Let's go make groceries 'chere."

( (;sa=view;id=4576)

Happy Mardi Gras Y'all!
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: chicken45 on January 26, 2018, 11:25:45 AM
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Ed Kapuscinski on January 26, 2018, 01:18:47 PM
I love it!!
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: DeltaBravo on January 26, 2018, 03:45:46 PM
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: wm3798 on January 28, 2018, 01:26:31 PM
Heh.  I was just rummaging around to try to find that Ryourstone RDG bobber.  There it's been the whole time!

Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Philip H on January 28, 2018, 02:26:19 PM
Heh.  I was just rummaging around to try to find that Ryourstone RDG bobber.  There it's been the whole time!


We can always renegotiate the terms of the lend-lease.
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: eric220 on March 05, 2018, 01:51:50 AM
Jim spent a long journey recuperating from his adventures.  After many blessedly peaceful days, he noticed the train moving a little faster than usual.  Suddenly, there was a strange noise, and if 10,000 people all said, "WHUMP" at the same time.  What 10,000 people would be doing in the Railwire baggage car, or what cause they would have to say something as silly as, "WHUMP" escaped Jim.  Jim became aware that the box that had given him so much trouble when he passed through Colorado was glowing strangely.  He was also aware that the car's motion had changed, and seemed to be swaying side to side and up and down far more than should be allowable for rail car.  Jim struggled against the swaying and staggered toward a porthole.  The ringing in his head seemed to be giving way to a whirring/grinding sound.  Jim made it to the porthole, and couldn't believe his eyes.


Jim's car was being loaded into a sawmill!  Jim screamed at the top of his lungs, but there was no response.  He tried again, even louder than before, and the swaying stopped.

Clive Hoffstetter looked down at the log that he was carrying.  He had the funniest feeling that he heard a squeak from it.  Much to his horror, he realized that he no longer carried a log, but a steel baggage car of diminutive proportions!  Clive was so shocked that he immediately dropped the car.  It slammed to the ground, and rolled to the bottom of the loading ramp.


Clive tried for a moment to reason what had just happened, but there was no way that anything he had just seen made any sense.  Convinced that he was going mad, Clive threw up his hands and ran away, screaming to the heavens.

After a while, Jim regained enough of his senses to venture outside.  Everything seemed about seven times too large.  "Where am I, Brobdingnag?" he mused to himself.  Jim noticed a man approaching.  Frank Gulliver, the owner of the mill, having been drawn by Clive's screams, approached the scene.  Somewhat confused, Frank walked up to Jim and looked him and his baggage car over.


"What have we here?" Asked Frank.  "A very confused traveller who could very much like to get on his way."  Replied Jim.  After some negotiating, Jim convinced Frank that having a tiny baggage car in his sawmill probably wasn't going to help productivity very much.  Frank agreed to have the baggage car loaded on the next train leaving the area.  Jim wasn't sure what good that would do him, but at least it got him away from the whirring saw blades.

A short time later, the local pulled through.  Frank flagged it down, and the conductor hopped down.  "What special shipment do you have for us today, Frank?"  He asked with a smile.  Usually Frank's "special" shipments came with stern instructions not to open them and odors that begged questions that were best unanswered.  "Just this here miniature baggage car."  Frank replied.  "And its rider."  The conductor paused as he realized that Frank was carrying a small man on his arm.  Jim was concerned, but tried to keep his composure as the image of his baggage car going through the sawmill kept coming to mind.

By this time, Frank had convinced Clive to come back, since he could see the baggage car too.  Frank figured that the fewer people who know about this thing the better.  Clive recited his hail marys as he lifted the baggage car into... the local's baggage car.  The conductor looked on in disbelief, managing to mutter something about shipping rates to Frank.


Soon, Jim's baggage car was aboard.  Jim stood by the open door and collected his thoughts.

"How the hell am I going to get us out of this one?"

Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: eric220 on March 05, 2018, 02:13:40 AM
As the local got underway, it passed a train tied up on a siding.  Jim couldn't believe his eyes!  Colorado and Southern #1, the last of the former Denver, South Park, and Pacific Mason Bogies sat there steaming away quietly, waiting for the signal to depart.


Jim knew that all of the locomotives from that era had been retired long before the Pennsylvania took control of the Colorado and Southern.  For that matter, the C&S lettering was only used for the narrow gauge in the Clear Creek area and Summit County in Colorado.  Jim glanced at the pulsating light coming from the flux capacitor and began to suspect that he was no longer in the year 1950.  Jim's train of thought was broken by a change in the sound of the wheels on the rails.  Jim dove for cover as he realized that they were crossing a trestle, which was modest for the giants, but was gut-wrenchingly deep for Jim.


When the sound returned to normal, Jim ventured out again.  He heard whooping and mooing coming from up ahead.  The train passed a cattle pen, where evidently a calf had escaped.


Jim noticed a banging that he realized had been growing louder for the last several minutes.  It kept getting louder, and louder, until Jim was lying on the floor of the car covering his ears to keep the noise out.  Then it stopped.  Jim stood up and saw a large structure pass by the car.


"I know that building."  Jim said to himself.  "That's the Argo Mill in Idaho Springs, Colorado.  They're about to open it for tourists.  But it's been offline for years..."  Jim suddenly remembered the flux capacitor.  The lettering on the equipment... #1 under steam... The Argo Mill operating...  "This must be the summer of 1900, or thereabouts."

As Jim was doing his mental calculations, he noticed another landmark.  The train passed the Tommyknockers brewery.


Jim's mouth started watering.  He had always had a soft spot for Tommyknockers, which was named after the mythical dwarves that lived in the mountains and tapped on the walls near lucky miners, showing them where the rich veins of ore were.  Jim suddenly snapped back to reality and realized that he was pulling into a familiar stop.


Idaho Springs of 1900 looked very different than it did in 1950.  In just 50 years, this sleepy little hamlet would have a double track, electrified transcontinental mainline running through it.

Jim retired into the Railwire baggage car.  He had enough adventure for one day.  He felt the train start up again with a lurch.  After a few minutes, Jim noticed that the train was picking up speed.  He heard air rushing, and then heard the sound of squealing steel on steel, yet the train seemed to be accelerating.  Jim realized with horror that it was running away.  Then Jim remembered, 88 miles per hour!  He hunkered down as the train picked up speed.  Fortunately for him, with the 7:1 size difference, 88 miles per hour in his scale was quickly achieved.

Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: chicken45 on March 06, 2018, 11:32:56 AM
You dawg I called it!
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: wm3798 on March 07, 2018, 02:39:44 PM
7:1?  Does that make it Dog scale?
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: chicken45 on March 08, 2018, 09:03:57 AM


I got a big one for ya.
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: DeltaBravo on March 08, 2018, 09:06:25 AM
I got a big one for ya.

With these oversized figures it looks more like a coffin than a rail car. 
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: dougnelson on March 08, 2018, 04:41:03 PM
Here's where that big car is heading:


Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: peteski on March 12, 2018, 12:17:42 AM
Here's where that big car is heading:


Nicely done Doug!
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: u18b on March 15, 2018, 10:09:47 PM
I’m sorry to report the Railwire baggage car had several difficulties.  Kind of a long story.  It all started not long out of Louisiana.

The CSX crew had a problem in Mississippi somewhere near Biloxi.
A hot box detector fired off and the crew had to drop off the old baggage car on an unused siding.

A report was filed and the local CSX dispatcher sent out a repair crew.

It took some work, but the repairs were made.

The next day before dawn, a CSX switcher was dispatched to pick up the car.  They coupled to it and headed east, taking it to the Plywood Plains Railway.

The crew made good time and had the car at the CSX/Plywood Plains interchange a little after 11 am.
The baggage car was dropped off and the CSX switcher and caboose returned.

Just before noon, Gerald, from the Plywood Plains, arrived in the new TP70 to make the day’s pickup.
He thought something might be odd….. but his job was to deliver cars, not ask questions.

As he pulled out of the interchange yard, Gerald was pleased to get a glimpse of a CSX F unit pulling an office car.  Wow.  Now that was something new!   He began daydreaming about what it must be like pulling the executive train- and then decided that distance between him and the top brass was probably a good thing.

The Plywood Plains is a scenic route with many wonderful destinations.
Here, Gerald passes the station at Felix Crossing.  Anybody who’s anybody has been by here.  Boy that place must have been something else in its heyday.

The first stop was Aaron Scrap.  Gerald liked Aaron.  He always came out to talk with Gerald- and never without a Mountain Dew and a moonpie.  But not too long.  Gerald’s boss would be looking for him if he stayed too long.

Next stop was Ashley Fertilizer.  Gerald hated this place.  It stunk to high heaven- and no one was friendly.  Gerald’s boss said-- they don’t have to be friendly… they only have to pay their bills!


As he pulled away, Gerald thought... as he did on most days… “Man, the tumble weeds are bad this year.”

About 5:30 pm, Gerald pulled the baggage car up to the Plywood Plains terminal and repair shops.

General Manager, Ron Bearden, came out to greet him.  He was looking at his watch, looking at the baggage car,  and he didn’t look too happy.

Ron:  What’s that?

Gerald:  It was at the interchange yard, so I brought it in.

Ron:  I didn’t ask you were it came from!  I asked you-- what is it?!  (good grief, I need a new employee!)

Gerald:  Sorry, sir.  It’s a B60b baggage car by the Pennsylvania Railroad, circa 19…...

Ron:  I wasn’t expecting anything like this.  Where did it come from?

Gerald:  (Is he hard of hearing?)   The CSX interchange.  (My boss is so stupid).

Ron:  I know it came from the interchange, you dolt!  Where else do our cars come from?  I mean who sent it to us?  (I bet my nephew could do this job for half of what I pay Gerald).

Gerald:  The paperwork said it came from Louisiana.  Some road named The Baton Rouge Southern… though it made some detour ...I can’t make heads or tails of it.   (One day I’m going to quit this job, but I gotta pay off my El Camino first.)

Ron:  Lemme see the paperwork.

Gerald:  OK.  Here.  (I’m ready for supper).

Ron:  What?!  Can’t you read?  This car’s not destined for the Plywood Plains!  Some guy named Boudreaux was sending it to the Plywood Pacific.  PACIFIC!    Is that what’s on your paycheck? 

Gerald:  No sir.  (there’s not much of anything on my paycheck!).

Ron:  So take it back.  It’s not our problem.

Gerald:  (sigh)    OK.  I’ll do it when I make the rounds tomorrow morning.

Ron:  No…. you’ll do it now!  And I don’t care about supper.  Grab a Slim Jim from the crew lounge and get going.

Gerald:  Yes Sir.  By the way, this car has some interesting cargo.  Do you want me to…

Ron: NO! I don’t want to even know what’s in there.  Just get it out of here!

Gerald:  Yes Sir.  (Maybe the El Camino’s not worth it.)

Ron:  Oh!  And don’t take the TeePee.  It’s too slow.  Take the Champ and a crummie.   I’ll send the fuel bill to CSX.  After all, it was their goof-up.  I’ll call their dispatcher and give him an earful.

Gerald:  All-Right!  (The Champ!  My day just got better!)

Gerald hooked up the baggage car and a crummie to the Champ and headed out.  He dropped off the baggage car back at the CSX interchange, turned at the Wye, and notched it up to 8.

The next day, a CSX freight picked up the outgoing cars including the Pennsy B60b. 

And so.... the baggage car was headed west to the Plywood Pacific last I heard.  After that….. who knows?

Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Philip H on March 16, 2018, 07:10:48 AM
Boudreaux stared at the paper again.

"Plywood Pacific?  How de heck did day get dat wrong 'chere?  Mais I got to go make groceries den I'll call dat Plywood Plains guy and make me an apology. Hum, I wonder if Rouse's has dem crawfish I dun order."
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: wm3798 on March 16, 2018, 09:30:04 AM

Ron:  And another thing.  Next time you bring your pet rhinoceros here, clean up after him.  I'm tired of standing in these meadow muffins!  Now help me with my boots!

>>slurrrrrp- THWAP!<<
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: nkalanaga on March 19, 2018, 12:56:31 AM
Off topic, but given the pictures here:  Has anyone modeled a live steam railroad on a large scale layout?  N scale would be almost exact for 1:8, 1.5 inch scale, in 1:20.3.
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: eric220 on March 19, 2018, 12:58:40 AM
The local HO club has a kiddie ride at the local fair modeled with N Scale equipment.
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: nkalanaga on March 20, 2018, 01:28:58 AM
OK, that would work.  Some of those fair railroads used 30 inch gauge +/-, and it would be fun to see.
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: delamaize on April 17, 2018, 06:00:12 PM
Jim decided it was time for him to get some well deserved rest, Especially after the last few adventures he had. Jim started to wonder what he had got himself into as he dozed off to sleep.

The next morning, Jim was awoken by the sound of the handbrake being set, then 3 short blasts from a steam whistle. Jim fell out of his chair, and crawled to the door. Opening it, he found that his B60b had been set out at a charming little depot. Although, there was no station marking, or station names posted anywhere.

Jim dismounted his car, Followed by Mr. Sheep, and quickly struck up a conversation with the stationmaster, Greg.
Jim: Good morning! May I as where we are?
Greg: We are everywhere, and nowhere.
Jim: Ummm...Ok...I mean, what is the location of this station?
Greg: I'm not sure today, Could be anywhere?
Jim: No, No, No, What is our current Geographical location?
Greg: Today? Tenino, Wa. Tomorrow, I think Calgary, Ab.
Jim: Ok? Sure. So Tenino, Wa. Got it. By the way, What year is this?
Greg: All of them, You're not getting it are you son?
Jim: Apparently Not.

Jim was puzzled. A few days ago, He was elbow deep in modern rail equipment, Before that, a land of giants, and before that, Early 1900 steam! He knew this Railwire journey was going to be odd, but Skipping though time, that is something he was having a hard time getting use to. Jim and Mr. Sheep climbed back on the Baggage car, and waited for their next move. The B60b all the sudden started shaking and moving violently, like it was in an earthquake. After all the comotion had stopped, Jim and Mr. Sheep again got out of the car, to find they were on a random bridge, and they could see what looked like the edge of the world. Jim now knew that this wasn't a normal trip. Jim started questioning if he was even a real person.


Jim decided enough was enough, and cracked open a bottle of whiskey he had stashed away in his desk. Mr. Sheep and Jim had a good ol' time, until the whiskey was gone, and the world went black. Jim awoke a unknown amount of time later, with the car moving around and the click clack of the rails, and the sound of steam running at speed.  He was moving again.



Jim thought to himself, "Was all of that the other day a dream?" Things started to seem normal again. Jim and Mr. Sheep started making breakfast, and catching up on some paperwork. Soon, the Familiar feeling of a car being set out was presenting itself again. Sure enough, Jim's car was no longer following behind a Northern Pacific A4 Northern.


Jim slid the door open, and asked the Dockhand where the were at. "Calgary, Alberta, Eh" He replied. Jim slowly stepped back from the doorway, and slowly slides the door closed. Jim though to himself, "Was that Crazy Greg right? What in the world is going on here?" About that time, the Baggage started moving again.



Jim at this point is just hoping that the next stop will be normal, and will get him back to some kind of reality.

One more time, the Baggage was set out. Jim closed his eyes, and crossed his fingers, then slid open the door. To Jim's surprize, He found that he was at some kind of pickling plant. AND THEY HAD A HOT TUB! Jim was excited, with Mr. sheep in tow, he rushed over to the group in the "hot tub"

Jim: Hey Hows the water! Can I join you?
Björn: Detta är inte en badtunna, det är en Lutefisk badkar! Det är en svensk tradition!
Jim: What.....
Olga: Ja! Det är mycket bra för själen, men inte så bra för huden.
Elsa: De säger att badning i Lye är inte en bra idé, men vi sugar vet bättre! Bli med oss!
Jim: I think I'll pass, Do any of you speak English?
Björn: Ja! We all speak english! You don't want to join us in the Lutefisk?
Jim: No, Thank you. Where are we right now?
Björn: We are in Calgary.
Jim: Where were we yesterday?
Björn: We were in Tenino, Wa.
Jim: Oh man, I'm so confused.

Jim walked back to his car, and loaded a few barrels of Lutefisk that Björn in Co insisted that he take with him. Jim again started to wonder what kind of adventure is up next! One last time the Baggage car lurched forward, and they were again on their way!



After a few minutes, the unmarked Mallet slowed down, and proceeded to back the B60b back into a siding. Jim could smell salt air, and hear the sound of a tugboat and waves. Jim's B60b had been set on a small car float.


Jim asked the loadmaster for the carfloat where their destination was. "Houston, Tx, Via some voodoo magic!" He replied. Jim Settled in for another stop on the weird adventure of the Railwire B60b tour.

Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: x600 on April 19, 2018, 12:24:59 AM
Nice job, Mike,
Too bad nobody got the Lutefisk reference.

(Crazy) Greg O.
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Jrbenny2 on April 23, 2018, 12:25:29 PM
Yah Sure, caught the Lutefisk reference.  Pun intended. 
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: dnhouston on April 24, 2018, 01:39:57 AM
When Jim woke from his nap he knew something was different. 
The gentle rocking of the waves was gone as was the call of the sea birds. 
All he could hear was a repetitive pounding and crushing sound. 
What the heck had he gotten himself into this time?


Jim and Mr. Sheep jumped down and took a look around.
Jim: I don't know how to tell you Mr. Sheep but this doesn't look like Houston.
Russ (the sheep): Baa...
Jim: And stop rolling around in the dirt.  Last time you tracked it all through the car.
Russ: Baa...


Lucas: Hey mister, what ya doing way up here?  And what type of car is that?
Jim: It's a PRR B60b baggage car
Lucas: If you say so.
Jim: And where is up here?  Isn't this Houston?
Lucas:  Mister you are surely lost.  This is southern Colorado.  Hey what ya got in that thing?
Jim: A bunch of private packages that need to be delivered
Lucas: Is that Lutefisk I smell?
Jim: What?
Lucas: Lutefisk!  I haven't had that since I was a kid visiting my grandparents in Sweden over Christmas.  May I have some?
Jim: Sure kid, help yourself.  So how do I get to Houston?
Lucas: Mister, I don't know.  But I can have the foreman call down and see if they can send up an engine.

Steve (the foreman): Hey Fred, I need you to send an engine up to the mine.  We have some sort of railcar on our siding.
Lucas: It's a PRR something something something baggage car
Fred: Steve, you've got to be kidding me.  How did a car get up on your siding?
Steve: I have no clue.  Lucas heard a ruckus outside and there it was.  With some strange man and a sheep wanting to go to Houston.
Fred: Houston!  What in tarnation is going on up there?
Steve: Just send an engine so we can get back to work!

A short while later workhorse number 81 rumbled up.


Jim: You here to take me to Houston?
Engineer Mike: Heck no.  I was told to haul you down to Lamb where another engine would pick you up
Jim: Whatever.  Mr Sheep, it looks like we're off on another ride
Russ: Baa...

After what seemed like hours, they finally ground to a halt in front of the Schelle tractor factory in Lamb.


Engineer Mike: This is the end of the line for me.  Good luck

Meer mintues later another engineer popped his head in.
Engineer Chris:  Hold on mister.  I'm hear to take you down to Jasper.  Dave, our railroad foreman, will meet you there

A couple of hours later they screeched their way into the Jasper station


Engineer Chris:  Mister, you have a few minutes to stretch your legs.  Dave's running late, as usual.  I'll leave you here under the shade tree until he shows up.  Then we can back you up to the loading platform
Jim: Mr Sheep, enjoy yourself.  But not too much!
Russ: Baa...

As promised, it was only a few minutes before the B60b was backed up to the loading platform


Dave:  Mr. Jim and Russ I presume!  Great to finally meet you!
Jim: So what's going on?  I'm supposed to be going to Houston.  And who is Russ?
Dave:  You've been talking to Crazy Greg I bet
Jim: Ummm... Yep
Dave: Everywhere and nowhere?
Jim: That's him
Dave: And you believed him when he said Houston?
Jim: Ummmm..
Russ: Baa...
Jim: Oh come on Mr. Sheep, you believed him too
Russ: Baa...
Dave: Let me assure you, your shipment was meant for the Dusty Junction.  In particular, for right here in Jasper.
Jim: Are you sure?
Dave: Let's see, a few bags, a few crates, a package of used pinball machine parts, one sheep, one 55 gallon drum, one large black ... oh wait that was offloaded
Jim: Ok, ok.  How do you know all that?
Dave: Three ghosts.  You do still have the ghosts don't you?
Jim: What, no!  We never had any ghosts!
Dave: Tisk, tisk!  Scratch the ghosts.  Let's see here, one turbo steam punk spectral thermal reactor containment unit.
Jim: Now you are starting to freak me out!  Where did you find out about all of this?
Russ: Baa...
Dave: Yes, Russ.  He doesn't understand does he?
Russ: Baa...
Dave: Yes, yes.  Now let's finish.  Some Surlee Salt, a flux capacitor, Steve the elf.  No wait, he left and joined a band
Russ: Baa...
Dave: Ah yes, a few oysters, and some Lutefisk.  Unless you gave it all to Lucas.  You gotta watch that kid.  He eats like a horse!
Jim: So what am I supposed to do with all of this?
Dave: Well, I have good news and bad news.  The bad news is our warehouse recently caught fire, so I have nowhere to store your stuff.  The good news is I have your next set of orders.  If I'm reading this right, you're off to the Seaboard System.  But then again, you know, everywhere and nowhere....
Jim: Oh great!
Dave: Oh and Russ, don't explain until he needs to know
Russ: Baa... 
Jim: What?!

With that engineer Chris hauled Jim off across the imanginary creek and on to further adventures....


Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Lemosteam on April 25, 2018, 08:06:41 AM
Great!  Loved all of the prior thread references! :D
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: wm3798 on May 03, 2018, 06:48:49 PM
Nice to see another stop from the original Puddington Valley Boxcar tour.  Thanks, David.
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: dougnelson on May 26, 2018, 04:20:45 AM
Jim and the Railwire Express Agency begin their journey across the PRR's Middle Division and soon cross Sherman Creek where it empties into the Susquehanna.
 They are in mail & express train #15.

The train arrives in Huntingdon and passes Hunt Tower.


The Railwire Express car is cut out of the consist and needs to head back east with an important shipment.  Jim - take this load of bacon to Newport, PA pronto!  After delivering the bacon, Jim heads to the Hard Hat for a tall, cold one.

Here's Jim and a friend at the Hard Hat.  He like's his wings extra hot.

Then its back to Huntingdon to pick up another priority shipment that just arrived on the Huntingdon & Broad Top.  Jim - take this milk to those babies pronto!

While in Huntingdon, Jim would love to take a break at the Joyland Tavern for a tall cold one.  Snap out of it man, you're on the job!

Another day, another shipment.  The Railwire Express Agency never sleeps.  That's why Jim looks the way he does.  This time it is a million dollar shipment.  Jim - get Justify and Audible to Belmont Racetrack in time for the Belmont Stakes - pronto!

Passing through Johnstown, Jim delivers 500 spark plugs and the new Miss Spark Plug calendar to Beer's Auto Electric service.  All in a days work.  The Railwire Express Agency delivers the goods!

Okay Jim, now you can have that tall cold one.  Or two, or three, or sixteen.  You're headed to the JD!

Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Lemosteam on May 28, 2018, 07:19:47 PM
Ooooh, will the new owner of the JD be revealed?  @Dave V ?
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Dave V on May 28, 2018, 08:07:22 PM
Ooooh, will the new owner of the JD be revealed?  @Dave V ?

All will be revealed in its own time.
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Lemosteam on May 29, 2018, 08:53:18 AM
Well THAT was cryptic, thanks Dr. Strange, LOL. One in 14 million+ possible timelines, eh?

Hop the leg is better.
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: chicken45 on June 01, 2018, 10:51:53 PM
I’m calling it: Eric bought the JD.
He visits Vollmer a lot. 
Vollmer is next on the list (again).
Eric is after him on the list (also again).
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Dave V on June 03, 2018, 11:38:31 AM
Jim looked out the porthole window and realized he'd been here before...the bucolic Juniata River valley of central Pennsylvania and the Pennsy mainline.  Continuing west out of Huntingdon he crossed the Juniata at Spruce Creek on an iconic Pennsylvania Railroad stone arch bridge.



And although Lewistown is "railroad east" of Huntingdon, as he rolled into Lewistown yet again he began to wonder if the Pennsy wasn't just a giant oval of trackage...

Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: eric220 on June 06, 2018, 04:42:21 PM
Jim had been rolling for days, and what seemed like thousands of miles. Cars had been swapped in and out, and the power had changed a few times, but onward he rolled. The weather had recently turned sour.


Jim felt like he had crossed half the country, yet every time he looked out the porthole, he saw the same things passing by.


He was beginning to doubt his own sanity.


“Wait, don’t tell me...” Jim thought. “Next we cross the Juniata again at Spruce Creek.”


“Well, the next time we come in to Lewistown again, I guess I’ll get another Ruben at the lunch counter.”


As the train slowed to a stop at the station, Jim wondered if he would ever find a way out of this. Maybe it was time to check the flux capacitor again.
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: dougnelson on June 09, 2018, 07:14:05 PM
Railwire Express Agency brought Triple Crown Winner Justfy to the Belmont Stakes!

Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Ed Kapuscinski on June 10, 2018, 12:42:00 PM
Railwire Express Agency brought Triple Crown Winner Justfy to the Belmont Stakes!


Hey, I saw that horse run (and win) at Preakness!!!

Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Jbub on June 18, 2018, 02:00:54 PM
The story continues, Jim has arrived in Utah. More to come following NSE convention.

Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: JanesCustomTrain on June 18, 2018, 04:20:45 PM
Just found this picture online. (

Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Jbub on July 02, 2018, 04:16:23 AM
( (;sa=view;id=6496)

UP 1983:  Dispatch, UP 1983

Dispatch:  Go ahead UP 1983, I’m guessing this has to do with the alarm going off at my desk for your block?

UP 1983:  Yessir, We were approaching the signal and when we were about 1/4 mile out, the light just went from green to red. We went into emergency and ended up into the next block by half a car length or so.

Dispatch:  Hmmmm, interesting. There was nothing in front of you on your track. Hold tight, There’s a local coming up from Ogden on the other main, I’ll have them report on anything they see.

UP 1983:  Roger that, it’s about time for lunch anyway.

( (;sa=view;id=6518)


Jim awoke to a dizzying headache. The only sounds he could hear were Russ bleating away and that of rushing water. Even though the b60 was spinning around him, no doubt from the roundy round motion of the last month in the Juanita Division’s ground hog day like loop, he could tell the “Old Pennsy Baggage car” was stationary.

He peeked out the porthole window and saw nothing but sagebrush and rocks. He determined that they were sitting on a main line somewhere out west, but where?

Jim: Well Russ, we aren’t in Pennsylvania, that’s for sure.

Russ: Baaaa!

Jim: Quit yer whining! I know you’re hungry and so am I. As sick as I am of the Rueban’s in Lewistown, it sure would be tasty right now. At least you can go feed on the grass outside.

Russ: Baaaaaa!

Jim thought to himself what mutton tasted like roasted over an open fire. This place sure seemed like the west he’s heard of. How did the cowboy’s survive out here? Maybe he should have gone to work on a ranch and driven cattle around these parts. At least he wouldn’t be traveling back and forth through time talking to a mad sheep and always waking up to a new pile salt.

( (;sa=view;id=6521)

Dispatch: UP 3367, Dispatch. Hey as you guys are heading up the canyon keep your eyes open for anything on the other main that could be tripping the signals. We had a green go straight to red and don’t know why.

UP 3367: Sure ‘nough  Dispatch. We can see a car of some sorts up ahead, we’re too far to make it out yet though.

Dispatch: Oookay, Huh? Well let me know what it is as soon as you can make it out.

UP 3367: Yeppers, will do.

UP 3367: Dispatch, this is 3367. You ain’t gonna believe what’s up here. There’s an old baggage car…looks to be in Pennsylvania colors. There’s also a dude waving us down with a sheep at his side.

Dispatch: Well this is turning out to be quite the interesting day. Where in the HELL did that car come from? And trespassers? Foamer’s waiting for 844 for sure. I’ll get police up there to give a nice ticket and tell them to stay the hell off railroad property.  3367, ignore the trespasser and continue on. The excursion train is due through there on that track in a few hours and I don’t want to tie that up. Ed D will have my neck if I slow him down again. UP 1983, proceed at yard speed to meet up with this baggage car. I’m gonna have you push it to the next siding in Morgan.

UP 3367: Roger dat.

UP 1983: Um okay, we’ll head down the track to push whatever it is to Morgan

( (;sa=view;id=6497)

UP 1983: Hey dispatch, this guy is still hanging around that baggage car. He looks like he might be a conductor, maybe? We’re going to get out and talk to him.

Dispatch: Yeah, normally I would say no to leaving the cab, but WTF. I’ll probably get fired anyway for losing a car on the main anyway.

Engineer: Hey down there, you know you’re trespassing on UP property? The police are in route so I would leave before they get here if I were you.

Jim could feel his blood pressure go up. Here he is a PRR employee and what were these fools who work for Western Pacific…or…Union Pacific telling him to move aside. In his mind the PRR owned these railroads.

Jim: Sorry bud, no can do. You see, my sheep and I are stranded out here in our baggage car. Where ever here is.

Conductor: Your…baggage car? Pet sheep? How in the…What in the…

Engineer: Listen dude, just step aside. I’ve got track orders to push you down to the next siding and get on our way. We’re really close to our duty hour limit and I would like to be closer to Salt Lake when that time is up.

Jim’s eye’s widened at the word salt.  The TSPSSTRCU was still on the manifest and loaded in the baggage car. The thing runs on salt and that was all he needed, another boost of speed for the flux capacitor and the baggage car would be in another history.

Jim: Salt Lake? Please tell me that it’s just a name and that there is really no salt there.

Engineer: Oh, there’s salt there. A whole ancient lake bed of the stuff. Why are you afraid of a little salt?

Jim’s fear of the Salt flashed to anger in an instant.

Jim: Look! I would love to understand how the TSPSSTRCU works and the properties of flux capacitor time travel also but I’m nothing more than a conductor for the PRR. Dammit, I’m not a scientist, just a Jim. So how about you do what you what you were told to do and push us down to the next siding.

Engineer: Wow! Somebody’s a little testy.

Russ: Baaa, baaaaaaa, baaaaaaaaa!!!!!

Jim thought to himself again on what fire roasted mutton tastes like.

( (;sa=view;id=6498)

( (;sa=view;id=6499)

Engineer: Okay Jim! Dispatch informed us there’s an excursion train coming through in a bit. We’re leaving your car on the siding for the next available train to take you to…where ever, do you even have a destination?

Jim: Excursion train? Whatever that is. My next stop is the Cascade Mountain ,Mine & Mill, Division… I think. I never know these days. Hey, I’m sorry about the attitude. I’m pretty hangry since I haven’t eaten for little while and the only thing I’ve had for the past month are Rueben’s

Engineer: No prob dude. That’s enough to drive anyone mad. There’s a good produce shack just down the road from the freight depot. They have Bear Lake raspberries and some awesome corn. Good luck on the journey though.

( (;sa=view;id=6500)

Jim and Russ watched the modern loco’s rumble past them. Jim thought to himself about the weirdness of this trip. Did he eat something to cause him to trip out and dream all this? It seems all too real though, and drawn out. First things first though. Time for some food as soon as the last car passes between him and the freight depot.

Jim: You know what Russ? This is a pretty little town. I wouldn't mind living here when this all settles down. Crisp mountain air and no where near as many people back in Pennsylvania. Not to mention no Carl, I’m blaming this whole mess on him. Anyway, the train is almost over, let’s go get something to eat.

Russ: Baaaaaaaa!

Jim: Oh and Russ…I’m sorry. Sorry that I thought about eating you.


More to come.....
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Jbub on July 09, 2018, 04:41:16 AM
( (;sa=view;id=6501)

As Russ and Jim crossed the tracks they felt a strange energy envelope them from behind. Jim noticed that the freight house now seemed to be a little fresher in color and up keep. As they approached the fence, a group of people came to enquire about the strange baggage car now sitting on the siding.

Robert: Well hey there stranger. Where’d you come from? I could’a swore that track was empty just a moment ago.

Jim: It’s a long story…one that’s been going on for near on a year now. Speaking of years. What’s the date today

Mike: It’s Friday July 6th

Jim: And the year?

Mike: Well that doesn’t change to often but it’s 1956.

Jim realized why they depot looked newer all of a sudden.

Jim: Uhhhh, Okay… Well I’m assuming this is Morgan, in the state of Utah?

A cute girl in her late teens or early twenties answered.

Cindy: Sure is, good old Mormon country. You ever heard of the Mormon’s?

Nate: Now Cindy, be nice to the boy, we don’t want to be scaring him off.

Cindy: Sorry dad! You always tell us to show people how normal we are since they think we’re weird.

Jim had heard of Mormons and that they were indeed “weird”. He was once told that the men had a bunch of wives and would actually try to live with all of them.

Jim: Mormon’s? Aren’t you the people with like 10 wives or something like that?

Robert: Weeeelllll, maybe not 10 wives, more like 2 or 3.

Jim replied with an awkward: Uh huh…

Mike: Robert’s just joking with you. One wife, that’s it. Could you even imagine multiple wives? The nagging is bad enough with just one.

One of the womens eyes flashed red and she quickly turned toward Mike.

Suzzane: Michael Joseph Young! I HAVE never… I do not nag you. And if I have you sure ‘nough deserved every bit of it.

Mike (under his breath to Jim): See what I mean?

( (;sa=view;id=6502)

As Jim was listening to the banter between the Mormons, he started to feel dizzy again. His vision started to tunnel in, he could hear Russ making some odd noises too and then he and Russ fell down. Trying to open his eyes, he noticed an odd train running down the tracks. It looked foreign. It looked like something from Japan, but how?

Mary Ann: Oh Jim! You o.k.?

Jim: Yeah, I’m a little hungry that’s all. (Even though he knew it was more to do with the flux capacitor acting up) Is there anywhere to get some food around here?

Mary Ann: Yeah, Darlene’s produce stand’s just down the way. If you’re lucky she might even have some fresh trout from the river and some jerky.

Jim: Sounds good, show me the way. By the way what was that strange train that just flew through town?

Nate: Oh that thing? Some rich kook down in Salt Lake bought a Japanese passenger train had it shipped here and converted it to run on American rails. I’ve never figured out how he got the railroad to allow it on their tracks. It pretty much stays on this stretch and only comes out a few times a year.

( (;sa=view;id=6503)

As the newly formed group of people walked down to Darlene’s stand Jim could smell the sweet smell of charcoal smoke cooking corn and fish. Jim’s mouth began to water as he imagined some freshly grilled trout with lemon and dill, corn on the cob cooked over coals with that smoky flavor mixed with the saltiness of fresh farm butter. And then he saw the early crop of peaches. Oh this was heaven for a hungry man.

As they all ate their lunch, the group of Mormons were still interested about where he came from.

Robert: Well Jim, I’m still curious on where you came from. It’s not too often we get Pennsylvania equipment out here.

Jim: It’s hard to explain. I started out west with some special packages in the b60 and one of those packages ended up making a real mess of time and locale. Time travel is a real thing as is teleportation.
Sometimes though, certain items can get lost in the chaos. I had one large black package get lost. I’m not sure if someone thought it was junk and rubbed it off the shipping list or what. Anyway, I wake up in new places and years all the time now.

Nate: Okay now, we really don’t like fibbers around these parts. I think it might be time for you to head back to that “ time traveling “ baggage car to wait for your pickup.

Jim: Sorry to offend you Nate, but it’s the truth. Robert even noticed we pretty much came out of nowhere. And the real reason Russ and I collapsed back at the depot was that the time machine is acting weird. But you’re right it’s time for me to move on to my next destination.

Cindy: Dad, don’t let him go so quick. He’s kinda cute!

Feeling a little pleased at himself but at the same time awkward having been found attractive by someone a little less than half his age.

Jim: Uh, thanks Cindy. But I do have to leave. Traveling is my job.

Nate: Oh Cindy, you’re a little young for him…

Cindy: Well if you can’t stay, I’m coming with you! I’ve always wanted to go to the city.

Flabbergasted on what to say Jim could only let out a confused "Uhhh.."

Nate: Listen young lady, what are you going to do on a train car?

Nate continued to lecture Cindy about how bad it would be to run off with a total stranger who tells lies about time travel. Jim decided that it might be a good time for he and Russ to slip away and run back to the baggage car.

( (;sa=view;id=6504)

As Jim and Russ crossed over the last main before the siding the b60 was on, they felt that strange energy again and out of nowhere a Union Pacific FEF-3 appeared screaming it’s whistle as it slowly came to a stop.

Ed D: Hey guys, there’s that passenger car dispatch was telling us about. (Ed notices Jim and Russ by the b60) Hey you, is this your’s?

Jim: Well technically it belongs to the PRR but I’m in charge of it’s contents.

Ed D: PRR? Well, let’s see that’s part of NS now and well, I guess I could get corporate to buy that. We are the borg afterall. We assimilate all!!!

Jim: Uh, well from where I come from PRR owns the transcontinental so I think we own you.

Ed D: Resistance is futile! Boys couple that beauty to our train

Train crew: Yes boss!

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Ed D wanted the baggage car as close to him as possible so he had it couple up in front of the tool car.

( (;sa=view;id=6506)

Jim: Well Russ, I don’t know what is happening right now but hopefully this will get us to our next destination.

Russ: Baaaaa! BAaaaaA! Ba Baa BA

Jim: No Russ! Don’t you dare.

( (;sa=view;id=6507)

As the loco’s pushed the baggage car towards the rest of the train Russ jumped from the b60 and ran toward the FEF across the water car.

Jim tried to chase Russ down but can’t keep up with the determined sheep.

Jim: Russ, I told you no! What are you doing?


Jim: So how’s a sheep going to take control of the train and what are you going to do with it if you did.

Russ: Baa Baa BAAAA Ba ba Ba BAAAAAAA

Jim: YOU what? You’re going to take the train hostage until it’s owned by the PRR again?

( (;sa=view;id=6508)

As the train rounded out the corner, Jim felt the speed increase! He looked into the cab of the old steamer and noticed the maniacal look of Ed D’s face and recognized it as someone wanting more speed. Oh no! he thought. This thing is going to hit 88mph and take us somewhere else.

Jim: Russ, get back to the baggage car! It’s going to time jump again.

( (;sa=view;id=6509)

As they got to the rear of the diesel loco, they felt a final surge of speed as they jumped across the gap into the baffle door.
Jim landed first on the floor with Russ landing on top of him. Jim nudged Russ off his now sore body and noticed through the porthole window that the scenery had not changed but they were slowing down considerably.

( (;sa=view;id=6510)

Jim leaned out of the baggage car and was confused at what he saw. A trio of loco’s that would normally not be consisted together with a California Zephyr in tow.
There must be something wrong with the flux capacitor. He looked at the machine closer and noticed in big red letters. PROTOTYPE! May not function as designed.
Great he thought. A malfunctioning time machine that now distorts reality from what it should be.

( (;sa=view;id=6511)

After thinking about the situation they were in, Jim decided that they weren’t going to get to where they needed with this train.
Jim: Okay Russ. Here’s what we are going to do. We are going to put some salt in the TSPSSTRCU and get this train moving to speed again. I’m hoping that it doesn’t crash through the car end so we are going to chain the thing up really well.

( (;sa=view;id=6512)

Not knowing what the physics of this set up would do, Jim prayed that it would work.
Jim: Okay Russ here we go! 3…2…1…

The TSPSSTRCU came to life and miraculously Jim could feel the train begin to gain speed. But not at the rate he had hoped.

As the train rounded another corner he could hear the dynamic brakes on the ES44 and GP60’s kick on to slow the train from the increased speed. Jim poured some more salt into the TSPSSTRCU and boom again. The train began to barrel down the tracks at a faster speed.
This time though, there was a light show. Sparks began flying both from the wheels and the machine and in a brilliant flash the train slowed again.
He looked out the window and saw…nothing.

( (;sa=view;id=6520)

Nothing but a few trees and a lot of grass. No hills, no mountains. He could now hear the chuff of a 2-8-2 and the smell of burning oil and steam.
Jim wasn’t sure on where he was, it sure looked like Nebraska but he was tired from today’s time jumps and didn't really care where here was. Maybe he could just follow this train for a while and take in the simple but beautiful scenery.

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( (;sa=view;id=6517)

Jim: Well Russ, like normal I’m not sure where we are at but hopefully we are headed in the right direction. I think I’m going to take in the view and let the clickity clak lull me to sleep.

Russ: Ba!

As the train sauntered through the landscape Jim couldn’t help feel like this was in some ways closer to home. This was a less busy time that seemed less stressful. That made Jim happy and as he relaxed and washed any care away of where they were heading with a glass of brown liquid he found, he gently fell asleep to the repeated chuffing of the CB&Q Mikado.

Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: chicken45 on July 09, 2018, 09:30:31 AM
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Mark W on July 10, 2018, 12:06:36 PM
I was lucky enough to catch the daily Burlington with the special baggage on it's slow approach into Marsland.  Normally Uncle Joe's horses scatter when the train comes through.  They seemed awful...sheepish... today though. 

Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: u18b on July 11, 2018, 10:16:57 PM
In all of Jim's confusion.... he began to not trust his watch.

So at one of the stops.... he walked up to the engineer and asked...

Jim:  What time is it?

Engineer:  Depends.  Which railroad are you with?

Jim:  Uhhhh.  I'm not sure.   But what difference does it make?

Engineer:  Oh.   It could make a BIG difference!

If you work for Union Pacific, then it's 2 pm.

If you work for BNSF, then it's 14:00 hours.

If you work for CSX, the big hand is on the 12 and the little hand is on the 2.

And if you work for Amtrak.... well.... it's Tuesday.

Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Jbub on July 11, 2018, 11:49:49 PM
Lol  :D
Love it Ron
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: mighalpern on July 28, 2018, 03:23:25 AM
Jim. Opened his eyes.
The car had stopped spinning and he was very happy, his stomach couldn’t take much more of this
What was in that brown drink he thought?
Man got to stop that,  he looked out the port hole and saw it was dark
“wonder here I am”
He slide the door open and pushed a crate out for a step.  He jumped down followed by Russ 
In the distance he heard“ hello there”.
( (;sa=view&id=6912)
His eyes still adjusting to the dark and the glare from the overhead lights he could see a older portly man approaching him
“ hello” Jim replied
The man approach and shook his hand
“ howdy ; I’m Sandy”
( (;sa=view&id=6913)“
hello sandy.  I’m Jim and this is Russ . Pardon me but where am I and can you tell me the year?
Sandy laughed and said” now that’s funny cuz I was going to ask you a bunch of questions, especially with that sheep.   I Was Waiting for my driver to pull in, so I go in to take a leak, and then WHAM your baggage car is parked next to my business , when I come out”!!
“ well sir, your in  Auburn, Washington. It’s Friday  and the year is 1971.
“ you kinda lost or something?

“ well apparently I am lost". Jim replied
  "Been trying to get back east for awhile, just seem to end up in other places other  than the place I want, and then a few times I’m reliving the same place, like a twisted scary  déjà vu “
“ yeah sometime it feels like that here”

On the other end of town a dark engine is pulling into town thru the late night
( (;sa=view&id=6914)
( (;sa=view&id=6915)
He pulls onto the arrival track and releases his cargo and makes his way to the garage
( (;sa=view&id=6916)
The engine pulls up slowly with the precision of a seasoned pro and stops at the access ladder waiting for him
A tall lean man climbs down, his name is Kowalski.
( (;sa=view&id=6917)
Sandy waves his arms and greets him “ Kowalski you son of a bitch, been waiting for you, bet your tired, you earned a nice weekend off.”
( (;sa=view&id=6918)
“ yeah yeah Sandy  I’m here, now you can go home to your wife.”
“Naw , she’s to mean for me at this time of night ,well now you can  take it easy”
“Can’t !  What you got going to Saint Paul?”
Jim’s ears perked up
“Saint Paul?,  you crazy?   You just got in from there!?” Sandy exclaimed
“Stop hassling me and tell me which one !!!” Kowalski growled back
“ fine fine, *****!  Be that way,   Grab that unit behind you, it’s special, and supped up, full tanks too, then grab that 4 car unit set out on track #2. “
“Excuse  me Mr Kowalski.?   I’m  Jim and this is my friend um  partner, um  never mind he’s a sheep,  did I hear that your going east to Saint Paul?”
“Yeah I am heading that way”
“ well, you mind another car, I’m sure the Pennsy will reimburse Sandy. “
“Makes no difference to me,  I have a quick stop to make before heading out, if you don’t mind”
“ no not at all,  doubt I’ll get to where I’m supposed to , so what the hell!”
Jim and Russ climbed back into the baggage car as Sandy and Kowalski hoisted the crate back in.
( (;sa=view&id=6919)
Kowalski climbed into the cab of the glistening F7 and proceeded to start her
Gently notching her up, he swiftly moved out of the garage and then back towards the waiting  B60b with Jim and Russ aboard
( (;sa=view&id=6920)
( (;sa=view&id=6921)

to be continued
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: nkalanaga on July 29, 2018, 02:12:44 AM
It looks like the 751 has been in a collision.  Hopefully the shops can get it back together soon.

That looks like the early BN in Washington.  Many of the trains looked like they could easily have been from the 50s or early 60s.

(The prototype 751 was sold to a scrap dealer in 1981, so it had a long and useful life, as F-units went in the 70s, with the BN.)
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: mighalpern on July 29, 2018, 03:10:52 AM
Once the round around move was done,  Kowalski need to go to his old hang out to look up his friend for something special.  Jim and Russ looked out as the assembly slowly back up to a busy warehouse. 
( (;sa=view&id=6932)
Kowalski came out of the cab and Jim and Russ followed.  The sound of loud music and the roar of un muffled forklifts filled the air.  Men on break drinking cream soda straight from the bottle. Illegal checkers on the dock !!Kowalski’s friend Jake hoped off the window ledge
( (;sa=view&id=6933)
“ hey hey my man K”
“ hey dude,  you looking good “! Kowalski said his eyes red and bags under his eyes
“ man you look messed up, why don’t you come in and chill ,play some checker or something?”
“ no I can’t,  I need a little help for my trip”
“What you need Kowalski,  ?  Jake replied
“ You got something good”
“ hell ya, check this out, got your thermos?
“Yeah”. Kowalski said interested and bringing it out
“Let me turn you on to this new good ***** , Pure Arabica bean man,Columbian supremo , ground myself, not that piss water Foldgers. Got if from a new source called Starbucks, funny name huh”  As Jake filled the thermos,
Kowalski took a sip and smiled as the caffeine entered his body,”  oh yeah that’s the stuff”
“Where you going man?  Jake asked
“Saint Paul by Monday” Kowalski said
“ holly cow man you ain’t gonna make it” Jake said laughing
“ oh I’ll make it, or double my last coffee order!”
“ you on brother, here have the rest of the pot.
Jim could smell the strong pungent smell and decided he didn’t need to get hooked on that
Russ was more of an Americano coffee so he didn’t care
( (;sa=view&id=6934)
They boarded the train and set out for track #2 with no time to waste
( (;sa=view&id=6935)
Kowalski merged on to A/R track #2 and coupled up to the 4 cars waiting for delivery
He had always been an  adrenaline junkie and before this job was had been an race car driver, and a motor bike racer, but the draw of 1500 horsepower under his feet brought him to the locomotives. He stared in to space and reflected
( (;sa=view&id=6936)
Moving up the notches the F7 came to life and began moving forward.
( (;sa=view&id=6937)
Without thinking, Kowalski opened her up and Jim could feel the acceleration as they rounded the bend leaving the city.
( (;sa=view&id=6938)
Jim thought that this might go better than before and settled down to look out the port hole

Small towns came and went, Lester,, Ellensburg ,Yakima, Pasco  , and the train did not stop. Climbing and descending  grades all  rolled by and Jim was beginning to get comfortable, the landscape had now changed and gone were the mountains full of trees and now just rolling hills.
But..  He was not in the cab listing to the radio chatter.
Tacoma  Dispatch-  “ hey Kowalski you need to slow down and heed the lights,  I already had to  sideline 3 frieghts due to you

Kow – “ I don’t care what you have to do I’m moving cars for the company and I have priority

Dispatch- “  you might have priority but you don’t go straight thru, and wait till superintendent sole on the Rocky Mountain division get a hold of you
Kow- I don’t care about him, he can’t  touch me”

But what kowalski did not remember was that dispatch was a party line  and super sole was already listening and thinking
He called out some locos to slow him down and trail him

As he entered the yard limits of Spokane , Kowalski did not slow down  determined to make the schedule. "man that coffee was good" !!
( (;sa=view&id=6939)
( (;sa=view&id=6940)
As he headed down  the long straight away leading out of town and across the state line he noticed in his mirror that he was being chased by two black and whites. Horns and bells blaring
( (;sa=view&id=6941)
( (;sa=view&id=6942)
Kowalski stepped on it and made a last dash for the turnout and the state line,  no one would throw a switch at the rate he was going
( (;sa=view&id=6943)
( (;sa=view&id=6944)
True to his thoughts the black and whites did not follow,  he wondered what they thought they could do, cut him off at the switch,  latch on to the rear and drag him down??
Kowalski smiled at the idea and keep pushing

Tacoma dispatch- to Rocky Mountain dispatch
“ yeah we lost him at the state line, looks like he’s your problem now”
Superintendent sole responded “ don’t worry boys he won’t get past Livingston “
And he gave the command to throw the switch at Garrison and send Kowalski up Homestake pass and Bozeman Pass, slowing him down as he made the climbs, giving time to put the de-railers out in Livingston
The train passed through The switches with a jerk and Jim and Russ were shaken awake.  Till now the ride had been good although very fast, but Jim had been to 88 mph so this was nothing to him,  He came thru the loco and stood beside Kowalski.
“ everything ok? “
“ yeah nothing to worry about, just a little detour.  Why don’t you and your sheep head back and make sure everything is secure.  Going to be a little rough on the turns and heating up the dynamic bakes” Kowalski said ,staring straight out as the scenery flashed by.
Jim check all the items in the car, and verified that that 55 gallon barrel was still secure, Jim really didn’t want to get that  over himself again!!!  Ed k would be alarmed that the contents of his barrel were diminishing

Rocky Mountain dispatch – “ Kowalski, do you hear me, This is superintendent sole and I got a present waiting for you at Livingston,  you won’t like it, so I would tell you to give up this foolish game and idea of Saint Paul by Monday Kowalski !!!! Do you here me!!!
But Kowalski wasn’t listening anymore , his eyes were focused on the mountain pass and the double track
Around a bend on the inside track he saw a familiar locomotive and cars, but he didn't quiet know why the looked familiar
They begin to met
And a strange effect occurred as color and time shifted
( (;sa=view&id=6945)
( (;sa=view&id=6946)
Has he been here before?
( (;sa=view&id=6947)
( (;sa=view&id=6948)
Jim is looking out the port hole window and see’s his  first  met of the journey, very curious
A vista dome passes by
( (;sa=view&id=6949)
And then things begin to blur
( (;sa=view&id=6950)
And in an instant the B60b has vanished
( (;sa=view&id=6951)

The train continues


Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: DKS on August 23, 2018, 10:36:51 AM
BAR FLY: Part 1

From behind the bar, as he idly dried shot glasses, Johnny watched Dan stagger out of JB’s, just as he’d done almost every afternoon for as long as Johnny could remember. The world was spinning along as per normal.


When Glenn spotted Dan stumble through the crowd on the corner, he kept one eye pinned on the drunk while he scanned the traffic with the other. “One of these days,” the veteran cop thought, “he’s gonna meet his maker on this corner.” He winced as a car screeched to an abrupt stop, horn blaring.

“Affernoon, ossifer,” Dan slurred with a grin as he limped past Glenn. The smell of whiskey was strong enough to make Glenn’s jaw clench; he nodded in silent response as Dan did his best to maintain course toward the old Rearden machine screw plant, where he often hid to sleep off the worst of his drinking binges. Glenn knew it would serve no purpose to go after him; better to just let the world keep spinning along as per normal.

As Dan wobbled around the corner of the Rearden building, he stopped dead in his tracks—a challenge in and of itself considering his condition—as he came face-to-face, more or less, with... a sheep. “Wha—” was all he could manage.


The sheep looked up at Dan. “Where a-a-a-a-am I?” it uttered.

Dan blinked. Drool began to descend from his still-open mouth. “Wha—” he repeated.

“I said,” the sheep insisted, “Where a-a-a-a-am I?”

Dan stumbled back a couple of feet until his back met the brick building, then he allowed himself to collapse slowly to the ground. “This ain’t happenin’,” he groaned. As the sheep stepped toward him, Dan’s eyes widened to unnatural proportions, and he raised his hands to shield himself from the apparition.

“Stop it!” a voice rang out from between the buildings. A man darted up behind the sheep. “You know better than to talk to strangers! Get back in the baggage car and wait for me. I’ll figure out what’s what.”

Head lowered, the sheep did as she was told, while the uniformed man observed his surroundings, then approached Dan. “Hey, buddy.”

Dan cautiously lowered his trembling hands. “Wha—” he croaked.

“Hey, I’m Jim. Can you tell me where we are—I mean, where I am?”

Dan blinked at Jim for a moment, then glanced around nervously. “Th-th-that... sheep?”

“What sheep?”

“The one that... talked... to me?”

Jim let out a somewhat contrived-sounding belly-laugh. “My friend, you’ve had a few too many, eh?”

Dan fidgeted.

“See, I’m from out of town, a little lost. Can you tell me where I am?”

“Um... corner of Broad an’ Olden.”

“That’s a start. What town?”

Dan became wary. “Tren’n?”

Jim frowned. “Trenton? New Jersey?”

Dan just blinked, his jaw going slack again.

“Waaaay of course,” Jim mumbled to himself. He swung around to have a look at the baggage car. It sat on a weedy siding wedged between two abandoned industrial buildings. Jim face-palmed. “Don’t know how we’re gonna get out of this one.”


Hands on his hips, face scrunched into a frown, Jim did a one-eighty and looked up and down Broad Street. Then his eyes lit up. “Yes!”

Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: DKS on August 23, 2018, 10:37:09 AM
BAR FLY: Part 2

Dumbfounded and ready to swear off the booze, Dan watched as Jim darted across the street toward the siding beside Capitol Fuel, where a switcher was spotting a tank car.


Jim scrambled up beside the bright yellow switcher and started waving and shouting at the engineer. Finally he caught the grizzled old fellow’s attention. “Hey! Hey! I could use your help!”

The engineer brought his switcher to a stop, and the diesel dropped to a rattling idle. “What’s the problem?” he shouted back.

Jim just pointed toward the baggage car across the street. The engineer looked up and stared in disbelief. “What the f**k...?” he gulped, and looked back down at Jim.

“You don’t want to know. But I need your help getting it out of there.”

The engineer stroked his yellow-white beard thoughtfully for a moment, then grinned oddly. “Been a while since I’ve had a challenge! Lucky for you I’m also the railroad’s dispatcher! Come on up in the cab!”

Jim squeezed through the door to be greeted by two grimy, deeply-lined old faces.

“I’m Jim,” the engineer said as he thrust a greasy hand toward Jim.

“Makes two of us,” Jim replied as he shook the engineer’s hand—a hand that seemed rather large for a man whose feet didn’t touch the cab floor.

“This here’s Pete: fireman, brakeman, and just about every other man on the Tren’n Trans.”

An enormous bear of a man, Pete was so large that he was eye-to-eye with Engineer Jim, even though Pete sat on a toolbox on the floor. Without uttering a word, he eyed Conductor Jim warily, then turned his head to the window and spat out some of his Mail Pouch. The thick, brownish glob landed smack on the windshield of a passing car. Pete grunted in satisfaction.

“He don’t say much. So, tell me, how the hell did that f**king thing end up there?” Engineer Jim asked, motioning at the baggage car.

“It’s a long story,” Conductor Jim said, a little sheepishly. “Maybe another time. I just need it moved. How close to the Pennsylvania mainline can you get it?”

“Pennsy main?” Engineer Jim blurted. He eyed Conductor Jim a little more closely, squinting at the vaguely familiar but still unusual-looking uniform. “You ain’t from ’round here, are ya?”

“No, to be sure.”

“Hmmm. Well, lucky for you, the TTC used to interchange with the Pennsy. I can get you pretty close. But the last couple turnouts were tore up, so I can’t get you physically on the line. That’d be a Federal offense anyways.” Engineer Jim saw Conductor Jim’s shoulders slump a bit. “But I know someone with a crane,” he added with a wink.

Conductor Jim sighed. “Close will have to do.”

“Very well, then,” Engineer Jim announced as he spun around in his seat, releasing the engine brake, throwing the reverser, and yanking the throttle all in one smooth motion. “Hang on to yer fam’ly jewels, son, we’re goin’ for a ride!” The one still-functional horn on Number 3 wailed as they crept across Broad Street, and Jim chuckled as cars rammed on their brakes to avoid careening into Number 3’s trucks. “We’re gonna have to take a bit of a detour to get to the old Rearden siding,” Engineer Jim advised over the roar of the diesel, “and Glenn’s not gonna like this one bit!”


“That’s fine,” Conductor Jim replied, wondering who Glenn was. The drunk, maybe? He stared down at the cars lined up at the grade crossing, noting for the first time that he was a stranger to this time as well as this place. The world was definitely not spinning along as per normal.

After weaving and shaking around a sharp bend, Engineer Jim brought Number 3 to a shuddering halt beside a long brick warehouse, and looked expectantly at Pete. “Hope that f**ker will still throw.” After Pete left the cab, Engineer Jim leaned over his shoulder to Conductor Jim. “Actually, I’m more worried about the one in the middle of Broad Street.”


Wheels squealed and groaned in protest as the switcher negotiated the sharp curve beside the old Rearden plant. Then Engineer Jim slowed to a crawl as he crept out into the middle of Broad Street, his casual grin replaced by a firm, focused gaze as he studied the traffic intently.

Conductor Jim watched as they inched their way past JB’s Corner Bar and Greene Electric Supply, the wheels crunching through gravel and debris in the flangeways, finally coming to a halt where the rails disappeared into the asphalt. Engineer Jim nodded to Pete, who dutifully exited the cab.

Meanwhile, Glenn was making his way through crowds of gaping onlookers toward the switcher. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he shouted up at Engineer Jim.

“Nice to see you too, Glenn!” Engineer Jim shouted back. “Running a special today. Get ready!”

“You could’ve at least warned us!”


“Don’t get yer f**kin’ panties in a knot, I’ll treat you to a couple Jacks when it’s all over!” Engineer Jim chuckled as he watched Glenn scramble around the end of Number 3 to attempt unjamming the traffic. Then he frowned, and leaned out of the cab window for a look in the other direction: Pete was still struggling with the turnout throw buried in the street. “Might be a while,” he advised Conductor Jim, and gestured at the corner bar. “Wanna grab a brew? John at the bar is a friend of mine—he gets me my drinks for free.”

“Thanks, no,” Conductor Jim answered, thinking there's someplace that he'd rather be.

After what seemed like an eternity, Pete struggled back into the cab, glaring at Engineer Jim as he fell onto the toolbox, still huffing and puffing.

“That’s my man!” Engineer Jim said as he released the brake and got Number 3 moving again.

Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: DKS on August 23, 2018, 10:37:25 AM
BAR FLY: Part 3

They stopped in the middle of the curve, just clear of the street, and Engineer Jim inclined his head to Pete. Conductor Jim watched Pete approach Dan, who was still slouched on the ground at the corner of the Rearden building. Pete motioned in vain at Dan to move, then picked Dan up and shoved him around the corner out of the way. Then Pete trudged over to the end of the baggage car and gave Engineer Jim the signal to proceed slowly. Pete motioned to stop, and he wrestled the couplers into alignment. Finally, after a satisfying clunk, Pete indicated success. Engineer Jim took up the slack; Pete hooked up the air hoses and opened the cocks.

Engineer Jim began charging the train brake line, staring at the pressure gauge expectantly. “I can only assume the brakes work on that f**kin’ thing,” he growled.

“They should be fine,” Conductor Jim replied.

Engineer Jim grunted. “Well, we’ll see.” The pressure gauge came up to full, he grunted again, and made an application. After a cycle, he looked down at Pete, who indicated the brakes worked. Engineer Jim seemed pleasantly surprised. “Hmmm. We just may be able to pull this off.”

After three short horn blasts, Engineer Jim began to pull the baggage car out, a half-inch at a time. As Number 3 crept back out onto Broad Street, there was a sudden lurch and a gut-wrenching screeching sound. Engineer Jim immediately dumped the brakes and spun around to Conductor Jim.


“Let me have a look,” Conductor Jim said as he scrambled out of the cab and down to the parking lot next to the siding. He gazed up in horror at the baggage car, which was wedged solidly against the side of the factory building. If he’d had lunch, it would be splattered on the ground. He could only imagine how the sheep must have felt. After a moment, he came to the realization that the damage was already done, and there was little else to do but to try and keep going. He signaled up to Engineer Jim to proceed.


Shaking his head in disbelief, Engineer Jim complied, and once he had a full brake charge, he wound up Number 3’s prime mover—the great black cloud it belched was a clear indication this was a rare event. The horrific screeching resumed, and Conductor Jim watched helplessly as the building tore at the side of the baggage car, popping rivets, ripping off trim and creasing the steel side.


When at last the baggage car was free of the building, Engineer Jim worked the horn for all it was worth as he dragged the car across the end of Olden Avenue, past a drop-jawed Glenn who was doing his best to hold back traffic. He glanced back and forth between Pete, who stood at the turnout throw across from the bar, and the end of the switchback. Pete signaled to keep going, and Engineer Jim pressed on past the ends of the rails, wheels crunching through the asphalt. His eyes widened as they crept towards a long-gone diamond where the switchback once crossed the TTC main. Finally Pete indicated they’d cleared the points, and Engineer Jim slammed the brakes, heaving a sigh of relief. With barely an inch to spare, Pete threw the points in the other direction, and made a beeline for the cab. Conductor Jim followed close behind.


Engineer Jim and Pete shared a long look of relief, then they both glared at Conductor Jim, whose eyes were clenched shut as he silently offered his deity thanks. Two short blasts of the horn jolted Conductor Jim back to reality. Engineer Jim hit the reverser and started shoving the baggage car back down Broad Street.

Leaning against the crossing shanty on Broad Street, Dan watched the baggage car slowly swing around behind the Rearden plant and disappear under the Olden Avenue bridge. When the last squeal faded into the traffic noise, he staggered back in the direction of JB’s. He met Glenn at the corner, and paused to offer a look of utter disbelief; Glenn just grinned reassuringly and patted Dan on the shoulder. Then Dan staggered back into the bar.


Johnny nodded patiently as Dan related the bizarre tale of the baggage car at the Rearden plant as best he could. Johnny chuckled to himself... the world was spinning along as per normal.

Or so he thought... as screams of terror suddenly arose from the street outside...

Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Jbub on August 23, 2018, 04:22:00 PM
Great story telling and even better photos. If it wasn't for the neccessary wide wheel flange gaps in the road I would have a hard time telling the last photo wasn't real, even with the fly on the road
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: peteski on August 23, 2018, 04:27:06 PM
Great story telling and even better photos. If it wasn't for the neccessary wide wheel flange gaps in the road I would have a hard time telling the last photo wasn't real, even with the fly on the road

But the photo is of a 1:1 scale road - DKS Photoshopped the fly in!   :D  :trollface:

That is great story (and photos too) DKS!!
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: davefoxx on October 23, 2018, 11:10:29 PM
The TRW Traveling Baggage Car has returned to Delaware.  Although the Seaboard Central 2.0 is now gone, the B60b visited both Aly Foxx's N Scale Layout and the Seaboard Central 3.0.

In the early morning light, the Seaboard System hauled the B60b #9358 through the Blue Ridge Mountains where an early (and rare!) October snowfall greeted the Railwire Express Agency car.  A SBD transfer caboose provided the markers on this freight train, which was en route to Aberdeen, North Carolina and an interchange with the Aberdeen & Rockfish RR.


However, upon arrival in Aberdeen, Jim heard a sound and looked around.  The Flux Capacitor wasn't charged with 1.21 gigawatts of power, so it wasn't that.  He wondered what he heard, when he noticed another crate that came on board at the last stop.  This crate was marked "The Super-Sizer" and was being shipped to one Mr. Lee Weldon.  Jim remembered Lee from his visit to the Canton, Highlandtown and Fells Point RR about one year ago, and he didn't even want to speculate as what a bachelor would want to do with a Super-Sizer.  Yikes!  Anyhow, he noticed that the crate was becoming hotter, and the noise was increasing.  The Super-Sizer sounded like it was building up to a warp core breach!  When suddenly!


At that moment, Jim was thrown to the far end of the baggage car, as it screamed to a stop.  After climbing out from under broken cartons of bacon, bourbon, and nudie magazines, Jim muttered, "What does that Lee Weldon do in his free time?"  In Lee's defense, though, the empty fifty-five gallon drum that Jim fell over while trying to get to his feet was the same drum labeled "Industrial Strength Personal Lubricant" that was shipped to an Ed K. in Towson, Maryland some time ago.  "How'd that get back onboard?"

Jim looked out a porthole window but all that he could see was the ground, since the baggage car was leaning at a severe angle.  "Not again, this is almost as bad as that derailment on the Colorado Midland Ry., but at least I'm not hanging off a trestle!"  As his mind began to clear from the shellacking that he took during the derailment, he noticed that something was amiss. "Oh, my!  The Super Sizer must have been on in reverse!"  He was lucky that the A&R gondola on one end and the SBD caboose on the other didn't run him over when the train went into emergency.


Jim and his car were reduced by approximately 54% from their original size.  "Now what?!"  The Seaboard boys were satisfied with making it the A&R's problem, as they considered the train delivered to the interchange yard just south of Aberdeen.  Thankfully, those A&R fellers with their southern hospitality were glad to help.  First, they had to figure out what to do with the B60b, since it now fit between the gauge of the rails.  They couldn't drag it along the ties.  So, a quick-thinker suggested loading the whole car up and sending it on to its destination.  To get back at those Seaboard boys dumping the problem in their lap, they hijacked a bulkhead flatcar, specifically, SBD (former SCL) flatcar No. 678921, from the interchange yard.  A quick construction of some track on the deck, and the A&R crew had the baggage car loaded up.


A quick tacking on of an A&R caboose, to replace the SBD one that the Seaboard crew quickly pulled off as they fled back south, and the baggage car was on its way to its destination on the A&R:

Finally, A&R GP38 No. 400 (a/k/a "Duke Blue Crane") dropped the TRW Traveling Baggage Car at its destination in Raeford, North Carolina.  Once unloaded (although the receiving department might be a little disappointed with the "small" delivery), Jim and the car would be sent to an interchange with the Southern Ry. back in Aberdeen to head to points west.


Thanks for following along,
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: eric220 on October 24, 2018, 12:45:15 AM
Love it! I hope it gets back to normal size before it gets to Oklahoma!
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: peteski on October 24, 2018, 04:29:55 AM
Dave, in the admin thread you wrote "Sorry it took so long, and the results won't be worth the wait.". Well, I totally disagree. It was a great little story. Thoroughly enjoyable, and very creative.
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: dnhouston on October 24, 2018, 10:23:04 AM
DKS - Great story and pictures.  And I loved the nod to Billy Joel.

DFF - Definitely worth the wait.  Nicely done.
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Ed Kapuscinski on October 24, 2018, 11:54:14 AM
Ahahaha, awesome!

Well worth the wait!
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: davefoxx on October 24, 2018, 12:25:29 PM
Thank you, guys.  You're very generous, but I appreciate it.  I'm just so embarrassed by the lack of scenery and anything photogenic on Aly's and my layouts.  I'm glad you liked my effort, because it was tough as compared to some really creative and imaginative writing and incredible pictures in prior posts from other :ashat:'s.  Not to mention, just my luck that I had to follow DKS.  :P

Thanks again,
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Lemosteam on October 25, 2018, 06:55:35 AM
Thank you, guys.  You're very generous, but I appreciate it.  I'm just so embarrassed by the lack of scenery and anything photogenic on Aly's and my layouts.  I'm glad you liked my effort, because it was tough as compared to some really creative and imaginative writing and incredible pictures in prior posts from other :ashat:'s.  Not to mention, just my luck that I had to follow DKS.  :P

Thanks again,

Dude- almost all of my images were photo-shopped in some way or another.  Nothing more embarrassing than that, eh @chicken45 ?
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: chicken45 on October 25, 2018, 09:01:19 AM
Dude- almost all of my images were photo-shopped in some way or another.  Nothing more embarrassing than that, eh @chicken45 ?


 :D ;) :ashat:
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: drs_rr on November 23, 2018, 05:32:13 PM
The Deep River Southern Dispatcher received a call and said special shipment coming in on the Frisco today...They have special instructions to meet it as soon as it gets to Green Valley and then proceed to Stock spur in Clifton for the night then continue to Pine Flat, where the Pine Flat Logging Company will take it to its final destination.  Once the my Friends Miguel, Jeff, Eric and Bill caught wind of this they loaded up their cameras with film and a full tank of gas and grabbed me and off we went...rumor was some east coast baggage car...Right on time the Frisco hit the interchange and there it was right at the front end.
After grabbing a bite to eat in Green valley at Matthew's Diner, we spotted a doodlebug in the background, no it couldn't be, we haven't seen that thing on the rails around here in years.
The Deep River Southern doesn't do anything for free, so the instructions call for the Frisco local to spot it on the scale, there wasn't a half inch to spare, the wheels of the trucks just barely fit onto the live rails of the scale track.
After the Frisco  units cleared, the doodlebug backup and connected to the baggage car, and with a big blast of the horn she started depart Green Valley, back into the car we jumped and floored the old Mercury as we sped down some unimproved roads to catch some shots of the train.
First spot, the bridge over Deep River, the train crosses it several times...this is the first along the line.
My buddy Miguel, being the crazy driver he is, as soon as we snapped the shot the gas pedal was floored as he said if we hurry we can catch it before it makes that turn along the river where we'll lose her for a little bit...jump out just in time catch this shot.
From there we probably shouldn't have let Bill tell us where to go, he's this old codger that is kind of set in his after a few left turns instead of rights we finally made it back to another crossing of Deep River, hoping we got there before the train did...between Miguel's Driving and Jeff taking over as map reader we felt pretty confident, about that time Eric yelled stop, jumped out of the car and down the hill side he ran...young kids...we got there too, out of breath, just as the it was almost all the way across the bridge.
After Port Allen there isn't a lot of places to catch the train as the terrain changes as we climb in altitude...but Jeff and Eric looking at the map, say we can make it...if we go here, then there, then turn here, we should get to this point and see it go by...back into the car we go, Miguel shifting that 3 on the tree like we were at the drags.  We got out, walked around, wondering...were we in time...Bill the old codger walked up to the rails, put his ear to up and walked back...train should be here in about 5 clockwork, we could hear the clickity clack of the rails in the distance as the old doodlebug was working hard to pull that Pennsy baggage car up the grade.
Off into the distance she went, back to the car we made our way back to the main road knowing there was no way we were going to make it to Clifton before the train we took our time, and shared stories along the way...when we got to Clifton, just as we had heard, the baggage car and doodlebug were backed on the old stock spur...running around in the pen was a sheep, and cow, with someone looking over the railing.  We approached, introduced ourselves, and a polite man he was...a little scruffy looking.  then he began with stories, a trip that started 2 years ago.  Said he embarked on this trip to  explore the country, met wonderful people, and has carried or escorted some pretty unusual loads...but the sheep has been his best friend along the way, but now it's time for it go to its new home way up in the mountains.  We called it a night, a few of use took up a room at the local hotel, the old mining town is pretty run down...Bill as expected, said he'd sleep right there in the old Merc.
Next morning after Jeff had about 3 or 4 cups of mud water, think it was coffee, we loaded up and looked back at the spur and the train was gone, Eric was no were around, comes running around the corner, I just talked to the station agent, it left 20 minutes ago, we can catch it at tunnel one he said...the doors weren't even closed all the way, and there goes Miguel, on a mission to catch up to it, we fly around the corner, he slams on the brakes, there she is, we jump out to catch a shot just before entering the tunnel.
The terrain from there to Davis Junction has no roads, we headed to Davis Junction and waited for it to get there.  After a little nap in the car we could here a horn and bell off in the distance as she pulled into the siding and stopped at the depot for the latest instructions, from there it was time to depart...and what timing a local Deep River Southern freight was just passing under the bridge on the mainline, as we were on the branchline now.
From there it turned on the balloon loop and back on the Newton Grade as it headed up to Montray Pass on the branchline.
We too had many steep grades to get to, we were all hoping the old Merc had it in her to make it up these grades, but Bill, being the old codger he was, put a gallon jug of water in the trunk, sat back and said we're all good now...he tried to engage is some political conversation, but we all reminded him, this was railfanning, if you have some addition info on this car lets hear it..then radio silence set in.  When we crested the top of the grade, we got there just as she was exiting the tunnel.
The branchline servers a large cement plant, this area is know for good quality rock, and off in the distance we can see another cement plant.
We finally made it to Pine Flat, end of the line.  When we got there Eric went in to find out what the plan is, as we were sitting there the doodlebug pulled infront of the station, and the crew got out to stretch their legs, the engineer said, there was a reason I bid off the line when the doodlebug ran daily, the wheels I swear are square on that thing, every joint in my body feels like it's been jarred loose.
I see Eric and Jeff come out of the depot, running as fast they can, they are yelling something, but we can't make out what they are saying, about that time We he a loud steam whistle...we turn and look, and the shop salvaged caboose was being put on the back of the baggage car, while being moved by a shay!
About this time I can hear Jeff...A SHAY...A SHAY...Eric found out for the special movement they were going to push the caboose and baggage car into the log pond yard, do a run around, then head out of town headed to camp 19.  He also said that Jim was going to get to ride in the caboose on this last leg, the superintendent said you want to see where you are going, you'll be crossing Dinky creek, Million Dollar Pass, and make your way to some virgin old grown forest. Luckily we had Bill with us this time, as the only roads in this area are old logging roads, and only an old codger would know were to go...luckily no need set speed records as the shay was going to go nice and slow, good thing too, these old logging roads weren't made for a 4 door Mercury to be going down, but that wasn't about to stop us at this point.
A few blast of the whistle and we are passing the engine house and right off the bat crossing Dinky Creek.
after that we had to cross Dinky Creek and it took us away from the railroad, but Bill recognized the fork in the road, said turn left we did, and next thing you know we were on on old logging line on the other side of the canyon as we looked back and picked out where we wanted to capture the train, what a site.  Now you can see why they call it the million dollar cut, that was a lot of blasting to get the train around that rock face.
several miles down the road we catch back up with the railroad, and at the reload we see another steam locomotive, we here Jeff yell, A MALLET...Look its a MALLET working the reaload.  there was all kinds of noises from all the steam donkeys working the reload, the mallet, and then throw in our special shay train passing by..oh what a site!
off in the distance we could Camp 19, the newest logging camp on the Pine Flat Logging company.
The engineer goes past the siding, the conductor throws the switch and the shay pushes its caboose and baggage car up the steep incline to the logging camp itself...there Jim gets out, Smell that fresh air. They helped him unload his cargo, it wasn't an easy task, but eventually we got that sheep off loaded....then Jim said I have another friend on board, he loaded up that old cow back in Clifton too.  See, Jim is going into semi retirement, he's going to live in one of those shacks back there, and instead of being on the rails every night, he's going to take saw filing, keeping those blades sharp for all those loggers, a slower life but and he'll be right at home with his sheep and cow. We all went up to Jim, shook his hand, and said thanks...thanks for the stories...Jim said in reply, now don't be strangers, I have more stories to tell :)
We loaded back up in that old Merc, heading back to Pine Flat and getting some Gas at the local station headed back to Beckton. A few days later Eric called, you up for more railfanning, sure but can we keep it local, and just a couple of hours he chuckled, of we all met down at The Railyard Cafe in Beckton, and low and behold was the old Pennsy baggage car being picked up from the REA building.
A little while later, after Jeff had a few cups of coffee, we loaded up and looked across the yard as the Daylight was departing town, and right there in the consist was the Pennsy Baggage car headed off to its next destination. 


Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Lemosteam on November 28, 2018, 06:18:11 AM
@drs_rr Nice story and layout!  Have you started a layout thread in the Layout Engineering Reports?  I am particularity interested in how you constructed this and what it does (your image of course):

Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: peteski on November 28, 2018, 07:21:03 AM
Hmm . . . tunnel entrance on the lower and upper levels. Looks like a helix-eliminator or a train elevator.  :)

Full-extension drawer slide makes a good play-free alignment device.  Clever!
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Lemosteam on November 28, 2018, 07:31:22 AM
Hmm . . . tunnel entrance on the lower and upper levels. Looks like a helix-eliminator or a train elevator.  :)

Full-extension drawer slide makes a good play-free alignment device.  Clever!

Aye, that is why I am so interested to see it.
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: MK on November 28, 2018, 07:38:22 AM
It would be icing on the cake if it was motorized....and DCC controlled!   :D
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: eric220 on November 28, 2018, 12:45:41 PM
Hmm . . . tunnel entrance on the lower and upper levels. Looks like a helix-eliminator or a train elevator.  :)

That is exactly what it is!  It connects the mainline on the lower level to the branch on the upper level, if memory serves correctly.

It would be icing on the cake if it was motorized....and DCC controlled!   :D

It is the exact opposite!  100% manual pull cord!  It actually functions quite smoothly (assuming the operator operates it smoothly) :D.
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: drs_rr on November 28, 2018, 07:32:02 PM
I didn't want a helix as I have 24" between my two levels.  The mainline is on the main level, with staging at each end.  in a converted closet at the one end I have my west end staging and Davis Junction, where the branchline interchanges.  the branchline is on the upper level along with the logging line.  Since it is a branchline, it is limited to two engines, 13 cars and a caboose. usually makes 2 runs up and down the elevator during an op session, every once in a while you get a third one in there. To traverse the two levels after making your train up at Davis Junction you back onto the elevator, then manually move it to the upper position.  The cables go to a counter weight so it doesn't take a lot of effort to move between levels, and the drawer slides are pretty smooth. Once on the upper end lock it and drive the train off. when you come back down you engine will be the lead onto the elevator, then after it is lowered you back into Davis Junction.

here is a track plan:

I've written an article for N scale magazine, but a year and a half a go I had an little personal injury incident, and then my friend Steve who help me with the design came up with a new concept for locking it in the upper and lower position where it will line up perfectly every time also encountered a little personal injury incident this past year.  So we haven't had a chance to make the modifications, so I'm waiting to finish the article after the improvements are incorporated.

I have not created a layout engineering report, but you can go back through as I have several albums over the years of the construction of the railroad. (

Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: MK on November 28, 2018, 09:50:50 PM
Just curious if you have any mechism to prevent a train from accidentally driving into the abyss when "the bridge is out"?  If you do, can we get a picture?  :)
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: drs_rr on November 29, 2018, 08:23:30 AM
is none, just alert operators!
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: Lemosteam on November 29, 2018, 10:00:37 AM
Just curious if you have any mechism to prevent a train from accidentally driving into the abyss when "the bridge is out"?  If you do, can we get a picture?  :)

When the elevator is up the slide is a barrier, when down you could devise a drop down panel that slides in a track to close the portal.
Title: Re: Railwire Travelling Baggage Car - Photo Thread
Post by: davefoxx on November 29, 2018, 11:32:18 AM
Maybe this conversation on the elevator could be moved to a separate thread where it would be easier to search for it later and it wouldn’t clog up this thread about the B60b?