General Discussion => Product Discussion => Topic started by: Dave V on December 15, 2015, 04:10:25 PM
Has anyone bought from the latest batch of Bachmann heavyweight coaches? I'd love to see photos other than the stock Bachmann photos. Also curious as to how well Bachmann's Tuscan on these cars lines up with the MTL heavyweight Tuscan.
I know we've discussed at length that these cars are at best stand-ins for PRR P70s so not looking to rehash that. Initially I thought the price point was too high to even consider, but street prices are coming down.
I regret not biting on an MTL paired-window coach in PRR...again it would have been a stand-in, but with a pair of 2D-P5 trucks it would be a very good stand-in.
Would love to see close-ups under decent lighting if anyone bought one. Thanks!
EDIT: The Bachmann road number doesn't look like it's from the unmodified P70 fleet which I recall was typically 1500-1600s, but PRR did have modified P70s all over the map number-wise.
I have three that I picked up with doodlebugs at a rock-bottom price a couple of years ago, then auctioned off the doodlebugs to get most of my investment back. No Pennsy on hand, and I don't see the P70 resemblance even though others do. But the coaches are good stand-ins that I will be dressing in New Haven livery, and the tooling relief is more detailed than the MTL cars.
I know the length is off... But I guess I'm just not tuned into passenger car details the way I am locomotive details in that if I stare at the Bachmann car, the differences--trucks and roof not withstanding--are not immediately obvious to me. The window count and distribution are right, as are the vestibule windows. The differences in underbody detail are--to me, anyway--in the "noise" of the variations on real PRR P70s.
So I guess I did rehash that after all, LOL. I am interested to know what the major differences are that I'm not seeing besides what I mentioned.
Nevertheless, I think I'm going to hold out for the MTL car (hoping @Shipsure can get that runner pack to us). I was just curious. Again, it's not as exact as the Lima car (which has its own issues) but certainly fits into the "looking right when moving" category.
I got my Bachmann January newsletter today and the heavyweight coach is featured...MSRP $79.00! :o :o :o
Are you kidding me? What are they thinking, or what am I missing? Are they self-propelled? Made of precious metals? What? Anybody have one of these?
Otto K.
Yeah, that's just plain ridiculous.
I'd pay $30 tops for that from them.
There were several railroads that had suburban cars of similar length, but I am not aware of the Bachmann cars being any specific prototype. So, I will be saving my heavyweight dollars for a MT single window coach and maybe some M&R sides if Roberto ever finds time for another run. Given that I can buy at least 2 MT cars plus some other stuff for the MSRP of one of these (granted, Bachmann MSRP is something of a fantasy number, but still....), I am assuming this is being made for folks with train sets and tight curves, who don't know any better.
Well, the model maybe okay, or not, but I just don't get the pricing, it's so far off the norm. It's like whoever sets prices there lives in another universe...and to my knowledge, they are not stupid business people. What gives...odd
Otto K.
They include constant interior lighting and die-cast trucks! That price is a bargain! :trollface:
Plus remember, the Chinese labor rates are going up. :)
I think all of the Bachmann pricing lately is out of line. People are going to stop buying their products.
:|The Bachmann (Bachperson) pricing really is out of line on some items. I have several trailer coaches on order including a Pennsylvania, when they ship to me from BLW I will let everyone know about the color, of course I' am only a closet Pennsy Fanzee so my review may not be accurate even though I rode on some Pennsylvania Trains in my youth. Nate Goodman (Nato). :|
I bought one
tried several times to get photos
had it placed between two MTL cars
no matter how I adjusted my camera
I could not get a good shot
fuzzy and out of focus
even when I had it set to auto
nonetheless, the color of the Bachmann car
is not an "exact" match, but it is so close that
one would not notice the color difference
except under very bright light
otherwise it is quite a good blend with MTL colors
Gary, I have no idea what you are using for a camera but there are many tricks available to make things work. Here are couple:
1. focus on another car and then pan the camera to the car you want and press the shutter.
2. go into manual focus mode and then focus and shoot.
3. take a wider shot of multiple cars focusing on another car (possibly at higher megapixel setting) then crop the photo to just the car you want.
4. make sure that the ambient lighting is strong enough for the camera to focus. Also direct the focus area on some vertical feature which has sharp contrast in it (like a vertical edge of a window or the end of the car). That usually helps in focusing.
@peteski thanks, your information as always is helpful
I am going to learn more about the camera and employ your info
and definitely refrain from posting any photos until--if and when--
I can actually take photo worth viewing :facepalm:
I really, truly, did well with my 35mm canon. ;)
have a fantastic weekend
I've three of the aforementioned coaches, in PRR livery, which I picked up for $45 each.
For all intents and purposes, they're P70s. No I didn't caliper the boggers, but I did compare them to P70s in NJ International's PRR Heavyweight book, and I'm satisfied in saying that the Bachmann coaches are P70s, save for minor bits with the roof and the trucks, but the interior lighting is suitably visible, but not overpowering, and is at a fairly consistent level of illumination across the length of the car.
I'm very satisfied with their natural look when positioned behind a Bachmann K4, both in motion and at rest.
No I didn't caliper the boggers, but I did compare them to P70s in NJ International's PRR Heavyweight book, and I'm satisfied in saying that the Bachmann coaches are P70s
I am a good 250 miles from any hobby shop that might conceivably carry one of these in stock, and am not going to buy one just to measure, so hoping someone who has one can help me out here.
So, when they say it is a 72' coach, do they mean 72' over corner posts PLUS 2 vestibules? Or do they mean 72' over buffers (what I have assumed from the photos)? A P70 is 80' 3 3/4 long over the buffers, and 70' 5 3/4" over the corner posts.
They LOOK like shorties in all the photos, and 8 feet is pretty obvious, even in N scale. But if they are 72' over the corner posts, then they are a foot and a half too big that way. Just a ruler, no caliper required.
Frankly, looks a lot like the old Bachmann shorties, with an extra window and new, clean molds.
I just went back and compared photos of the Doodlebug trailer coach with those of this heavyweight coach model, and definitely it is the same model. So I will check the measurements later today of the trailer coaches I have and also juxtapose the trailer coach model with the Lima model. Maybe it is a P-70, or close enough. We'll see what measurements I report, and then the SPFs can make the final eval.
@bbussey, thanks! Without one in hand and with conflicting reports from the field, it would be nice to know how close these really are.
Over time I've become a little less obsessed with exactness and more focused on capturing the feel. But, if it's far enough off, even with a street price at 50% MSRP, I would walk.
I've three of the aforementioned coaches, in PRR livery, which I picked up for $45 each.
For all intents and purposes, they're P70s. No I didn't caliper the boggers, but I did compare them to P70s in NJ International's PRR Heavyweight book, and I'm satisfied in saying that the Bachmann coaches are P70s, save for minor bits with the roof and the trucks, but the interior lighting is suitably visible, but not overpowering, and is at a fairly consistent level of illumination across the length of the car.
I'm very satisfied with their natural look when positioned behind a Bachmann K4, both in motion and at rest.
Looks like I need to find a blueprint to overlay. :D
Meh, NS didn't own any steel coaches until Mcginnis (Yes, THAT Mcginnis) came along and got a few for himself on the railroad's dime. Easy enough to pass!
I guess I was wrong, as the Bachmann model does appear to be a P70 class coach. It matches the dimensions of the Lima car exactly, with updated features and better detail. The couplers are subpar and the pivoting pocket would have to be addressed, along with finding appropriate truck frames that still route power to the internal lights. However, the lighting features individual LEDs where the overhead lights would be on the prototype and nice touches such as etched bathroom windows. So yeah, it's a P70 so you SPFs are going to have to pony up the green, or hope they get dumped at half value in a few months (yet note that the product-dump hasn't happened in recent years on every new model they've released, so beware).
By golly... it is a P70!!!
The splice plates on the P70s were the same way as on the model, the only thing that it appears to be lacking is the crease (or is it a seam) that runs the full length of the letterboard. Not hard really to do, with a good ruler, sharp Exacto blade and a little patience, but even as is this coach definitely looks right!!!
See that! Mine eyes doth not deceive me! :D
I knew it from the moment that I compared them to the photos that they are P70s.
I'm just glad that I only paid $45 each for the three that I have.
Well, I will confess that my eye did deceive me, as I was convinced these were "shorties" (reinforced by the advertising as a 72' coach). Now that there are 4 different models (Lima/Minitrix/MP. Rivarossi/Atlas/Con Cor, MT and Bachmann) of a twin window coach, how about an ATSF 3060 and a single window ala CB&Q, Erie or L&N?
All the best for those of you for whom this model fills a gap.
Tom D
Yes, thanks @bbussey for the pictures. The coach does look good. But the price :o . I can't see these selling well, so I'll wait for a possible price dump and then buy. if not, oh, well. :|
So, my GI-issue Mark IV eyeballs didn't deceive me.
Yes, thanks @bbussey for the pictures. The coach does look good. But the price :o . I can't see these selling well, so I'll wait for a possible price dump and then buy. if not, oh, well. :|
Thanksgiving weekend at a train show, some bloke bought 7 of them in PRR paint at $45/car. Luckily for me they missed the 8th one.
And I thought I was nuts when I was trying to accumulate three of them.
Makes me wonder...
Now we need someone to compare them to the MTL coach!
Bachmann PRR coaches available at MBK. 10% discount on Bachmann items until 2/1.
Trainworld has them also. Free shipping on orders over $100 ends today.
The favorite spot on eBay also has some.
All for under $50 I believe.
I may need to pick up 1 or more soon.
MTL PRR coach sold for $57 on eBay yesterday. This is the second one that sold recently for over $50.
Could really use an MTL runner pack if these are a good stand in.
I watched four of them sell in just a couple hours today at MB Klein. After you enter the 10% rebate code you can pick one up for $43.19. That's steep but it's not completely unreasonable in this day and age. So I snatched one up. Frankly I've never been one for car lighting so I really don't care that when I swap it out for proper 2D-P5 trucks I will no longer have lighting.
5 left at MBK, down from 14 this afternoon.
Anyone with this B'mann P70 thinking of swapping out the trucks to say the MTL 3 axle / 6 wheel versions, I'll buy these 2 axle / 4 wheels trucks off you.
Anyone with this B'mann P70 thinking of swapping out the trucks to say the MTL 3 axle / 6 wheel versions, I'll buy these 2 axle / 4 wheels trucks off you.
I would be swapping them for PRR 4-wheel 2D-P5 trucks, but I'll have to check my parts inventory to see if I have a set not otherwise committed to other projects. If I have a set on hand I can send you the Bachmann ones. No need to exchange currency.
5 left at MBK, down from 14 this afternoon.
2 left at 11:04PM
Now we need someone to compare them to the MTL coach!
The MTL coach is a B&O prototype. Two different animals.
The MTL coach is a B&O prototype. Two different animals.
While true, Dave and Doug are cool with it looking "close enough."
Don't worry, I'm not going soft on you guys, remember, I still have those six Lima cars I've yet to finish.
I stalled on this project because of the stripes. Any advice on that? I may start a new thread. Those Microscale decals aren't long enough and you have to always use 2 per car.
While true, Dave and Doug are cool with it looking "close enough."
Don't worry, I'm not going soft on you guys, remember, I still have those six Lima cars I've yet to finish.
I stalled on this project because of the stripes. Any advice on that? I may start a new thread. Those Microscale decals aren't long enough and you have to always use 2 per car.
You just have to take your time in putting them down. The shorter sections of striping are easier to work with than one long section.
While true, Dave and Doug are cool with it looking "close enough."
Yes, but that was predicated on not having a true P70. Like you I was stalled on the Lima car failing miserably on the stripes. But now that we know Bachmann is a P70, all it needs are new road numbers and trucks. Striping is already done.
Not sure but I may be out of the market for those MTL coaches. I do hope MTL does eventually make 2D-P5 trucks but I'm not counting on it.
As for changing the car number (so as not to have duplicates), in my experience Bachmann uses super-thick paint for lettering that requires a belt sander to remove. Anyone ever remove Bachmann lettering from anything without destroying the paint beneath?
You just have to take your time in putting them down. The shorter sections of striping are easier to work with than one long section.
Yeah, and the Microsol didn't help either. I've said it a few times before but, damn I love the weathering on those trucks. How many colors did you use on them?
It works for me. MicroSet first to "wet" the area. MicroSol after the decals are down. One section at a time, then on to the next section of stripes after the previous stripes are fused. The Microscale products are all I use. Sometimes it takes 20 applications, but eventually the decals will respond.
The truck weathering is just a dust wash airbrushed on. Don't remember if I used a commercially available product of mixed my own, but "dust" as a color isn't hard to replicate. The wash was at least 50/50 thinner to paint, if not more thinner. Probably was 70/30. Then, multiple light-spray passes until the desired effect is achieved.
Interesting that the Lima roof appears to be much more correct. Perhaps the Bachmann car is a "looser" interpretation or maybe a P70 that has been rebuilt somewhat (no windows on the ends for example).
Fun stuff! 8)
Interesting that the Lima roof appears to be much more correct. Perhaps the Bachmann car is a "looser" interpretation or maybe a P70 that has been rebuilt somewhat (no windows on the ends for example).
Fun stuff! 8)
Right. the Lima coach represents the as-built P70s. By the 1930s very few (if any) had windows in the vestibules or those strange "bump-outs" in the clerestory over the vestibules. I've got a book on Pennsy coaches and it appears very few cars remained looking like the Lima cars past the 1920s.
That said, the Lima car's dimensions are all pretty darn correct. But, in order to bring them up to a 40s/50s P70, the Limas need new trucks, diaphragms, steps, roof modifications (or replacement), blanked vestibule windows, and new paint to include belt rail and letter board striping. They also have a very strange deep slot along the belt rail that doesn't seem to match anything I've seen in photos. So, the mods to the Lima cars are not trivial. Fortunately, PRR-Parts has a lot of great parts for modifying these.
They also have a very strange deep slot along the belt rail that doesn't seem to match anything I've seen in photos.
Very, very early P70s had a similar slot in the side (hard to say why). Really hard to find a photo with this but they do exist.
It works for me. MicroSet first to "wet" the area. MicroSol after the decals are down. One section at a time, then on to the next section of stripes after the previous stripes are fused. The Microscale products are all I use. Sometimes it takes 20 applications, but eventually the decals will respond.
The truck weathering is just a dust wash airbrushed on. Don't remember if I used a commercially available product of mixed my own, but "dust" as a color isn't hard to replicate. The wash was at least 50/50 thinner to paint, if not more thinner. Probably was 70/30. Then, multiple light-spray passes until the desired effect is achieved.
I'm saying the opposite happened. Maybe I got them too wet. Maybe I used used Solvaset, but anyways, it's helpful to know your process. I'll give it another shot. Thanks!
It looks like there is so much depth in your trucks. They just look SO GOOD.
I'm in the market if MTL comes out with the PRR coach runner pack, and if it has the 2D-5P trucks...No brainer. And @Shipsure did hint at this possibility. With the correct multiple road numbers, you could have many runner packs. :D
...annnnnnnnd MB Klein is sold out of the Pennsy ones. They still have 41 B&O cars and 36 AT&SF cars if anyone wants to fire up an airbrush!
Very, very early P70s had a similar slot in the side (hard to say why). Really hard to find a photo with this but they do exist.
This is the image from Some Classic Trains (Dubin) showing the belt rail anomaly... I've seen it called a slot, and also a darker painted stripe.
Car body construction wise, I have trouble rationalizing a slot or notch in this area. Reflections seem to carry over painted sides through the anomaly, adding credence to the painted stripe theory.
...versus how the least-modernized among the P70 fleet looked by the 50s:
Looking at the beltrail in this photo (Penn railroad museum) it looks like rather than a "slot", there is a strip added to the upper inch of the beltrail, which would create a shadow. (
I'm saying the opposite happened. Maybe I got them too wet. Maybe I used used Solvaset, but anyways, it's helpful to know your process. I'll give it another shot. Thanks!
It looks like there is so much depth in your trucks. They just look SO GOOD.
Solvaset disintegrates Microscale and other similarly delicate decals. Either dilute it or stick with MicroSol.
Solvaset disintegrates Microscale and other similarly delicate decals. Either dilute it or stick with MicroSol.
This. I switched from Solvaset to MicroSol when I couldn't find the former at my previous LHS. Very glad I did. Not using Solvaset again (unless it's to remove lettering).
Of course, now my LHS is essentially Caboose Hobbies... :D
...versus how the least-modernized among the P70 fleet looked by the 50s:
I've always thought that picture was interesting. It's on the cover of this:
I found it odd that for being taken in January 1961, how great the cars look. The book notes that they were freshly painted. Taken at Paoli. Usually everything looked terrible in the 60's. Maybe it's just the late 60's cars that look bad. Interesting to see black grab irons. I thought they were silver or Tuscan.
Interesting that the Lima roof appears to be much more correct. Perhaps the Bachmann car is a "looser" interpretation or maybe a P70 that has been rebuilt somewhat (no windows on the ends for example).
That isn't the case. It largely depends on when the specific coach was built. Those with the slotted sides have the same odd roof as the Lima and Minitrix cars have while later cars have a roof similar to the Bachmann model, though with large vertical grills in the area where the older cars have the curved pieces.
The Pennsylvania RR pages at the Passenger Car Photo Index has many "P70" coaches and all of the variations that came out of the original design. Its interesting to see how things are from coach to coach or series to series, with some interesting variations being documented in photographs. For any who would want to compare the Bachmann model to the prototype I would say check the Index. You'll be surprised at what you might find... (
The best luck I've had putting PRR stripes on is by floating the stripes into place using just water (enough on the surface of the car so that the whole piece of stripe can be moved at once. Once the stripe is in the right place, carefully remove as much of the water as you can without moving the stripe, using the edge of a kleenex. Once everything is dried, I go back and use microset to get it better attached, and then microsol, if needed.
Solvaset disintegrates Microscale and other similarly delicate decals. Either dilute it or stick with MicroSol.
I've never had Solvaset disintegrate a decal! I like that it is strong. The key is not to freak out when the decal shrivels up. It will lay back down, just don't touch it while the solvaset is working.
This also means that you want the decal to have most of the water out of the way from soaking it, so it has locked into place a bit. Then flood with Solvaset and stand back. It will make Microscale's feathered edges all but disappear into a smooth surface.
I've never had Solvaset disintegrate a decal! I like that it is strong. The key is not to freak out when the decal shrivels up. It will lay back down, just don't touch it while the solvaset is working.
This also means that you want the decal to have most of the water out of the way from soaking it, so it has locked into place a bit. Then flood with Solvaset and stand back. It will make Microscale's feathered edges all but disappear into a smooth surface.
Yes, the technique can make a big difference. I use all the decal setting products mentioned above and few others I picked up from my automotive plastic model kit hobby. Various brands of decals (including home-made ones) require different types of setting solutions for best results.
Anyone ever have issues where the decals "meld" in to the paint after Solvaset application? I had a heckuva time removing a detail that I just put on was solvaset. It was like it "softened" the paint and made it tacky.
Anyone ever have issues where the decals "meld" in to the paint after Solvaset application? I had a heckuva time removing a detail that I just put on was solvaset. It was like it "softened" the paint and made it tacky.
Yes, Solvaset can do that (with certain brand of decals and paints). Solvaset seems to contain some type of alcohol which can soften the paint under the decal.
@Dave Vollmer , where' ya get the trucks? Spill!
@Dave Vollmer , where' ya get the trucks? Spill!
What? Those are stock! Sorry about the photo quality...they're not 2D-P5s.
Nice Dave!
As a side note, The Favorite Spot is out of PRR coaches as well. I wonder if MBK will re-stock or if Bachmann is sold out.
What? Those are stock! Sorry about the photo quality...they're not 2D-P5s.
Sigh. :facepalm:
This shot reminds me of the problem I have with the coach... the deep letterboard and lower sitting window section which takes a great deal away from it being a credible model of anything. Not sure why they made it this way but because of the poor overall appearance it would most definitely be a pass as far as any "P70" coach goes, at least for me. If I wanted to model a "P70" coach I would go after one of Michael's Model RR & Parts ( "P70" prints from Shapeways. While more expensive and likely requiring some sanding at least it would be more accurate.
I know you don't care for it. I like it though.
I know you don't care for it. I like it though.
I like mine as well. They look spot-on to me.
I always find it interesting what we choose to accept.
I'm willing to let the unsymetric MTL baggage car pass, but not these coaches. Maybe it was because I've been staring at the Lima coaches too much.
I always find it interesting what we choose to accept.
I'm willing to let the unsymetric MTL baggage car pass, but not these coaches. Maybe it was because I've been staring at the Lima coaches too much.
It is interesting... Although I do have some nits to pick about certain things I think my overall attitude has been growing less picky.
I fondled one of these at the Springfield show. :D
While I know nothing about accuracy, I noticed one really neat feature: They had flush-mounted (and nice crystal-clear) windows. Something never done on heavyweight cars in N scale. This little detail makes them look much more realistic than the other companies' models where the windows are inset by half a scale foot (due to the thickness of the shell). Well done Bachmann!
Whoa. Was that a Bachmann compliment from @peteski ? I can die in peace now. Lol :trollface: :D :D
Interesting to look at all the pluses and minuses next to peoples posts depending on their view of the model....."Conform or be cast out..." Subdivisions, Neil Peart, Rush.
Whoa. Was that a Bachmann compliment from @peteski ? I can die in peace now. Lol :trollface: :D :D
LOL, that just goes to show you that I don't have a blanket hate for Bachmann or anything Bachmann. Besides, this is a piece of a rolling stock - no mechanism to criticize. :trollface: If you want me to criticize something about it, the MSRP is a wee-bit high to me.
If anyone is interested, I've posted a Pullman Green, unlettered coach from the doodlebug set in the Trading Post.
It is a really good looking car.
Fairport, NY
I've never had Solvaset disintegrate a decal! I like that it is strong. The key is not to freak out when the decal shrivels up. It will lay back down, just don't touch it while the solvaset is working.
This also means that you want the decal to have most of the water out of the way from soaking it, so it has locked into place a bit. Then flood with Solvaset and stand back. It will make Microscale's feathered edges all but disappear into a smooth surface.
Hear, hear! I use SolvaSet almost religiously!
I just bought a bunch or decal setting solutions to try out. Testors has three: two in their Model Master line and a third with a wildly different SKU and comes in one of their 1/4 oz bottles. Badger has a "Sol" and a "Set" in their Modelflex line. I'm going to try them at some point this week and see how they work.
I always used Microscale products with MS decals. Solvast was always good with Concord Car Shops, Northeast and Walthers decals. I find that Solvast is absolutely necessary for Alps decals and even then, could be a bit stronger.
Anyone know what the active ingredients are in these?
In addition to the ones Daniel mentioned, I also have setting solutions from Champ Decal (very strong) and Gunze Sangyo (Mr. Hobby, Mr. Mark Softer). Then I have MODELERS Decal Fit (again from Japan) and Accu-Set from the makers of the discontinued Accu-Paints.
Going by small, there are mainly 2 types: one uses acetic acid (think vinegar) while the other type seems to be some sort of alcohol. Maybe try to fins some MSDS online to get better idea of the ingredients.
I fondled one of these at the Springfield show. :D
While I know nothing about accuracy, I noticed one really neat feature: They had flush-mounted (and nice crystal-clear) windows. Something never done on heavyweight cars in N scale. This little detail makes them look much more realistic than the other companies' models where the windows are inset by half a scale foot (due to the thickness of the shell). Well done Bachmann!
You'll laugh, but most heavyweights did not have "flush" windows. :trollface:
You'll laugh, but most heavyweights did not have "flush" windows. :trollface:
No, I understand that.
However, I still rather have flush windows than ones which are inset 6-9 scale inches into the car due to the thickness of the plastic shell. How much would they be inset on a real car? About 1 inch? That is 0.006" in N scale. That is not very deep. For all I know they might be inset by that much on the Bachmann model.
I was scrolling through the MBK pages looking for anything else I may want to add to my order before the midnight deadline for the 5% Easter discount and I discovered that they had silently restocked the Bachmann passenger coaches. Currently 27 PRR coaches in stock at $47.99 ($45.59 if you beat the deadline).
Sorry, but that is still ridiculously expensive for what it is....
I just don't get what Bachmann is doing with their pricing on these..
Otto K.
I just don't get what Bachmann is doing with their pricing on these..
Otto K.
They are making a profit !
They are making a profit !
By using a similar business model as the underpants gnomes, perhaps?:
Sorry, but that is still ridiculously expensive for what it is....
I just don't get what Bachmann is doing with their pricing on these..
Otto K.
I agree they are expensive, even at the discounted price. But check current prices for HO passenger cars. It's not out of line by much. Note that it also includes lighting and all that goes along with that. Most passenger cars require add-ons if you want it. THen again, if you don't you are paying for something you don't want. Some win, some lose.
For us Pennsy fans it all comes down to if the model is close enough to the PRR P70 or not. The other alternative is a Shapeways shell (Price those. Wait, I'll do it for you - $67 in FUD or $112 in FXD - plus trucks, wheels, couplers, paint, decals, etc) with it's attendant problems or finding a Lima (or Model Power if that's all that's available) coach and buying/creating the correct parts. The Lima/Model Power is the slightly less expensive route, but involves a fair amount of work so if you need a fleet (and the PRR had a thousand+ P70's) then you have a job ahead of you.
So it comes down to how much time you want to spend, how much your time is worth and/or what your modelling skills are.
They are making a profit !
Not off me. :D I guess they think adding lights will justify the higher price point. If these were priced right, I would have bought 3 or 4. The old MP/Lima version still holds up to me and I'm glad I actually did some modeling to convert mine.
But check current prices for HO passenger cars. It's not out of line by much.
But check the current prices for N passenger cars, and they are definitely out of line (especially if we talk MSRP). And what will it cost to make them accurate models of something (trucks, details, couplers)? Are they really worth as much as a Rapido? Or two MTs?
I suppose for some people they are. It seems to follow the Bachmann pattern of recent times- DCC (or in this case, lighting) thrown in which makes them more costly, but a lot of things skipped to keep costs down. So, if lights are a big deal to you, then they may be worth it. If it was $25 without the lights I might be tempted.
But if you see value in them, more power to you.
Tom D
All these puppies need are 2D-P5s that can pick up power like the stock trucks and they'll be perfect, but until then, I'm still quite pleased with my two P70s.
I got my Bachmann January newsletter today and the heavyweight coach is featured...MSRP $79.00! :o :o :o
Are you kidding me? What are they thinking, or what am I missing? Are they self-propelled? Made of precious metals? What? Anybody have one of these?
Otto K.
The internal weight is made of gold.