
General Discussion => N and Z Scales => Topic started by: up1950s on September 25, 2015, 07:24:18 PM

Title: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: up1950s on September 25, 2015, 07:24:18 PM
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: Kisatchie on September 25, 2015, 07:34:28 PM
Hmm... I never saw an
A-frame bridge before...

Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: mu26aeh on September 25, 2015, 07:53:36 PM
I added this years MT Halloween car to my birthday train (Halloween is my birthday) .

( ( ( by Adam Henry (, on Flickr

Here is the train sitting on the edge of Hagerstown yard

( ( ( by Adam Henry (, on Flickr
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: peteski on September 25, 2015, 08:06:18 PM
I added this years MT Halloween car to my birthday train (Halloween is my birthday) .

Me too - that's spooky!  :)
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: tom mann on September 25, 2015, 08:31:46 PM
This was a tough week. It was busy keeping the peace here and still trying to be friends with everyone (both are impossible). I always look forward to Weekend Update, the "palate cleanser" of all the negativity of the week prior.

BTW, I hope everyone is working on their hopper for the Weathering Challenge!

Love, Tom
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: eric220 on September 25, 2015, 09:38:40 PM
Got another turn and a half of helix track in. One more half turn and I can wire up the next block and run trains up and down.

Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: C855B on September 25, 2015, 09:47:02 PM
Is the Don Adams pic on the iPad because what you are actually constructing here is a Cone of Silence? :D
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: eric220 on September 25, 2015, 09:51:46 PM
Is the Don Adams pic on the iPad because what you are actually constructing here is a Cone of Silence? :D

I was waiting for someone to notice that.  :D

The mains have just about reached Kansas City, would you believe it? Kansas City!

And to @tom mann and the mod team for the shenanigans around here... Sorry about that, Chief.
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: Ntrainz1 on September 25, 2015, 10:00:02 PM
Painted and decaled spare GP40 shell

Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: John on September 25, 2015, 10:33:12 PM
Spent the day in Belen NM and vicinity
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: bnsfdash8 on September 25, 2015, 10:58:55 PM
I got my C39-8 sample from shapeways:


 I also got NS 7243 painted.

Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: Dave V on September 25, 2015, 11:20:28 PM
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: peteski on September 25, 2015, 11:25:17 PM
I got my C39-8 sample from shapeways:

Impressive!  What kind of prep did you do and what primer did you use?
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: Santa Fe Guy on September 26, 2015, 12:11:05 AM
I held my Friday end of month ops session last night. ( guys including me).
Lots of good times as usual.
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: up1950s on September 26, 2015, 02:17:56 AM
Spent the day in Belen NM and vicinity

I own a few adjoining plots just east of there in Rio Del Oro .
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: BCR 570 on September 26, 2015, 02:27:44 AM
I disassembled my new RS-3s and installed #1015 couplers:

( (

Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: Cajonpassfan on September 26, 2015, 02:33:54 AM
I held my Friday end of month ops session last night. ( guys including me).
(Attachment Link)

Fun stuff Rod!
I particularly  like the new and  shiny Kodachrome blank blank SF pulling the realistically filthy Espee unit. One can but wonder what history would have brought had the ICC not denied the SPSF merger..... :? Nice work!
Otto K.
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: CodyO on September 26, 2015, 10:42:19 AM
I broke out the airbrush and painted 3 MP54`s and a P70GSR.

( (

I have 2 more GSR`s to build but I have to try my hand at doing the stripes first I hope my decal skills have improved over the last 5 years since I first attempted this.

Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: Jesse6669 on September 26, 2015, 11:02:07 AM
No modelling since still out-of-pocket (I did pick up 2 weathered MT cars-- the RDG and ICG boxcars-- this week)... but did catch a nice consist on a  northbound TripleCrown in Cinci.   8)


Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: sirenwerks on September 26, 2015, 11:03:08 AM
Is the Don Adams pic on the iPad because what you are actually constructing here is a Cone of Silence? :D

Um, I believe that's an android product.
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: eric220 on September 26, 2015, 12:23:01 PM
Um, I believe that's an android product.

The cone of silence? Must be. It never works.  :trollface:
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: w neal on September 26, 2015, 03:21:10 PM
Went to the Decatur train show last weekend...


There was a large amount of N scale for sale at this show, despite it's smaller size. A lot of smaller dealers there, not just the larger one in the foreground. (Coryville did have a collection of Trainworx brown TT flats which amazed me.) Another dealer had original Rowa C&O coaches in like new condition for only $9 each. Another fellow had two Deluxe NS roadrailer 10 - packs for less that $10 a trailer. And yet another dealer had huge collection of like new Kato locomotives for $50. I acquired an MILW SD-40-2 and a couple NS versions. My friend acquired an Atlas Clinchfield geep in gray & yellow for $40. I'm not trying to be an add for this show, I just couldn't believe all the deals. The show is not always like that. The planets were in line I guess.

Some T - track modules had some very nice scratch built Wabash themed structures. This one sure reminded me of one that used to stand near Wabic crossing in town.


The Wabash historical society meet was in town that weekend and the Monticello museum made sure to have all their Wabash equipment out in full force. Wabash office car #6 looked fantastic in it's new coat of paint.


Meanwhile back in the "big" city, some NS sights were to be had on former Wabash holy ground...


These are locomotives of the Decatur Junction...


My friend took me on an exploration of an old IC branch line (Indiana Jones style). He took me to see this old link and pin bridge. Couldn't find a date anywhere.


For the rail archaeologist, some IT artifacts around Bement...


And a few artifacts at Forrest...


Unfortunately, the Wa"BASH" festival was the following Saturday. I'd have liked to see inside the new/old depot. Rats.

A local works the C&EI/TP&W interchange at Watseka. The gyro place is gone, but the Chicago - style hotdogs aren't bad...


My "Last" photo stop was at Iroquois. Glad I did.


Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: brill27mcb on September 26, 2015, 03:42:54 PM
I broke out the airbrush and painted 3 MP54`s and a P70GSR.

( (

I have 2 more GSR`s to build but I have to try my hand at doing the stripes first I hope my decal skills have improved over the last 5 years since I first attempted this.

What is the source of these shells, Cody?

Rich K.
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: Lemosteam on September 26, 2015, 03:56:11 PM
Added all of the sea wall on the Long Island RR Industrial Service and finished the bridge abutments for all the bridges on the channel:

Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: peteski on September 26, 2015, 03:58:33 PM
Went to the Decatur train show last weekend...
 I'm not trying to be an add for this show, I just couldn't believe all the deals. The show is not always like that. The planets were in line I guess.

That is pretty amazing.  Most model train shows I attend have the same sellers, year after year,  pushing the same old and very shop-worn boxes of N scale stuff for MSRP prices.  Then some dealers sell out-of-scale Walmart toys trying to pass them as scale models for double they price they paid for them at Walmart (or a dollar store).
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: PiperguyUMD on September 26, 2015, 04:45:24 PM
Long time no post. 
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: CodyO on September 26, 2015, 04:58:56 PM
What is the source of these shells, Cody?

Rich K.

MP54 island model works there pretty rough around the bottom of the shell I have to go back and do more sanding and filling since the paint brought out more.

P70GSR is PRR parts
I bought it about 5 years ago but failed at doing the stripes so hope I do better this time around.
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: Dave V on September 26, 2015, 06:57:51 PM
Playing with my K4 this weekend as I write a review for N-Trak.  I had a problem with the first one I received (the valve gear would seize up and stop the engine abruptly), but @Chulvis at Feather River Train Shop sped a replacement to me in just a few days.


Oh, and I ended up buying a pre-war K4 as well...just couldn't help it!
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: ai5629 on September 26, 2015, 08:08:26 PM
I got out the airbrush and painted four ESM X58's and two Life Like X72's my own version of Conrail oxide red.  Which by the way is Scalecoat 2 paint: two parts boxcar red and one part oxide red (the orangish color in the photos is due to the fluorescent light I photographed them under).  Stripping the X58's was interesting.  I tried removing the lettering with alcohol, Microsol and an air eraser.  I wanted to renumbered a few cars rather than repaint them.  However, nothing worked.  So, I grudgingly stripped and repainted them.  I must say, the detail on these cars is remarkable.  The SC II paint is so thin that every detail really pops out.  They are unbelievable cars.  Some bad iPad photos are attached.  Thanks.


Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: bnsfdash8 on September 26, 2015, 09:39:53 PM
Impressive!  What kind of prep did you do and what primer did you use?

Other than a bath of bestine I did no prep on the shell. I used rattle can primer from Krylon.
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: superchief on September 26, 2015, 11:40:54 PM
Rod, wish I was there!!!!!!! Enjoyed my visit "down under" and had a blast running on your railroad. Was out running operations on the Houston Area Live Steamers track (7 1/2 ") today and Jim Hinds from Richmond Controls and I were reviewing our great time there in April :D. Pulling the motor on the Mustang and getting ready for some out of town operators so very little time for the computer!!!! say hi to the gang!! Gordon
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: NYNE on September 27, 2015, 08:22:15 AM
Painted and decaled spare GP40 shell


Long live the Penn Central.
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: w neal on September 27, 2015, 11:06:48 AM
That is pretty amazing.  Most model train shows I attend have the same sellers, year after year,  pushing the same old and very shop-worn boxes of N scale stuff for MSRP prices.  Then some dealers sell out-of-scale Walmart toys trying to pass them as scale models for double they price they paid for them at Walmart (or a dollar store).

Well, to be honest, a couple dealers were like that. The roadrailers reappeared after the last show.

Yes, a lot of shows are like you say, unfortunately. Thats why I enjoy traveling around to a lot of regional shows. Its fun to visit shows that are a couple states away from my area. Its also fun to be able to see some new prototype locations while visiting or traveling.
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: C855B on September 27, 2015, 11:43:37 AM
... Yes, a lot of shows are like you say, unfortunately. Thats why I enjoy traveling around to a lot of regional shows. Its fun to visit shows that are a couple states away from my area. Its also fun to be able to see some new prototype locations while visiting or traveling.

I find this works even for shows just outside your metro region. I would have liked to have seen the Decatur show, because aside from Coryville they have different folks. The show in Springfield (IL) especially works for us - totally different mix of vendors than the STL shows.

Something else that contributes to variety is shows organized by locals versus the big traveling regionals. All shows cultivate a regular vendor following, but the "big" shows especially have an entourage of regular dealers, which is pretty much the business formula - sort of a traveling LHS. You don't expect your LHS to rotate their stock so they're a different place on every visit, so the same thing applies to shows.
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: davefoxx on September 27, 2015, 04:17:31 PM
I got inspired to work on the LP dealer in Southern Pines this weekend:


More information and photos can be found in my Seaboard Central 2.0 thread in the Layout Engineering Forum.

Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: John on September 27, 2015, 05:53:01 PM
My day
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: Scottl on September 27, 2015, 06:01:49 PM
Dave, great to see your progress.  Bit by bit it is all getting done.
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: Rich_S on September 27, 2015, 06:08:04 PM

And a few artifacts at Forrest...


That is pretty wild, everything else has been removed but they left the table and pit.
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: sizemore on September 27, 2015, 06:28:07 PM
Long time no post. 

B&O #1 ?!?!?!

The S.
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: johnb on September 27, 2015, 06:29:24 PM
My day
In the Australian Rockies?
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: Teditor on September 27, 2015, 08:06:32 PM
My day

Modelling the Rio Grande Down Under.

Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: Jim Costello on September 27, 2015, 08:32:05 PM
Superchief, glad you,Jim and the others all had a good time 'down under' as we do when we go to the US.  Martyn managed a cab ride with Dennis Murphy during Portland.  Just converting my New Haven to DCC ,and JMRI. Been working on all those Intermountain kits I got at Roanoke  last year.

Modelling the New Haven down under

Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: johnb on September 27, 2015, 08:33:56 PM
My first attempt at weathering

Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: carlso on September 27, 2015, 08:49:56 PM

looks good!

Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: peteski on September 27, 2015, 09:14:43 PM
Other than a bath of bestine I did no prep on the shell. I used rattle can primer from Krylon.

Ok, thanks!
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: PiperguyUMD on September 27, 2015, 09:17:04 PM
B&O #1 ?!?!?!

The S.

CNJ 1000 of Bronx Terminal fame
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: johnb on September 27, 2015, 09:26:22 PM

looks good!

Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: superchief on September 27, 2015, 11:19:43 PM
Jim, good to hear from you, I really enjoyed visiting your layout!!! when you start operations I will have to make the trip again so I can operate your New Haven passenger terminal!! I was really impressed with your track work and hand laid turnouts, very impressive! Great job on the convention, I had a great time. Gordon
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: delamaize on September 28, 2015, 01:17:11 AM
My day


When did you travel to Australia?  :trollface:
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: James Costello on September 28, 2015, 01:32:09 AM
  Just converting my New Haven to DCC ,and JMRI. Been working on all those Intermountain kits I got at Roanoke  last year.

Modelling the New Haven down under

Amongst other things

Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: up1950s on September 28, 2015, 11:25:21 AM
Amongst other things


A string of those box's on a helix would look like a roulette wheel .
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: bnsf dash 8 on September 28, 2015, 12:00:33 PM
Ok, thanks!

No problem. This shell is pretty much just a prototype to see how everything would turn out, and I was quite pleased with everything on it.
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: sizemore on September 28, 2015, 12:59:04 PM
CNJ 1000 of Bronx Terminal fame

I think you should perform 5 Wild Mary's as penance for not choosing a home road ;)

Honestly looks awesome!!! Whats the power chassis you're using? Saw your post over in the paint thread!

The S.
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: chicken45 on September 28, 2015, 02:12:25 PM
I realize I'm late to the "weekend" party, but it was deliberate so I could use this:

More K4s crap:



I made the junction box a bit large, but I can live with it. No one's going to see it anyways. It's N scale, amirite?  :trollface: :trollface:
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: John on September 28, 2015, 03:30:50 PM
Just got back from Durango ...

Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: davefoxx on September 28, 2015, 03:37:44 PM
That's hawt, John.  Really, really hawt.

Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: eric220 on September 28, 2015, 05:19:37 PM
I realize I'm late to the "weekend" party, but it was deliberate so I could use this:


I made the junction box a bit large, but I can live with it. No one's going to see it anyways. It's N scale, amirite?  :trollface: :trollface:

What exactly is that thing? I've seen photos of K4s with and without them.
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: VonRyan on September 28, 2015, 06:38:45 PM
My weekend was a successful, productive, and all-round enjoyable one.

My mission was attending Old 97 Days in Danville, VA as part of the Eastern N Lines with the goal of gettig some serious greenery on my layout, of which by the good graces of Paul (160Pennsy) I was able to do so and do it well.
Of course, I also ran my Bachmann K4 some more, but it was only one of 5 or 6 that graced the rails this weekend. It was quite the sight to see two K4s passing each other on the high-iron.

As always it was great to get out and about, see folks I don't often see, and to put faces to names.

Heck, maybe I'll go down there again next year.
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: John on September 28, 2015, 09:25:36 PM
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: towl1996 on September 28, 2015, 11:40:11 PM
More K4s crap:

Wow, you're modding already? And the new car smell hasn't even worn off yet. Looks really good, are you stripping or painting over?
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: Dave V on September 29, 2015, 12:37:03 AM
More K4 crap from me too...   :D

Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: reinhardtjh on September 29, 2015, 05:26:41 AM
No problem. This shell is pretty much just a prototype to see how everything would turn out, and I was quite pleased with everything on it.

From that picture it looked like it turned out pretty well.  That's the "high def" FXD? 
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: basementcalling on September 29, 2015, 05:27:12 AM
More K4

Don't you mean Kr4p? Or K4K4?   Either way, they looked good stepping out on your passenger train.
Title: Re: Weekend Update 9/27/15
Post by: chicken45 on September 29, 2015, 09:47:29 AM

What exactly is that thing? I've seen photos of K4s with and without them.

It's basically power lines for the lamps. There are markers on the left and right, and the center one is a backup light. There are different configurations possibly for freight vs. passenger, but this is unconfirmed.

Wow, you're modding already? And the new car smell hasn't even worn off yet. Looks really good, are you stripping or painting over?

You bet. Remember when I got those sweet GHQ reefers and weathered the hell out of them?