
General Discussion => Product Discussion => Topic started by: ztrack on March 14, 2015, 09:05:30 AM

Title: AZL March 2015 New Releases - Part 2
Post by: ztrack on March 14, 2015, 09:05:30 AM
March 2015 New Release – Part 2

It is mid March already. We are excited to release the first E9s in our E8 and E9 releases. As a bonus… we have our first E9 A-B sets!
Milwaukee Road EMD E9s:

Milwaukee Road E9 A-B set. Each set contacts 1x E9A unit and 1x E9B unit. Both units are powered.


62609-1S MILW E9 A 30A 30B A-B Set - MSRP $297.00
62609-3S MILW E9 A 32A 32B A-B Set - MSRP $297.00


To round out the sets, AZL is offering a bonus A unit. These can be used in conjunction with the sets to create a A-B-A consist, or as a stand alone locomotive. The singles are:

62609-2 MILW E9 A 30C  - MSRP $176.00
62609-4 MILW E9 A 32C  - MSRP $176.00

CN Wide Vision Caboose:


For our Canadian modelers, we have CN wide cabooses, with your choice of three road numbers!

921009-1 CN Wide vision caboose 79601  - MSRP $61.00
921009-2 CN Wide vision caboose 79813  - MSRP $61.00
921009-3 CN Wide vision caboose 79864  - MSRP $61.00

See American Z Line for more information on these and previous releases.

Rob Kluz
Ztrack Distribution