
General Discussion => Layout Engineering Reports => Topic started by: chuck geiger on November 16, 2014, 03:39:51 PM

Title: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on November 16, 2014, 03:39:51 PM
After a two year hiatus from model railroading, I've decided it's time to jump back in. Winter's are brutal here and
not much to do but stay inside. Actually warmer in Alaska than here. I looked at a few plans for a small N
layout, one was outstanding DKS mocked up for me. The Rat Hole/Alameda Street on SP in LA circa 1960.
This was based on his Trenton Transportation small layout. I also looked at the industrial lead of the BNSF and
UP in Cheyenne (interchange too). Settled on below --- BNSF FRONT RANGE SUB

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The problem here is, I WHO HAVE NOTHING (Tom Jones). Everything was sold when we moved to Alaska. I
have tools and that's it. It would have cost a fortune to model the aforementioned layouts LDE. One day when
we were heading to the "big city" Fort Collins on I-25, I noticed the BNSF, former C&S, CB&Q, BN line from
Cheyenne to Denver and how awesome it would be to model. Lots of open land between Cheyenne to Wellington.
There is a huge passing siding in Owl Creek Canyon, CO and not much else. A siding existed in Wellington. There
were two grain and feed industries there, one is a brewery now and other is closed. A station closed on the C&S in 1959.
I will model the station, the elevators, Cleveland Ave. in Wellington, an I-25 overpass near the state line and lots
of brown rolling hills.

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Dave Foxx talked about C-40, would love to do so. This would make the track much closer to scale and help improvise
on such a small layout. The following pictures are the start of the layout today. I am using 2x4' 1/2" MDF handy panel
for the foundation. There will be several levels of 1 1/2' foam. A scenic divider will be 1/8' 1x4 MDF Masonite panel .

Enjoy the start of the new layout:

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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on November 16, 2014, 05:12:06 PM
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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: basementcalling on November 16, 2014, 06:17:43 PM
Chuck, glad to see you have the all important starter log on hand to get the project under way!    :o

I drove through there in July headed to Cheyenne from Denver. Drove around the brewery looking at it for LDE ideas, and a spot to take a good shot of the Front Range there as a possible backdrop shot, but damn is that part of Colorado relatively flat.

I like the idea of going C40. Building turnouts from scratch can keep you occupied while the sun doesn't shine up in the northern parts.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on November 16, 2014, 06:29:16 PM
Pete - Been messing with track templates, going to have to go C-40. C-55 is gonna be tight at 10" and turnouts at #5. Grabbed
a few breweries shots from the car.

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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on November 21, 2014, 11:24:15 AM
Lay It On The Line (Triumph) - Off to CABOOSE HOBBIES tomorrow for code 40 ME track and turnouts. The stupid
Hobbyland here has a box of Code-55 Atlas in their locked display cabinet, been there since I've been here...HMMMM

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I need to conquer a scenery mode I've never done, the line is raised with down slope on view side and up slope
on the other side of the rack and then some arroyo type landscape, into rolling hills to backdrop.

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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on November 21, 2014, 01:20:17 PM
Carving foam on day off: (no more cell phone pics)

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Using small saw, surfoam and need an idea on what to use to shape inclines and roadbed foundation. I
don't have that WS Foam Cutter anymore.

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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: Pesto on November 28, 2014, 04:47:36 PM
I grew up in that area (Torrington WY) so I know what you mean about the winters--though it's not so much the temperature but the constant wind that makes it brutal.   :scared:  I'm excited by your plan and looking forward to your take on that high plains landscape!
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on November 28, 2014, 05:50:42 PM
Been working on trestle and getting the land form right. I will have to scratch build the trestle back ends. This
is ME Code 55 bridge flex with Grand Central Gems trestle bents.

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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on November 29, 2014, 11:56:57 AM
New phone poles (scratch built see weekend photos)

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Colorado grasses starting - before trim, painting and ground cover mixture.

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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: wazzou on November 29, 2014, 12:18:15 PM
Looking good Chuck. 
I would encourage you to use those trestle bents as a guide to the construction of your own using more "to scale" materials.  I've found Evergreen Styrene to be a better and easier choice than wood.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on November 29, 2014, 12:25:40 PM
Wazzou - You are right, They looked good (Grand Central Gems)
in HO when I used them. I have smaller dowels and strip wood
as well, could build them with wood or Evergreen materials. (they
are not glued just lining up next to GCG bent).

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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: wazzou on November 29, 2014, 12:38:44 PM
I like styrene because it doesn't crush, splinter, fuzz and it cuts squarely. 
In addition, the MEK or your styrene cement of choice makes a nice bond. 
If you need assistance with dimensions or anything, let me know.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on November 29, 2014, 01:11:52 PM
Will do thanks Bryan.

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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on November 29, 2014, 03:35:36 PM
Scenery test area with cut and trimmed blonde faux fur. It still needs to be
trimmed and cut in some areas to even it out. Need to order Scenic Xpress
silfor and prairie tufts to blend in with WS fine turf and foam.

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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: basementcalling on November 29, 2014, 03:47:39 PM
Don't let the grass grow between your feet, Chuck. No wait a minute. Keep the grass growing.. Ya know what I mean.

Bryan, trestle bent dimensions would be appreciated for styrene. I  have looked at the Grand Central ones and thought about it, but hesitated after seeing them in person.

Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: M.C. Fujiwara on November 29, 2014, 05:37:21 PM
Great to see you back in MR business, Chuck!
And your small layout looks good: I dig the simplicity!

You might think about working fine-sifted dirt or grout into that fur, either with your fingers or a soft toothbrush.
Helps take the sheen off fabric fur and fills in the weave between fuzz.

Are you going to have stringers under your bridge track?
Couldn't quite tell from the photos.

And you can always make your own bent jig by CA'ing some wood to a piece of plexiglass (releases the woodglue much better than masonite):




The above is a short, square bent, but you can easily make the outer posts angled.

Anyway, looking forward to seeing your progress.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: Smike on November 29, 2014, 06:21:01 PM
Scenery test area with cut and trimmed blonde faux fur. It still needs to be
trimmed and cut is come areas to even it out. Need to order Scenic Xpress
silfor and prairie tufts to blend in with WS fine turf and foam.

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..and BOOM instant layout  :D But the twist is, this is really looking great!  I love the simple plan, and those poles are fantastic.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on November 29, 2014, 06:33:50 PM
M.C. - Thanks man, been awhile. I think I'm going to build a jig in the morning and bent away. I am
going to sift some fine dirt from the alley tomorrow and sift it in to the fur. Smike - Thank again, the
plan was from my first ever Postage Stamp N Scale 2x4 when I was a kid in 1968. Slight folded
dog bone with a siding. But it was horrible looking.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on November 29, 2014, 06:34:41 PM
Great to see you back in MR business, Chuck!
And your small layout looks good: I dig the simplicity!

You might think about working fine-sifted dirt or grout into that fur, either with your fingers or a soft toothbrush.
Helps take the sheen off fabric fur and fills in the weave between fuzz.

Are you going to have stringers under your bridge track?
Couldn't quite tell from the photos.

And you can always make your own bent jig by CA'ing some wood to a piece of plexiglass (releases the woodglue much better than masonite):




The above is a short, square bent, but you can easily make the outer posts angled.

Anyway, looking forward to seeing your progress.

Wonder if I should use the stringers that came with the ME Bridge Flex or make em?
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: wazzou on November 29, 2014, 06:56:57 PM
Keep in mind most stringers measure at 8"x16", 8"x17" or 9"x17".  There are usually a minimum of 3 under each rail.  The caps or the tops of the bents are generally 12"x14" or 14"x14" and almost always 14' long.
The piling is typically 12" or 14" diameter.
The sash braces are usually 4"x8" or 4"x10"' the sway bracing could be the same. 
The girt bracing, the ones that go from bent to bent are usually 6"x8".  Don't forget your bulkhead or back wall which would be varying lengths of 3"x12".
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on November 30, 2014, 12:17:32 AM
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on November 30, 2014, 11:19:01 AM
Test back wall:

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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on November 30, 2014, 07:07:57 PM
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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on December 08, 2014, 03:16:58 PM
Cutting, shaping, up whisking faux fur. Blended with sifted dirt. Need WS turf and
foam (course and fine) in yellow to blend with it. I am going to use the faux fur on
the front fascia of the layout and static grass, either WS, Scenic Xpress for the grassy
hills near the back/backdrop. or Grand Central Gems mat for around the creek and trestle,
cut up and shaped. Here's the basic scenery up-front without blended turfs and small bushes.
(tried using reindeer moss for floral displays and it's not bad, you can only use the tight tops).

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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: Ed Kapuscinski on December 08, 2014, 03:22:09 PM
The scenery test section looks great Chuck!
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on December 08, 2014, 06:09:17 PM
Thanks Ed - So much fun to be back in MR again.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on December 09, 2014, 06:21:16 PM
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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on December 12, 2014, 10:40:37 AM
Thanks M.C. and Wazzou for the inspiration.

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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: davefoxx on December 12, 2014, 02:08:27 PM

I don't mean to disparage your modeling, but the stringers need to sit on top of the trestle bents.  A trestle assembled in that manner would not be very strong.

Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: wazzou on December 12, 2014, 03:27:05 PM
He's right Chuck.  Here is a picture taken on a project on the former Grays Harbor Branch of the Northern Pacific (BN, BNSF), now operated by the Puget Sound and Pacific.
Note a couple of things...this is a branchline but these are still 5 pile bents. spaced at 15' on average. 
This line currently sees unit grain and auto trains to Aberdeen, WA pulled by modern BNSF and sometimes UP power.
Note the differences in sizing of the structural members. 
It is easy to see the depth of the Stringers compared to the caps and ties, which in this case are just normal 7x9.  You can also see from this angle, there are three stringers per rail.
If I recall, you are modeling a present day BNSF mainline, you would at minimum want it constructed similarly to this bridge.
While you've done a nice job, the trestle sort of says logging railroad to me.

Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on December 12, 2014, 04:56:17 PM
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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on December 12, 2014, 06:17:10 PM
Back to the drawing board, thanks DFF and Wazzou.

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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: wazzou on December 12, 2014, 07:38:13 PM
Chuck, it's a credit to you to redo what you have done.
I would try and locate some .080 Evergreen Styrene rod and use it to make a 5 pile bent jig. 
That will give it the look that I think you're after.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on December 14, 2014, 10:24:29 AM
Went to Caboose Hobbies yesterday in Denver and it was a holiday madhouse. They don't
stock Scenic Express products. I needed their prairie tufts and static grass to match the
Colorado prairie grass. The WS is either too light or too dark. So I've ordered from them
before so I shall again (Scenic Express).
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on December 17, 2014, 06:40:56 PM
Trestle across LONE TREE CREEK is getting there. More stain and weathering, need to add guard timbers and rail.

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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: davefoxx on December 17, 2014, 07:31:12 PM
Much better.  Sorry you had to tear the old one apart, but kudos for not being afraid or too lazy to go back and make it right.

Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on December 18, 2014, 03:13:21 PM
Thanks Foxey - Finished product ready to go in:

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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on December 19, 2014, 04:35:23 PM
Stabbing Westward

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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on December 20, 2014, 11:21:04 AM
Basic scenery LONE TREE CREEK, CO:
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Sifted dirt and small pebbles for creek bed:
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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on December 23, 2014, 07:45:21 PM
Silfor shipment came today, prairie tufts and grass. Heading to BB&B to get an electric fly swatter to
turn into static grass applicator. Project tomorrow for Christmas Eve. 
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on December 24, 2014, 01:57:16 PM
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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on December 27, 2014, 08:31:38 AM
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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: Scottl on December 27, 2014, 08:59:17 AM
I love your scenery work.  You have a real eye for the details.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on December 28, 2014, 09:14:11 AM
Thanks Scott, very nice of you. I love scenery (Garth in Wayne's World I LOVE TO PLAY). Got most of the
base scenery on the B side done. This is the Wyoming/Colorado border. The trestle crosses LONE TREE CREEK.
Which is a straight section on the prototype. The Scenic Express Silfor Static Grass works great with the
homemade static grass applicator.
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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: Chris333 on December 28, 2014, 10:18:36 AM
Grass looks good. Found I had to hold the metal strainer pretty close to the layout base to get it to stand up. Don't know if the more expensive ones have a longer range, but for the price who cares.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on December 28, 2014, 11:23:20 AM
Thanks Chris coming from you, that is quite a compliment, I put you up there as a master blaster. Yeah, and getting into tight areas
with the charged strainer is tough. I watched a video where a guy applied Elmer's glue on a brush to the area to be grassed. The
fibers literally shot out of it to the glue base. I used the glue treatment over glue/water sprayed or paint. It does work better.
What method do you use Chris? (Looked like he had a Noch applicator, mine cost 6 bucks to make, 4 for the swatter and 2 for alligator

Not a valid vimeo URL
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on December 28, 2014, 05:02:58 PM
Weekend wrap-up:

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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: SSW7771 on December 28, 2014, 09:30:44 PM
The grass looks great. Also great progress on your layout too, much faster than me.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: Chris333 on December 28, 2014, 10:40:12 PM
I made mine from a fly swatter as well. Someone now sells a grass applicator that looks like it was made from a swatter for like $40  :scared:,10399.html
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: wcfn100 on December 28, 2014, 10:47:58 PM
I made mine from a fly swatter as well. Someone now sells a grass applicator that looks like it was made from a swatter for like $40  :scared:,10399.html

There's a guy who's always at the Rocky Mountain Toy Show selling those.  It's hard not to tell people they cost $7 to build.

The version that had the ion generator is more powerful.  If you use it on a foam base, the little pieces make an audible thud when they hit. 

Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: Ed Kapuscinski on December 29, 2014, 12:55:33 AM
Damn Chuck, you're really nailing it. This looks great.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: Ed Kapuscinski on December 29, 2014, 12:56:34 AM
There's a guy who's always at the Rocky Mountain Toy Show selling those.  It's hard not to tell people they cost $7 to build.


That also feels somewhat dangerous/illegal...
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on December 29, 2014, 09:46:37 AM
You boys are too kind...Can bacon be used as roadbed?
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on December 30, 2014, 10:09:45 PM
This is for Ed:

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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on December 30, 2014, 11:05:12 PM
1604, Class GP-9, was built in February 1957, #22713, as NP 310. It became BN 1748, Class GP-9, in 1970 and became BNSF 1604, Class GP9, in June 1998. It was retired in June 2000. On our sub, it will be used to haul short grain loads from Wellington, CO to Cheyenne to the UP interchange.

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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on December 31, 2014, 12:15:08 AM
The Front Range Subdivision is a total of 237 miles from Denver, Colorado to Wendover, Wyoming, and is part of the C&S Railway, now owned by BNSF. The line has one crew change point, and is located at Cheyenne, Wyoming. The line is Track Warrant Controlled from Clear Creek (Denver) all the way to Wendover. The line sees roughly 2 - 8 trains per day, featuring two locals, three manifests, a intermodal train, and a sulfur train. The line also sees two coal trains that operate on each end of the line. The line also sees an occasional autorack train traveling to Portland, Oregon from Denver. The line also features classic street running in the town of Fort Collins, Colorado. The BNSF interchanges with the Great Western Railway in Longmont, Loveland, and Fort Collins. The Front Range Sub features three yards north of Denver in the towns of Longmont, Fort Collins and Cheyenne. BNSF operates two branch lines off of the Front Range Subdivision. The Lafayette Branch running from Broomfield, Colorado to Lafayette, Colorado. The other branch is the Barnett Branch that runs from Longmont to Lyons, where a cement plant is served by the BNSF a couple of times a week with cement and coal hoppers. There are three power plants located on the line between Denver and Wendover. The Valmont Power Plant owned by Xcel Energy in Boulder, Colorado sees a coal train a couple of times of week. It is interchanged with the UP in Denver and UP Power stays on the train with a BNSF unit and BNSF crew placed on the train. The train runs with XCLX Trinity 5 Bay Hoppers. The next power plant is located out in the high plains north of Fort Collins. Its the Rawhide Power Plant, which recieves a load of Powder River Coal every other day. The train has 75 - 85 RAWX Gondolas and is loaded at the Antelope Mine. The last power plant located on the Front Range Subdivison is located near Wendover, at a place called Moba. The Power Plant is owned by Wheatland, Wyoming and sees several coal trains a week from various mines from Powder River. There is a passing siding roughly ever 15 - 20 miles ranging from 6,000ft to 8,000ft. Max speed for the line is 49MPH. So I hope that gives you a rough overview on what the Front Range Subdivision is like. So again, if you want to help me on this project, feel free to reply on here or send me a PM. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

P.S. Here are pics of what the Front Range Subdivision is like.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: Brian M on December 31, 2014, 12:12:21 PM
At times, traffic on the line can be quite diverse.  Not sure of the frequency, but they send unit trains of wind turbine blades heading south on a regular basis, with the empty flats going back north.  It will also get an occasional military transport train pass through.  And a couple of summers ago, when there was serious flooding on their lines through Nebraska, the BNSF was sending 737 fuselages north on the Front Range.  Lately, they've been performing track work east of Denver, and diverting empty unit coal trains along the Front Range division to ease traffic around Denver.  The tracks pass about 300 feet from my house in Louisville, so I can keep tabs on things without getting up from the dinner table.   :)

Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on January 01, 2015, 05:10:46 PM
Thanks Brian, going to run it as a Track Warrant Control - had to do a John Allen and make some longer switches (cutdown #5 ATL C-55's) in to shorter turnouts.

2 hours ago
Tricks with N scale track
Read this N scale column from the January 2013 Model Railroader
By Jim Kelly  |  Published: Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Tricks with N scale track

At top is an Atlas code 55 no. 5 turnout that Jim has prepared for installation in a tight space, and below is a turnout straight out of the box.You bought 'em, you can modify 'em. Some four decades ago I was looking at a John Allen photo taken on his fabulous HO scale Gorre & Daphetid. The subject was rail activity at his city of Port, and I was especially struck by how compact his trackwork was. In some places the points for one switch almost touched those of the next. John had laid his track by hand, but I realized you can come close to doing the same thing with ready-made turnouts. It’s just a matter of screwing up the courage to nip off some rail. At that time, it was quite the insight. I guess I believed that there were laws governing model railroading products, and chief among them was that they should never be modified. To do so would invite an unpleasant, late-night visit from the model railroading police.

Since that time I’ve been merrily modifying turnouts, and doing so has let me get tracks into some pretty tight spaces. After all, if you can save an inch in N scale, that’s a little over 13 scale feet! Here are some precautions to keep in mind, though. Right now I’m working with Atlas code 55 turnouts, which can be modified from the point end with no problems. Just cut the rail so you still have two or three ties remaining ­after you’ve removed several ties to make room for the rail joiners. But I’ve learned the hard way not to mess with the rails at the frog end. Those rails are short to begin with, so you can’t gain much, plus it’s easy for those short pieces of diverging rail to roll and come loose from their moorings.

I’ve found two ways to fix that problem if it occurs. The first is to secure the short length of rail with cyanoacrylate adhesive. The better way is to extend the rail end of the adjoining track piece all the way to the frog, replacing that little piece ­altogether. This will give a neater, more permanent fix, and track that is much more likely to stay in gauge.
And as long as we’re cutting rail, my recommendation is you invest in a good set of rail nippers. Mine are by Xuron, and for many years they’d cut so cleanly the joiner would slip right on. But they’ve cut a heck of a lot of rail over the years, and now, about half the time I need to clean up the cut a bit with a flat needle file. (I could buy new nippers, but I’m almost finished with track laying – knock on plywood.)

If the rail joiner won’t slip on, don’t fight it. File and fix the rail ends. And once the joiner is on, look closely to make sure it really is. It’s easy for one end of the joiner to go under the rail instead of enclosing it. I’ve done this many times, and sometimes didn’t find the problem until considerably later. That’s why I always make sure to trim back the ties so that the rail joiner can be slid ­entirely onto one rail end or the other.

I don’t solder the joints on straight sections, as that makes removing a turnout for repair or replacement much more difficult. (I almost never have to remove a turnout, but if I soldered the joint, I’m convinced that would jinx me.)I’m sure that nearly all of you already remove those awful-looking D-shaped combo ties at the ends of turnouts and sectional track pieces. A good way to remove them is to lay the track rail-side down on a hard surface and shear them off with a chisel-bladed hobby knife. To fill the gaps between rail sections, I pull short lengths of tie strip from track scraps, trim off the spike heads with a hobby knife, and slide them under the rail ends. Usually a strip of three or four ties will do the job, and a dab of white glue will hold them in position until the track is ballasted. If you have trouble sliding them under the rails, thin them a tad by rubbing the bottom across a piece of medium­-grit sandpaper.

Before laying any complex roadbed or track, get the track pieces you’ll be using and trial-fit the whole assembly. Lately I’ve discovered Ribbonrail track gauges. I really like them. My minimum curve radius is 18", and the gauge for that size catches me if I try to cheat. The company’s straight gauges likewise help me make sure the straight track ­really is straight.
Laying track well is essential. The payoff is smooth-running trains that never derail – and that’s the difference between a diorama and a model railroad.

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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on January 01, 2015, 05:22:39 PM
Roughing in Wellington, CO.
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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on January 02, 2015, 06:23:40 PM
Wellington progresses:,+CO+80549/@40.7039472,-105.0084847,3a,75y,188.38h,75.89t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sWP96g4Fl4n2_DfUxBlcYhA!2e0!4m2!3m1!1s0x876932a881875f69:0xc97c0426f566ed2c!6m1!1e1

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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: Texas Zephyr on January 03, 2015, 05:16:07 PM
Chuck your layout looks fantastic. It looks just like pictures from the book Wendover Acme and Virginia Point. I find it funny how I've never met another person who knows anything about the Colorado & Southern/Fort Worth and Denver, yet here on this forum there are three of us modeling the same line (albeit different era's). Too bad we're not all modeling the same era. If we were maybe you Denver Road Doug and myself could start some kind of interchange.

Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on January 03, 2015, 05:42:47 PM
Thanks Jason --- Now I want to get the book. I was going to go BN and even CB&Q, but settled
on 1998 BNSF.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: Texas Zephyr on January 03, 2015, 06:16:49 PM
The book covers the entire territory of the CS/FWD from Wendover to Galvaston in the late 70's early 80's. I found my copy on eBay a few years ago for $25. I'm modeling the FWD circa 1973ish in the Texas Panhandle.

Edit: the book doesn't cover the Denver's branch lines, but you're probably not interested in that part anyway.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on January 04, 2015, 08:38:11 PM
Gandy Dancers been tearin' it up in Wellington:

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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: davefoxx on January 04, 2015, 08:50:00 PM
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Looks good, Chuck, but, if I may, it looks like you have a sun kink in the middle track.  Keep up the great progress!

Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: Dottney on January 05, 2015, 10:59:23 AM
Your scenery is great.  What is the stuff that you're using for the Colorado grass?   Is it some sort of faux fur that  you comb out?  When it's combed out do,you airbrush it?
Going back to stare at the pics to more inspiration.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on January 05, 2015, 08:54:56 PM
Scenic Express California Grass (Mininatur) golden static grass and long tufts mixed together. 6MM GOLDEN GRASS STATIC
California Golden Grass. 6mm Tall Loose Static Grass. I used faux fur on one embankment and didn't like it's looks.

Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on January 06, 2015, 10:35:56 PM
Golden Spike was laid just outside of Wellington tonight:

Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: C855B on January 06, 2015, 11:15:15 PM
Congrats on the golden rail joiner! ;)

I've been following your blog closely for tips and techniques on high-prairie grasses and other regional scenery. I have a little bit of it looming in my future. Thank you so much for recording your efforts!
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on January 07, 2015, 07:06:54 AM
Mike - Love your layout, I see the overpass over the yard in Cheyenne with roundhouse and yard. I'm going
to do a video this weekend on the grasses.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on January 12, 2015, 08:11:32 PM
Grass added to other buttes, will work on rock carvings next:

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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: wazzou on January 12, 2015, 09:01:26 PM
Looking good Chuck.  One comment; the railroads typically spanned washes like yours with the telegraph lines in as straight a line as possible rather than following as closely to the RofW as you have done.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on January 13, 2015, 07:14:07 AM
Good point, going to do that in the final placement.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on January 25, 2015, 11:40:31 AM
Been working with Acrylic Gloss Medium per Mike Danneman article for Lone Tree Creek. It produces a faster moving water than lazy creek
WS Realistic Water. Plus way cheaper. This is in SCENERY FOR YOUR MODEL RAILROAD and check this out:

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Screwing around with lichen on mum armatures. They will need to be flocked with yellow grass and painted. I would love to use Scenic Express trees and leaf flock, but need to keep costs down.

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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on January 31, 2015, 09:45:23 AM
Roughing in Wellington, CO
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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on January 31, 2015, 11:23:21 PM
Went to Wellington for a photo session:

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Love this last shot, this is going on the layout. The sidings are gone, but the spur is there and it ran to
the one elevator which is a brewery now.

Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on February 08, 2015, 04:51:27 PM
Re-working Jefferson Ave. with styrene sheets for curbs and road. Basswood and poster board suck.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on February 22, 2015, 01:29:28 PM
Jefferson Ave is in---As well as farm road with fence. Pine tree going in with culvert drains today.
Bar-b-q charcoal used for weathering roads and Bic pen ink tube used for culvert tubes.

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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on February 22, 2015, 01:34:28 PM
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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on February 24, 2015, 05:11:59 PM
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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: Ed Kapuscinski on February 24, 2015, 05:22:11 PM
I dig it.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: Chris333 on February 24, 2015, 05:26:31 PM
Damn. See that little corner right there is why small layouts rule  8)
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on February 24, 2015, 05:50:40 PM
Thanks Ed and Chris, LDE's really help or that would be grass or dirt.
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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: LIRR on February 24, 2015, 06:49:34 PM
That's a nice scene.....the tree looks great. Anytime I place a tree that close to the edge of the bench work, it'll get taken out during track cleaning or some other such task......

Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on February 24, 2015, 07:01:08 PM
I bought those trees for $10 for ten at Estes Parks show. Bill Hoffman who makes
helix's wife makes them.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: davefoxx on February 24, 2015, 08:02:12 PM
Looking good, Chuck!  Oh, and, obviously, it's too late to paint the track, but can I at least coerce you into painting those rails?  They're kind of glaring in an otherwise nice scene.

Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on February 24, 2015, 09:40:28 PM
Weird, track is painted the Lee way with raw umber slopped on with brush. I need to
weather the ties, rail is done, hard to see.
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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on February 25, 2015, 09:40:38 PM
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: JSL on February 28, 2015, 09:26:02 AM
Chuck! I am really enjoying the progress on the pike. Looks fantastic!
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: Hamaker on February 28, 2015, 11:58:40 AM
I'm with JSL......Lovin it !!
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: Ed Kapuscinski on February 28, 2015, 12:31:12 PM
Seriously looking good Chuck!

I also love the choice of the BNSF GP9 for your power.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on February 28, 2015, 12:34:19 PM
Ron Wheeler contributed two locos to the roster. What a nice guy.

Atlas #46502 GP-35 Road # 2540
Atlas 49709 GE  B 23-7  Road # 4252

A gracious thank you to him.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: Hamaker on February 28, 2015, 03:57:48 PM
I've been well compensated by learning from your incredible modeling skills !
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on February 28, 2015, 03:59:22 PM
This is a mock-up in balsa of FRONT RANGE STEEL which has no siding but occupies
real estate in Wellington, CO

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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on March 01, 2015, 07:00:53 PM
Finished up backdrop in Wellington and ready to build and add grain elevators.
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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: jmarley76 on March 02, 2015, 12:38:56 PM
Very cool pike, Chuck! I can't wait to see more!!
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on March 12, 2015, 04:58:19 PM
Wellington, CO is really taking shape:

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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: Hamaker on March 12, 2015, 11:34:48 PM
Lovin it !  Thanks for posting updated pictures.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on March 13, 2015, 05:08:31 PM
Thanks for all the nice comments...

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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on March 21, 2015, 10:39:59 AM
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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: Ed Kapuscinski on March 21, 2015, 10:56:17 AM
I'm not in love with the Wellington sign. The text looks a little misaligned.

But I DO love the rest of it.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: Hamaker on March 21, 2015, 11:16:35 AM
It's your ability to so realistically model the grass and weeds that impresses me so much.  Outstanding !
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on March 21, 2015, 11:27:12 AM
Ed - Going to re do sign...I need a smaller font. Going to replicate this:
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on March 21, 2015, 12:00:50 PM
This is why I  love RW - Constructive criticism makes for better modeling.

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Trim the top posts and paint posts black and boom. Thanks Ed.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: Ed Kapuscinski on March 21, 2015, 12:16:33 PM
Nudge the right side up a bit more too :-) Just a scosh.

Sorry, my visual alignment brain is weird sometimes...
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: davefoxx on March 21, 2015, 01:06:15 PM
Nudge the right side up a bit more too :-) Just a scosh.

Sorry, my visual alignment brain is weird sometimes...

I think that all it would take would be to square the right post to the sign.  The sign appears to be square to the left post, but the right post is leaning in towards the top.

Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on March 21, 2015, 01:56:34 PM
Went back and redid, using styrene posts and sign boards on both sides, looks so much

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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on March 22, 2015, 02:31:50 PM
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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: Hamaker on May 06, 2015, 12:07:08 PM
Anxious to hear how the layout survived the move to Ardmore.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on May 31, 2015, 10:05:09 AM
Layout did great, lost a few telephone poles that I am finally going to replace today and get it up and running.
Going to make a few modifications to change the theme from Colorado to Oklahoma. We are on the BNSF main
from Fort Worth to OKC.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: Hamaker on May 31, 2015, 10:13:22 AM
My first wife was born and raised in Ardmore.  She always said it was a 'railroad town'.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on July 10, 2015, 06:50:10 PM
Finally putting back damaged poles and layout moved with no damage.
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Title: BNSF RED ROCK SUB - Ardmore, OK
Post by: chuck geiger on September 23, 2015, 02:00:22 PM
Changing over what was once the town of WELLINGTON, CO to ARDMORE, OK.

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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: Hamaker on September 23, 2015, 02:34:48 PM
Great to see the progress !
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: Ed Kapuscinski on September 24, 2015, 09:33:37 AM
Wow, I think the Ardmore scene even better than the Wellington one! I like those buildings.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on September 24, 2015, 12:15:38 PM
Thanks Ham and Ed. Getting there. Those are cool flats from the Gateway NMRA site. They have
a bunch of real photos photographed from the front.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: MVW on September 24, 2015, 02:24:40 PM
Whoa, thanks for the link, Chuck! I hadn't stumbled across that page before.

I once suggested (I think on another forum) that we all post straight-on shots of our structures, so they could be downloaded and combined into custom backdrops.

But all I heard was crickets.  :facepalm:

Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: Ed Kapuscinski on September 24, 2015, 03:09:18 PM
Oh those are handy!
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on September 24, 2015, 04:53:52 PM
There we some posted on one of the train boards, but they looked like the old ones
that came in those rolls in the 80's. These look great, they are real photos. The one
modern Pikestuff looking building is one of those, but digital dynamics, it came from
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on October 18, 2015, 06:48:05 PM
Sizing up some scenes with some of the new purchases in Ardmore, PA (BNSF RED ROCK SUB).

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Note: M.C. I found another one of those SP tankers that are good for nothing but to turn into a fuel tank.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on November 26, 2015, 10:28:25 AM
HAPPY THANKSGIVING from the crew of 2540 working the small Ardmore yard on
Thanksgving morning. They are about to cross Broadway.

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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: davefoxx on November 26, 2015, 10:35:07 AM
Looking good, Chuck!  Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: Hamaker on November 26, 2015, 01:03:42 PM
In deed very good looking !
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: GaryHinshaw on November 26, 2015, 10:35:05 PM
The backdrop adds a very nice touch there Chuck.  Looking good.

Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on November 27, 2015, 05:17:00 PM
Thanks Boys and Ham the 35 looks great, thanks again.

Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: Hamaker on November 27, 2015, 09:56:07 PM
Just good to see it running on a great layout.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on December 21, 2015, 04:15:30 PM
Welcome to Bacon Creek, OK
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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on December 25, 2015, 02:48:52 PM
The small 2x4' layout has come a long way in a year.

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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on January 28, 2016, 12:27:35 PM
The layout is going for another rental truck ride. We are moving to Wenatchee WA in two weeks. Mainline BNSF
there so another region change, but that's what makes it fun. 2x4' layout has gone from CO/WYO to OK and now
North Central Washington.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: wazzou on January 28, 2016, 01:00:37 PM
Well Chuck, if you ever get over to the West side of the state, look me up.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: davefoxx on January 28, 2016, 01:27:58 PM
The layout is going for another rental truck ride. We are moving to Wenatchee WA in two weeks. Mainline BNSF
there so another region change, but that's what makes it fun. 2x4' layout has gone from CO/WYO to OK and now
North Central Washington.

Geez, Chuck, you move more than anybody I know, including @Dave Vollmer!

Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on January 28, 2016, 02:41:56 PM
Yeah I know, my wife misses Alaska, so this is as close as we can get now. Great
hobby shop in Tri-Cities and lots of rail action. This was a great job offer when I wasn't
even looking and that makes it even better.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: Hamaker on January 28, 2016, 05:14:11 PM
So now it will be apple orchards and packing sheds ?   Big Apple Festival up there !  At least the BNSF runs thru Wenatchee.  I'm sure that was an important factor in your decision.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: Ed Kapuscinski on January 29, 2016, 09:33:40 AM
Yeah I know, my wife misses Alaska, so this is as close as we can get now. Great
hobby shop in Tri-Cities and lots of rail action. This was a great job offer when I wasn't
even looking and that makes it even better.

That's awesome news man. Good luck with the new gig!!

Also, take good care of that layout. It's a damned gem.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on January 29, 2016, 10:05:22 AM
Will do Ed, gonna box it up i.e. Dave Vollmer style.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: Blazeman on January 29, 2016, 12:03:16 PM
So now it will be apple orchards and packing sheds ?    At least the BNSF runs thru Wenatchee. 

Former employer had a ferroalloy plant there, closed in 1974 or so. That was a GN line "in the day" in case you ever want to go back in time.

It must be a wonderful place to live. Was difficult to get personnel to transfer from there.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on May 28, 2016, 11:53:39 PM
Been working the last few months on turning the layout from Ardmore, OK to Wenatchee, WA on the B side. The A side
still looks like it did before with the Ed-type winter scene. It will be re-worked to look like the Columbia River gorge between
Rock Island and Trinidad on the Columbia River Sub. The grasses of Wyoming (first venture with this layout) translated
well into Oklahoma. Now it seems to be fine on the new articulation. Here's pics of the transformation.

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Near Trinidad
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Working on Wenatchee
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After the move from Oklahoma to Washington
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As BNSF Red River Sub
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Oklahoma country side
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Downtown Ardmore
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Ardmore Yard
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This area is now flat and high grasses
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Wellington, CO first version of side B
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Side A WYO-CO border
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Jefferson Ave Wellington, CO LDE
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Early construction Wellington, CO
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Newly seeded high grass near WYO-CO border
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First two months of side A
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First month of side A
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Scratch T time
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First scenery
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Moving earth
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The plan
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The proto
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First step
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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: milw12 on May 29, 2016, 08:51:34 AM
Very cool Chuck, always like seeing this little layout, and BNSF makes it that much better. Watching the layout develop and locales change has been very enjoyable.

I have an old 2x4 built and floating around yet, might take another crack at it for something similar to this after my current little project. Just have to fight the temptation to start another right now :scared:
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: Hamaker on May 29, 2016, 11:00:17 AM
Thanks for re-posting all the photos !  Very enjoyable indeed.
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on June 01, 2016, 09:20:05 PM
Side A has become The BNSF Columbia River Sub in Trinidad, WA.
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Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: nkalanaga on June 03, 2016, 01:47:48 AM
With a photo backdrop?  It looks like Trinidad. 

The cliffs between Rock Island and Trinidad would be a job to model in 3D...
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: jmarley76 on June 03, 2016, 10:10:06 AM
Side A has become The BNSF Columbia River Sub in Trinidad, WA.

Very nice!
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on June 14, 2016, 09:59:12 AM
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on June 14, 2016, 05:26:16 PM
Title: Re: BNSF Front Range Subdivision - CO-WY State Line
Post by: chuck geiger on November 25, 2016, 06:02:54 PM
Layout moved for holidays.
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Post by: chuck geiger on May 17, 2017, 08:04:06 PM
Finally getting to car sorting, switching and operations:

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