
General Discussion => N and Z Scales => Topic started by: dick green on April 08, 2014, 07:59:55 AM

Title: New project
Post by: dick green on April 08, 2014, 07:59:55 AM
While there are still some things left on my other diorama, the hideous attempt at carving a cat/bear indicates that its time to step away for a little while.  This is going to be a rural grain elevator or maybe feed mill.

This is a wall test. Evergreen corrugated cut into eight foot strips. the top row has a strip of .010 styrene glued to the back so when stacked on the other looks like an over lap. Paint is primer and oil weathering I used a pencil for the panel lines I think I need a sharper pencil

Thoughts, suggestions, even a what the hell were you thinking are welcome


Title: Re: New project
Post by: Philip H on April 08, 2014, 08:23:49 AM
That's really nicely done.  Now, can you soften it in warm water to wrap it around a circular form and make the silos?  Cause if you can, then you get to go to the front of the class.  Seriously - well done.
Title: Re: New project
Post by: jmlaboda on April 08, 2014, 08:27:39 AM
While the treatment (paint and weathering) of the Evergreen corrugated sheets look good the problem with the corrugation is that it is two wide spacing wise for N-scale.  I would recommend Builders in Scale N-scale corrugation... (

It is what I will use once I get to a place where some serious structure modeling can be done.
Title: Re: New project
Post by: Ed Kapuscinski on April 08, 2014, 09:20:45 AM
I like it, but I feel that the overhang is just a bit too much. I'd try halving it, or just lapping the one piece over the other.
Title: Re: New project
Post by: dick green on April 08, 2014, 10:44:59 AM
Here is another try with just a scribed line

I think I like this better. thin AI wash will highlight it some

Title: Re: New project
Post by: Ron McF on April 09, 2014, 08:58:30 AM
A while back I tried to get this effect by scribing and painting combined.

I initially sprayed the building's walls a metallic grey colour using a Tamiya spray bomb, then when the paint had dried, I lightly scribed lines as Dick has. Then I masked off the bottom 8', making sure I had a nice tight top edge along the scribed line, and then gave the walls a second coat of paint.  After that coat dried, I repeated the process another 8' higher.

I was hoping that the thicker paint along the top edge of each line would simulate the overlapping sheet of metal, and to some extent, that did work.  From normal viewing distance, the walls have three distinct bands due to the lower coats being lighter grey than the highest coat (same colour, just less paint thickness).  But the paint edges came out a little fuzzy, when viewed up close.

Next time I try this I will paint the entire wall initially, but on subsequent layers I will only paint a strip about 10' high each time.

Sorry - no photos.

BTW Dick - I like the effect you got by using the pencil for the vertical seams.

Title: Re: New project
Post by: wazzou on April 09, 2014, 10:19:58 AM
One suggestion is that there should be more consistency in the panel width not a randomness to it.
Title: Re: New project
Post by: JMaurer1 on April 09, 2014, 11:08:34 AM
Something that I have done to represent what you are trying to do is to put a strip of masking tape at the 8' mark and using an airbrush mist on either a very thin coat of rust or dark color. Move the tape to the next 8' and do it again. It creates the effect of the scribed line without actually having a line. The effect is really great too. I'll have to see if I can find a building or two and upload some pictures.
Title: Re: New project
Post by: dick green on April 09, 2014, 01:04:50 PM
Minor hijack but jmaurer  Are you John Maurer from wisconson