
General Discussion => Layout Engineering Reports => Topic started by: Chris333 on November 21, 2013, 03:56:18 AM

Title: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on November 21, 2013, 03:56:18 AM
I was playing with this small Nn3 layout:

I wanted to model a small quarry on one side and decided to call it Carbon Limestone after a nearby 38" railroad that ran in a quarry. I was all freelanced and just for fun, but then I started digging for info and found out that the railroad ran in a loop from the quarry to the crusher and often 6-7 trains were running the loop at a time. If this shows up you can see the red line:
The quarry are is lower left while the crusher is top right.


And here is a close up of the crusher area in 1970:
Depending on how you zoom in, the crusher is still there:
The line looped into the crusher up high on a trestle. Over to the right were small shops and engine houses. The green lines are standard guage. Carbon Limestone had a few standard gauge locos, but the area was serviced by a short branch of the P&LE. Here is the area:

Anyways... Its a big loop of track... that high trestle and crusher begs to be modeled... So I'm thinking of tossing what I have and starting over with a slightly bigger layout.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on November 21, 2013, 04:03:58 AM
The railroad first had a bunch of 0-4-0 tank engines, some of them are still running around the country with the tanks removed and tenders added. One is running at Cedar Point. Latter they had 2 Plymouths, 1 Davenport, and 6 Whitcombs. Here is a Whitcomb at the garage?

Another one up on the trestle at the crusher:
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on November 21, 2013, 04:13:27 AM
So here is the new plan 12x24" with a backdrop down the center:
This side would have the crusher on the right with a short standard guage track under it. To the left would be the garage shop area.

This side would be the quarry.

That is the plan. The first step is waiting for a Walthers glacier gravel company that I will try to bash into the crusher. If I get that looking decent I will go on to track.  :)
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Coxy on November 21, 2013, 08:14:40 AM
Go for it Chris!

Your modeling talents seem a little penned in on micro layouts. I like the plan. The crusher and trestle will be a great scene.

Looking forward to seeing this larger one come together. On that point, nice job on posting your modeling efforts to date - great pics and vids.

- Coxy
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: davefoxx on November 21, 2013, 08:40:58 AM
I like it, Chris.  Not only is the track plan a little more interesting than your other quarry layout, but it's based on a prototype.  Too cool.

Now, get cracking.  I especially enjoy following along with the construction of your handlaid track.  Lots of pics, please.

Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Scottl on November 21, 2013, 10:26:12 AM
This is a great concept and prototype.  I am looking forward to seeing this one built.

All of these mini-layouts are so inspirational...
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: VonRyan on November 21, 2013, 10:32:30 AM
Wanna send the layout you just ditched towards my way  :trollface:

I'd have to re-gauge it to 4mm, but it might just make a nice little slate railway  :D

-Cody F.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: packers#1 on November 21, 2013, 11:13:39 AM
Your narrow gauge layouts really make me think about Nn3; it doesn't look too terribly tough; then again, HOn3 could make use of Bachmann N scale engines.
Anyways, carry on, looking forward to watching the progress
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on November 21, 2013, 05:02:13 PM
I know these mini layouts are a bit of fantasy, but I like to try and follow prototype by using real locomotives and rolling stock. The On30 guys can get out of hand sometimes. Modeling this quarry operation will allow me to use more of the prototype. The line crossed over and ducked under the local roads and those bridges are still there to try to follow. If it wasn't for the USGS aerial photos from 1950-1970 I would have no idea how the tracks were laid out.

Plus now I get to build even more Nn3 locomotives and cars  :lol:  This quarry was in operation from 1894-1984 so I can change out the diesels for steam and swap the crane for an older steam shovel.

Cody, I'd send the old to you if you left the gauge alone  :P  It is only 11x17x3" and its a runner:
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: VonRyan on November 21, 2013, 09:04:23 PM
I know these mini layouts are a bit of fantasy, but I like to try and follow prototype by using real locomotives and rolling stock. The On30 guys can get out of hand sometimes. Modeling this quarry operation will allow me to use more of the prototype. The line crossed over and ducked under the local roads and those bridges are still there to try to follow. If it wasn't for the USGS aerial photos from 1950-1970 I would have no idea how the tracks were laid out.

Plus now I get to build even more Nn3 locomotives and cars  :lol:  This quarry was in operation from 1894-1984 so I can change out the diesels for steam and swap the crane for an older steam shovel.

Cody, I'd send the old to you if you left the gauge alone  :P  It is only 11x17x3" and its a runner:

Well if gauge is your only condition... I might just have to start modelling Irish 3' gauge after all  :D

-Cody F.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Rich_S on November 22, 2013, 07:17:24 AM
Very nice, Pittsburgh Limestone Co. on the old Mahoning State Line Railroad / P&LE Lowellville Branch.  One question, who is the Nn3 manufacturer of the diesel and steam engine and hopper cars seen in your video?

Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on November 22, 2013, 07:40:01 AM
The yellow loco is built by me. It is a 16ton Plymouth that I drew and had etched in brass. It ride on a "powermax" chassis:

The steam loco is from Toma Model Works. It had side tanks and I converted it to saddle:

The cars are from Shapeways, I had someone draw them for me:

But if the layout goes well I will try to make more accurate equipment. I'd like a couple 24 ton 0-4-0 Porters and 25 ton Whitcombs using the powermax chassis and all new dump cars will be made...somehow.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on November 22, 2013, 09:33:14 PM
Welp the Walthers kit showed up today. I won't be using all the walls, but I can use most of the parts. I started building a core of styrene that will mostly be covered with corrugated sheets. This is the only info I have for the standard gauge side of the crusher:
You can see the one hopper being loaded will gravel. This is the side of the crusher that will show on the layout.

I came up with this:

And about 3.75" up is where the narrow gauge will run into the building:

When done it will be more like the crusher is sunken into the front corner of the layout.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: M.C. Fujiwara on November 22, 2013, 10:45:20 PM
I dig how deep you got the building down.
Nn3 version of layout-to-floor scenery  8)
(will be good compositional balance with backdrop and quarry on other side)

Looking forward to seeing this come along!

For every Chris333 post, I feel I'm getting pulled further and further into the Magical World / Black Hole of Nn3....   :scared:
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Leggy on November 22, 2013, 11:26:22 PM
I'm feeling much the same....there's always space for some sections of the QLD NG on my layout under construction....
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on November 23, 2013, 08:06:33 AM
I just realized something I didn't catch before. The road that crosses between the crusher and the quarry is called "state line road" I zoomed out and yep it's the state line. So the quarry side of the layout is OH and the crusher is in PA.   ;)

I built up the base with 3 stacked layers of foam and added 3" to the length so it is now 12x27"  The vertical distance is hard to plan on flat paper so a few small details will be left out.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: timgill on November 24, 2013, 02:34:47 PM
This is such a cool little micro. Looking forward to seeing your progress.

Being a dyed-in-the-wool N scaler interested by narrow gauge, I'd like to see some of your Nn3 loco builds too.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on November 25, 2013, 04:25:03 PM
As far as my Nn3 fleet goes.

This loco if built from a Toma Model Works kit:
I added a few details to make it look more American.
Then I scratchbuilt these 23ton boxcabs:
And another Toma kit that was side tanked, changed to saddle:

And the lastest one is a 14 ton Plymouth:
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: timgill on November 26, 2013, 09:23:06 PM
Very cool. Too bad there's nothing in stock on the Nn3 section of Toma's website...I've been eyeballing some of their kits for a while now in both Nn3 and HOn30.

Looking forward to seeing your layout progress.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: timwatson on November 26, 2013, 10:35:49 PM
You know Chris I tried to find those Toma kits and they were sold completely out. They've been out for awhile. Any idea on how often they come into stock?
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on November 26, 2013, 11:22:44 PM
I have no idea if they ever get re-ran. He had a body kit for a 0-6-0 chassis as well and I haven't seen that again. Guess you snooze you loose :P
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: timwatson on November 27, 2013, 10:16:45 AM
Yes the world of n scale is exactly like that. A bunch of snoozing losers.  :ashat:

I have no idea if they ever get re-ran. He had a body kit for a 0-6-0 chassis as well and I haven't seen that again. Guess you snooze you loose :P
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: C855B on November 27, 2013, 10:28:37 AM
I have no idea if they ever get re-ran. He had a body kit for a 0-6-0 chassis as well and I haven't seen that again. Guess you snooze you loose :P

If it was based on a Märklin 0-6-0, I think the core hasn't been available for long time.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on November 30, 2013, 04:57:47 PM
 :| sigh.   Just got a book with some more info. "Ghost Rails IX state line legends" by Wayne A Cole.

I got a lot more info on Carbon Limestone, most of it in the 1960-70's when anyone could walk up to the office and get a ride on the train!  Also found out that just to the East of the quarry was another operation with a narrow gauge railroad and crusher,  Pittsburgh Limestone, that owned both steam and diesels. Then to the South of the quarry was Bessemer Limestone with another 38" railroad, they were the largest purchaser of Heisler locomotives with 9 38" gauge and 3 standard gauge  :o  I believe the Bessemer plant is still operating, but all of the railroads are gone. I can't believe this much narrow gauge action went on just miles from me, but by the time they last ran a train in 1984 I was only 10 years old.

I'm gonna stick with Carbon Limestone, but I might have to make the layout  longer to fit a couple more details in that I now have photos of...
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: C855B on November 30, 2013, 05:18:14 PM
... I got a lot more info on Carbon Limestone, most of it in the 1960-70's when anyone could walk up to the office and get a ride on the train! ...

Incredible. Exactly opposite of what we had during that period, nearby in Monolith (Tehachapi area) with the 3'-gauge cement quarry line. They would call the sheriff if you were standing on the nearby highway with a camera, heaven help you if you trespassed on the access road. Consequently, for an area of so much intense railfan interest, documentation and photos of the narrow gauge operation are scarcer than hen's teeth. :|
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on November 30, 2013, 06:22:40 PM
Yep, most of the new photos in the book are right from the cab of the locomotives moving through the quarry.

Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 04, 2013, 05:54:00 AM
REVISE  :facepalm:

I had the trackwork running and then I got the book... So earlier today I extended the layout another 6" to 12x33". I cut the trackwork and spliced in a new piece of hardboard:

Then later at work I was doodling on a piece of paper, that is where it started, I need even more room. So I'm completely starting over! I will still use the crusher I started, but will build a new base and build all new track work. This time 12x48"

The main reason for this being the state line road. The railroad ducked under it and crossed over it and the book had a nice photo of the bridge over the road complete with "THE CARBON LIMESTONE COMPANY" down the side girders. I wanted to model this without it being cramped. On the other side I will use the extra length to add their carshop to the enginehouse/garage area. Last length revise.

In other news I drew the artwork to have PPD etch me some 25T Whitcomb parts:
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: VonRyan on December 04, 2013, 07:40:13 AM
Digging the fact that you are being as faithful to the prototype as possible.
Also digging the Whitcomb etches.

I'll put in the next bag of popcorn.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Philip H on December 04, 2013, 10:17:50 AM
What mechanism are you thinking of for the Whitcomb?
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Scottl on December 04, 2013, 10:18:24 AM
Research twice, cut once.  :trollface:
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 11, 2013, 07:44:03 AM
What mechanism are you thinking of for the Whitcomb?

Same old thing I used on the Plymouth:
The hood might end up being slightly too wide, but what else am I gonna do.  :)

Here is where I'm at with the new 12x48" layout base:

And the huge a$$ rubber rock casting from Cripplebush that I will use part of for the quarry walls:

And also lets not forget Jason 3Ded up some dump cars for me:
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 20, 2013, 08:17:11 AM
PPD turned my drawing into brass:

So I started trying to make a Whitcomb.
You can see the wheels don't line up with the frame journals. I actually drew them further apart than they should be, sort of split the difference, and hope they don't look so bad when done.

And here is the Searails chassis tucked in to the frame.
The locomotives frame is only 1.3" long  :o

The hood is also a little bit too wide because of the motor:

I was able to skip the grill because of the home made shutters mounted to the front. So the "grill" is just a slab of styrene that was rounded off.

And this is the air compressor

Someday it might look like this.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 20, 2013, 08:27:32 AM
I should also note that I have no scale drawings or any drawings or dimensions at all of this locomotive. It is a 25ton 25DM42a model and there are drawings for a 25T Whitcomb in the diesel cyclopedia, but it is a much older model. I did go off of that drawing for the overall length and then sized this photo to it:
When I did that the wheelbase of the photo matched the drawings so I figured I was on the right track.  ;)  I traced what I could off the photo into autoCAD and guessed the rest. So it's not perfect. Unless someone can get me scale drawings I will just live with it.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Scottl on December 20, 2013, 08:38:52 AM
What scale is this?  Wow.

What do you bend the brass with?
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 20, 2013, 09:00:58 AM
What do you bend the brass with?

Most everything has half etched lines on the back so it is pretty easy to fold right on the line. I use a small pair of flat pliers. The hood is freestyled a bit, but there are tabs in the frame to locate it. The cab roof will end up being aluminum since it forms curves much easier.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: GaryHinshaw on December 20, 2013, 09:02:57 AM

It looks like you used a sequence of fold lines to get a smooth curve in the main hood bend.  Very nice!  This is awesome work Chris.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Scottl on December 20, 2013, 09:12:25 AM
Thanks, really tremendous work.  It reminds me of people scratching in On30.  A coin for scale would set me straight.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Philip H on December 20, 2013, 11:28:09 AM
Well, to be fair to Chris, the thread's title is "Nn3 Carbon Limestone company"   8)
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Scottl on December 20, 2013, 11:44:37 AM
Ha, I'll be less obtuse.  Chris, you make it look like you are modelling in a much larger scale.  Excellent work.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: timwatson on December 20, 2013, 11:56:56 AM
What mechanism/motor are you using in that little beastie?
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: VonRyan on December 20, 2013, 01:59:00 PM
Darn good looking Whitcomb.
Can't wait to see it all done up and painted.

Maybe you should consult with Max for doing some of the finer details... I'm sure he probably has a thingamajig that'd be a great stand-in for the whoseamacallsit.

-Cody F.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 20, 2013, 07:45:34 PM
What mechanism/motor are you using in that little beastie?
It have very fine 0.1mod gears and runs pretty good. Only trouble spot is getting one with a wobbly wheel.

So I'm looking at the shutters I made and they look huge. I used .030" spacing clapboards, that is the smallest they make. Any other ideas for the shutters?
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Scottl on December 20, 2013, 07:59:16 PM
The Trainworx SD70M-2 kit had etchs that you bent into shutters from a single piece of metal.  You have already done your etches, but it works well.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: 160pennsy on December 20, 2013, 08:15:08 PM

So I'm looking at the shutters I made and they look huge. I used .030" spacing clapboards, that is the smallest they make. Any other ideas for the shutters?

This might be worth a try....Pikestuff N 541-8108 Louvered Wall Vents

Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: timwatson on December 21, 2013, 11:27:49 AM
@Chris333 what about diesel louvers. Like some wide ones on say an Arnold S-2 or something similar?
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: timwatson on December 21, 2013, 11:52:57 AM
They are proud of their craftsmanship huh? $90. Bah.
What is the diameter (in mm) on the wheels (couldn't find that info on the site). It's almost got a perfect wheelbase for a small forney style loco i want to make.
It have very fine 0.1mod gears and runs pretty good. Only trouble spot is getting one with a wobbly wheel.

Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 22, 2013, 05:47:55 AM

I got 4.91mm and 30.96" in N scale.

They are taking about making one available with spoked and drilled wheels.

All the chassis are hand built and at the wheels the axle gets very small and most of the problem is the plastic insulator. I made a couple small cups to put in my lathe that straightened them out pretty good. The one I worked on is pretty much perfect.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: timwatson on December 22, 2013, 09:07:38 AM
Thanks man. Thats tinier than I thought. Spiked drivers would be great. I've been looking for 44" 12 spoke drivers. Good luck on the louvers. You might also see if Gold medal has some all purpose louvers. Seems like I saw something they had at one point (vague I know). The diesel looks great.


I got 4.91mm and 30.96" in N scale.

They are taking about making one available with spoked and drilled wheels.

All the chassis are hand built and at the wheels the axle gets very small and most of the problem is the plastic insulator. I made a couple small cups to put in my lathe that straightened them out pretty good. The one I worked on is pretty much perfect.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 28, 2013, 03:00:07 PM
With all of these changes I ran out of Fasttracks PC ties and now they are out so I wait for them to re-stock...

So I started working on the trestle at the crusher:
The balsa wood is where the backdrop will be.

I used PC ties with 1/16" brass angle along the edges With railings mounted to them. This will get filled in with wood ties and walkways added. Then everything will be glued to the hardboard and I-beam girders will be glued to the side of that. The base you see is to the crusher and will be the concrete part.

Theme music:

I'm pretty sure the trestle had a concrete deck, but it hard to tell. Either way my model won't be see-thru.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 28, 2013, 03:10:54 PM
BTW since I mentioned Fasttracks I should let y'all know that they no longer make the sheared PC tied that they used to make. All their new stuff is routed out of PC board:

I guess this is better  :|  The old ties basically only had one good side because the shearer blade rounded off the other. But to me that was OK I only need one side. The new ties seem wider, but they aren't, they are just perfectly square. Also the new ties are pre-gapped, but there are 2 gaps on each tie and they are really wide gaps. Here I slid in a new tie into some old track work. Notice how thin my gaps are compared to theirs:

I guess the good news is that I can just use the new ties upside down and cut my own gaps.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: davefoxx on December 28, 2013, 03:41:18 PM

I may have a bag or two of PC ties.  If so, you are welcome to them.  Let me know if you want them, and I will go digging to see what I have.

Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 28, 2013, 03:51:45 PM

I may have a bag or two of PC ties.  If so, you are welcome to them.  Let me know if you want them, and I will go digging to see what I have.


Thanks for the offer. I still have a bunch of the old ties as well. I started with the new ties so I'd like to finish with them. Even though they are the same width they look wider. (the top copper part is narrow and the center fiberglass(?) is wide) So much that I will be using 1/16" wide wood filler ties instead of 3/64" wide.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: wcfn100 on December 29, 2013, 01:22:32 PM
Hopper cars should be here the 2nd.  Wheels should be here Monday when I get my held mail.  If the weather cooperates, I'll try and get a spray bomb on them and take some pictures.

Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: wcfn100 on December 30, 2013, 06:04:31 PM
Hopper cars came early and I got a chance to put some primer on.


Beside the usual surface texture (or am I just over-reacting  :P), the only real issue is that the thin sides have warped a little during the cleaning process.  maybe a cross brace could be added and removed later to help keep this from happening.  Also the wheel axles are tight but they are easily reamed with a small round file which probably leaves a better surface anyway.  These are very light and will probably need some weight added.  They will roll on their own but it doesn't take much to knock them off.

I'm still not used to the roller coaster of emotion between getting the parts out of the bag and then seeing them after they are cleaned.   :(

A reminder why I have so many models in waiting...

Anyway, if Chris gives the thumbs up, these will be public tonight for anyone else interested.

Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 30, 2013, 06:45:02 PM
Hey is that a Nn3 turntable you are hiding there?

I thought the texture would be OK after these:

But these would be covered in limestone dust and hopefully that will help. Does it look like they were printed standing up or horizontal?

Either way I'm glad to have them. Only other way would be to scratchbuild one car and try to cast them. Last time I tried casting I kept getting bad results.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: VonRyan on December 30, 2013, 07:32:22 PM
Liking the hopper cars. I've seen a few 3d printed items up close and personal and the texture usually isn't as apparent to the naked eye.

Loving the progress. Lucky for me since if I ever do Irish 3' modeling, all my wagons can be etched.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 30, 2013, 09:06:27 PM
Also it is strange they warped since that top part is pretty solid. Would thickening the side walls help that? Will hot water straighten them?
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: sizemore on December 30, 2013, 10:16:34 PM
Also it is strange they warped since that top part is pretty solid. Would thickening the side walls help that? Will hot water straighten them?

They're mine cars, they get beaten up. Ever see a open gondola that's been abused? I think these are right up the alley.

The S.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: davefoxx on December 30, 2013, 10:49:44 PM


Your handlaid track is beautiful.  How do you line up the PC ties, so the wood ties fit in evenly after you solder the rails?  Also, how do you lay the rails out, so you get nice straights and even curves?  I foresee me getting the rails off center on the ties as I try to lay track in a straight line.  Any tips?

Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Leggy on December 30, 2013, 11:02:52 PM
I gotta stop checking this thread....I'll soon be handlaying Nn3 sections for the QLD narrow gauge line otherwise  :facepalm:

Great work.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: wcfn100 on December 31, 2013, 12:21:27 AM
Hey is that a Nn3 turntable you are hiding there?

Yeah, it's an old Nn3 diorama that my dad built when he was snowbirding it with me down in AZ.

Also it is strange they warped since that top part is pretty solid. Would thickening the side walls help that? Will hot water straighten them?

Making the sides thicker could help but I get the same thing on my caboose and mobile home prints and those are much thicker. 

If there's nothing you want changed, I'll make them public as soon as I get a chance.

Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: timgill on December 31, 2013, 12:27:22 AM

Your handlaid track is beautiful.  How do you line up the PC ties, so the wood ties fit in evenly after you solder the rails?  Also, how do you lay the rails out, so you get nice straights and even curves?  I foresee me getting the rails off center on the ties as I try to lay track in a straight line.  Any tips?

+1 on this. I'd love to hear more about your method; while I've handlaid lots of turnouts, never done any tangent track. Considering going this route on my next project w/code 40.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 31, 2013, 03:41:57 AM
Well maybe I should clean the cars with toothpaste like HuskerN does  ;)
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 31, 2013, 03:48:53 AM
About the track I use a very high precision method  :tommann:

I print out a Fasttracks turnout template and use it as a guide:
Later when I slide the wood filler ties in I will do that by eye.

And to lay the first rail I use the same high tech template:

Once the first rail is down I just use a MTL Z coupler height gauge to locate the other rail. It is a bit sloppy with C40 rail, but it is really all there is in Z gauge. I should also note that there is no such thing as Nn3 flex track or I would just be using that. Same in N gauge, I'll build turnouts and use flextrack for the rest. In Z scale I have this nifty little thing to get the ties soldered to the first rail:
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: davefoxx on December 31, 2013, 08:05:50 AM
Thanks, Chris.  Your technique may be low tech, perhaps, but your tips are invaluable for getting me started on handlaying basic track.  I'm also stealing the idea in that Handlaid Flextrack Jig for cutting PC ties to length.  I can make a jig out of scrap styrene (I've got tons of black 0.060" styrene), which will save tons of time and increase accuracy, if I get impatient and decide not to wait weeks and weeks for my Fast Tracks order of standard cross ties.

What do you think of this technique?  Pliobond the rail to the wood ties, which would still allow a small amount of wiggle until I get the rails soldered to the PC board ties.  Then, I can take the soldering iron and run along the rail to set the Pliobond.  I might be able to get away with PC ties only every eighth or tenth tie this way.

Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 31, 2013, 09:11:11 AM
Well the way I do it here with the PC ties being ACCed down already the wood ties slide under nice and tight. Once they are where I want them I will shoot them with ACC. You could use white glue for the tie though I guess. I don't really think you need to glue the rail to the wood. Again If this was N standard gauge I'd use flex track. If I was gonna try it though I would use a Railcraft C40 3-point track gauge to set the rail. When I build C55 turnouts I use 3-point gauges made for C55.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: davefoxx on December 31, 2013, 09:19:10 AM
I'd use flextrack, if I could, but I don't want to have to replace all of the wheels on my locomotive fleet.  I bought some ME Code 40 flex track a few years ago and gave most of it away, because the flanges hit the spikes.  So, I'm going to have to build my track.

I do have some three-point Code 40 track gauges and an NMRA gauge that I used to build my turnout.  My thoughts are to put all of the ties down, and that might (hopefully :scared:) help me to follow a straight line and keep the rails centered on the ties.  I'll use yellow carpenter's glue to hold the ties down to the cork roadbed.  It may not work or even be necessary, but I think tacking the rail down with Pliobond before soldering might give me the third hand that I will need to do this successfully.  We'll see.

Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 31, 2013, 09:22:08 AM
I guess that should work. Just make sure none of the wood ties are higher than the PC's. And the heat from soldering will set the glue.

Also you can space out the PC ties further, I'm just being cautious.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: davefoxx on December 31, 2013, 09:32:05 AM
Just make sure none of the wood ties are higher than the PC's. And the heat from soldering will set the glue.

Oh, crap!  You're right.  I noticed that my PC ties are thinner than the wood ties on my turnout.  However, if I wait until my Fast Tracks order arrives, I ordered some new PC ties, and they are supposed to be the same thickness as the wood ties.

I did the heating trick to set the Pliobond on the turnout's rails.  I figure that if I don't hit any of the PC board ties with the soldering iron until the rails are exactly where I want them, I can still move them slightly for alignment.  Then, once the soldering begins it will help set the rail on the PC board and the wood ties.

Anyway, sorry to hijack your thread.  Back to the show!

Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: M.C. Fujiwara on December 31, 2013, 10:55:50 AM
1/32" x 3/64" stripwood is pretty much an exact match for the old FT PC board ties, and slips under the rails easily.
Not sure about the new ties: haven't used those yet.

Chris: have you tried the Nn3 three-point gauge from RLW? (

Just wondering if it'd hold the rail like the ME C55 N scale three-pointers.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 31, 2013, 11:06:19 AM
1/32" x 3/64" stripwood is pretty much an exact match for the old FT PC board ties, and slips under the rails easily.
Not sure about the new ties: haven't used those yet.

Chris: have you tried the Nn3 three-point gauge from RLW? (

Just wondering if it'd hold the rail like the ME C55 N scale three-pointers.

I ordered 3 of those track gauges. On one side a piece of rail is very tight, the other side is a little bit loose so I just skipped them altogether. If I was making a larger Nn3 layout with working turnouts I would spend some time and make a gauge.

BTW 1/32" x 3/64" stripwood pretty much has to be ordered.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: wcfn100 on December 31, 2013, 05:34:04 PM
Cars are up on Shapeways. (

Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on January 01, 2014, 06:54:11 PM
Ordered 20 cars, hey it was 0.60 cents more this time  :P

BTW the cars came about here:
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on January 04, 2014, 04:29:45 AM
Did some more work on the first loco. Added steps, horn, bell, hood doors and brake cylinders. As asked a coin for reference  ;)

BTW the only brake cylinders I could find in my stash were from Intermountain reefer kits, anyone know if this part is still available?
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: DKS on January 04, 2014, 05:18:04 AM
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Scottl on January 04, 2014, 06:17:47 AM
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: VonRyan on January 04, 2014, 10:46:00 AM
Darn good-looking little gem.
If I ever get any kind of loco built, it'll be a wood-bodied tram for the sake of simplicity.

Anyone know of a free program to draw artwork for etching?
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: C855B on January 04, 2014, 10:52:36 AM
You guys and your giant fake coins. I swear. :trollface: :ashat:

That's incredible, Chris.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: wcfn100 on January 04, 2014, 05:17:18 PM
Ordered 20 cars, hey it was 0.60 cents more this time  :P

BTW the cars came about here:

FWI, a #1 standard paper clip fits in the axle holes.  I bent some into a 'U' shape for painting the cars.

Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Scottl on January 04, 2014, 07:38:51 PM
Anyone know of a free program to draw artwork for etching?

Inkscape is worth a look.  I have sample files of etches if you are interested.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: VonRyan on January 04, 2014, 11:09:12 PM
Inkscape is worth a look.  I have sample files of etches if you are interested.

I'll have to check it out, and I certainly wouldn't mind taking at look at said samples.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on January 08, 2014, 05:46:18 PM
Cars are up on Shapeways. (


My cars came today, but with my little water problem the basement is a mess right now. Also still waiting for my air eraser to show up. I will practice on some scrap FUD first, but I'm wondering if I could pull them right out of the bag and hit it with the eraser without any Bestine soak. Thinking the fine grit will remove the wax and I won't have to worry about warping the thin FUD. Those EBT Nn3 hoppers I always show are also warped from cleaning.

Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: VonRyan on January 08, 2014, 10:55:01 PM
Test the eraser on those EBT hoppers. Can only get better, right?
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on January 10, 2014, 07:42:54 AM
Well I've been messing with the FUD cars  :)    I was going to follow HuskerN's methods since his stuff always looks so great. First I soaked in the Bestine then I scrubbed with toothpaste. With a magnifier I couldn't see anything different at all from the toothpaste except the minty smell so I will skip that step. I sanded all the easy flat stuff with 800 grit and scraped some inner areas with a flat screwdriver blade. Then I did 2 coats of satin Rustoleum that will later get Dullcote. Hard to get a good photo because the sides are always facing down, but:

Still no eraser in the mail, but I am fine with how they look.

I'm off to search bigger magnifying glasses.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on January 12, 2014, 12:55:52 AM
Slightly better photo with weathering.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: wcfn100 on January 12, 2014, 01:09:30 AM
Do they roll?

Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on January 12, 2014, 01:19:14 AM
Yep they roll even without weight. I used a 5 sided reamer to bore out the holes. Kind of surprised how small the holes were. My thinking when I drew them was to just snap the wheels in a go. It is no problem at all though as it is very easy to ream.

After I get a few done with couplings I will run them around my tight curves and see if they need weight.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: GaryHinshaw on January 12, 2014, 03:24:07 AM
The loco and ore car both look great!  How will the car(s) couple to the loco?
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on January 12, 2014, 07:29:29 AM
I will use simple wire hooks like the black car has:
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: VonRyan on February 13, 2014, 11:08:33 PM
Call me a pest, but don't forget this project Chris.  :D
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on February 13, 2014, 11:25:42 PM
Just got pc ties about a week ago.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: VonRyan on February 13, 2014, 11:35:46 PM
Consider the jets cooled.  ;)

I went on the hunt for my few Märklin bits recently, and although they went into an FVM jewel case months ago when I was organizing, I can't find them... I was cursing myself with an Irish accent for days.  :facepalm:
Maybe if I didn't get any inspiration I would then be able to find things.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Miles on February 14, 2014, 12:33:53 AM
Did some more work on the first loco. Added steps, horn, bell, hood doors and brake cylinders. As asked a coin for reference  ;)

Where'd you find a quarter the size of a dinner plate? This is just On30 with larger than 1:1 scale props to make it seem smaller!  :o

Joking aside, I'm absolutely flabbergasted. This is marvelous work, and I really admire your dexterity.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on July 19, 2014, 02:56:20 AM
So after giving away my first try at this layout I planned a bigger one with the large crusher complex. Well I downsized to 11.5"x23"

There will be a small quarry loading scene on the siding to the right. The paper cutout at the left will be this warehouse from Wild West Models:

Game on!  :D
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on July 22, 2014, 06:29:37 AM
I ended up using strip styrene for filler ties. Painted it all a brown color then drybrushed some tan and grey:
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: VonRyan on July 22, 2014, 05:20:17 PM
Crap... You're gaining on me  :scared:
I need to hurry up and get my last bit of road carved.  :facepalm:
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on July 24, 2014, 06:34:17 AM
Hopefully this will end up looking like a quarry. First piece of rubber rock installed.
Will be a loader down where the truck is now.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Ed Kapuscinski on July 24, 2014, 09:09:25 AM
I don't know Chris, it feels a little "random" for the quarries I'm familiar with.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on July 24, 2014, 10:14:35 AM
This quarry wouldn't have squared off flat walls, they used explosives.

In the background you can see the "wall" I was thinking I could tip the layout on it's side and glue other random rocks onto the face to sort of smooth it out. Then paint the whole thing a light tan/grey.

The only "limestone" Cripplebush has is way big and out of scale:
So I used shale.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: davefoxx on July 24, 2014, 10:18:25 AM
I think it's a great start.  Love your track work, as always, especially that meandering little siding.

Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on July 24, 2014, 10:32:07 AM
I just dumped some stuff on there and took a pic

I would be a lot more picky about my dumping and it will drive me crazy.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Dave V on July 24, 2014, 11:01:15 AM
The larger rocks would be at the bottom, not scattered about the rock face.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: DKS on July 24, 2014, 11:40:50 AM
I don't know Chris, it feels a little "random" for the quarries I'm familiar with.

Here are some reference images that illustrate just how irregular quarry walls can be:

I don't have a problem with Chris' choice of rock casting. However, I would try to find more jagged, irregular talus material. Perhaps make some by smashing a chunk of tinted Hydrocal with a hammer.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: nuno81291 on July 24, 2014, 11:52:12 PM
i think it looks very similar to that second photo Chris posted with the steam shovel/ granted that photo isnt great the castng looks pretty good to me... and this is seriously making me want to make a mini layout! :o
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on July 25, 2014, 03:03:11 AM
For whatever is running my brain I converted this same small layout to 1:20.3 Fn3 scale since there is a nice little 0-4-0 Porter available. The layout would be 7.5'x15.1', that is feet not inches  :scared:

I have some real limestone rip rap from Arizona Rock & Mineral.

How the heck to a crush this stuff smaller without getting it all over  :scared:
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: OldEastRR on July 25, 2014, 05:01:19 AM
I'm confused ... the Mahoning Division is no more? There are/were 4 different quarry layouts? I need  a program to keep track....
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: DKS on July 25, 2014, 08:00:35 AM
How the heck to a crush this stuff smaller without getting it all over  :scared:

Put it in a heavy-duty trash bag, and ball it up by wrapping it around a few times. Then pound away.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: davefoxx on July 25, 2014, 02:08:55 PM
Put it in a heavy-duty trash bag, and ball it up by wrapping it around a few times. Then pound away.

Makes for great therapy, too!

Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: wcfn100 on July 25, 2014, 02:42:58 PM
Needs more hopper cars.

Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: tappertrainman on July 25, 2014, 04:48:33 PM
Put it in a heavy-duty trash bag, and ball it up by wrapping it around a few times. Then pound away.

Can also take two of the thick freezer-type gallon ziplock bags and double bag it and pound away.   :trollface:  :scared:  :facepalm:

Allows you to see how small you're pulverizing your rock into...
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on July 25, 2014, 06:27:00 PM
Road trip to the real quarry (now a landfill)
Crusher area:
Car shop, when the railroad shut down all the locos were parked along here for the auction.
Base of the crusher
compare to

Then over to the quarry area
The railroad ran through the bottom of the gulch
You know I had to climb it  :D

The place where the quarry railroad went under the road was filled in with dirt and there is no trace of any railroad (standard or narrow gauge) for miles.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: glakedylan on July 25, 2014, 07:26:07 PM

this is a block away from where I live, and there are several others within a mile radius:,+PA/@40.0954261,-75.3317809,564m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x89c694352c6e632d:0xfa099731bfc15395

processing plant is 3 blocks away....I've been thinking of asking them for a bucket full....they have all sizes of stone....from
rice to walnut

maybe I will see what they would offer.....I am going to need some good N Scale ballast

kindest regards
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on July 25, 2014, 07:50:46 PM
That big shovel looked like it hadn't been run in years. Here is a video I found of it (same rust streaks down the side)
/>These things "walk" on their own power like this:
I was Project Manager for the re-erection of this modified Rapier W2000 machine in Bessemer, PA. The ESSROC Corporation was the buyer. Erected mostly in 1991-92. The boom was originally 285' and 30-yd bucket, we modified the boom to 315' and a 45-yd bucket. The largest Rapier W2000 ever assembled, she also had the drag drum, swing gear/motor/room re-braced, and of course, the ballast was extensivelty modified.

Bessemer,PA is right on the other side of the quarry. There is still a cement plant there. They use this quarry that is right on the other side of the state line in Ohio.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on July 25, 2014, 11:31:05 PM
Needs more hopper cars.


Not a valid vimeo URLStill need more weathering and paint on the wheels. There is no weight added to them. Windows 7 movie maker is for some reason completely different than older version so I couldn't figure out how to edit the bad spots.  :oops:
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: wcfn100 on July 26, 2014, 01:41:46 AM
Not a valid vimeo URLStill need more weathering and paint on the wheels. There is no weight added to them. Windows 7 movie maker is for some reason completely different than older version so I couldn't figure out how to edit the bad spots.  :oops:

Wow, those look like they roll and track pretty good.  Maybe I should look at some Amfleet trucks made out of FUD.  :)

Thanks for the video.

Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: C855B on July 26, 2014, 05:00:37 AM
Wow, those look like they roll and track pretty good. ...

Quite. No doubt also due to the extraordinarily smooth power. Chris's talent for building critters and other tiny stuff always astounds me.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on October 23, 2015, 08:04:53 PM
 :D  So why did I stop working on this?

Installed this small bridge that was in place only by being glued to the rails. Then I put a small spoon full of "rocks" under the one corner and glued it in place. Somehow when the glue dried it pulled the bridge down a hair from the ties. I gave up.

Dug it up today and found some damage.

I think this is from throwing it around the basement  :P  So I just put the rail in place and ran a bead of thin ACC. Also chopped the bridge abutment from the deck and glued it back to the rails.

Guess I never showed a pic of that side so here is what it looked like with the cobwebs removed.

The track paint will need touched up from the ACC, but I'm back in business. Funny how a simple thing can piss me off and get me to stop working. So I put down some more scenery and got it wet:
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: VonRyan on October 23, 2015, 08:57:12 PM
Didn't you have two larger versions of this?  :trollface:

Good to see you coming to your senses and working on some Nn3 again  :D
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on October 31, 2015, 02:18:28 AM
So I cut up a hard board fascia and started to blend in the rock work around the edges.

Then I can move on to the final rock coloring... and then scenery  :scared:
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on November 02, 2015, 05:37:06 AM
All filled in and a base color down.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: wazzou on November 02, 2015, 11:49:15 AM
Needs more coal trestle.  :D 

Is that all that Cripple Brush stuff @Chris333 ?
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on November 02, 2015, 02:07:54 PM
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on November 10, 2015, 04:00:34 AM
Dumb as dirt.  Spread on some Scenic Express fine dirt everywhere.

You can see how it's radically different when wet.  :scared:

Got some "green" drying now in front of a fan. I want it to be dry when adding more to it so I can better see the end result.

EDIT: wow the fan worked fast. Already dry:

And back to wet again  :D
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: VonRyan on November 11, 2015, 04:46:05 PM

Are you leaving your creek bed dry or are you planning on adding water of some sort.

I find myself having a difficult time trying to determine the best way to add water to my riverbed.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on November 12, 2015, 05:45:37 AM
Creek will get water when the time is right ;)  Along with some clear greenish quarry water on the other side.

More moist madness.

And since it was out. Here is my big buck ($10) static grass set up.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Lemosteam on November 12, 2015, 07:46:39 AM
Creek will get water when the time is right ;)  Along with some clear greenish quarry water on the other side.

And since it was out. Here is my big buck ($10) static grass set up.

@Chris333 , where did you find that great aluminum shaker canister for the static applicator?
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on November 12, 2015, 07:48:48 AM
e-bay it was some "vintage" deal. I just figured it would be nice to have a lid for some reason.
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Scottl on November 12, 2015, 08:14:33 AM
The scenery is looking great.   Things often look dire when wet, but transform as they dry.

Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on November 15, 2015, 08:26:53 AM
Next round.
Building up some loose material that will be "loaded". Once it is build up and dry I will color it to match the rock wall. I also plan a small green quarry water pond.

Other side:
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Jeff AKA St0rm on November 19, 2015, 11:08:25 AM
Looks great!!! Well done!!!
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on November 23, 2017, 07:03:37 PM
Long time no see  :P   Slight change here, now working in HOn30  :facepalm:

Wanted to build a HOn30 Whitcomb So I started with a Bachmann MDT switcher. These are the new version with can motors, got them at Trainworld for $19 each.  I milled off the sides. Sliced off the center wheels, and added a super cap.

I have a Shapeways frame, cab, and hood on the way. This is one of their Whitcombs around 1979:
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on November 27, 2017, 05:37:28 AM
Still waiting on Shapeways parts, but trying to narrow down the color scheme. These Whitcombs were bought in 1950 to replace 0-4-0 saddle tankers.
So here first is a 0-4-0 in the dead line:
I'm assuming this was the first paint scheme used on the diesels.
I know that is black and white, but it would have looked like this:

Then the lettering on the cabs changed to this:
Or was the lettering white?

Then around 1970 they got painted dark green with a white roof. Notice the roof number for when looking down into the quarry:

Then around 1980 they turned yellow:
When new owners took over the painted out the word "CARBON":

I plan to go with the 2nd photo of the early scheme with black lettering (since I can print it) So could any one clean up their logo so I can print it?

Best image I have of the logo (on a standard gauge loco):
Title: Re: Nn3 Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 01, 2017, 04:23:17 PM
This is where the HOn30 version of this is currently at. The layout is 20x42" using Peco HOn30 "mainline" flextrack.
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: DKS on December 01, 2017, 06:38:46 PM
I really admire the research you put into even the smallest of your layouts. It not only builds authenticity, but creates a rich and fascinating backstory.
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 01, 2017, 06:52:39 PM
Just can't believe this railroad was up and running just miles from me when I was younger and I only recently knew about it  :|

Here are the rock cars from Shapeways:
And next to the Nn3 model Jason made:
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: chuck geiger on December 02, 2017, 12:06:13 AM
holy crap!
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 07, 2017, 05:31:05 PM
My HOn30 Whitcomb parts from Shapeways: Ordered them on Nov 23rd. Then a few days after checking the porch for them I get this e-mail from Shapeways:
We are writing to inform you that your recent order # xxxxxxxx might ship with a slight delay.

As a courtesy, if your order was placed with one of our standard shipping options, we will upgrade your shipping method to an expedited alternative at no additional cost to you.

Usually they ship USPS priority mail that takes 2-3 days. They did me a "favor" and shipped this UPS on Dec 3rd. On Dec 5th is was in Cleveland OH (45 min from me) and now 2 days later still nothing. It looks like it was handed off to the USPS. How is this any faster or easier than just using the Post office to begin with?

Thanks for doing me a favor  :|    It's ALWAYS the stuff you want fast!!!
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: wcfn100 on December 07, 2017, 06:26:55 PM
I got the same email a couple days ago except 3 of the 4 items I ordered hadn't even been made yet (and still haven't).

Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: C855B on December 07, 2017, 06:56:49 PM
Interesting... my FXD order was mailed and dispatched from the regional USPS center in SLC on Monday. No UPS on mine according to the tracking. It was supposed to have arrived today, but status remains "on its way to...".

Chris, I'll bet the UPS thing is "UPS Mail Innovations", which is a seriously sucky UPS-USPS hybrid that I swear has a lower handling priority than junk mail. In several cases, I've verified with tracers that it was parked in a trailer at our regional USPS center for three days, waiting for the roundtuit, I guess.
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: wcfn100 on December 07, 2017, 07:00:20 PM

Chris, I'll bet the UPS thing is "UPS Mail Innovations", which is a seriously sucky UPS-USPS hybrid that I swear has a lower handling priority than junk mail. In several cases, I've verified with tracers that it was parked in a trailer at our regional USPS center for three days, waiting for the roundtuit, I guess.

In Springs, the UPS package get 'received' at the post office Tuesday, 'accepted' at the post office Wednesday, and delivered Thursday.   :P

Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: C855B on December 07, 2017, 07:08:27 PM
Ha! Yes, admittedly I've also noticed it to be inconsistent. I get my knickers in a bunch and start composing an e-mail to Shapeways about "Innovations"... and then it shows up on time.

The problem might lie with my regional office. I just re-checked the status on Monday's package, and they processed it through the regional a couple of hours ago, so I'll have it tomorrow. I have a hunch the three days of "...on its way to..." was the same situation, sitting in a trailer in St. Louis, in the queue to be unloaded.
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 08, 2017, 03:29:35 AM
I figured they were backed up after the free shipping thing. Just pisses me off that they tell me to make up for it they will ship it out even faster and it ends up way slower than normal.

And as usual I'm waiting for the parts while I have new revised models already uploaded and waiting to confirm before re-ordering  :facepalm:  I was in a hurry to get the free shipping!
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: C855B on December 08, 2017, 10:34:16 AM
My SW package is stuck in STL, so not today, and they're not promising tomorrow, either. Another order from last weekend from a reliable shipper also seems to be in in-transit limbo. However, this one is a kitchen-table operation, he doesn't do "it's been shipped" notifications, so I don't know for certain. Patience, grasshopper.

I think online shopping finally broke the shipping system this week. It was going to happen eventually.

EDIT: Here's an interesting twist... the SW package arrived 10 minutes ago (thanks, Jason!). The "broken" part of at least the USPS system seems to be the tracking. Either the tracking computer network is clogged to the point that transactions aren't making it through, or they are manually sorting to help clear the backup in the automation, which skips scanning. No sign of the other package.

EDIT 2.0: It might be both. I happened to see the letter carrier scan the barcode in his truck before bringing it up the walk. The "delivered" status didn't post until an hour later.
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 10, 2017, 01:51:48 AM
Still no parts. I slapped some paint on an old MDT shell to test the paint color. This is warpac green:

Compared to the best color photo I have:

Guess I need to add some gray to the color?
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: C855B on December 10, 2017, 02:03:39 AM
Still no parts. I slapped some paint on an old MDT shell to test the paint color. This is warpac green:... Guess I need to add some gray to the color?

I'd say add a couple of drops of that OMG! bilious green to a light gray. Wow.
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 10, 2017, 03:24:44 AM
Any better?

Dispite getting straight A's in art class I can't mix paint for crap  :|
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 10, 2017, 04:27:41 AM
Darkened it up:

and then lightened it  :facepalm:

I'm happy with it now. There will be black lettering on the cab and some white dusty weathering when done.
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: C855B on December 10, 2017, 08:49:53 AM
Darkened it up:
... and then lightened it  :facepalm:

I'm happy with it now. There will be black lettering on the cab and some white dusty weathering when done.

Better.  :trollface:   :ashat:
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: DKS on December 10, 2017, 08:52:38 AM
Might improve even more after weathering. Hit it with a fade coat, then some dirt and grime.
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 10, 2017, 03:26:07 PM
My attempt at the logo in autoCAD. I have since spaced out the "The" and "Co." so there is a little more space around them. Shortened the center leg of the 3.
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: wcfn100 on December 10, 2017, 11:33:10 PM
Man, they had a lot of paint schemes.

I really like the shadow line lettering schemes that they had.



Is this the latest modeling era you've done?

Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 10, 2017, 11:38:56 PM

Is this the latest modeling era you've done?

Yep. About 1967ish.
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 11, 2017, 03:09:47 PM
So after sitting in Cleveland for 6 days...

There are 4 pieces there: Deck, cab, hood, hood front. And there is a separate compressor housing not shown. The hood front has a curved front and sides. I will curve the top by hand to match the hood. I have no idea how to do that in Sketchup. Lucky for me the name plate down the center is covered by their home made winter louvers so only the "W" shows at the top. Parts are soaking now.

Oh yeah the air brush fits in the ultrasonic cleaner  ;)
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 11, 2017, 07:03:54 PM
Gave it a little chug around the layout.
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 11, 2017, 08:38:09 PM
I did some work to the hood nose piece and re-ordered from Shapeways. Since the couplers line up perfectly I also ordered the etched brass parts from PPD. If Shapeways "helps me out" again the PPD order from Scotland might get here first.

Also the layout is a simple oval with flex track and hand laid turnouts. When all the track was down and mounted I had a short. The turnouts are dummies so the gaps were super simple in the PC ties. Looked every inch over with a magnifier and still couldn't find the short. So I hooked it up to the AC of my Control Master 20 and looked for the whiff of smoke  :D It was a PC tie that had a gap in it, but somehow the short didn't go away till I sliced all the way through the tie.

Everything was fine after that. Ran trains, no problems.

Painted the ties and the rails, weathered the track. Cleaned the rail tops to run a train and there was a short again. This time nothing would find it for me. So I sliced every gap all the way through and that worked. Never had a problem like this in all the track I've built.  :|
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Lemosteam on December 12, 2017, 08:05:16 AM
I will curve the top by hand to match the hood. I have no idea how to do that in Sketchup.

Try designing the hood and front as one piece, copy into two new parts, and chop off the front of one and the rear of the other to make two pieces from the original design, add interlocking tabs and you will have two parts that assemble.

This process could be used for the entire loco as well. just chop away the features to leave the remaining features for each part.

Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 12, 2017, 08:32:23 AM
This was the original part. Printed so the louvers face up.

I was just going to round of the top front by hand, but I have since did this:
So now I just have to sand down the very corners. There are like 3 different radius's coming together at the corner and I'm not smart enough for that.

The back is keyed to fit right into the hood:
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 12, 2017, 08:43:14 AM
You should be able to see this:

If you click the 3D icon you can pan around it.
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Lemosteam on December 12, 2017, 09:28:16 AM
Yeah. Complex filleting.  Thought you had Solidworks?  Can you spit out a step file and email it to me?  I may be able to do that in a jiffy and send you a STP and STL file back.
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 12, 2017, 09:50:41 AM
Yeah. Complex filleting.  Thought you had Solidworks?  Can you spit out a step file and email it to me?  I may be able to do that in a jiffy and send you a STP and STL file back.

I appreciate the offer, but I just ordered the one above. I'd have to place another order and waste more on shipping just to save a few swipes with sand paper. I good with it.
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 13, 2017, 02:45:45 AM
Made sure my decals would work on the MDT. 
And did a little more work on the crusher.

Also found out about another quarry operation that was near me. This one was a sand pit that had two 36" gauge Plymouth's and a standard gauge loco to shuffle cars for the Erie. This line didn't run in a loop though, just 2 trains back and forth with a run-around in the middle. I grew up in the wrong period!

This is a quick layout of the place in 1950. The yellow is the Erie main to Cleveland. Green is standard gauge and red is narrow gauge. I remember riding 4 wheelers down the road that would have need the old narrow gauge roadbed. Didn't even know at the time.
It was called Industrial Silica Company and was later called Pennsylvania Glass Sand. This is the area today:,-81.0192985,803m/data=!3m1!1e3
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 14, 2017, 05:03:54 PM
Did a little more on the crusher.

Of course it represents only a small part of the complex:

So now lets play with the color. To me all the buildings look like they have a blue tint.
Wonder how long it will take me to get that color right  :facepalm:
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: narrowminded on December 14, 2017, 06:14:45 PM
I just love scenes like this! 8)  Now everybody sing,  "I don't know why, I just do".
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: wcfn100 on December 14, 2017, 06:28:02 PM
So now lets play with the color. To me all the buildings look like they have a blue tint.

I think the whole picture has a blueish tint to it.  Here's a corrected image to have something to compare to:


Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 14, 2017, 06:41:16 PM
Still looks colored. Maybe more green than blue.  :P

What I did on the loco was crop a small square and blow it up to 800. Here is the crusher:

BTW I'm glad I saved the bing images a couple years back since they are all gone now.
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 14, 2017, 11:15:34 PM
Pantone 316 looks kind of close, add some charcoal to it.
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 20, 2017, 01:36:26 PM
So my Shapeways order and PPD order were both placed on the same day. Shapeways says my order is still "in production" and hasn't shipped yet. My PPD order is in my hands all the way from Scotland!
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: wcfn100 on December 20, 2017, 01:41:29 PM
So my Shapeways order and PPD order were both placed on the same day. Shapeways says my order is still "in production" and hasn't shipped yet. My PPD order is in my hands all the way from Scotland!

My PPD order last week sat in LA for 3 days and then went off the grid for 3 more before it showed up in Denver and then 2 more days to get to me.   :|


Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 20, 2017, 04:14:18 PM
Started playing with the quarry side.

And I painted the crusher, still need weathering.

And some of the etched parts on the Whitcomb.

And since there is no way to look forward to putting stripes on the ends I made this.
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: coosvalley on December 20, 2017, 04:59:45 PM

And since there is no way to look forward to putting stripes on the ends I made this.

Thats pretty cool!
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: narrowminded on December 20, 2017, 05:30:54 PM
I really like that mask idea. 8)  I guess you have to be careful not to load too much paint on in a single coat.  What air pressure do you use on your air brush?  I'd guess not too high but I'm new to airbrushes.  I used regular spray guns regularly and was actually proficient with it if I dare say so. ;)
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 20, 2017, 05:36:53 PM
I might just hit it with flat black 99 cent can in light coats. I'll do a test first to see how it works.
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: narrowminded on December 20, 2017, 09:12:28 PM
I'll be anxious to see how that works.  I had considered doing some masks at .005" material but even in SS I was worried about it laying right.  That's a coming issue for me.
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: coosvalley on December 20, 2017, 09:23:55 PM
A tip to prevent bleeding is to use either a clear spray coat over the mask before painting the stripe color, or spray the same base color first over the mask , then the stripe color. Both of these have worked well for me. The idea here is that only the first layer will bleed, and either way not be seen.

Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: narrowminded on December 20, 2017, 10:57:16 PM
Well that makes sense!  8)  Thanks. 
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: peteski on December 20, 2017, 11:45:56 PM
A tip to prevent bleeding is to use either a clear spray coat over the mask before painting the stripe color, or spray the same base color first over the mask , then the stripe color. Both of these have worked well for me. The idea here is that only the first layer will bleed, and either way not be seen.

That works when using masking tape or some other self-adhesive masking material. A metal mask will not be close enough to the model's surface for a clear coat to seal the gap. Or you will have to put such a heavy coat of clear that the resulting paint job will look crappy.

I recommend spraying light coats in narrow pattern with the airbrush perpendicular to the painted surface. Basically you want the paint to go on almost dry.  That way there will be minimum seepage and over-spray under the metal mask.  But if Chris doesn't use an airbrush it will be difficult to achieve this type of spray pattern from a spray can.
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 21, 2017, 02:37:01 AM
I can use an airbrush. I did the same thing with this loco. The stripes were done with a etch brass overlay.
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: coosvalley on December 21, 2017, 08:18:14 AM
That works when using masking tape or some other self-adhesive masking material. A metal mask will not be close enough to the model's surface for a clear coat to seal the gap. Or you will have to put such a heavy coat of clear that the resulting paint job will look crappy.

I disagree, the mask seems to fit in behind the coupler pocket, and the seal looks pretty close. Even a light spray of base color or clear would go a long way towards preventing bleeding.In this situation, it is exactly the technique I would use, YMMV. And, yes, light dry coats of the stripe color is the way to go, with or without the undercoat, of course. I figured with all the fine work Chris has shown us before now, he already knew that :P 

Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 21, 2017, 01:14:05 PM
Only part I'm worried about is the wrap around the corners. The face will sit tight, but around the sides may not be as tight. Plus it will be harder to spray straight on.
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 21, 2017, 04:39:25 PM
Shapeways shipped my order today, 9 days after ordered. And they shipped it UPS so I can't expect another long wait  :RUEffinKiddingMe:
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 21, 2017, 06:41:13 PM
More details:
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 26, 2017, 01:40:27 PM
So a new order with shapeways is once again sitting at the PO for 3 days now. This new UPS innovations is really cramping my style!  :RUEffinKiddingMe:

If they are going to more than double shipping times they could at least cut the shipping costs in half to make up for it.
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: btrain on December 26, 2017, 04:07:35 PM
I feel your pain Chris. I've been waiting for track to finish my yard from MB Klein that was shipped on Dec. 9 and still hasn't arrived as of today. I swear December must be Twilight Zone appreciation month at the post office.   
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Hamaker on December 27, 2017, 11:55:23 PM
I learned the hard way.  I very rarely buy anything that will be delivered by the USPS in the month of December.  If I do buy something during that period, I ask the seller to hold on to it and not ship until January.  Keeps my blood presure down to a reasonable level.
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: coosvalley on December 28, 2017, 11:22:34 AM
I learned the hard way.  I very rarely buy anything that will be delivered by the USPS in the month of December.  If I do buy something during that period, I ask the seller to hold on to it and not ship until January.  Keeps my blood presure down to a reasonable level.

It seems location is everything..Here in NH I have 2 USPS deliveries a day during holiday season, and timely service too. UPS, OTOH, not so good...
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: C855B on December 28, 2017, 11:44:23 AM
It seems location is everything..Here in NH I have 2 USPS deliveries a day during holiday season, and timely service too. UPS, OTOH, not so good...

Same here. USPS direct is consistently reliable and timely for us, even over the holidays... HOWEVER, insert "UPS Mail Innovations" into the picture, and everything goes to $#!+. I don't know what's in that particular sausage, but on multiple occasions I've had transfer shipments (apparently) sitting at the dock for up to three days at the USPS regional center once UPS has handed it off. I think the hybrids must be at the bottom of the USPS processing totem pole.
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: DKS on December 28, 2017, 11:52:35 AM
Same here. USPS direct is consistently reliable and timely for us, even over the holidays... HOWEVER, insert "UPS Mail Innovations" into the picture, and everything goes to $#!+.

Ditto. So far, I've had two packages shipped to me via "UPS Mail Innovations." One took almost two weeks to arrive; the other was lost.

Should be called "UPS Fail Innovations."
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 28, 2017, 01:27:14 PM
When I search for it. I find threads about Amazon and eBay where people want them to start listing that they use UPS Innovations so they can know not to buy from that seller. And it seems the OP is pissed when the UPS shipment comes so they just sit on it.

My tracking says it is out for delivery now. So this time it sat at the PO for 5 days (one being Christmas). Gotta go check the mailbox...
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: nickelplate759 on December 28, 2017, 01:38:17 PM
Ditto. So far, I've had two packages shipped to me via "UPS Mail Innovations." One took almost two weeks to arrive; the other was lost.

Should be called "UPS Fail Innovations."

Me too!   In general, UPS is a poor option for delivery where I live (2-day delivery usually takes 5 days, and the package could be left almost anywhere in the neighborhood) and "UPS Mail Innovations" is the worst of all UPS options (things get lost and further delayed in the transfer process to the USPS) .  The only service worse than UPS is OnTrac (no "k").
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 28, 2017, 04:48:52 PM
So the package showed up, this is what all the hubbub is about.

New front hood piece on the left old on the right.

And this has nothing at all to do with Carbon Limestone, but. I had drawings for this NCNG Whitcomb:,file=8110,in_body_attachment=1,file=8107,in_body_attachment=1,file=8108,in_body_attachment=1
It is really small even in HO scale. I printed the drawings and it matched up with a Busch HOf chassis I have:
Runs on Z gauge track with magnets to hold it down.

So I drew it up in 3D. Since the NCNG loco was 36" gauge and mine would be 22" gauge I narrowed the frame and left the cab at stock width. This is in line with other narrower gauge Whitcomb's I've seen.
Sadly the photos are after a lot of sanding and they still look horrible. It is 4 pieces. Frame deck and ends, sideframes, and cab/hood. The deck and sideframes look great and need just a few swipes of sandpaper. The cab and hood just suck. If I could get printed as a flat piece it would be much better. As in the cab would be 4 walls and a roof. Hood would be a 2 sides and a hood. I'm not sure if this will work as this is pretty small. Here it is next to the Carbon Whitcomb.

Even got some 3D parts to finish a HOn30 steamer I was working on  :facepalm:  :D
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Lemosteam on December 28, 2017, 05:52:44 PM
@Chris333 , instead of sanding take a small piece of leftover etch with a very straight edge and one square corner (at least) and drag it at a 30 degree angle across those surfaces and then re-prime.  You may find that to be a help to remove the raised etches. 

Make it small enough to fit inside all of the raised edges, and flat on that surface

If you really want a challenge, burnish the edge of the scraper to produce a small burr along the edge.

Same process as scraping wood.
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on December 28, 2017, 08:17:49 PM
I used a flat screw driver that way, but never thought to used left over etchings. I already have it half way drawn as a flat kit though.
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on January 14, 2018, 06:08:57 AM
These freaking fruit loops at Shapeways  :RUEffinKiddingMe:

An order that shipped on the 4th with an est. delivery on the 11th on the tracking page. Well it is now the 14th (Sunday) and no package. Someone at Shapeways suggested I use UPS ground shipping for only $1.50 more. When you select shipping they list "standard shipping" with est. delivery of 5-9 days and their "UPS ground shipping" with est. delivery of 9-11 days. But I'm supposed to get it quicker using UPS. They claimed the USPS wasn't giving them enough service for the price they paid. Wouldn't "service" be delivering my damn package.

The last day on the tracking was on the 8th. So it looks like once again sitting at the post office.

The same exact items in this order were also purchased by someone in Germany on the same day (Dec 30th) I did. They received their order on Jan 5th.
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: DKS on January 14, 2018, 07:46:21 AM
I have a sense that Shapeways may be getting in over their heads. The service has proved to be very popular--maybe too popular for them to keep up with demand. Product quality seems much more variable, shipping is spotty at best, and now they're getting hit with complaints over things like growing white fuzz and so forth.
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Santa Fe Guy on January 14, 2018, 09:44:13 PM
Delivery, Guys give us folks down under a thought.
A shipment shipped from a seller in Texas on 5th Jan has just arrived at a depot in Chicago on the 14th. It still has to cross the pond as yet then sit in a depot here before I even get a look at it. 5 bundles of M/E track and it's going to cost me A$70.00 give or take just for postage.
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on January 16, 2018, 05:24:14 PM
My tracking says it was transferred to the post office in Cleveland on Jan 8th. Now 8 days later nothing. Cleveland is 45 minutes away from me.
Title: Re: Carbon Limestone Co.
Post by: Chris333 on August 27, 2021, 05:06:19 AM
Blast from the past!   :D    Still have this layout tucked away and the half finished locomotives laying around. You may remember me trying to get a paint match for the locomotives. (that I still haven't painted).

Anyways someone on Facebook asked me about all my photos. Turns out they have 2 of the Carbon Limestone locomotives and recently restored one of them. They said after sanding down the paint they found the original colors.