
General Discussion => N and Z Scales => Topic started by: ryan_wilkerson on August 14, 2013, 01:19:27 AM

Title: Does someone make a signal shed close to this one?
Post by: ryan_wilkerson on August 14, 2013, 01:19:27 AM
Hi guys,
I'm looking for a little help getting some trackside details to finish this scene. On the left side of the photo below, the signal shed that has the "CP VP334 Azalea" sign on it. Does anyone make one that's close?
Here is a bigger crop:

I found an Atlas one but it looks a bit too big. (

If there isn't a close enough one produced, I'm looking for ideas...scratchbuild out of styrene or bash out of a similar product?

Title: Re: Does someone make a signal shed close to this one?
Post by: C855B on August 14, 2013, 01:46:16 AM
Hmm. That ex-SP shed seems to be simply a smaller version of the prototype the Atlas model is based on. IIRC, these sheds (that is, the 1:1 versions) were kits for assembly on-site and available from the manufacturer in several sizes.

I'd kitbash the Atlas shed. The details correspond to this particular make of shed. Cut the top off, trim the sides to your preferred dimensions, then re-size the top to match. You may end up with more or fewer ribs than your exact prototype, but it'd be darn close.

(I'd dearly love to find one of these in 10'x10' to use as a garden shed at the GC&W layout building property - I really need to get the lawnmower, etc., out of the workshop area. The logistics of locating and then moving one are probably too daunting. I may end-up constructing a 1:1 model.  :| )
Title: Re: Does someone make a signal shed close to this one?
Post by: kalbert on August 14, 2013, 10:13:09 AM
Railway express miniatures makes a detail set with a similar shed. I have one I can measure for you.
Title: Re: Does someone make a signal shed close to this one?
Post by: Catt on August 14, 2013, 11:09:15 AM
BLMA has a shed simular to that one if I remember correctly.
Title: Re: Does someone make a signal shed close to this one?
Post by: C855B on August 14, 2013, 11:14:53 AM
> BLMA...

Yes, but a different (and more modern) prototype:

It especially lacks the hip roof of the one Ryan is looking for.
Title: Re: Does someone make a signal shed close to this one?
Post by: ryan_wilkerson on August 14, 2013, 12:30:54 PM
Thanks for the advice on kitbashing the Atlas shed.I haven't seen one in person, how thick are the walls?

Kalbert, I didn't know about that shed, it looks pretty close. Measurements would be great, thank you!

Catt, I saw that BLMA one which looks like closer dimensions but the roof design isn't as close.

Title: Re: Does someone make a signal shed close to this one?
Post by: C855B on August 14, 2013, 12:34:59 PM
I recall the walls on the Atlas shed about in the range of what you'd expect from a boxcar shell.
Title: Re: Does someone make a signal shed close to this one?
Post by: Catt on August 14, 2013, 12:38:20 PM
Ryan,have you looked on the Shapeways site.There are several people doing different styles and sizes of sheds on there.

By the way I measured my ATLAS shed and it is roughly 9.5' X 13' x 11' tall.
Title: Re: Does someone make a signal shed close to this one?
Post by: ryan_wilkerson on August 14, 2013, 01:27:49 PM
I recall the walls on the Atlas shed about in the range of what you'd expect from a boxcar shell.

Sounds sturdy but possible to cut. What tools would you recommend to use to cut it cleanly?
Title: Re: Does someone make a signal shed close to this one?
Post by: ryan_wilkerson on August 14, 2013, 02:09:58 PM
Ryan,have you looked on the Shapeways site.There are several people doing different styles and sizes of sheds on there.

I did some looking on Shapeways (thanks for the tip, I forget to look there) but only found this HO shed that looks close. Can you see something better that I'm missing?

By the way I measured my ATLAS shed and it is roughly 9.5' X 13' x 11' tall.

Thanks for measuring, it looks like the shed in the photo is about 6' by 6' square and maybe 8' tall.

Measurements on the "Railway Express Miniatures N 2141"?
Title: Re: Does someone make a signal shed close to this one?
Post by: robert3985 on August 14, 2013, 05:10:43 PM
If you've got drawings somewhere, this structure should be pretty easy to scratchbuild using Styrene.  I build my U.P. style relay cabinets out of Styrene, and I scribe the doors and joints using a straight edge, then sand the burrs off using 400 grit sandpaper on a small boxwood sanding block so the material is smooth right up to the edge of the grooves.  You can cut out and glue on hinges, door locks/handles and use Archer resin decals for louvers, or just scribe them with your #11 Xacto blade using a straightedge and don't send 'em so they stand out from the surface like real louvers do.

If you've got a lot of them to model, use your first model as a master and make an RTV mold, then cast the others.  Should be an easy cast.

Just sayin'
Title: Re: Does someone make a signal shed close to this one?
Post by: LIRR on August 14, 2013, 07:27:14 PM
I don't have any photos handy, but the hotel from a Monopoly game makes a nice equipment shed
Title: Re: Does someone make a signal shed close to this one?
Post by: ryan_wilkerson on August 14, 2013, 10:23:50 PM
I don't have any photos handy, but the hotel from a Monopoly game makes a nice equipment shed

Monopoly tophat man would NOT be pleased!  ;)
If the roof was closer to the proto, I'd consider pillaging the board game closet!
Title: Re: Does someone make a signal shed close to this one?
Post by: ryan_wilkerson on August 14, 2013, 10:37:10 PM
If you've got drawings somewhere, this structure should be pretty easy to scratchbuild using Styrene.  I build my U.P. style relay cabinets out of Styrene, and I scribe the doors and joints using a straight edge, then sand the burrs off using 400 grit sandpaper on a small boxwood sanding block so the material is smooth right up to the edge of the grooves.  You can cut out and glue on hinges, door locks/handles and use Archer resin decals for louvers, or just scribe them with your #11 Xacto blade using a straightedge and don't send 'em so they stand out from the surface like real louvers do.
If you've got a lot of them to model, use your first model as a master and make an RTV mold, then cast the others.  Should be an easy cast.
Just sayin'

I know that I need 3 to start with. I think I'll buy one of the Atlas ones and see what I can do with it. The Railway Express Miniatures set 2141 or 2151 might be good so I'll get one of those to try. I'm not a moldmaker but your advice is good, thanks.