General Discussion => Prototype Railroads: News, Photos, Research => Topic started by: Kisatchie on January 26, 2013, 04:21:38 PM
Does Atlas or anyone else make N scale tank cars suitable for shipping two products: molasses and sulfur. Which tank cars for which product?
I see Atlas's 20,700 gal tank is mainly suitable for shipping "tallow, animal fat, fuel oil, diesel fuel, vegetable oil, soybean oil, fertilizers, lubricating oil, waste oil, and glycol." Sounds like molasses wouldn't be much of a stretch.
The molten sulfur may be a problem. Any info?
Thanks for all replies.
Hmm... wouldn't molten
sulfur melt the tank car's
Atlas has released multiple roadnames and numbers for their Trinity Corn Syrup cars for the first part of question
Atlas has released multiple roadnames and numbers for their Trinity Corn Syrup cars for the first part of question
I should have mentioned I'm modeling 1971. I believe the trinity tanks are too modern.
Hmm... sez Kiz, living in
the 19th century...
hello the D&H in the 70-80s used to carry mollases in red/ish brown tank cars from the Port of albany these tank cars look like the old bluebox atherearn single dome tank cars
Molasses. ( (
There's an older n scale tank car that's pretty close to that.