General Discussion => N and Z Scales => Topic started by: up1950s on March 23, 2012, 07:21:11 PM
I got a few more pieces of flextrack down this week, bringing the mains into Colorado.
I also ran some trains and tested out the superelevation on the curve around the end of the peninsula.
In between making a "How To" video on the wire oak trees, I hauled the "Alameda-Belt-in-a-Box" out into a brief shower of sunshine to shoot some shots for an article (these are the rejects :ashat: ):
Think I almost got the white balance thing figured out, too.
Now if I could just figure out the #(*&$#&*%*&# iMovie on my new #&^%# iPhone... :RUEffinKiddingMe:
I suck at weathering stainless steel cars........anyone got any ideas........?
The "GN Stampeder" called on Samuel Ridge...........
It truly sucks when your decal is larger than your blue field area and your white stripe is thinner than it should be.... I can fix the white stripe but the Rocky decal..... ugh..........................the pains of scratch building.....
Back from a vacation south of the border visiting San Diego (Legoland and the La Mesa club's Tehachapi layout ... not necessarily in that priority :) ) . This week I made some more progress on both the Kootenay river and Lemon creek scenes.
I have got to replace those line poles...
The C&W also hosted an operating session last night. The first trick dispatcher (me) got a half dozen clearances and train orders out ahead of the session and all went swimmingly from there. We ran nearly 20 trains. I hope to get a handheld video of a portion of the session featuring an RDC tour across the line will on to YouTube this weekend.
Have a great weekend all
"Christmas in March": Yesterday I picked up the two Kato GS-4 engines in which I had decoders installed and then found the B'mann 2-8-0 with dual mode had arrived from MBK. 8)
I did notice the 2-8-0 has a large tender than the first two I purchased in B&O. This one is C&O.
I have been too busy running engines thus no pictures yet. :lol:
( SD35.jpg)
Worked on this diminutive addition to the Greenwood, PA business district...
Also wrapped up a tricky decoder and lighting install...
And enjoyed a night of trackside goonery with Gary, Bob and Phil, and Carl joined us a little later.
I used my ghost hunter equipment to gather this evidence of Bob's residual energy as it will appear at St. Denis for decades to come...
But my weekend is just beginning! Look for more progress on something or another...
In my modelling era the British Columbia Railway connected with the Northern Alberta Railways at Dawson Creek. I have been searching for a subtle way to represent this connection given that I do not have space to model the interchange tracks, and that the NAR did not have any significant cars of its own until 1979.
In the mid 1970s my friends Keith Hansen and Richard Yaremko photographed this NAR trailer at Dawson Creek:
I have some space to park or spot trailers at Dawson Creek on my layout so this seemed to be a good fit. Here is my N Scale model of the Can-Car trailer and a CN tractor:
Sweet Tim....that just hit my project list !
Nice Tim , I wish there were a supply from Canada , more than what there is , of Canadian stuff such as tractors and trailers that would border cross .
For those at Railwire who may be interested in operations as well as modelling, I just uploaded a video from our Thursday night op session to Youtube. It is a little shy of 15 mins...very informal, but I think it represents the flavour of a C&W TT&TO session pretty well. I hope you enjoy it if you do take the time to view it.
This was not the easiest structure kit I have ever built but, I found the AMB Laser Kit "Dill and Sons Salting Station" an enjoyable, albeit challenging, three day project, the most difficult and time-consuming part being the assembly of the twenty pickle vats. Because of its narrow footprint, it makes a nice industry for one of those long narrow pieces of real estate we sometimes end up with on our layouts. I have combined it with a Northeastern "Box and Crate Factory" and an old Walthers water tank to create a home for the Sauer Pickle Company and give my scratch-built pickle cars a reason for being.
So it's a fairly slow day at the ReStore today, and I'm back in the shop straightening up tools and what not, and I come across this...
Yes, stranded 12 ga. copper wire by the ton.
Having followed the conversation re MC's oak tree, I decided to try my hand at metallurgical arborist experimentation. After about an hour of fooling around (honest, it was my lunch hour!!) I came up with this:
I twisted the wire around a bit, and flooded about 1/2" of the trunk above the roots, then just teased and soldered until I was happy with the general shape. I managed two of these (so far) which I'll take home and paint. I may stay after school and whip up a few more. The solder makes the tree right sturdy, yet still pose-able. I've got some Woodland Scenics green fibre to stretch over it once it's painted.
Okay. There's your update. Back to the shop for more "cleaning up!"
Still trying to perfect a way to make the New Haven equipment that never will be made commercially. Getting closer, but not there just yet. My latest attempt at the 8600-series smokers. I think I'm satisfied with the interior and floor/underframe for the most part, but the body remains a work in progress.
Is that NH body something you might consider making available like the White Tower kits? It looks pretty good to me, and certainly looks to be a similar amount of work as starting with a set of brass car sides. It also looks like a good candidate for the Alclad metal paint system.
Is that NH body something you might consider making available like the White Tower kits? It looks pretty good to me, and certainly looks to be a similar amount of work as starting with a set of brass car sides. It also looks like a good candidate for the Alclad metal paint system.
It can't be straight RP as the White Tower is because I can't avoid all of the ProJet quirks and get a clean one-piece body, which means rendering it in pieces and assembling after the fact to get a good master for polyurethane castings. Some of the details such as the lower skirt fluting have to be etched and then inset onto the master because the RP version isn't crisp enough. If successful castings can be made (still in doubt currently) and I make the model available for sale, the three parts (body, floor/uframe, interior) would be offered undecorated and may still be costly. And that's aside from the required Rapido trucks. So I don't know at this point. The current goal is to get a master good enough to cast. I personally need eight of them, and more if Rapido doesn't tool the Bradley Light Weights in N, so I'm going to keep at it.
I'm still working on the N scale Santa Fe U30CG's, using Minitrix shell on Kato U30C mechanisms:
More info:
Have a good week, all!
It can't be straight RP as the White Tower is because I can't avoid all of the ProJet quirks and get a clean one-piece body, which means rendering it in pieces and assembling after the fact to get a good master for polyurethane castings. Some of the details such as the lower skirt fluting have to be etched and then inset onto the master because the RP version isn't crisp enough. If successful castings can be made (still in doubt currently) and I make the model available for sale, the three parts (body, floor/uframe, interior) would be offered undecorated and may still be costly. And that's aside from the required Rapido trucks. So I don't know at this point. The current goal is to get a master good enough to cast. I personally need eight of them, and more if Rapido doesn't tool the Bradley Light Weights in N, so I'm going to keep at it.
Well good luck with it. I too am seriously hopeing Rapido does the Osgood Bradley Equipment as I need a few NH and a lot of B&M and all the BAR they produce. The only thing I could use more then the Osgood Bradley cars are the B&M and MEC Osgood Bradley Stainless steel "Sleepy Hollow" equipment.
This is a small yard that I decided to redo. I disconnected all the yard track and placed it on the mainline.
I then painted with area with an earth colored latex paint.
Track is back in place. And I realigned the boundary of the cemetery and relocated the church.
Checking alignment and spacing.
Trains returned to the yard. I started weathering the roadbed with a Tidy Track paint pen, but ran out of "paint."
This project grew out of another project of compiling a spread sheet inventory of engines and putting some of them into their jewel cases and into storage.
Just finished a paint job on a Micro-Trains 10-1-2 heavyweight sleeper. Chicago and Northwestern "Lake Bluff".
Let it be known that I passed up a chance to operate on the Columbia & Western (no one in their right mind should pass up such a chance) so I could hang out with this lot: :D
(a borrowed photo posted elsewhere by Bob the Ghost). In fact a requisite trip to DC allowed me to spend some quality trackside time with some of the Original Asshats, and to nosh some BBQ and Yuengling with Lee afterwards. Thanks to Lee, Phil, Bob and Carl for making the trek.
P.S. Lee looks like he'd rather be anyhere than Here in this shot. :x ;)
Gary, I think we found where we'd rather be... at the Red Hot and Blue under a big glass of Yuengling!! Thanks again for pulling this together. Always fun to see the goons.
Finally had a chance to lay down some serious track at the nexus of my layout.
Sanborn map of what I'm going after:
Just got back from the Annual Lindsay, Ontario Train show and wanted to send props to that gang over yonder.... Sammy and I always like that show; well organized, well laid out and they attract some "not the usual suspect" layouts. The Ottawa Valley N trak guys came and they have upped their game on their well executed layout. I like a 90 + car grain train with mid train helpers moving at scale speed....For once, the NMRA experts sitting around building their craftsman kits weren't adverse to talking to the "regular Joe or Jill" that came up - a nice change of affairs.....Got a chance to spend some time with the owner of Osborne laser kits - he's the guy that has offered up over 30 uniquely Canadian (and Northern US) detail items like crossbucks, pole, mileage signs, crossing etc... in O, HO and N scale. Guy is a serious class act; made time for everyone and I've encouraged him to come here and post his announcements and new ideas; he's "one of us" when it comes to detail.... I'm goin shill for him; check out his stuff: ( You'll like what you see.
While Mr. Wallet didn't take a beating I did manage to locate a couple of small books that have eluded me for a while and didn't pay through the nose for them... $ 5.00 to get in and $ 3.00 for the kids isn't a problem either....
All in all, a great train show, and, as I have complained in the past about bad experiences, I felt I should give props to the guys from Lindsay fro a job well done !
This week I finished these up...lowered,weathered, wood deck painted on, tarped and strapped. Although they are not 100% prototypical, I like them much better than when they were stock.
Have a great week.... :)
Corn planting season is officially over - In my basement anyway.
See the Layout Engineering Report thread for details.
That's one short spur Sean... :trollface:
Only thing I did was test the C424 which Lee decoderized for me. Runs like a champ. Also, finally, broke out my Bachmann Doodlebug and coach. Like how the lights stay lit no matter the track conditions. However, that thing sounds like a coffee grinder when it runs. Anyone else have one of these and have that problem?
That's one short spur Sean... :trollface:
It'll be extended into the building, once the building exists...
It'll be extended into the building, once the building exists...
I got that Sean. ;)
Nice to see you using Sanborn's... Terrific reference tool.
Only thing I did was test the C424 which Lee decoderized for me. Runs like a champ. Also, finally, broke out my Bachmann Doodlebug and coach. Like how the lights stay lit no matter the track conditions. However, that thing sounds like a coffee grinder when it runs. Anyone else have one of these and have that problem?
The power truck is held together with 4 small screws. Mine were too tight and causing a bind. Loosen those screws about a quarter to half turn and it should help alot.
Nice to see you using Sanborn's... Terrific reference tool.
They're good...not always dead-on for railroads (as I've come across some that don't match official railroad maps), but sometimes they can be the only available window into the past...
Coos you've been busy like the bulkheads and the loads and the foobie tank you showed last week!
Have been working on scenery the last couple of weeks at Searsport. Also hosted three sessions of Railrun this weekend with the help of Pete, Jon and Matt helping out with dispatching and piloting, and George for helping clean track and loco wheels, thanks to all. It was a fun time and the biggest grew we ever had operate.
This was not the easiest structure kit I have ever built but, I found the AMB Laser Kit "Dill and Sons Salting Station" an enjoyable, albeit challenging, three day project, the most difficult and time-consuming part being the assembly of the twenty pickle vats. Because of its narrow footprint, it makes a nice industry for one of those long narrow pieces of real estate we sometimes end up with on our layouts. I have combined it with a Northeastern "Box and Crate Factory" and an old Walthers water tank to create a home for the Sauer Pickle Company and give my scratch-built pickle cars a reason for being.
Sweet! How much space did it take up? I'm thinking of one as well.
They're good...not always dead-on for railroads (as I've come across some that don't match official railroad maps), but sometimes they can be the only available window into the past...
No kidding. We've got a set of fire insurance maps of Sudbury, ON at my model club, and in the area of the CP yard is the simple notation "lots of tracks".
No kidding. We've got a set of fire insurance maps of Sudbury, ON at my model club, and in the area of the CP yard is the simple notation "lots of tracks".
I know there were some instances in the set of Philly maps I've researched where the Sanborn Co. indicated the Reading RR refused to permit them to enter some of their properties...I wonder if that's the case with the CN maps, or desire to simplify and cut corners.
Coos you've been busy like the bulkheads and the loads and the foobie tank you showed last week!
Nice scenery,John. 8) I have been busy as well. It might get worse, 80 degree weather got me laid off early. I have a few other projects coming along as well.
Here is the tank car you mentioned, a little closer to done, each side has a slightly different MEC/ logo combination.No money was spent, and no new decal sets were used, basically a scrapbox project. The car did not come with brake gear/end rail/hatch/placards, so most of that is still missing, but I bent new end rails...... the caboose, however, got un-decaled because Microscale just released a caboose set, and I'm waiting for those to arrive.....
I have been attempting to model selected scenes from my home village of Beecher City, IL (population ~ 500). The kit for the Standard Station was close enough, but Smith's Restaurant next door does not exist as any kit. Short of scratchbuilding skills, I elected to remove the upper floor of a DPM kit to get "close enough." I had to see it mocked up in place before I continued.
In searching through the box of unassembled kits and scratchbuildling supplies, I rediscovered some Tobias Locomotive Works detailed interior parts for DPM kits.
I elected to combined the interior detail parts from a couple of these sets which left very little area for the kitchen.
Next step will be to apply a similar process to recreate the U.S. Post Office that was located next door. :)
Roger, if you plan to light the interior, you'll need to hit the interior with a coat of flat black, followed by your interior finish color. DPM kits have a terrible light leak factor. With that wonderful interior, it would be a shame to leave it dark. A couple of small LEDs, and you'll have a nice rig there.
I really like the 1 story effect... That's one modification I haven't made to one of them DPMs!
Lee, thanks for the suggestions. I need to "talk" offline with you about lighting.
I had tried a kit modification with one of the DPM kits, but that change was to make a smaller foot print.
I had not tried to score the walls as I did with this one to change a two story to a one story building.
With the exception of the bank and hardware store, there were very few brick buildings that were two story in my hometown "downtown" area. Most of the older structures were frame and built in the 1880's and 1890's.
I am working totally from memory, so this restaurant is not intended as an exact replication.
I have learned that I achieve better alignment of the walls of the DPM kits by using angle strip styrene (Evergreen 296 in this case) and a tile floor as a base get 90 degree corners.
I really regret that Tobias Locomotive Works detailed interiors are no long being made based on the last report I had.
Roger, are those interior kits still available anywhere? I'm going to try and extend the dining area in my White Tower and oone of those would be perfect.
@jnevis, Last information I had was that Tobias Locomotive Works was no longer in business. That is from a couple of years ago. I would be delighted if he was back in operation producing n-scale details.
The original kits included a more detailed roof and various interior details such as seen in my restaurant.
Last address I had was from product label:
P.O. Box 18875
Covington, KY 41018-0875
also two e-mails online that I have not check recently.
Was worth a shot
Maybe Dave S. would consider doing some business interiors at some point.
I know some company (maybe Tobias) also produced alternate roof styles for DPM structures... That would very useful.
The Tobias Locomotive Works kits for DPM structures included a detailed roof as well as interior elements, including counters, shelves and a back wall with doors.
These are excellent. I had used the roof sections, but not the interior details until now.
Maybe a new idea for products from our friends at NZT?
The Tobias Locomotive Works kits for DPM structures were excellent. Regrettably I did not buy more of them when they were available.
Only now have I become interested in doing interior details; when I purchased the few kits I had, my goal was primarily to use the roof sections which are very nicely detailed and also helpful in maintaining 90 degree angles during the assembly steps for the DPM kits.
I have no idea why Mr. Tobias did not sell the company or someone interested in producing n-scale detail did not step in the fill the vacancy. :?