
General Discussion => Weathering, Detailing, and Scratchbuilding => Topic started by: ednadolski on December 31, 2010, 05:08:52 PM

Title: Tru-color paint
Post by: ednadolski on December 31, 2010, 05:08:52 PM
Has anyone tried this?   What were your results?  Any hints/tips/caveats?

Title: Re: Tru-color paint
Post by: central.vermont on December 31, 2010, 09:34:29 PM
This paint is god stuff!!! I have been using it know for a while with great results. If your familiar with the old paint line Accu-Paint and have used it this is a very similar formula. The paint is an Acetone based paint and can be thinned with it as well as cleaning an air brush. Speaking of air brush, the finish you will get from this paint will allow you to decal without spraying a gloss coat first. I highly recommend the use of this paint.

Title: Re: Tru-color paint
Post by: Dave on March 19, 2011, 07:47:58 PM
When I emailed the guys here in Phoenix that own the company they said they reformulated the paints and you can use paint or lacquer thinner. Is this not true? I am about to purchase some paint from them.

David in Phx
Title: Re: Tru-color paint
Post by: DKS on March 19, 2011, 08:41:05 PM
Curious. They make paints specifically for modelers, and yet the main image on their website is of fruit...

<wanders off scratching head>