General Discussion => Weathering, Detailing, and Scratchbuilding => Topic started by: AlkemScaleModels on February 25, 2010, 07:59:49 PM
Kalmbach posted a pdf file with a preview of my steel mill modeling book. It's 8 pages from different parts of the book. The link is here: (
Yea! Can't wait to add my copy to my collection.`
After a glitch at the printers, it now looks like the books have arrived at Kalmbach. Hopefully copies will start going out soon.
Kalmbach announced today that my Steel Mill book is released.
If you ordered from me, I have not received my copies yet. I should get them soon and will shipped the signed copies ASAP. It's not too late to order one from me as I will keep some in stock.
I hope you like it. Doug Gurin, founder of the LDSIG, commented that it is the best illustrated Kalmbach Book he has seen when he reviewed a copy.
I got word from Amazon today that my copy has shipped .. can't wait to read it ..
Railwire members have ordered at least 9 copies through Amazon .. we are well on the way to helping this book make the NY Times lists :)
I got mine. Lots of modeling stuff, but I liked the first half explaining how steel is made. Just in time, the steel mill down the street just started back up after the whole plant was down for over a year.
Got mine last Friday, well worth the price just for the photos.
Got mine too--a very impressive and attractive book! A lot of information packed in there; will take some time to digest.
Sincere thanks to all of you that ordered my book. I hope you enjoy it.